Want to listen to this post instead of read? Here you go!
If you are just joining us for this series, welcome! It’s never too late to begin. February 1 could be your January 1 if you like, so feel free to dig in anytime!
2017 Goal Setting, Part 1: What Worked and Where to Start!
2017 Goal Setting, Part 2: What Didn’t Work + What I Learned
2017 Goal Setting, Part 3: Say Yes, Say No, Choose a Word
Welcome to Part 4!
Maybe you have ideas about what your goals might be this year (or maybe not yet and that’s okay too!)–and you are already overwhelmed and anxious about HOW to make them happen. You want all of your goals to have been tackled yesterday. Because here we are at the start of the year, and you have to do it all right away, right? False. I know the feeling though. Lean into that restlessness and let it unlock one of the greatest freedoms you’ll ever discover: the power of little by little.
My favorite flower to grow in my garden: zinnias!
We’re about to plant some good seeds as we uncover goals that have meaning. And then we’re going to take action on them. Making good things come to life requires physical action. And another action. And another. Over time, goals that were once leaps of faith you took on a blog post here, turn into new lives! The process of cultivating—breaking the soil, planting, tending, and waiting for the harvest—is where life happens. It’s where change and growth happen. The journey to making it happen is where the good stuff lives.
I know you overachievers want to have done everything yesterday (me too), but I have also been reading every single comment on this series. Taking this step by step is helping many of you make remarkable discoveries! I’m so pumped by all the lightbulbs I see going off! You are starting to see clearly, and it’s happening little by little. Your goals may change half-way through the year, or you may make them happen faster than you think if you take it day by day by day. Little by little these beautiful zinnias in my garden grew this year from the tiniest seeds. Little by little babies grow. Can you imagine if you got pregnant and then the next day gave birth?? Oh my stars! You wouldn’t be ready. No time to prepare. No time to buy diapers, or mull over a name. or assemble the crib, or celebrate. You would have missed the time of preparation and ripening that happens over nine-ish months.
It is the same with our goals. Friend, trust that your goals matter enough to make them happen well. They matter enough to take little steps forward every single day, and some big leaps long the way too. Your goals matter enough to tend to them like a garden.
Like I told you from the start of this process, traditional goal setting does not work for me. Swiftly-made resolutions get forgotten and then they linger and make you feel guilty for forgetting them. Anyone else ever experience this? Well, hopefully at this point you feel more equipped than when you started this process to write some down good goals. Goals that mean something.
Let’s get messy and start to pick out some good seeds to plant this year! You ready for this? It’s going to feel possibly-scary the moment before you do it, but SO GOOD when you take a leap of faith and write what’s on your heart. You can do it!
Welcome to the final four–Four Goal Uncovering Tips: (I just got bonus points from my husband for making a basketball reference-ha!)
1. First, review everything again! Do not skip this step. Remember, this is goal uncovering. Uncover one more layer and get to the good stuff! Read through everything you’ve done so far. Read every word. Re-write or add to things once more if you need to. I added to my lists and re-wrote things after going through this process because I got more clarity. Cross stuff out, revise things, add to your lists of what did and didn’t work (I added a ton to mine!). Add more to your YES and NO lists. Refine your 2017 Pinterest board. Take pins out that don’t fit well. Use extra paper if you need to. Uncovering good goals is like a treasure hunt. Get messy and dig a little deeper before moving to the final exciting step…
2. Write out some goal ideas. Now, make a list of the first “goal ideas” that come to mind for this year. This is just a list of ideas! If you want to, take a big deep breath and put on a favorite inspirational song as you start writing these ideas. I’m also going to stop and pray before I write mine, and ask Ari to pray for me too. Your goal ideas don’t have to be perfectly written — just write what what’s on your mind. Feel free to share some of your goal ideas in the comments, too!
3. Check your goal ideas to make sure they are rooted in what matters. Now, let’s sift through the goal ideas and see if we can find any weeds. It’s easy to make goals that sound good, or goals that other people have that you think you should have, too, just to keep up. Don’t do that. The idea here is to SIMPLIFY your life, not to give yourself a new to-do list of random things that sound good. Be intentional about what you decide to spend your time on this year, with your own unique gifts and talents. How you spend your time is how you spend your life. Check each of your goal ideas to see if ti’s worth spending your time on.
Photo by Olivia of Nancy Ray Photography
Do a GOAL CHECK and ask these essential questions:
– Will this goal help me to cultivate what matters?
– Will this goal help me get to where I want to be when I’m eighty years old?
– Does this goal also help other people?
– WHY do I want to make this goal happen? Am I desiring this goal for the right reasons, or am I striving for “perfect”—or whatever I’ve been chasing?
If the answer is NO to any of these questions, then it’s possible it’s not the best use of your precious time. Don’t run in circles with goals that don’t directly connect to what matters most. Focus on what really matters to you in the big picture. Cross goals out that don’t 100% fit. Be bold and take leaps of faith as you write.
If you are a believer like me, here are some additional questions I’m asking myself:
– Does this goal help draw me and others closer to God?
– Is this goal rooted in God’s truth? (Find scriptures to match!)
– Does this goal rely on my strength or God’s?
– Does this goal help me steward what I’ve been given well?
4. Write down your WHY with every goal. When I was a personal trainer in New York for many years, clients often would come to me with a number and say, “I want to lose 10 pounds.” I would ask them, “Why 10 pounds?” Usually, when we got down to it, it was just an arbitrary number, or a weight they were in college. There was no real heart connection to the goal of losing 10 pounds. But, when we dug deeper into why they became out of shape in the first place and what they wanted most in life, a picture of true fitness started to emerge. Instead of, “I want to lose 10 pounds because that’s what I weighed in college” (not very motivating and more self-defeating), we worked on goals like, “I want to be healthy and strong so that I can live long enough to walk my daughter down the aisle. I want to live a long, happy life so I can be a better husband and show my kids how to be joyful and healthy, too.” True story. That goal worked. That was motivating. Get real with why you want these things to happen and connect them to something that really matters to you. It will help you act on your goals instead of toss them aside.
You never know how long you have left here on this earth to love others and use what you’ve been given to grow good things. Life is to short and too meaningful to coast through. The good you do today has the potential to change generations. That’s why uncovering good goals and having a clear focus is so important. Otherwise, you may spend your time lost in distractions. Lost in Instagram. Lost in the chase for perfect, or significance, or approval, or whatever it is that has been holding you back from really living. You may find yourself restless, knowing deep down that there’s more to this life. If that’s you right now, you are in the right place! I know that feeling well, and I don’t know about you, but I do not want to live my days by accident. I want to live on purpose, and use all the gifts I’ve been given to help others do the same! Join me.
Take a big breath in (really do it) and a big breath out. Think of where you want to be when you’re 80. What will be important to you then? Whatever it is, act like it today. Take some leaps of faith and write out goals that are potentially outside of your comfort zone. Good goals are worth the hard work it takes to plant them. Soak them in sunshine, water them little by little, and get ready for a flourishing garden full of blooms–and a harvest to share!
I’m going to share my 2017 goals in the next post.
When you are ready, write your goal IDEAS here in the comments. If you aren’t sure of your goals yet, I want to hear from you right where you are. As you reviewed all you’ve written so far, what stands out to you? What themes are you seeing? Tell me in the comments and let’s encourage each other as our goals begin to take shape. SO much goodness to come when we actually write out our goals tomorrow (using a special method I’ll tell you about then!).
Comment with your answers from each step as we go through this series to be entered to win one of these inspiring prizes below. One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: one of everything from the Cultivate Shop! Yes!!! This includes 2017 PowerSheets, the Cultivate What Matters sticker book, the Cultivate What Matters flair pens, books, journals, art prints and so much more!
1. 10 sets of 2017 PowerSheets!
2. A Fitbit Flex
3. A gift card for a massage
4. The 2017 Floret wall calendar
5. A Fresh Start prayer journal from Val Marie Paper
6. Farmgirl Flowers bouquet
7. A (monogrammed!) Cultivate clipboard
8. Watercolor set from Artist’s Loft
9. 2017 Simplified Planner
10. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?! Mrs. Meyers cleaning products + a free house cleaning!
11. Sweeter than Honey coloring book from Lindsay Letters
12. My favorite Jonathan Adler Grapefruit Candle
13. Five copies of the Make It Happen book
14. A Write the Word journal (we’re sold out of all of them except peach!)
15. A Meyer lemon tree – a family favorite around here!
Enter below and be sure to leave your answers to each step as you go through the series with me!
Pssst! Head to this post to find out if you’re a lucky winner!
