If you are just joining us for this series, welcome! It’s never too late to begin. February 1 could be your January 1 if you like, so feel free to dig in anytime!
2016 Goal Setting, Part 1: What Worked and Where to Start!
2016 Goal Setting, Part 2: What Didn’t Work + What I Learned
2016 Goal Setting, Part 3: Say Yes, Say No, Choose a Word
Welcome to Part 4!
Maybe you have ideas about what your goals might be this year (or maybe not yet and that’s okay too!)–and you are already overwhelmed and anxious about HOW to make them happen. You want all of your goals to have been tackled yesterday. Because here we are at the start of the year and you have to do it all right away, right? False. I know the feeling though. Lean into that restlessness and let it unlock one of the greatest freedoms you’ll ever discover: the power of little by little.
Photos in my garden by Emily March. I told y’all my tomatoes were huge this year (this was even taken early in the growth season) and I love zinnias! : )
We’re about to plant some good seeds as we uncover goals that have meaning. And then we’re going to take action on them. Making good things come to life requires physical action. And another action. And another. Over time, goals that were once leaps of faith you took on a blog post here, turn into new lives! The process of cultivating—breaking the soil, planting, tending, and waiting for the harvest—is where life happens. It’s where change and growth happen. The journey to making it happen is where the good stuff lives.
I know you overachievers want to have done everything yesterday (me too), but I have also been reading every single comment on this series. Taking this step by step is helping many of you make remarkable discoveries! I’m so pumped by all the lightbulbs I see going off! You are starting to see clearly, and it’s happening little by little. Your goals may change half-way through the year, or you may make them happen faster than you think if you take it day by day by day. Little by little these beautiful zinnias in my garden grew this year from the tiniest seeds. Little by little babies grow. Can you imagine if you got pregnant and then the next day gave birth?? Oh my stars! You wouldn’t be ready. No time to prepare. No time to buy diapers or mull over a name or assemble the crib or celebrate. You would have missed the time of preparation and ripening that happens over nine-ish months.
It is the same with our goals. And friend, I’m preaching this to myself right now too: trust that your goals matter enough to make them happen well. They matter enough to take little steps forward every single day, and some big leaps long the way too. Your goals matter enough to tend to them like a garden.
I wish I could have you come to my garden this summer. When these zinnias are in full bloom, and the bees and butterflies and goldfinches are fluttering and buzzing about, it’s just magical. I can’t help but stop and remember that it all started with tiny seeds. I broke through the hard soil of winter, planted good seeds, watered and tended to them little by little. There was so much joy in the journey. The process was the real gift. It was worth the planning Grace and I did in the winter, restlessness and risks and leaps of faith we took in planting, the hot days of pruning and weeding, and all the bug bites and dirty white pants : )
It was worth getting messy.
Your good goals will be with it too.
A year from now you will wish you had started today. – Karen Lamb
Welcome to your start. Like I told you from the start of this process, traditional goal setting does not work for me. Swiftly-made resolutions get forgotten and then they linger and make you feel guilty for forgetting them. Anyone else ever experience this? Well, hopefully at this point you feel more equipped than when you started this process to write some down good goals. Goals that mean something. Goals that are very clear and will help you live on purpose.
Let’s get messy and start to pick out some good seeds to plant this year! You ready for this? It’s going to feel scary and SO GOOD when you take a leap of faith and just start writing what comes to mind. You can do it!
Four Goal Setting Tips:
1. First, review everything again! Remember, this is goal uncovering. Uncover one more layer and get to the good stuff! Get the big picture crystal clear in your mind and heart before you write your goals. Read through everything you’ve done so far. Read every word. Re-write or add to things once more if you need to. I added to my lists and re-wrote things after going through this process because I got more clarity. Cross stuff out, revise things, add to your lists of what did and didn’t work (I added a ton to mine!). Add more to your YES and NO lists. Refine your 2016 Pinterest board. Take pins out that don’t fit well. Use extra paper if you need to. Get messy and dig a little deeper before moving to the final exciting step…
2. Yeah, yeah, yeah! You’ve made it! Make a list of the first goals that come to your mind for this year when right after you review everything you’ve written. Call them “Goal Ideas” for now to help you get them out! I suggest taking a big deep breath and putting on a favorite inspirational song as you start writing goals. These don’t have to be perfectly written — just write what first comes to mind.
3. Check your goal ideas to make sure they are rooted in what matters. It’s so easy to make goals that sound good or goals that other people have that you think you should have, too, just to keep up. Don’t do that. The idea here is for you to SIMPLIFY your life, not to give yourself a new to-do list of random things that sound good. Be very specific and careful about what you decide to spend your time on this year. How you spend your time is how you spend your life.
Do a GOAL CHECK and ask these questions:
– Will this goal help me to cultivate what matters most?
– Where do I want to be when I’m 80 years old, and will this goal help me get there?
– Does this goal also help other people?
– WHY do I want to make this goal happen? Am I desiring this goal for the right reasons, or am I striving for “perfect”—or whatever I’ve been chasing?
(If you are a believer, read this goal check from my friend Moriah here too!)
If the answer is NO to that first question, then it’s possible it’s not the best use of your precious time. Don’t run in circles with goals that don’t directly connect to what matters most. Get specific. Focus on what really matters to you in the big picture. Cross goals out that don’t 100% fit. Revise goals that are not clear. Be bold and take leaps of faith as you write.
4. This is the most important key to goal setting. Write down your WHY with every goal. When I was a personal trainer in New York for many years, most clients would come to me with a number and say, “I want to lose 10 pounds.” I would ask them, “WHY 10 pounds?” Usually, when we got down to it, it was just an arbitrary number, or a weight they were in college. There was no real heart connection to the goal of losing 10 pounds. But, when we dug deeper into why they became out of shape in the first place and what they wanted most in life, a picture of true fitness started to emerge. Instead of, “I want to lose 10 pounds because that’s what I weighed in college” (not very motivating and more self-defeating), we worked on goals like, “I want to be healthy and strong so that I can live long enough to walk my daughter down the aisle. I want to live a long, happy life so I can be a better husband and show my kids how to be joyful and healthy, too.” That works. That is motivating. SO, get real with WHY you want these things to happen and connect them to something that really matters to you. It will help you ACT on your goals instead of toss them aside.
Photo above with our little peach tree by Nancy Ray.
Life is to short and too meaningful to coast through. The good you do today has the potential to change generations. You never know how long you have left here on this earth to love others and change them for the better in that love. That’s why setting good goals and having a clear focus is so important. Otherwise, you may spend your time lost in distractions. Lost in Instagram. Lost in the chase for perfect, or significance, or approval, or whatever it is that has been holding you back from really living. You may find yourself restless, knowing deep down that there’s more to this life. If that’s you right now, you are in the right place! I know that feeling well, and I don’t know about you, but I do not want to live my days by accident. I want to live on purpose, and use all the gifts I’ve been given to help others do the same! Join me.
Take a big breath in (really do it) and a big breath out. Think of where you want to be when you’re 80. What will be important to you then? Whatever it is, act like it today. Take some bold leaps of faith and write out goals that are outside of your comfort zone. Powerful goals don’t need Miracle Grow. Purpose-filled goals that are aimed at the big picture are 100% organic goodness. Soak them in sunshine, water them little by little, and get ready for a flourishing garden full of blooms–and a harvest to share!
I’m going to share my 2016 goals in the next post. When you are ready, leave yours here in the comments on this post, or the final post coming Tuesday. If you aren’t sure of your goals yet (like me!), I want to hear from you. As you reviewed all you’ve written so far, what stands out to you? What themes are you seeing? Tell me in the comments and let’s encourage each other as our goals begin to take shape.
Comment with your answers from each step as we go through this series and enter to win these goodies via the Rafflecopter box at the bottom. One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: A (spiral bound) One-Year PowerSheets Workbook. I’m determined to motive you to dig in with me on these powerful steps.
1. A set of 2016 PowerSheets with a Make It Happen binder and colorful tab stickers
2. Five prints of your choice from the Lara Casey Shop
3. The Finishing School by Valerie Metrejean
4. The Make it Happen audio book, recorded by yours truly!
5. A Journaling Bible (NIV)
6. Five Make it Happen journals
7. Artist’s Loft Fundamentals Watercolor Set
8. Two tubs of Vega Protein and Greens + a Vega shaker cup. Bonus: sign up for a free Vega account to get $15, and I’ll get $15 too!
9. Ashley Brooke Too Legit water bottle
10. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?! 10 2016 Simplified Planners (pineapple daily edition). Yes, TEN of them! Lots of chances to win!
11. What good shall I do this day? sign from Best Made Co
12. Five Make it Happen books
13. Jonathan Adler Grapefruit Candle
– (Not pictured, but so fun!) $25 Amazon gift card for books. Some suggestions: Anything, Restless, The Best Yes, A Confident Heart, The Fringe Hours, or anything on Nancy Ray’s Book Club list.
14. The Write the Word journal collection – volume 1, 2, and 3!
15. Val Marie Paper Prayer Journal
16. Naptime Diaries print of your choice
17. In the Wait study by Holly Holt
18. Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
19. How to Study Scripture E-Book by Jane Johnson
20. Make it Count 2016 Bible journaling kit from Illustrated Faith
Enter below and be sure to leave your answers to each step as you go through the series with me!
Giveaway ends January 13th. Winners will be announced on January 15th here on the blog. Shipping some of these items can get costly, so hard goods are for US entrants only. Lots of digital prize options though for my international friends! If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! : ) Also, this post contains some Amazon affiliates links. No extra cost to you, but it helps us raise funds for Love One Another Project!
keep reading
I got so excited when I saw this!!
I just found your blog through a friend’s “Share” on Facebook ! I am looking forward to using your tools to help me make some changes – is it really possible to overcome lifelong perfectionism? That is one of my biggest hindrances to using my gifts and starting something new!
You’ve been an inspiration! I’ve been meaning to get the Powersheets but its been sold out. Thank you for this chance.
I love reading your blog posts & looking at your IG pics. Always enormously encouraging. John 15 is my starting point for my goals this year; if I abide in Him, then refinement & joy & answered prayers will be mine. I haven’t gotten more specific than that at this point but I’m going to work on it.
I also texted a mommy friend of mine to encourage her. Because I know the mom stuff, while beautiful too, can be tough.
I love the idea of knowing where you want to be when you’re 80 and measuring your goals based on that! Such a lovely way to think about your goals!