Giveaway ends January 30th. Winners will be announced on January 31st here on the blog. Shipping some of these items can get costly, so hard goods are for US entrants only. We can convert some of these to digital prizes for my international friends, though (gift cards instead of shipping the item). If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! : ) Also, this post contains some Amazon affiliates links. No extra cost to you, but it helps us raise funds for Love One Another Project!
Ready for 2017 Goal Setting, Part 5? Here you go!
keep reading
“You never know how long you have left here on this earth to love others and use what you’ve been given to grow good things. Life is to short and too meaningful to coast through. The good you do today has the potential to change generations. That’s why uncovering good goals and having a clear focus is so important. Otherwise, you may spend your time lost in distractions. Lost in Instagram. Lost in the chase for perfect, or significance, or approval, or whatever it is that has been holding you back from really living. You may find yourself restless, knowing deep down that there’s more to this life. If that’s you right now, you are in the right place! I know that feeling well, and I don’t know about you, but I do not want to live my days by accident. I want to live on purpose, and use all the gifts I’ve been given to help others do the same! ”
^this rocked me to my core! I immediately typed in up in PS and added it to my Pinterest board. Can you please make something much prettier with it? I’m printing my version and adding it to my power sheets binder but I’m sure it has rocked others like it rocked me. I’ll be referencing it every time I feel lost throughout the year to snap me back to living life on purpose!
I encouraged my husband by sending him a text showing him how much I appreciate him and how I love how hardworking he is at his job!
My goal ideas are: health – mind, body, soul; peace; intention, no laziness, more time with my family/what matters, etc. I have to break them down and be specific now!
“How you spend your time is how you spend your life.” Mostly, my life and work has been spent in the pursuit of flowers. I have been a landscape design/builder for many years and have been growing fresh cut flowers for two years professionally. I taught at the college level in horticulture for years as well. I am a plant/flower geek. I also write about plants. I am an excellent teacher. My goal is to start teaching and share what I know, here on my farm. I want to simplify all that I do and focus on THIS farm. Let the landscape biz GO! I also want to say YES to doing more wedding and event floral work. It loos like the FLOWERS are WINNING!! 🙂
Go Liz! Those are such great goals! 🙂
I’m glad I went through what I have written so far! I added more and underlined some things 🙂 I love that you talk about being 80. That’s a crazy thought to me and so much that I think matters now won’t matter then. Some of my goals are: rest; time for God, journaling, self care; loving others better; letting go and trusting God; staying organized; and being a better listener
Some of my goal ideas: read through the Bible again this year, read 2 books a month–need to make my reading list, regular fun times with my husband, practice hospitality by inviting one family a month for dinner, invest in younger women, regular exercise and healthy habits. Excited for the new year ahead!
I added the 2 books a month as well!
This is the goal and everything else revolves around this and goes toward this….
Earn an extra $3000/month in our online business by August 2017 so that I can stop working and we can start our family.
When I remove all the clutter and really get down to it, that’s it, that’s what 2017 is going to be focused on. And all decisions will be “does this move me closer to that goal or further from it?”-
Praying that happens and a blessed gift from God is added to your family.
I have so many goal ideas! My mom just sent me the link to your blog and in the midst of launching a non-profit while working full time and trying to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s it is needed. First, more dedicated time with my family, especially my wife. Exercise in ways I enjoy (I always seem to pick things I don’t like, so that is going to change)… pay off debts and then grow our family!
My biggest goal/desire is to work to build a strong foundation in my marriage. I’m recently married (in October). My husband and I had both been married before and together we have six kids. I know what I don’t want to do (be led by fear, continually be sad/hurt by the past, walk in insecurity, shut down when I feel hurt, etc…), but I’m having trouble coming up with tangible goals. I’v found that I’m able to accomplish specific goals well (for example, run a 10k), but when I look back on my year with goals that aren’t tangible (be a good wife) it doesn’t seem like I’ve made much progress. Any ideas?
Today was such a powerful day and last night gave me a huge wake-up call that gave me momentum to uncover goals: This year:
1) Cultivate Forgiveness
2) Practice Contentment
3) Root myself in liturgically-minded rhythms and habits
4) Love my husband and baby well
5) Drink more waterWriting out my “why” was the most powerful part of today!
I love 1 &2 a lot!
I’m very intrigued by #3 and would love to hear more about it, if you are willing to share.
Hi Catherine! Yes- my family and I are practicing Catholics and the two resources that this goal idea is based off of is: “The Little Oratory” (book) and Blessed is She planner. The Little Oratory talks about structuring your home, decorations, and habits in a way that constantly lifts your mind, heart and soul to Christ and his church, the liturgical season we’re in, daily readings, etc. The Blessed is She planner is full of reminders of special feast days, places to write prayer intentions, space to check yourself each day if you’ve done something good for your mind, body and soul, liturgical-color-coded reminders to prepare for the season (Advent, Lent, Holy Days, Ordinary Time, Pentecost, etc.). Tangibly, what this means is that I have developed a morning routine that seeks to remember and incorporate some of these habits, I prioritize prayer evenings/events when i’m planning out my month, I’m making space in May for a prayer retreat at a retreat center, etc.
I’m about to sit down with my powersheets and crank out my goals, my why, and my action steps. I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do!
Some ideas I have so far are:
-finances (pruning spending habits and working more hours)
-health (fueling my temple with fresh foods and working out)
-spirit (time in my war room!) -
While working through the goal planner, I was so surprised at how fear seriously runs my life. I talked to my bf about it last night, as we were working, and it was crazy how i uncovered this after a couple of days.
My word for the year is conquer. My goals are to conquer fear, conquer cultivating a positive mindset, conquer creating lasting relationships with clients, family and friends, and conquer a healthy lifestyle.
I want to lay a foundation for our art studio. I would love for both of us to create change in our community, to go beyond ourselves by teaching art to children and adults, by creating artwork that provokes positive emotions in peoples lives, and by living as an example of those who want to be artists in our small town too.
2017 Goal Ideas:
-Prioritize my personal health (physical, mental and emotional) by staying on top of doctor appointments, scheduling quiet time for rest and relaxation and exercise. I want to be healthy and have the energy to play with my son and husband. I want the mental clarity and rest required to focus all of my attention on loving them.
-Limit social media and phone time. I want to cultivate contentment and gratitude. I want to limit meaningless purchases made because I’m chasing something someone else has. I want to be fully present for each moment I have with my family.
-Attend Mass weekly and train to be a reader. Make time for daily prayer and reflection. I want the peace that only comes with knowing God has a plan for me and my family. I want to use my talents to glorify Him.
-Pay off my husband’s car. Start a college savings fund for my son. Make an extra mortgage payment. Pay off one student loan. Save for a small weekend getaway for our family. End the year with $10k in liquid savings. I want a financial safety net so I don’t have to worry so much about the “what ifs.” I want to spend our money on travel and experiences instead of debt. I want to send my son to college. And I want to be able to give generously.
-More sex! Monthly, phone-free date nights. I want a deeper relationship with my husband. I want him to feel valued and loved.
-Plan weekend excursions for our family. I want to make memories. I want us to look back on our lives and remember laughter, joy and love.
-Graduate from my MBA program with a 4.0. I want to live up to what I am capable of accomplishing.
-Spend more time and energy at work focusing on team goals instead of chasing personal success and recognition. Spend more time learning and observing. I want freedom from the anxiety of trying to map out my entire career NOW. -
My top goals are to minimalize our house (I already have a good start), plant a vegetable garden finally, make my health a priority by drinking more water and exercising at least 4 times a week,creating family organizational/cleaning rhythms and reading through the whole Bible with daily reading.
My mind has been very distracted the last 6-8 months or so with desperately trying to find my purpose. I kept feeling like my purpose and a business should have been one in the same. Being a mom never felt like it was *it*, but when I stepped back and really evaluated myself, I realized it was because I was not being intentional in anything I was doing. God tells us that it’s the mother that can tear down her home and I was doing just that. I am excited to make motherhood and homemaking a priority and let a future business come in its own time. -
2017 Goals:
-Continue to save and pay off debt. We plan to pay off my student loan in January! Yay!
-Make time for myself and friends. My girl friends and I have been setting monthly coffee dates and it’s been great. (Make time and show up!)
-Practice more self control with my phone. I need to put it down and in another room when I’m at home. I want my focus to be more on my husband and home this year…and not the stupid smart phone.
-Make time for my personal health and well being. That means exercise regularly, maintain a better diet and schedule massages every few months.
-Have more patience for my husband and show my love to him in my attitude, tone and reactions.