I just listened to you read your book to me in audible. I love hearing it in your voice! I believe every word you say. It is so genuine and makes my heart happy! Thank you for living your purpose and working so hard to remain faithful and in tune! XO
I loved reading through this series and learning more about what I value and how to prioritize 2016. I ordered the binder and PowerSheets and they will hopefully be arriving soon. “Comparison is the thief of joy” has been my downfall for ALL of 2015, despite having so many blessings and joys. I refuse to let that comparison occur again in 2016. 🙂
I’m not sure how this will translate into goals but I know I’ve established a foundation. In light of the lessons learned, 2016 is not going to be about reaching for some big goal. No ladder climbing, business-proposing or huge, life-changing endeavors will be making the list this year. I’m accepting the truth I’ve made it. No matter the accomplishment or lack of accomplishment, I’m contributing what the Lord has created me to contribute. I know my word is surrender. The IG post from Moriah was so in line with what I have done for many years, pushing for what I feel the plan is for my life. Wanting something so bad it hurts and getting no or failing is hard. I know this is the year that He will be first, dreams aside… It’s been great to work along side your blog posts with the binder this year!
Hi Lara
I was wondering if you would sometime share about your decision to send Grace to traditional school and then to homeschool. Making decisions like that too. Also wanted to check if you had heard of ‘university model schools’… They are a combo of homeschooling and traditional school. I don’t know if there are any in your area but thought you’d be interested x -
In 2016 I am looking for a career change that will enable me to help others organize and plan for their lives responsibly. At the same time, I need to be sure that I act responsibly with regards to my own family’s financial needs.
My education and jobs as an architect have sharpened my planning, organizational, and storytelling skills. In 2016, I plan to become a consultant on a goal planning team. My life experiences as a 48 yr. old wife, mother, and designer have prepared me for my next BIG step. -
Love your work.
I read the book early in 2015 and I loved it so much that I attended the Making Things Happen conference in November. I’m so excited now about goals and living intentionally. Thank you Lara!
I encouraged my mom who is having some trouble dealing with family issues. The last few years have been rough for her emotionally, and I’m hoping to help her find more peace in her life in 2016.
Hi, Lara and friends!
I wanted to share a song that may encourage many of you during this season of planting good seeds. I know the song is about love and marriage, but when I listen to it, I think of the work we’re all doing for the Lord and the seasons of waiting that we each endure…
It’s called Even in Winter by Audrey Assad.
Here’s the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By6-owjZ-Zs
Here is the main chorus:
“Even the winter won’t last forever…
We’ll see the morning, we’ll feel the sun
We’ll wake up in April, ready & able
Sowing the seeds in the soil
of love”And here’s my favorite part:
“What if the spring comes soon
& we’re surprised?
What if the seasons help us realize,
some things are only proven over time?”🙂
I found out about your blog and powersheets just recently from two amazing friends. I just love how inspiring and empowering your message and blog is! I have so many goals and I know through your inspiration, I can accomplish them!
So far my goals are around deepening my friendships by planning intentional time, going to re-read the fruitful summer series, so that I end up with more memorable moments in my life and friendships which will last.
Also to read some inspirational faith based books to learn more about the Lord and get encouragement to live more for him and to help me input into my friends lives and the kids I teach Sunday school.
Would also like to feel prepared and ready for if a new work opportunity presents itself. Not sure what I want my next job to be but I want to be ready rather than feeling like it would be too hard to pull everything together to meet the deadline which I have done a few times. -
I’ll be back to share my specific goals, but I wanted to share my big goal for the year…slow down & be present. This is something that can be really hard to do when caring for little ones while sill trying to maintain a job and household. My word for the year is Flourish and I think in order for me to achieve that, I need to stop and experience the beauty around me vs. hurrying through each day trying to check things off my to do list. Thank you again Lara for this amazing series!!
I have been using part 4 of your book in addition to the Power Sheets and I feel like a part of me is transforming in a positive way already. So glad I found you and this community!!
YES to all the goodness! So far my #1 focus goal this year is to reflect more fruit of the spirits. I’m breaking this down month by month, and this month is gentleness. I have NO idea what that looks like, but prayer (another goal) is where I’m leaning in and trusting the Lord to lead. Love this series Lara and am so grateful for your creativity and writing. 🙂
I think all of the goals I’ve written down stem from the same idea, so I will work on 1 thing this year – to be INTENTIONAL. In my words and actions, in the activities I do and how I spend my time, in how/what I give, with my friends and family, in my spending, and maybe the most important – in my new marriage. I want to live qith purpose, and I really want to focus all of my effort on making decisions INTENTIONALLY. I can’t wait to see what 2016 will bring ♡
I want big goals that I can only accomplish with God’s help!!
1. Grow in my faith, because my relationship with God is the foundation for everything in life. Ways to accomplish this- read the daily walk bible, committed daily prayer, worship music in our home, gratitude journal.
2. Save for our future land/home, which will set us up to be closer to debt free without a mortgage. Ways to accomplish this- a reworked and very trim budget, monthly evaluation, praying over contentment with what we have, and over financial decisions.
3. Live hands free, because I do not want to miss the simple moments, the moments of beauty and the everyday that glistens with God. Ways to accomplish is to limit phone use (quality time app already in place with scheduled breaks from 3p-9p). Review calendar weekly to keep margin in the calendar, and pray for a heart and mind to see the simple moments.
4. Grace based morning and home routine, so I can start my day with intention. Ways to accomplish is to establish new habits like going to be earlier to wake up earlier, home based tasks that are done daily/weekly (like making bread every Monday, washing a load of laundry each day).
5. Backyard garden! To spend time outside and grow yummy, healthy food, to preserve for winter and share with others. Tending list of items has been written, so I can be on top of seed selection, starts, and planting.
6. Love my body and treat it well. Ways to accomplish- move my body daily, prep easy food choices to grab throughout the day, don’t pay attention to the a number, but focus on good and healthy choices.