-Praying for a healthy baby in 2017! -
My first priority goal this year is to have a healthy baby (due in April). I also want to prepare my work for my leave, love my husband well, learn how to be a mother, find a new routine, move to a new city peacefully, and find some self-care post baby.
Some of my goal ideas are: healthier lifestyle- eating better & getting back into working out after baby #2, focus on the important relationships in my life- husband, daughters, friends, develop a stronger relationship with God by reading the Bible more, prayer life, volunteer at church, and get finances in order by going thru budget, spending less, get rid of non essentials.
During my review, I went back and added things like “interneting well,” “bring me,” “trust,” “must,” and “loving people better/seeing the good inside of myself and outside in the world” to my Yes list; I added “the Facebook comments section,” “feeding anxiety monsters,” “keeping tallies of shortcomings,” and “shoulds” to my No list.
The words and phrases I wrote down for goal ideas were: good food, nature, Jesus, on time, writing, joy, document, steward it up, and healthy brain.
Next year, I want to:
-grow a patio garden for my apartment and be able to give away some fresh produce to a neighbor with a young toddler
-join the Big Sisters program and become a Girl Scout leader
-teach Sunday School
-join my church’s choir and the choral society in my city
-pay off my undergraduate debt
-getting my license and taking a solo camping road trip so that I can…
-spend more time outside enjoying God’s creations
-praying twice a day
-writing an essay or blog post once a week
-present at an academic conference
-Begin the steps to becoming a licensed foster parent-
Wow those are such great goals. The goal of fostering really touched my heart!
The two resolutions that I want to focus on the most this year are being mindful of my spending and really focus on my health. The goals are to move into a new house and have babies (hoping for twins). I want to get out of the habit of using shopping as a vice to deal with my emotions or boredom. I want to spend my money wisely on things that I need and not impulse buys.
Some of my goals for 2017 include: make healthy food choices, meal plan at least two weeks a month, drink more water, build consistent exercise routine (at least 3x week), complete in process house projects, plan for and protect fun (as a priority).
So inspiring and helpful! Thank you!
Read through the Bible!
This is my first year using power sheets 🙂 my word for the year is contentment. I am excited to jump into a year of contentment in all things in my life.
I’ve been catching up on posts 2-4 today and this is SO much fun! Right now a lot of my goals are linked to being around people I love more, and fostering relationships so that we can lift each other higher. Some of my ideas for this are regularly scheduled friend dates, making an effort to keep in touch with friends I no longer live near to, releasing some of the tight standards I have for myself as a blogger so that I don’t feel obligated to work all the time and can be with those people instead, and growing my friend circles by a few people every month. Just thinking about it all makes me excited to get started! 🙂
Thank you for encouraging us to look back over what we’ve written so far! Something that occurred to me as I tried to answer the goal questions was that good goals are ones that shape who we are, grow us into who we are becoming vs. typical goals that are attempts to shape our world without necessarily changing US. So, a good goal for me at this point is less measurable, but is (literally) life-changing. One of the new goal ideas that popped up today was to ask myself before I have my daily “quiet time” (not to be confused with my daily morning time with the Lord and His Word; it’s an hour when we all go to our rooms and are quiet, a necessity for the homeschool family!), “Am I ready for rest?” In other words, have I fully worked? Is my work complete? Is it good? I’m not suggesting that my house has to be perfect before I can take a nap, but am I satisfied with what I got done? Something important I think will be for me to practice taking a minute or two before Quiet Time to 1) survey quickly what I did get done and 2) to jot down on a sticky what is still floating in my head for after quiet time or beyond.
Another goal idea is to make more effort to write letters and cards and to call dear friends more often.
One goal that I found will have to go on the back burner for a while: my personal development. I have books I want to read and skills I want to brush off and keep current, but that is not my season right now with my oldest homeschooler in 7th grade and my youngest in kindergarten. I’m excited to dive in some day, but it’s not for right now.
Thank you so much for giving us a place to process our thoughts!
My 2017 Goal Ideas:
1 – Grow in my faith so I can fall more in love with my Savior and know Him more!
2 – Cultivate my marriage so we can love each other well, communicate well, and be a light to others.
3 – Understand and know our finances so we can be good stewards of what has been given to us and God can trust us with more.
4 – Take care of myself so I can be healthy for my husband and future kids.
5 – Save money so we can be more generous.
6 – Grow myself (in my art, talents, and knowledge) so I can experience more of who God created me to be.
7 – Encourage my husband to build him up, strengthen him, and help him live out his purpose.
8 – Encourage others so they see more of Jesus and how He loves them.
9 – Create adventures so I can experience more of God!
Thank you so much for leading us in this Lara! I am so excited for the things God is putting on my heart for this next season!
My word for the year is Joy-FULL. I feel like our home needs more joy and want us to live life to the fullest (as inexpensively as possible, of course)!
My one-year goals so far:
1. Spend time every day in Bible study, prayer AND worship
2. Institute & maintain a weekly family game night (help foster joy in our home & promote family togetherness)
3. Practice 15 minutes of piano each day (I used to play well but haven’t since my kids were born & this Momma needs some music in her life again!)-
Love yours Bethany!!
And I haven’t played my piano really since 2013 when my first child was born. I think I might add something to my list about reigniting a passion for this again
My goal ideas…they’re broad, and they definitely need refining, but here is my starting point…
1. Run 767 Miles w/ #RunTheYear
2. Complete a Sugar Detox
3. Cut back on non-essential spending
4. Be intentional w/ money, time, rest, and relationships.
5. Take my PTA Board Exam in October (test early)
6. Date my husband, create a new (and maybe better) love
7. Take a solo weekend trip to somewhere I’ve never been. Be brave and challenge myself.
8. Save the cash for our trip to Hawaii after I graduate
9. Read a book every month in 2017
10. Self Care…Fill myself before I give myself
11. Grow my faith, pray, read the Bible, praise God! -
I encouraged my daughter today, on her 11th birthday, with how lovely of a young lady she is growing in to being.
So far what is sticking out to me is Prayer Time, Life-giving home and stillness. Next will be adding something about making my marriage a priority.
Some things I’m thinking of as goals for next year:
-finish first 1/3 of grad school (why? it makes progress toward getting my masters)
-finish my book (why? it’s been on my plate for a while, I started but stalled, and I’d like to add “author” to my accomplishments in 2017)
-plan some fun things / travel with my boys (why? to create more memories as a family that my boys will look back on as good things & time with each other and mommy)
-read 2 new books a month (why? I want to continue to learn and with grad school, 2 is probably all I can handle) -
I’m loving this series! Here are some of my goal ideas: 1. Make a plan to pay off debt. 2. Grow in my faith. 3. Love my husband well. 4. Dedicated/non-distracted playtime with my kids. 5. Bring joy to others. 6. Work on our home.. 7. Keep learning and growing for my business. 8. Read fiction. 9. Focus on health. 10. Enjoy travel and adventure. 11. Start a flower garden. Bonus: I’ve started my Pinterest Board.
“You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should do them.” 😉 -
Here is where I get stuck. I have sooooo many good things I want to do. But I will start with 3 I know God has called me to.
1. 5 am date with Jesus
2. Taking care of myself physically through consistent exercise
3. Continue learning Spanish ! -
I’m not sure if these are specific or concrete enough, but this is where I am today! I can definitely see the themes and priorities I have for 2017, now to turn them into goals.
1. Open up shop. START!
2. Pursue my husband
3. Be a good friend
5. Move toward healthy living-
Love the PURSUE my husband idea.
I have loved setting this time aside since getting the PowerSheets. In the past I have struggled with decisions and often succumbed to fear. This whole process has broken it down into easy, simple steps that have helped me uncover motivating and meaningful goals. A huge heartfelt thank you Lara!
1) Quiet, still, intentional times with the Lord.
2) De/clutter/organize/beautify our home,
3) cultivate a warm and inviting home
4) Encouraging others (I’m a 2 on the Enneagram) and uplifting others
5) Try new experiences that require taking risks and moving me out of my comfort zone.
6) Celebrate well. My kids, my husband, the big and small things that happen daily.
7)Make family time matter, intentional
8)Be more intentional with connecting with my family who live in another country
9) Exercise, enjoy Yoga, go to the gym – always helps improve my mental health
10) Renew my mind – Stop criticizing myself for any little mistake I made.-
I love seeing people mention the Enneagram! Don’t you just love it!? I’m a 7!
I’m really intrigued by your Fancy Pants planner…have used Day-timer for years, but feel stuck in a rut, and haven’t ever really done well with goals.