7. Write. I am praying over this goal, because I desire to write, but do not know where to start.
8. Read. Reading is a source of enjoyment, provides knowledge, and sparks a change. I will be reading 1 book a month- all non-fiction.
January tending sheet is filled in and it is so exciting to see small tasks of these goals on paper, so I can act on them!! And PS Lara, my toddler and I made the almond flout cookies and they turned out great. So happy to have a shape cookie recipe for our home (I’m celiac) that is tasty and not overly complicated!! -
Progress not perfection resounds deeply with me right now. I’m all about Do-ing and doing it, of course, perfectly. God tenderly reminded me that when I hold on to past mistakes or regrets it shows that I’m not trusting Him. Ouch! So, choosing to look forward and chase Him, not unrealistic self-expectations!
Working on my sheets particularly the goals today so this was great timing.
Love it and I’m ready for 2016
How Fun!!
Wow! So beautiful!! Can’t wait to make 2016 beautiful!!
This would be the most incredible thing to win!! And I am so excited I discovered your blog! Big goal for me that I wrote this year was to “hone my passions” I’m excited to dive in!
I’ll be working on my goals today! Perfect timing
Thank you for encouraging us to reach our goals!
In response to encouraging someone, I sent a letter to my friend who recently moved to Tennessee. Just before she moved she surrendered her life to the Lord. While I miss her being here in Texas, I let her know that I have faith that the Lord has her and her family in Tennessee for a reason, and that he has good work lined up for her there.
Lara, this series is by far one of my favourites I’ve EVER come across! I’ve just shared it with a couple of my fellow goal setting enthusiasts and know they’ll be entering too. I’ve got a notebook that is very quickly filling up with my answers to all your questions, and yesterday I downloaded Make It Happen for Kindle. That’s all highlighted and annotated and I know it’s going to be read more than once for sure!
The big recurring theme that I see in my 2016 goals is connection – expanding my personal and professional networks, but not necessarily in quantity – it’s all about quality and cultivating relationships that make me and those people around me better. Can’t wait to read your post on Monday!
2015 was such a hard year that i’m not sure of my goals for 2016. After going through the steps with you what sticks out the most is praying and spending time with Jesus, making my family my next priority, being present in every moment and not sucked into the nonsense, and being filled with joy, the joy of Jesus. Thank you for this goal settting series, i know i need to keep working throughbit. Thank you.
This giveaway looks amazing. I’m trying to discern where to focus my energy this year, and think these products could help!
Writing goals this year has been so much more of a joy already!! I went to MTH happen last year and had such a year of growth, Now, going into 2016, the things I learned from MTH and the Powersheets are helping me to create goals in such a fruitful way. My word this year is BRAVE and I’m so excited to work toward another fruitful year. My husband and I have a ton of life changes coming our way this year, so I’ve loved prepping with the workbook!! Thank you SO much for sharing your process, it’s been incredibly helpful!!!
Lara, you are such a breath of fresh air!! This is so exciting!!! I wish everyone luck!!!! Have an amazing 2016!!
I’m starting my year off with 3 main goals to work through and see where I am in a couple months for the refresh!
1. Less TV time. I find that I spend so much time watching TV that I’m wasting away on the couch and not LIVING life. I let my daughter watch TV cause it is easy and sometimes, I just need a break. I talked with my daughter about her goals, she said: more games, more creating things, more time with me – and so we agreed less TV time would enable those things to happen. For me, personally, I want to spend more quality time with my daughter, with my friends, with myself, and with my environment – I’m stuck in a rut when I zone out in front of a TV.. and while I’m not saying TV is evil, as it does zone me out when I need a good zoning out! It just prevents me from doing what I’m capable of.
2. Complete monthly challenges:
For the first few months, this is just to prepare me to get back to a working schedule (I start my new job Jan 7), and to get a good morning routine going. I have a bunch of other monthly challenges that I hope to do in the future (like one journal activity a day, 3 things I am grateful for a day, etc..) but I’m wanting to make big changes in my life a little at a time.3.. KonMari
For those who don’t know what it is – it is a genius way of decluttering your home. It comes from the book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and I definitely recommend it to anyone and everyone!! I have gone through about half of my house and I am stuck due to no room! I have to get my things that I’m wanting to get rid of taken to be donated – just have to find places that will accept it! However, I have completed many areas of my home already (though, the idea is to go by category not room – I ended up completing various rooms due to all the same category in one room – ie: I only keep pots in the kitchen) and I love those areas. I’m sitting at my dining room table because I took everything off of it and sorted it with categories (most of it was trash!) and it’s so clean and comfortable. My living room on the other hand, is holding all my donations (as well as my garage + shed) as well as things I want to keep but have no where to store as of yet (due to not being finished with other rooms). I can’t wait to have this clean, comfortable, at peace feeling throughout my home as I get in a few rooms already! 🙂-
Jessica, I get stuck in front of the TV too! I am going to be selective this year, and only watch quality shows like “Downton Abbey” that starts tonight! (Sunday) No more game shows. No more detective or cop shows. I am making a list. Glad to see someone else is tackling this issue too!
Today I encouraged two women in my life who o have invited to join as board members of my childhood cancer awareness foundation as we work towards nonprofit status. It takes 100% commitment and belief in what we are doing, and these ladies have it all! I let them know that I would be honored to have them join me on this adventure and our foundation would be blesses to have them & their talents.
I’m not sure what my goals are just yet. I fee as though I have very vague goals but I need to narrow them down and really pray about them to ensure the are from Christ. I will come back to this after doing so!
I swear, every post in this series has made me cry thus far. In a juicy, messy, embracing the imperfect goodness kind of way.