1 – My whys might be different than others. That’s ok. I’m always a work in progress and accepting that is making this easier and less “committal”. I like the idea of big focus points and then tending lists for the month! =)
2 – Ideas – Family Room Decor, Declutter, Organize, Prioritize each moment, Process, Slow Down, Record Keeping, Family Time
3 & 4
Bring back the warmth with hubby – It feels better than cold shoulders. We’re modeling for our kids, I want to be friends with him when we’re old and grey.
More Hikes – It helps stay connected to nature, keeps me fit and allows time with the kids
Keep slowly growing my business – Go a tad slower. Enjoy the process and make it intentional and not over the top rushed! Stress feels yucky. Flowers take their time too. Plan ahead so the craze doesn’t take over.
Organize – A cleaner, simplified and organized home will just have a gazillion benefits. I’ll find stuff easier, kids will learn to live tidy,I wrote WAY more in my book, but above is the gist of it! =)
My 2017 Goal Ideas:
1. Deepend RELATIONSHIP with Jesus
2. Pray daily and make it a natural habit
3. Be more intentional with my husband and son
4. Pay off all student loan debt!
5. Run a half-marathon?! (scary)
6. Take 15 minutes a day to read
7. Love others well by encouraging them
8. Prune out the bad stuff: anxiety, control, insecurity, criticism and begin to establish healthier habits -
My goal ideas: begin school to get a degree in computers. I am so fascinated by them, and think a degree will help me, long term, to move into a career that will change my life. To lose weight, not 10 pounds (lol), but to really put myself on a path to good health. My why would be for my kiddo, to be sure I am here when I’m 80 or beyond. To focus more on time spent, not money spent.
I really want to read the Bible and grow closer to God through studies and devotional a. Also save up to buy a house. I sure I will think of more but these three seem right for now.
I’m a little late on this but here are the goal ideas that sprang from reviewing everything I have written so far:
Personal budget: increasing monthly savings and monthly tithing; being purposeful in spending less on self and more on what will encourage others
Bible: going to find a year long reading plan that has built in steps to catch up if I get behind! This will help me fight overwhelm if I miss a day and am tempted to quit.
Personal: journal every week to process mental clutter and get creative with my writing. Writing breathes life into me!
Church: I am shy and introverted but am going to be intentional about investing in the people in my church.
Social media: I tried some social media free weekends and they were so refreshing! Going to try again to break unhealthy habits I have here.
Hobbies: instead of TV or social media, I can work on my dream of learning ASL or pursue my creative passions, or read the challenging books I have waiting for me on my nightstand.
Work: I work for a small nonprofit and one of my responsibilities is to tell the stories of our clients. I have a few steps I can take to be more creative and consistent with this.
Goal Ideas
1) Establish rhythms of connecting well (block out regular date nights, family time, girlfriend time, small group, mentoring time)
2) Create meaningful programs/events for Children’s Ministry (Biblical, minimal, simple, profound, life-changing)
3) Eliminate excess (stuff, waste, spending, activities/events)
4) Cultivate financial health (giving, debts paid & saving lots)
5) Lead well (nourish me, speak life, cast vision, serve serve serve!)
6) Create a podcast to inspire authentic faith in families -
My goal ideas are improve nutrition for family and myself, improve my health, live debt free, make my house a sanctuary, strengthen my relationship with my husband, more quality time with my children, build more connections with friends, and live more simply. What stands out as a common theme are relationships, health, and simplicity.
My goal ideas so far are: 1. To create a routine that will help nourish our family. 2. To declutter our home to make it more life giving and a space we can enjoy. (My basement currently triggers anxiety and depression) 3. To be a good financial steward. So we can give as well as be able to travel, etc. Still working on others…
–review — I’m going to start a pinterest board with ideas for random acts of kindness and how to serve others, how to love others well, etc. I have added some more YES and NO things to my list.–goal ideas — 1) keep a consistent workout schedule
2) Weekly meal prep
3) Monthly blog posting map for about 3-4 posts a month
4) Run another half marathon
5) Finish college as best as I can
6) Get a new job!
7) Build community/find a new church
8) Write letters for others
9) Find a way to bless a friend/family member once a month (or more)
10) Read the whole Bible! (Thanks Lara!)–My goals are rooted in self-care, serving others by building community and doing random acts of kindness, and building others up through my blog. I decided not to put my goals as “paint more, write a book, take more pictures, make up new recipes” and other things like that because those seem like the types of things I would put down to just add more things to my to-do list, instead of things that will keep me rooted in goodness.
-workout schedule because I want to feel good about myself, build strength and health, and because working out keeps my anxiety and depression at bay
-meal prep because I spend less money eating out if I have a plan, and homemade food keeps me healthier and feeling more energetic!
-blog posting planning – I love writing and again, if I have a plan, I’ll stick to it and feel better about it. My blog is a platform I use to serve others through encouragement
-another half marathon – this is a fun one because it’ll help keep me consistent in my workout and be an excellent, fun reward for the hard work!
-finish college so I can move on with my life 🙂 I’m close to be done and I should give it all I’ve got!
-get a new job – once I finish my degree, I’ll be ready to head into real-world job searching. I need to be ready and want to have a goal to get a good job this year.
-build community/find a new church – after this year’s fiasco, it may take some time to find another church, but I want to do that and start building community there so I feel like I have a church family again.
-write letters for others – I used to do this more at the beginning of college, and it made me feel so happy to give letters to other people for encouragement. This is a way for me to serve.
-bless others with gifts/other random acts of kindness – I love giving gifts and letters, and this consistency will help me remember to serve others well.
-read the Bible because I need to stay consistently in the word, and this plan will help me. Reading the Bible is beneficial for anyone, and I could certainly use it!So excited for 2017, and praying I can get some Powersheets from you! 🙂
Goal ideas:
Be a good mom to my teen and tween. Grow with them!Date night once a week with husband. Give our friendship a real shot.
Finish first draft of my book by February 15
Stick to the trends I’ve discovered in my blogging.
Do challenging things in my line of interest: reading, crafting, blogging, learning and finding resources that inspire me.
Delegate to good people that care..
Goal Ideas:
Start our business – cultivating a way for my husband to get out of his corporate job that is killing his soul
Move my body daily – yoga, walking, biking, hiking…just move it sister!
Lead a workshop for high school students based on Life Design Catalyst Training
Plant more dahlias and zinnias
Read 6 books in entirety!
Cultivate and deepen friendships that serve me well – no draining allowed!
Love my husband well – maybe 40 days of sex at Lent again! (just saying it was great last year! I don’t think we should give something up but do something extra that pushes us to grow)
Declutter and prep house to sell
Restart my blog and grow my tribe -
Good grief! I forgot the most important one, y’all! Renew and redefine my faith! It’s been a super hard year for me and my faith has suffered greatly – and it was always my most strong foundation…so I miss my relationship with God and I want it back!
I haven’t gotten through all the goal setting yet, but a theme that keeps surfacing on nearly every page is grace and contentment in so many areas of my life … letting go of materialism/greed, comparison, controlling behaviors, coveting, etc.
My goal ideas: to spend more time with God in His word and prayer. Getting this right covers everything else. Building a brand based on my purpose and gifts and being a blessing to others. Helping people cultivate deeper and intimate fellowship with the Father. Losing weight and keeping it off. Getting involved in a local church
Some of my goal ideas are…
Steward what I’ve been given well, for God’s glory and through his strength. This would look like taking care of my body, my mental health, my family and friends, the girls I lead, and school.
Another idea would be to grow in my relationship with God. This would look like reading the world every day and having genuine time in prayer, being an example, being bold, and listening to God.
This kind of turned into four categories of goal ideas:
Cant wait to nail down my goals! Thank you Lara! -
My goal ideas all center around my word of ONE. I want to find unity and oneness is several different areas of my life.
Be one with God.
Be one with my husband
Be one with my community
be one with my spirit and body.
I desire to be one with God in leading my business.
One with my husband in leading our family.
One with my children in teaching and leading them.
One with finances.
One with my nutrition and fitness.
Very excited to make progress in all these areas! -
Yesterdays link seems broken. 🙁
I really wanted to take some time to pray and discuss my goals with my husband before writing down some ideas. This step took me a little longer. Some refining took place when I put my goals up to my husbands goals.
A few things that stood out is that we both want to work on getting connected in our new church and making new friendships. We also agreed that we need to work on getting our house ready to sell and move into a place for a bigger space. Which is a bit ironic because my word is contentment so I struggled with that one. Then God said, I want you to be content in your small space now, make the most of it and prepare for the next chapters — making your home the hub and safe place to do ministry b/c your kids are entering that stage of life where friends are very important.
Goal Ideas:
I have a ton, but of course, I’m only selecting a few of them. However, I wrote them all down so that way I have it all to look back on when I’m in a different season of life.