Over the past 6 weeks or so I’ve been devouring every damn thing I could find about goal setting, and I have to say Lara, this has been the most positive, helpful process I’ve found. I have been debating investing in powersheets for a few months now, and am totally bummed to have missed out on the spiral bound versions (any chance for more of those with the spring refresh??), but either way I’m sold.
This process is hard, it’s uncomfortable and I have been struggling through it. But I worked through it myself, and have even pulled my partner into it with me, and it’s been so meaningful. To say it’s been ‘helpful’ even seems to do it and you and your words a disservice. Though I am so scared for the next year, I cannot wait to take it on and to have these goals and this process at my side. Thank you, Lara. -
Today, I encouraged my sister who needed someone to listen to her. I hope lending my ear helped her feel loved.
Pause. My word is pause. Pause before speaking. Pause before responding. Pause before doing. Pause before letting thoughts cross my mind. I need to pause more and let God take the lead.
I would like to say thank you for your giveaway… One of my resolutions is to start back Bible journaling and this giveaway will help me on that journey!
I loved your comment about living on purpose. I feel restless knowing there’s more to life than work, coming home exhausted and running (dinner, homework, activities) until finally going to bed to do it again tomorrow. One of my goals is to start the day with my mind and heart in the right place, by continuing to read the Bible and on my knees in prayer, to invest time in people and to love those around me. Thanks for this series!
I encouraged my friend who fiancé is dying of cancer by sharing a bible of healing that I have been praying over his life … Also, just to let her know that I haven’t stopped praying.
I just found out about you this weekend….and can’t wait to read more and start setting some goals!
I can’t wait to get my powersheets in the mail to get the 2016 mojo going. I am thankful for this recent time of rest to assist me in completing ideas.
My sister and I have been talking about how to change our lives while keeping what matters. I shared the goal setting worksheet and we’ll get together in a week to talk about our goals.
I have several categories of goals, from financial (Dave Ramsey) to heart health, to filling myself with God and grace. Time is a huge goal I’ve journaled about as well.
I read another woman’s One Word post, and she picked 2 words — Focus and Simplify! Just what you wrote about here. I told her that the 2 go together well, because focusing will simplify your life. My One Word is “Re-focus”, and your blog and book are helping me do just that!
Im hope ing to MAKE goal this year! thats my goal haha!
I absolutely love your encouragement to live intentionally for the glory of God! Thank you for your heart for encouraging women!
Today I got the chance to pray with a young woman at the alter of our Church. I believe it encouraged both of us.
The question about if my goals will help me get to where I want to be at age 80 was so insightful. It made me think differently and harder about my goals and help tune them to where they need to be.
Relationships are high on my goals list this year (cultivating the ones that truly matter and spending time to cultivate them).
I’d like to reopen my Etsy shop and use the talents that God has gifted me with.
i want to create more fun and intentional times with my husband and son (creating memories). Also, do better with taking care of the house, meals, etc… Proverbs 31…
This year I’m working on turning a former side gig into a steady business for me . Last night I finally picked my word for the year (CALM!) and I’m going to try once again for a little garden. We live in an apartment so it will be container gardening.
Loving my 2016 goal setting (and already accomplishing) thanks to my Powersheets help! And this giveaway is killer!
I encouraged a dear friend tonight by texting her and telling her how much I enjoyed a recent event she invited me to and how I used the special ornament given to me at the event.
I knew I wanted to share some of the process with my husband, I just was nervous to see what would come out of it. A lot of my goals and fears have to so with our marriage and my need to control it. He was so genuinely thankful that I shared with him and felt like he understood some of my anxieties better. And get this, at the end he grabbed my hand and asked to pray with me! This is an area that has been barren dry land, with infrequent attempts at praying together. I started crying and we had a beautiful moment with each other as we talked with Jesus about what we want out of our marriage! 2016 is going to be beautiful 🙂
Thank you for this amazing tool from the bottom of my heart!
I am so encouraged by you. Here’s to a wonderful 2016!
So thankful for this goal-setting series! Helping me start my 2016 out right 🙂
I am learning that everyday is a great day to cast vision and plan one’s goals. I love the way you presented straight forward yet practical advice for those of us who desire to make things happen.
My 2016 goals:
-Be intentional in relationships, actions, choices, thoughts, and words.
-Read 15+ purposeful + enjoyable books.
-Save money and accumulate less clutter = SIMPLIFY
-Cultivate prayer
-Be strong + healthy, and create that environment for our family.
– Cultivate a thriving + strong marriage
-Be Creative. -
I wrote my first three goals this weekend and it was so helpful to have the powersheet format to follow! excited to dive in!
Awesome giveaway!
I encouraged my mother by helping her work through some emotional post-holiday troubles.
I am excited about 2016 in a way I’ve not been as excited about any year recently. It’s all about reaping the benefits of the NOs and YESes of 2015 and I cannot wait!
Trying to find more self-compassion this year, and so grateful for all that you are doing with this blog series!
I am in LOVE with the Ben Franklin quote! Imagine a world where we all started our day asking what good we will do? Thank you for your tremendous encouragement to be courageous and intentional in making what matters happen!
I LOVE what how these could change goal setting. Ready to make a difference in 2016.
I have some goal ideas written down but I want to take some time to let them settle too, throughout these few days when I start going back to work on my business.
One thing’s for sure, I know I want to simplify my goals this year, too. No more ten million and one goals that make my head spin.
This is the year of MOVEMENT!