Graduate grad school, pass all 4 CPA exams, become healthier (nutrition/sleep/exercise), organize home, find a way to be financially prepared for my summer break before I start working full time, plan 2018 road trip, read 6 books, pursue my blog, discover clarity, create a morning & evening routine, learn a new language, learn/start a garden, learn calligraphy, make a difference, create/maintain better friendships, learn trades (carpentry, blacksmithing, and mechanics), find something active to do that I love, get nerdy, get crafty/creative, own a castle, and become immortal.-
Good luck on the CPA! It feels so good when it’s done.
I looked through my “ideas” page in my power sheets and found sooooo many action words…actions I don’t usually do. This year is going to be a whopper!!
I ended up with 7 goal categories and some mini goals and actions that are interlinked/dependent which is kinda cool because we aren’t partitioned people…
My goals aren’t glamorous (although I do have one BHAG that I’m now praying into)… but it’s kinda fun to see how this might play out!
For the first time in a loooong time, hope is beginning to trickle back into my heart. If nothing else, working through these Powersheets made me realise I’d let hope leave. Very thankful for you Lara. (And adding PS and you to my 1000 gifts list now).
I did it! Whew, I finally came up with 10 overarching goals. Now it’s just a matter of filling in where all my smaller goals fit and doing my action plan.
Yay for goal setting!
My goals: read through entire Bible, use a budget regularly, exercise (do something!), more creative homeschooling, add healthy cooking techniques, practice cello, date my husband, less screen time and get outside more.
My first time using Power Sheets and I love it! Thanks so much! -
Thank you so much for doing this series every year. My word for this year is DONE. I don’t want to overcomplicate it. I just need to get things done.
I’m finding a theme of not just understanding my spiritual gifts, but putting them to BIG use. I’m focused now more than ever on how I can use these talents to better the Kingdom.
Although I have so many Goal ideas, I feel that God wants me to focus now on those that better my marriage and later on those that are more for me. That’s HARD! I want to be selfish, but I know our marriage needs attention. So, for now, my husband will be receiving the majority of my attention, in prayer, quality time, love, delight and grace!
My WHY for all of this is to build a God-centered marriage that cannot be shaken and will be used for His glory!
My goal ides are to save$1,000, devote myself to my husbamd in new ways, live simply, clean and organiz the house, take good car of my family, and be a devoted teacher. I am loving this process! So thankful for Lara Casey!
Part 4:
After re-reading what I have come up with so far here are the goals that come to mind:
1. Continue to cultivate an intentional time with the Lord through reading the Bible.
2. Cultivate my prayer life by studying prayer and spending more time in prayer.
3. Meet consistently with my accountability group.
1. Be intentional and learn to serve my husband better.
2. Show gratitude to him.Social Media:
1. Spend less time on it by replacing that time with either reading or an additional devotional. This helps keep my focus on God and not myself.Reading:
1. Read at least a book a week as long as it doesn’t take away from time in the Word.
1. Figure out a way to get active physically so that I can have more energy.
1. Re-evaluate and pray about job
They are still so nebulous, but working ideas are :
– To care for my body as God intends
– To say yes to more community
– To ask for what I need
– To simplify and remove waste and STUFF -
– Exercise 30 minutes daily: doesn’t matter if it’s on the elliptical, or cardio hip-hop, or strength training.
– Cook more often, eat at the dining table more often.
– Read the entire Bible again.
– Read 12 books.
– Start a gratitude journal.
– Finish Write the Word journal.
– Be messy: don’t have to have perfect handwriting in the planner etc.
– Be more loving towards the husband.
– Use my “talents” for singing and cleaning and biz.
– Prayer time everyday.
– Do contentment challenge 2x (3 months each), budget.
– Start business legacy/accountability mentoring again, which I loved.
– Blog every week and talk about what’s on my heart.
– Streamline business processes so that I can have a clean slate and simple service models.
– Take 2 or more vacations and really enjoy the time.
– Support and serve my husband and family.
– Encourage others everyday, be generous.
– Spend more time offline and less time online. -
Mostly for me to organize my home and clear the clutter. I think that will give me freedom to pursue other goals.
Goal ideas: spend less and get on a budget, create a family legacy, move my body more, set social media boundaries, spend time together with my family making memories, advance my career
Loved this section of the powersheets! I felt like it really helped me bring my focus back. Some of my goal ideas: (I’m taking baby steps with some of these – having 2 babies under 2 has changed my perspective about what needs to get done and what I can get done)
– read 1 book a month
– sit down as a family and have a meal together at least once a week – this doesn’t sound like very often, but we have an almost 2 year old and an 8 month old who usually eat dinner before I get home from work. My husband and I usually eat 1/2 our meal standing at the counter and then the rest after the kids go down. A family table is so important to us, so we’re starting small!
– weekly meal planning
– cook 1 new dinner recipe a month
– create a home base binder for us
– get out of the house with the boys 2 weekends / month – museum, playground, etc.
– NR’s Contentment Challenge – this one scares me so much!
– back to baking – include my son
– clean up my photo storage
– make photo albums for 2015 and 2016
– implement a capsule wardrobe
– eat like how I feed my toddler – lots of veggies and fruits, lots of variety, no processed foods, no skipping meals, very low sugar
– take time for myself – reading, baths, girls nights, mani/pedi
– organize different areas of our home
– read to each of the boys every day
– create intentional routines for our home – Sunday morning breakfast, holiday traditions, etc. -
That question about what’s important when I’m 80 is so important for me. I think of what my legacy will profess about me – I want to be a nurturer – for my kids and for others – passing along sound wisdom through my words and my own actions. I want to be a life-giving wife having spent my time and energy building up + supporting my husband instead of only adding on the burden of expectations and demands.
Today I texted one of my friends who helped me cultivate good things in 2016 to thank her for her friendship!
I’ve learned something through this goal process that I didn’t know about myself! I’ve always considered myself pretty happy with my job, but as I reflected on the past year I was reminded of all the times I complained about work. This tells me that in 2016, I was probably pretty dissatisfied about work, but just accepted things how they were. One of my broader goal ideas for 2017 is to begin growing my own consulting business. I realized that the dissatisfaction I’ve been facing doesn’t need to be present in my life because I don’t need to wait for my boss to tell me I can pursue something–I can be in control of my work if I allow myself. This has been pretty eye opening for me and I’m still getting used to the idea and picking apart what smaller goals will come as a result of this larger goal!
Another goal idea of mine is to use my time more effectively. I am so guilty of getting stuck in a social media hole and by the end of the day I realize I’ve wasted hours browsing my Facebook News Feed. I am ashamed to say that it’s so bad that I’ve been late to work because I waste so much time on social media! Rather than scrolling my news feed for the billionth time, I would like to spend time reading the Bible or a Christian book.
Goal Ideas:
-Grow in faith by memorizing scripture, praying more, consistently going to church
-Be mindful of foods that harm instead of heal
-Work out every day for 30 minutes
-Setting aside intentional quality time with my husband and kids
-Love people more by serving them
-Complete financial peace and make a plan to raise credit score
-Clear out clutter: internet, home, distractions, worry
-Go out and enjoy nature weekly -
My word is Find and one of my Focuses is to Find Peace. This means less screen time, tackling two minute tasks when I see them, working to add more white space/margin in my home and not clutter, finish projects, travel more, read more books, and read more Bible this year.
Goal Ideas:
1) Grow in God’s Word. Spend time praying, listening, and waiting for God to speak. And then doing what He says.
2) Invest more into my husband. More date nights. More kind words. More hugs. More encouraging words. More handwritten notes.
3) Be fearless in pursuing God’s purposes for my life. I want to steward well the gifts and talents He has given to me. I am choosing to not let fear or excuses stop me from doing the things He has put on my heart.
4) Be intentional with how I spend my time on my business. Do more of the things that produce the most fruit and less of the things that drain my energy or take up valuable time. Write curriculum for 2017 workshops and teach over 1000 people this year.
5) Be brave in giving birth to our first child and to be the best mom I am capable of being.
6) Be okay with things getting messy (whether it be the house, schedule, my appearance, etc) so that I learn better how to enjoy the moment and put my hands to what matters most.
7) Create a new budget and diligently check in weekly to make sure we are on track. Pay off student loans (once and for all), be more generous, plan for the future.
8) Have home office and nursery ready by March 15th so that the months leading to delivering our son I can be sure to focus on my husband and other relationships.
9) Be a good steward of my health. Workout 4 times a week and be active on off days.
10) Limit social media during productive hours and hours alone with husband.