I’m starting to see a theme of personal growth. I’m recognizing that I’m not happy with where I am emotionally, and it is stemming from losing my daughter to cancer. Anger, depression, anxiety. They are consuming who I am and it is beginning to affect the way I treat those around me. Especially my family. 2016 is my year to change that. We all lost Alexa, not just me, and I know it affected everyone.
I also encouraged someone today by talking to them about an upcoming 30k they will be running in honor of my daughter, and other children in our community who have been affected by cancer. I will also be doing my first 5k, which I have never trained for, as part of the Wolfson’s Children’s Challenge 55k. This friend became a part of my family during my daughter’s treatment, and losing her affected her family as well. This is one of the ways that she grieves; by exercising, running, and doing competitions. I know she is nervous, but it’s like I said when I signed up for the 5k “Sweet Alexa never had a chance to train or to prepare for the biggest fight she ever faced, yet she persevered through all of the pain. If she can do it, we have NO excuse!”
How inspiring it is to read through your blog! I am super excited for what this new year will bring! My word for this year is purposeful! To live a purposeful life In all areas! Purposeful wife, purposeful spiritually, purposeful parenting and purposeful parenting ♥️ Thank you for being such an inspiration!
I just finished reading your book and am gearing up to complete my powersheets. The FB group has been especially helpful. I can’t wait to fully throw myself into this and make 2016 my best year yet!
To be intentional in all aspects of my life, relationships, self care, reaching out to those who need a helpful by hand and bet being scared to.
Still praying over my goals, but love offering them up to God and letting them refine in the waiting. 🙂
Also, love the reminder to encourage someone and have texted my husband sweet encouragement while he is teaching.
These Powersheets are going to be life changing for me! I have grabbed these everyday to work on them and I don’t like to leave the house without them. Lara, these Blogs on Goalsetting are packed with great info and inspiration to succeed by focusing on what really does matter most. Thank you for following the voice of God and allowing Him to use you to impact the lives of women all around the world!
To be honest, I haven’t completely set my goals for 2016 yet. I seem to consistently struggle with motivation, so I am very excited to use your Powersheets to truly (God willing) focus on what matters most.
I love this! Setting my goals has given me so much intention in my day…I’m less likely to procrastinate and more likely to get things done! Thank you for inspiring us!
Thank you so much for sharing your life. My word this year is “Fruitful” and I need to be intentional about connecting and abiding in Christ!
I love this process. I’m still not done filling my Powersheets in, but I’m embracing the process!
Hi Lara, This is Megan again. Thank you so much for opening your heart to the world. I know you pray that God will use you, and he really has in my life. I feel so encouraged. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Lara, what advice do you have for someone that can see where they would like to be at 80 and knows exactly what that looks like but has no idea how to break that into goals. I know they business I would like to start and the life I was to live to feel like I have purpose but looking at the big scary overall goal/dream terrifies me. I look at the hardships I face now and have no idea where the funding/first steps would even come from and it stops me in my tracks to even write my 2016 (or even 5 year) goals.
Struggling to set concrete goals because SO much of our life is in flux and unknown. We’ve been moving around and without a permanent home for the last 18 months and that doesn’t look likely to change anytime soon. So I’m facing the challenge with how to set goals for family, work, relationships that are not dependent on place but can be worked on and pursued on the road.God also keeps blowing up my goals from the past years and taking my life in wildly unexpected ways so I think I’m a bit timid to actually verbalize goals. He’ll just change them! 🙂
some of my goals this year are to put Christ in between all of my friendships and relationships. I want to love my friends well, especially relationships that are challenging. Also as I start teaching piano this semester, I want to challenge my students in their faith and always have Christ in all of my lessons. I also want to learn how and actually share my Christian faith with not only my friends, but a complete stranger!
My goals- invest in a fruitful marriage (i’m 20 and in my second year of marriage and it is tough), be a present mama and put the phone down!, celebrate the loved ones I’ve been blessed with (not just birthdays but everyday things too!), and actively seek God.
I am new to PowerSheets, but am excited to learn more. I think they will be perfect for me, an artist and an art educator, as I continue my graduate studies and enter my own classroom. Thank you for providing a pathway of both goal setting and reflection that is Christ centered!!!
wow–amazing giveaway!
WHAT: invest 15 hours a week in my hand lettering, learn how to vectorize my designs, and attend 2 craft shows as a vendor
WHY: to spread joy and plant Truth through the gifts and talents the Lord has given meWHAT: pass all 4 sections of the CPA exam
WHY: to be a light in the business world; study HEARTILY in a manner pleasing to the LordWHAT: clean and purge and SIMPLIFY
WHY: To declutter my space and my life; for the sake of living simply and gratefully and contentedlyWHAT: Set aside intentional daily time to be still with the Lord
WHY: spiritual growth, the power of prayer, to hear His voice, to learn more about the nature of my Creator and how desperately I need HimWHAT: Take time to get to know my sister and LISTEN to what is happening in her life
WHY: because this relationship is not currently life-giving or God-glorifying for either of us, but we serve a Maker who has the power to restore brokenness and I believe that He can do that in this relationship with willing heartsWHAT: Run a marathon
WHY: to practice and learn discipline, for physical health, and to grow in my relationship with my dad; for a cause! 1 Corinthians 9:25 -
SO I’m still at the Goal Idea stage-
One of my goals is take Risk- risk putting myself out there- risk build meaningful relationships- but I thought that with that come accepting rejection and failure- I think this kind of broad but it really comes form reviewing everything I wrote and seeing that I have stayed in a comfortable place because I fear failure, rejection , risk and struggle. And I used to view this as negatives but I think in they are necessary in order to progress.