11) Get into a good cleaning rhythm at home so that I am not constantly feeling the need to clean. Have 2 cleaning mornings a week and just keep up with laundry, dishes, and touch ups on the other days.
12) Invest more into others. Build intentional iron sharpens iron friendships.
13) Write more. I want to share the things that God has done in my life to encourage others.
My MAIN thoughts for 2017 are to slow down and embrace this season of life that I am in. I can’t DO IT ALL AND DO IT WELL. I am going to sit back from my business for the next year and cherish more time with my family. yes.. I will still work, just not at the rabid pace I work at now. My little will only be little for so much longer. So all of my goals are going to wrap around these things…..
I was so worried I couldn’t come up with any goals for the year. . .I’ve had a rough past 3 years and just felt so unlike myself and also lost. . .without direction! But doing the Powersheets little by little has really helped me to uncover somethings I want to achieve!
My goals are: deeper faith/walk with God, deeper relationships, deeper commitment to financial responsibility, deeper service, deeper commitment to health, deeper journey to discover my passion/direction in life
The theme of my goal ideas are leaning more towards a fulfilled life in the Lord.
Some of my goal ideas are:
Grow closer to the Lord.
Simplify our lives
Declutter our house
Cultivate Joy
Start a business (I have ideas, and heading in a direction just haven’t stepped out yet)
Let go of what needs to be let go of
Start my day’s earlier
Go through the Write the Word journal.🙂
Would love to be a part of this amazing process!
My goal ideas so far…
1. Encounter Jesus daily…This encompasses so much, but the main part of this goal will be reading the entire Bible this year.
2. Be a good steward of all the blessings, gifts, and resources He gives…using my margin to the FULLEST for Him. (This goal is pretty broad, and so I know it needs a bit of refining…)
3. Build a Godly, Christ-centered relationship with my boyfriend that leads to marriage (Lord willing). This is definitely the scariest goal I am writing out, but I have found so much encouragement and hope and purpose in being bold and writing it!I also wrote this mission/vision statement for my year:
I want to live fully for Jesus in 2017 — seeking Him fully, knowing Him more fully, and being used by Him fully. I will prioritize time spent with Him, choosing Him above all things and keeping Him at the center of everything. I will make space in my life for what truly matters, saying no to meaningless distractions and investing in my faith, family, friends, and using my creative gifts fully for God. I will fill my life with meaning moments and memories shared with loved ones, inspiration, truth, encouragement, art, praise, and worship. I will seek to be a good steward of all the blessings, gifts, and resources God so graciously gives, using the margin in my life to the fullest for Him. 2017 will be a year of daily encountering Jesus, intentionally building relationships, and sharing His love and light with others. It will be a year where I invite Him to have His way in all things, trusting that the story He’s writing will always be so much greater than the one I could write on my own. -
Themes that have come out in my goal brainstorming are slowing down, “seek,” lots pertaining to people and relationships, and cultivating joy and fun.
This process has been so therapeutic for me this year, and I’m loving the direction my goals are headed.
Goals, where to start. Being in grad school I am down to weekly goals because I work 40 hours a week, take 4 classes every 8 weeks and sit on 10 comitties. So weekly goals line out homework and evem basic tasks like dishes and laundry because sometimes I am so busy I forget.
Goal ideas:
1. 4/2 rule with my husband: emotionally connecting for 20 min at least 4x a week. Asking intentional heart questions, not administrative/family matters questions. Have sex at least 2x a week.Why? Increased intimacy, connection, and conscious prioritization of the most important human relationship we have.
2. Get up before my kids.
Wake up at least 1 hr before my kids. Time to gently enter my day, time for scripture reading/prayer, exercise, whatever gives me life and provides alignment for my spirit for the day.Why? Enjoy my day instead of feeling like I’ve been thrown in to it. Taking responsibility to make time for myself. Rediscovering healthy sleep cycle, increased energy, better frame of mind to enter the day. If Jesus woke up early to be by Himself with the Father, it must be a good idea for me too 🙂
3. Make our home a simple refuge
Create an atmosphere where our family wants to be. Where all who enter feel welcomed, at home, and invited to find rest.Why?
Motivation to simplify, steward our gifts and possessions well, rejecting clutter to maintain space for others, create space for experiences rather than accumulation of stuff, build family traditions4. Exercise 3x a week
Why? To take care of the gift of this body. Enjoy playing with my kids, increased energy, life expectancy, model example of healthy choices for my kids, enjoy my body more (feel strong, confident, capable, adventurous),
This is the first time in my life I’ve set intentional/achievable goals. Thank you so much for leading us through this meaningful exercise, Lara! My hubby has been curious about what I’ve been brainstorming in my journal. At home date night planned for tonight to let him in on the mystery 🙂
Realized I wrote my step 5 goals out in the Step 4 comments. True answer to Step 4: Foster time to try learn what is the voice of the Lord and what is worldly chatter. Whose voice am I listening to? Settle in with my full self with the relationships most important to me. Make our home a place where we and weary ones Fi D rest and refuge. Rediscover myself and what brings me joy. Do it well so I can celebrate others as they discover the same for themselves.
A dear friend told me how Powersheets changed her life and she wanted to gift them to me for Christmas and then you sold out! Trying to work on them with her and get my own, thanks!
A beautiful, solid marriage
Becoming the best mommy I can be
Success in my career
Getting back into shape
Cooking for my boys
Spend time creating
Proactively foster friendships
Do things I like to do -
Goal ideas:
Be more present and committed to my family relationships — WHY? Because family are your roots and need to be tended to. These relationships will last forever, for good or for bad, so make time for them.
Be prepared for financial commitments throughout the year and save for the future — WHY? Because I want to break the cycle of spend now, worry later, and get on a future-oriented spending and saving plan
Cultivate a refreshing, nourishing and comfortable home environment — WHY? Because I want to be able to rest and relax at home and have my space serve as an inspiration, not a source of stress
Be mindful of my personal needs and invest in myself — WHY? Because I want to get on track with my physical and emotional focus without constantly feeling the need to meet others expectations
Intentionally prioritize creative and recreational time at home — WHY? Because I don’t want AMD to suffer since I started my new job and I also don’t want my friendships to suffer because I’ll be spending less time out -
My goal ideas:
– Work on my creative projects (at least 2 big ones in 2017)
– Get healthier (starting with small steps to get there: more water, 10 minute workouts, a soda every other day instead of every day)
– Say “yes” to more experiences (1x weekly I need to go out)
– Stop letting technology distract me so much (1 night weekly with no TV, 1 social media-free day) so that I can make good time for the things that mater
– More friend engagement that isn’t on FB or text; it’s so easy to default to texting with a friend but I want more phone calls and in-person engagement
– Better financial intelligence; working toward making sure my purchases ENRICH our lives and not just ADD to them -
My goal ideas so far:
Cultivate new meaninful relationships.
Be healthier- by running a 5k, drinkimg water, speaking life to myself.
Be intentional with making time for God.
Get out of comfort zone
Blog more
Return to school
Start Plexus
Cultivate joy and peace -
My favorite part of this process is now my son is making Goals at the age of 10 and My daughter has joined us this past week!
Goals for 2017
Spend More Time in God’s Word
Work on Paying off All Debt
Get Healthy
Love Myself
Train for Kiawah Half Marathon
Spend more Quality Time with Family
Cleaner More Organized Home
Be More Thankful
Love Others Unconditionally
Not Be Selfish and Think of Others First -
I’m still working on all this. Love it so much!!! What is standing out to me is my need to reset and get back to some basics and to check my actions and habits to see if they line up with what I say are my priorities.
My goal ideas so far include deeper prayer, more consistency in my Bible reading, get back to regular date nights with hubby and begin individual date nights with my two boys still at home. Get my monthly de-cluttering list out and actually use it 🙂 Stop saying I don’t have time to read anymore… READ a book/month with at least one/quarter being a fiction (just for fun, escape) book! Looking forward to beginning the tradition of quarterly dates with our grown married children (just the grown ups! fun!), TEND MY FRIENDSHIPS, begin a Mom Heart Group (check! will have second meeting next week), drink more water and take supplements faithfully. Continue to build a life giving home (including creating more special times with the grandbabies) with those special anchors in our day and rhythms and routines to our weeks. Tweak our curriculum choices to leave more breathing room in our days. Add a couple new traditions this year. Finish building out our LIBRARY!
Thank you, Lara, for “making” us go through all these steps. I’ve never enjoyed goal setting before, but I’ve never done it your way before either. I love what you are inspiring me to uncover and what the results are revealing. Definitely plan on doing it every year now:)
Blessings, Becky -
My goal ideas include incorporating prayer as an action step into each of my individual goals rather than making it a separate goal, investing into things that grow/challenge me rather than things that stunt growth, focusing on my overall holistic health (spiritual, physical, emotional) and broadening my reading lists to include non fiction books to help me grow as a leader and better my craft.
GOALS 2017:
– FAMILY: i want to spend more time with my husband alone, and with my husband and kids. To achieve this I want to organize my time & my money.
– HEALTH: I want to check my health and work out more to have more energy, to feel better about myself and enjoy time at the beach, etc with my family.
– SELF: I want to dress better and look better overall. I feel like i have stopped taking care of my self.
– TRAVEL: I want to travel to a new place with my husband
– WORK: I want to organize my work to have more time and to be able to respond faster and more effectively to clients. I want to build a better experience for my clients. I want to take another degree to offer a better service. I want to get new corporate clients. I want to improve my social media presence. I want to offer more services.
– FAITH: I want to pray more, thank more, read the Word more.I want to achieve so much and I feel these steps have made me believe in myself. Thanks! <3
Goal ideas:
– health and self-care
– encourage and celebrate others
– de-clutter my apartment
– I corpse what fires me up into my daily life
– build community
– embrace grace
– fill my life with fun + laughter
– get involved – church, sorority alumni group, community, etc.
– find a hobby + read more for fun -
-Personal – Develop a healthy, motivating and energizing morning routine that helps set the pace for the day! I want to feel energized and prepared for the day instead of rushed and frustrated.
-Put pen to paper! In my small business, I have several ideas for product development that I have not geared up for, due to other projects. This hesitation is probably more from fear than being pressed for time. This is the year to develop good ideas rather than being paralyzed by feeling ill-prepared.
-Let my work be my worship! Even though I’d love to be full time with my small business, the Lord has me at my 9-5 job for a reason. Learning to bring the Lord into my daily work will be a huge life-long lesson to learn!
-Cultivating intentional relationship time – Carving out specific time for friends, family and my husband.
-Develop good habits and hobbies slowly throughout the year (reading more, decluttering a room a month, nail the crow pose in yoga, etc.) -
Goal Ideas: The most important goal setting areas to me right now are spiritual, family, home, and financial. God has to be first, so I must set spiritual goals (Bible reading, prayer). My husband is my next highest priority (take care of him and his needs). My home is important; I want to take care of it and steward well what God has given to us (the plan is to have small decluttering goals as well as home organization goals). And finances, to use what God has given us to honor Him first, to meet our needs, and then to have extra to help meet the needs of others (to do this, giving to God first, then a simple budget goal, and finally, paying off debt so there will be extra to give to others).
Goal ideas:
– fully practice my Catholic faith
– exercise regularly
– plan for homeschooling kindergarten this fall
– practice art
– practice some form of writing
– read: Bible and books for pleasure
– create a housekeeping schedule
– start a business by the end of the year -
I encouraged my mom with a pep talk today!
Goals…..this was so good to write goal with context instead of just making a list of things I want to change. Asking the Why was so helpful.
Goals for 2017:
1. Get Closer to God – since my father’s death I’ve drifted from God and it’s changed how I interact with my family.2. Get one article published. – I want to get into writing more and putting a little pressure on myself will keep me motivated to keep writing.
3. Learn lighting in photography – I love taking pictures of my kids and love photography. I’ve been lazy learning this craft in the past and I wan to push myself to learn something that isn’t easy at first
4. Give 100% to my bible study that I’m currently doing – we have chosen an tough one this year “How People Change” and I really want to give it my all and see where God takes it.
5. Develop a Module with my husband – this will give us something to work on together. I don’t have a medical background, so when we find something that crosses over into my field of expertise I enjoy working with him.
6. Grow a garden with S – my daughter has asked for a garden for as long as I can remember and now that we have an actual yard where we can, I want to be able to do this with her to grow with her and share this time with her.
7. Start blogging again – to start writing again.
8. Get involved with a Non Profit again – This will keep my professional skills sharp and I love helping others
9. Focus on personal time for me – I need to remember who I am and cultivate who I was created to be. It will make me a better mom and wife.
10. Declutter – we can live with less, and it gives us the freedom to focus on what really matters.
11. Have intentional family time – we have a crazy schedule and these years will pass by quickly and the kids need us to have time where we focus just on them.
12. Intentional Rest/Sabbath – we need a day to rest in this family and to keep our focus on God
13. read the bible through – I have never read the bible cover to cover and it’s about time I did.
Goal ideas:
1. Simplify my way of living
2. Cultivate meaningful relationships
3. Manage my time effectively
4. An authentic faith
5. Become a better communicator
6. Discover my strengths and passions – college prep
7. Take care of my bodyI’m looking forward to getting started on these goals!
My GOAL ideas –
Something that encompasses healthy habits and developing routines in areas that matter most – God, Relationships, health, and money
When I think about who I want to be when I am 80, I want these things to be easy, things that are second nature. Yet, theses are not easy and take practice and diligence. So this year I want to work on creating these healthy habits … this will take discipline, routines, and lots of grace.
Goal Ideas:
1. make space and time to read/journal/write/create/prayers
2. plan and go on adventures (solo and with family/little and big)
3. self care/soul healing -
1) Switch careers
2) Meditate and write in my gratitude journal every day
3) Establish a healthy sleep routine (get to bed early!)
4) Continue cultivating a strong, nurturing relationship with my significant other
5) Increase my income through career change and freelance work
6) Launch my personal website
7) Be able to dance on pointe again!
8) Read at least one new book a month. Stay educated on current events and global issues.
9) Give a public presentation to at least 50 people
10) Establish a new look (find a few “power outfits” that make me feel confident and ready to take on the challenges of the day). -
Last night I finished this post with my scriptures… inputed my goals and lost everything!
Thank God my word this year is Determined. I took a very deep breath Lara 🙂 … had to fix dinner and all the pre Monday to do’s … now here I sit bright and early determined to face my fears and submit my goals…
Lara, thank you for the suggestion to listen to music… It brings me peace and courage! 🙂
Fear has paralyzed me my entire life… yet I truly believe…”faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
So here it goes…
1. Read /Listen to the You Version Chronological Bible with my son every morning before our day begins… (The Message version is best for him)
My Y… My Bible Study Mentor shared ”You can’t love someone you don’t know”… The desire of my heart is for my son to read the bible and really develop his own personal relationship with his heavenly Father…
2. Read my Narrated Bible in Chronological Order every night before bed.
My Y…I yearn to learn and grow in godly humility, love, compassion, a heart for Him….a Heart for all of His people…
3. Step out in faith…
My Y… Fear has paralyzed me my entire life… I want to live out His purpose for my life…I love Him so…
4. Serve Passionately…
My Y… Anyone I have the privilege of serving I want them to see God is alive and active in my life…
5 Pray fervently throughout my day… small or large
My Y… Prayer really does change things…I want to humbly stay connected to the source of change…
6. Allow my nails to grow…stop living in constant anxiety… fear…
7. Apply to Bible College/Attend Bible College
My Y… To grow in knowledge of His word, garner godly clarity, vision and purpose….
8. Be a cheerful giver and steward well…
My Y… To be responsible with every area of my life including my finanaces
9. Take a fun class or workout with my son 5-6 days per week…
My Y… To have fun with my son…. play together…
10.Pray every night at the side of my son’s bed with my mother on speaker phone…
My Y… my son is adopted…His Father is in Heaven…His heavenly Father is the head of our home… I want to give them this time together every night… I want us connected as a family every night in thanks to the Lord…
My goal IDEAS:
Healthy Habits – Bible reading, prayer, money , rest, exercise and eatingCultivate Relationships – husband, daughter, friends, my siblings ..
2017 Goals
1. Weekly date night with husband
2. Quarterly child-free getaway with husband
3. Daily one-on-one time (even just 15 minutes) with each child and my husband
4. Monthly trips to visit extended family
Why 1-4? To deepen those relationships, create wonderful memories, cultivate a deep sense of family and belonging
5. Lose 75ish pounds
6. Eliminate gluten from our diet
Why 5-6? To hopefully put my Hashimoto’s in remission and improve the health of our family
7. Set up and use a War Room area
8. Complete four Beth Moore Bible studies
Why 7-8? To strengthen my faith, Bible knowledge, and prayer life.
9. Start a Propel Women chapter
10. Start hosting IF: Tables
11. Host a book club
Why 9-11? To cultivate meaningful and encouraging friendships with women in my community.
12. Read 26 books
13. Take graphic design classes
14. Blog consistently
15. Schedule daily 20 minute craft time and a weekly craft day
Why 12-15? To challenge myself mentally and to ensure I start doing the things I love.