2nd is to stay focused on my goals and change- growth- I’m so used to giving up and in and starting over. No more starting over but now is time to finish what I start.
3rd Goal is about my weight- but I after doing this I feel it is not about weight loss – that does not work for me- I gain and I loss and gain- enough- so I’m changing my focus to becoming STRONG!! I think this way I change from my focus from what not to eat but what I need to eat and do to become STRONG!! (my word for the year)
4- Goal Idea is do personal development everyday- and Invite God into my life Daily – I think I will move this one up- as it really will drive all else I do. And keep me focused – on all else I need to do-
I think now I need to get more specific and grow these some more. Any Ideas?
Thanks Laura for your response! I appreciate your guidance on this- I’m so excited to take action and I’m totally writing it out as you suggest!!
Lara- I just noticed I misspelled your name- I apologize – I have written out what you have suggested and am putting it in a couple of places!!
Working through the Powersheets has helped me really break down some of my goals, and I have realised that some of the things I thought I really wanted, I don’t – I only wanted it because people told me I should.
This has now opened up a whole new beginning for me – one where I get to be me! The real me!
Listening to your voice and your words has brought something out of me that I didn’t know was there, these past few days I have become so much most peaceful, my mind is calmer, and it is thanks to you, Lara!
You have led me back to the Lord, and to the Word, I have started reading the Bible – the first time I have looked at one since I was a little girl! And it has helped me far more than I thought possible! I am ever grateful to you for that!
It has also helped me look back at my goals, and set my word of the year, which is Change! If something isn’t working, or no longer fits in with you, you can change it! He will always have his path mapped out for you, so if you think something isn’t working, chances are you’ve wandered away from his path, and you can easily change direction, and find your way back!
I have been in a really dark place this past year, and you have been a shining light guiding me back to the path, to the right way, the true way, his way. Thank you so much Lara! -
Confession: This is the step (Set Good Goals) where I get stuck. Every year. Sigh.
But… I have decided that THIS is the year! 2016 is the year that I set good goals. That I pray, review, pray, write ideas, pray, goal check, pray, write my why, PRAY. (Intentional Prayer is definitely #1 on my Goal List.) I will set good goals because I have learned that not doing so – being paralyzed by fears, doubts, insecurities, and not moving on anything – gets me nowhere. And I want to go somewhere this year! Setting good goals is worth it. So worth it. Not just for me, but for my husband and for anyone else that my good goals might help or encourage.
Personal pep talk… check! So now, I’m going to intentionally and prayerfully dig in to the steps you have outlined and trust the little by little.Lara, thank you for doing the Periscopes this year! They are so encouraging and motivating. What I love most, is that they simplify the process. Your first one was so real and humbling and opened my eyes to the ease of working through my Workbook. It’s not big and scary, but a helpful and manageable tool. These videos and the blog posts are a HUGE blessing to me this year. Thank you!! Continuing to pray for your adoption process + family transitions along with your book writing.
P.S. I also have a (small) Meyer lemon tree. Not nearly as thriving as yours – a Louisiana tree in Massachusetts does not get lots of sun especially in our little west-facing home… But it is a sweet reminder of the annual celebration of my marriage. (My husband and I purchased it for our 4th – fruit – anniversary!) There was a time in late summer when we, very novice lemon tree growers, were not feeling too hopeful for it’s survival. I was ready to toss it because it looked so bare and sad… but my husband repeatedly said, “No… just wait.” We brought it inside for the winter and although we only got one very small lemon from it and cannot pollinate it due to there only being one bud… it is currently growing fresh, new leaves in spite of our less than ideal growing conditions. It is reminding me to Keep Going, Trust God, Act in Faith! Circumstances may seem hopeless at times, goals may feel out of reach, BUT God is good and He grows very good things from our seemingly small surrenders. And so, little lemon trees (ours is called Happy Tree) can in fact remind us of what matters most. 🙂
Thank you for your heart and words, Lara! -
My word is:truth
A facebook friend has been going through chemo treatments. When she posted about going in for her last treatment, I commented with some words of encouragement to brighten her day.
I know one goal this year will be to cultivate my community. I have been hiding, thinking I was ok alone, but I need people in my life. Another goal will be seeking God. I am just coming back to my faith, and I want to take baby steps and really learn who God is
I love these steps to create goals…I h have a few written down:
-“WORK” (my 2016 word), work on my marriage, my self confidence, changing habitual habits that hurt me, and change personality traits that hinder me from being true to myself
-move with my family to the west coast in OR
-get a raise at work and find work in OR
-get closer to GOD!!!So far a good start. If I write this out, I feel like you that it is more real than just writing it down, more of accountability for myself. I will be blogging this year about updates with this goal setting and would love for your opinion https://reknutson.wordpress.com
This has been the hardest part for me . I am still processing / praying what the Lords wants me to focus on…. I am getting ready to shut down all technology and take a leap of faith and write some goals. I often forget I can always revise them in 6 months.
Yes, yes! Loving all of this! I’m looking at 2016 in 3 month sections, which has made creating good goals so much easier! Praise the Lord for grace, grace, grace! Can’t wait to share more!
My goals for 2016 are:
* To become healthier, stronger; invest time in exercising.E.g. exercise 3 times a week.
* Invest in relationships, mine, my husbands, and our children. Getting messy in accepting playdates (when I would rather not due to that I’m tired from after work).Still working on the measurable part of this, i.e. number of playdates/week, dinner parties/week/month.