16. Pay off all debt
17. Buy land
Why 16-17? So we can free up money to build our dream house, start work on my big scary dream, and be able to give more and more financially. -
I must be doing something wrong with my posts, I see them post, but going back they aren’t there. Sorry if I’m double posting, it is not intentional! Goal ideas (again): increasing sleep on the nights before work nights. I’m a RN, so I don’t have to work a daily M-F week, which I love, but that also means inconsistent bed times since I tend to stay up later on non-work nights. But sometimes I stay up even LATER on the nights before I work, which is crazy. I’m establishing a 1030 curfew on “the night before a work day” to I can be well rested and ready to tackle my work day in a busy ER. Working in this busy ER means I often get a late lunch, and sometimes even no lunch, which leads to scarfing down half a bag of Chipotle chips on the way home which led to a significant weight gain this past year.
Another goal idea is to increase exercise and better eating habits in order to lose the weight that has gotten me to an unhealthy place. Other primary goals ideas include spending more time focusing on my faith, spending more quality time as a couple and as a family and simplifying our busy/cluttered home.
Secondary goals include meal planning, maintaining better contact with close friends and going to lunch with my mom at least once a month.
My goal ideas are:
1. Memorize 52 bible verses
2. Spend time with God daily
3. Fast from sugar and flour and TV
4. Plug into a faith community
5. Complete 80 hours to reactivate my CPA license
6. Remodel my kitchen
7. Develop routines to make my home life-giving and uncluttered
8. Develop a resume
9. Restructure existing job to increase my contribution to the team and provide more challenge
A special thank you for the goal check questions! This is helping me refine the above items, and perhaps even replace some of them with something else. -
Oh my goodness, “how I spend my time is how I spend my life!” That is so obvious, but it gets so lost in all the noise of urgent demands and social media distraction. This statement and the questions that follow it are the most inspiring, dare I say hopeful, thoughts I’ve ever read on goal setting! Thank you!
Goal Ideas:
– cultivate a home that is hospitable & welcoming
– grow in my faith; dig deep
– live simplier
– be a good steward of the gifts God has given me
– continually cultivate my faith -
Whoops! I thought the givaway ended today not yesterday :/ Oh well, I have been doing the work, so here’s my goal uncovering:
Uncovering intentional goals
1. Review everything again. Did this and there’s a LOT! My ideas below show how many strands there are in my goals, but I like to think that these strands will form a web that will come together and be strong2. Write out goal ideas. Like I said, a big ol’ mess of strands! But I’m so, so excited to see where they go! The ones marked with a J are specific goals I worked out with my counselor, Jocelyn, a few weeks ago.
1. Build a Word-saturated life to delight myself in the Lord (there’s my word – Delight!)
2. J – Honor Josh with my heart and with actions (killing unsubmissive thoughts)
3. Cultivate a loving, nurturing relationship with my children.
4. J – Cultivate a mind that clings to truth and shuts down the lies of the devil
5. J – Invest in Biblical solutions to anxiety, of being overwhelmed and depleted, which leads to hopeless thoughts
6. Do the hard work and find the rich rewards of relating to the people of God, particularly the women of God
7. Care for my mind and body so I can care for others with energy and faithfulness
8. Run a house not that is perfect all the time but that is in a rhythm of life lived and tiding up
9. Learn and enact financial stewardship that is informed, forward thinking, and mobilized to do big things
Step 3 & 4: Goal check and why down my WHY
“The idea here is to SIMPLIFY your life, not to give yourself a new to-do list of random things that sound good.” – Loved this!
The question of relying on God’s strength or mine jarred me, in a totally good way. Way too many of my goals have burned out on precisely this point – I generally DON’T have what it takes to carry a good thing through a year. So I specifically wrote out that question for each goal to begin to let that reality seep into me.
Also, in seeking out my WHY for each goal it was extra helpful to open my powersheets to the What Fires Me Up pages and glance at those as I wrote out reasons. If the why for a goal couldn’t at all be tied to what fires me up then it makes me reconsider whether I should have it! Note to self: none of the why’s are “to achieve perfection” or “to arrive”. Too often I have been driven to achieve my own (totally unrealistic) ends. Here, I want God’s purposes for me to stand.1. Build a Word-saturated life
Goal check questions: Yes, yes, yes!
why: to delight myself in the Lord
scripture: Psalm 37:4-7 (also all of Psalm 119 for a love of God’s word!)
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? I couple my reading with times of prayer, realizing that all the verses in the world cannot change me if God’s Spirit is not working in me2. Honor and love Josh with my heart and with actions
Goal check questions: yes, yes, yes
why: a godly marriage is an incredible portrayal of the gospel story, gospel marriage is not only something of great beauty, but it has direct import on our relationship with God and our ability to communicate with Him
scripture: Eph 5:22-33, I Peter 3:1-7
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? Honestly, I’m feeling a bit stumped. I think it in part looks like praying for our marriage with Josh, and privately. Tell God, “Help, Lord, I can’t do it on my own.”3. Cultivate a loving, nurturing relationship with my children
Goal check questions: yes, yes, yes
why: Jesus called us friend, so I can call my children that, he commanded that we love one another, this is in obedience to that, it adorns the gospel, and I want them attracted to it.
scripture: John 15:12-16
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? pray, cry out to God that I be a strong friend4. Cultivate a mind that clings to truth and shuts down the lies of the devil
Goal check questions: Yes, Yes, Yes
why: It’s not enough to just do the things, I have to think the thoughts to become the woman I want to be. Also I want to have my powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish from good and evil
scripture: Prov 23:7, Heb 5:14 and II Cor 10:3-5
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? pray Psalm 86:11, “Teach me, Oh LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.”5. Invest in Biblical solutions to anxiety, of being overwhelmed and depleted
Goal check questions: Yes, yes, yes
why: Anxiety causes paralysis. “The Lord is at hand” God is with me and anxiety shuts out reality
scripture: Phil 4:6-9
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? Even just telling anxiety no right away is a way to rely on God’s strength, I don’t have to have all the answers, I’m being shepherded by the One who does. Pray6. Do the hard work and find the rich rewards of relating to the people of God, particularly the women of God
Goal check questions: Yes Christian community matters terribly, yes I want to be a legacy of God’s story and His people are so often the hands and feet of that story, yes the one who waters will be watered
why: Some of the best blessings of last year came to me through godly women ministering to me. I want to cultivate this dynamic and be used by God to bless others. I get sharper by this contact.
scripture: Prov 27:17, Titus 2:3-5, Prov 11:35
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? Actually stretch myself and relate, if I wait until all of my strength is perfectly built up, I will not invest in people or have them invest in me7. Care for my mind and body and spirit
Goal check questions: Yes an ongoing invigorated self is a much better servant to others and tool in the hand of God than a depleted self, Yes! this is the only body I get til 80!, yes others get the energy I pour out
why: so that I can care for others with energy and faithfulness. With dried bones I’m not very useful.
scripture: Prov 31:17, Prov 17:22
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? Pray and lean on Him when the demands of life brush aside some of my needs. I ask for His strength even when I cannot care for my mind, body, and spirit like I want or even need8. Run a house not that is perfect all the time but that is in a rhythm of life lived and tiding up
Goal check questions: Yes part of my job description is to master my house and bringing order in my realm reflects God’s order, yes I want to cultivate habits of home care, yes instilling habits of home care and good stewardship are part of raising well-equipped children
why: I want to be a good image bearer of God who loves order, also I want a home that is welcoming enough to minister to others in. (getting all the crumbs off the floor at all times is not part of my why here)
scripture: I Tim 5:14, Luke 16:10
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? I trust and pray for eyes to see that on the many, many days when housework feels overwhelming, that God has a bigger view than I do, that He still cares about my heart attitude, that He is still able to make gospel ministry happen amidst the jumble9. Learn and enact financial stewardship that is informed, forward thinking, and mobilized to do big things
Goal check questions: yes, yes when I’m 80 I definitely want financial leeway to give generously even extravagantly, yes!
why: Honestly when I first crafted this goal I was focusing on specific possessions that I want to save up for, and while owning those things isn’t wrong, I’m coming to want this goal to be about something bigger than that, I want this year to be a year where we equip ourselves to handle money differently than we’ve done before, to spend some actual time with Josh envisioning the kinds of generosity and life enriching we want out of the next 50 years and start to move that way.
scripture: Prov 19:17, and actually the number of verses about giving so that you receive in return are kindof staggering…
How do I rely on God’s strength in this? I prayerfully set my own material desires at God’s feet and ask Him to let us reflect Him in our radical generosity to others