* De-clutter; to achieve a more relationship-friendly home.
* Extend and improve our house. -
1. To grow closer to god through church, worship, reading, and prayer.
2. To become healthy in terms of diet and exercise to stop eating junk! I am doing this by preparing meals, and getting up before work daily to exercise. -
I just found your website and it is exactly what I have been looking for to help me with my goals! I worked on all the steps so far:
Step 1) chasing contentment; being unfulfilled because I place importance in others
Step 2) my garden has some fake plants in it (smiles, responses, words) even though the Living Water flows through it – all to make everything appear good from the outside looking in.
Step 3) when I let go of the worry of trying to make everything work- I found that if I let God handle it He does handle it.
Step 4) there could be some major changes in my family – it’s the fear of the mess or what it could be.
Step 5) being submissive to conflict
Step 6) my Mama and my son
Step 7) Letting Go
Step 8) Yes: trusting God more, prayer, evident praise, reading the Bible, my church family, doing for myself, putting my relationship in priority (God, husband, children, family friends) No: keeping silent, saying yes when I mean no, giving up too easily, doubting myself (and God)
Step 9) GOAnd I just saw the scripture listed below: There is no fear in love…1 John 4:18- Thanks for the reminder
When I read this post, I was in no way, shape or form ready to write out my goals, and I’m still trying to figure out exactly what my goals will be. I have some broad ideas – now I’m in the middle of trying to narrow them down a bit. I work on a college campus in university housing, and we were training student staff and opening halls for the past week, so I haven’t had too much of an opportunity to think about me and what I want out of the year. Now that all of craziness has come to an end, I’m excited to take some time over the next few days to focus on me a bit and decide and pray on what I want this year to look like.
I am still working on expanding my goal ideas to be more specific, but I already feel more confident in seeing this year’s goals through. The why behind the goals is so clear now, and it’s motivating!
Goal ideas:
Feed my soul
Why: Because it is eternal, and when my soul is fed, I can best feed the other gardens of my life!
Keep reading through the NT plan I have on my phone.
Print Psalm 103 by mirror, nursing chair, and sink to memorize.
Listen to more worship music and sing along!
Pray aloud in the car.Feed my marriage
Why: Because it is the most important relationship I have on earth.
Show physical affection to my husband at least 1x/day.
Initiate with my husband at least 1x/week.Feed my son
Why: Because he is growing and learning so fast, and I want to help him and enjoy him.
Tummy time & 1 book/story per day minimum with Owen.Feed my friendships
Why: Because God created us with a need for fellowship and community, and it is worth making sacrifices for.
Schedule time with friends regularly.
Foster deeper relationships with the YG girls.Simplify my life by being disciplined.
Why: Being disciplined and intentional will help me to prepare better so like the P31 woman I can be confident that my home and work life are well tended to, and so my husband and I can feel more calm and less frantic/distracted. Little habits like these will lead to a calmer lifestyle, even when we are so busy.
Declutter and organize (starts with the Christmas tree!)
Wake up at 6 daily, or if they baby gets up before that, then stay up.
Use Trello to track my tasks and progress.
Use Thursdays & Fridays as a carefully planned preparation day so I don’t have to work on Saturdays or Sundays, allowing me to truly REST on the weekends. This one is key!
Ask for Mom, Noel, or Paula as babysitters once a week or every other week to get some solid work time in.
When I fill my car with gas, get rid of trash. (And don’t wait until I’m below empty to fill up!)
Dishes after dinner when Scott cooks, and be willing to do them even if I cooked so he can do homework/grade.
Crockpot meal 1-2x/week.
Fold our clothes as we go at the Davidsons’ house.
Put away folded clothing on Tuesdays.
Iron Scott’s clothing the night before, or in batches.
“Bank” hours early in the week/pay-period.
Actually use my clock-in app to track my work.
Give myself 10 more minutes than what feels necessary to get packed up and out of the house/work. It’s better to be early than late!
Plan outfits the night before, or at least on Saturday nights so Sunday is easier.Reopen Etsy shop
Why: I want to contribute financially to my family even more in this time of schooling, and then help tackle the debt when Scott does get a job. -
Setting actual goals has been the hardest part for me. I have general improvements I want to make but it’s hard to make specific. measurable goals when all I want for this year is to work on me.
This is so exciting. Work back through them!
What a beautifully generous giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity.
I love that this goal focuses on how it will affect others!
Coming up with “Goal Ideas” was the hardest part of the entire Powersheets Prep for me. Writing down things I’m passionate about, how I’m currently feeling, and how I want life to be when I’m 80 is easy – figuring how I’m going to get there is the hard part! I decided that baby steps, not grande jetes, are the best way to get there. Goal #1: Trust God’s truth.
I also encouraged my friend Robyn today – we’re both fasting with our church for the next few weeks. (Husbands are great, but girlfriend accountability and encouragement is even better sometimes.) We’re trusting God to move mountains!
1. Create a healthy and positive morning routine. How: Waking up each morning and not reaching for my phone until I’ve — spent time with my husband before he goes to work, spend time digging into the Word, exercising through yoga by stretching my body awake and then taking time to plan out the day intentionally. Why: I feel that starting my day with quality time with the Lord and my husband will promote a healthy faith and a healthy marriage. I can conquer a lot with both of those!
2. Making and keeping a Sabbath — How: It might not look like every Sunday (as in keeping that calendar day sacred), but it will look like intentionally carving time each week to make space and margin to rest and thank God for renewing my strength for the week ahead. Why: I found that when I tried to run off of fumes from my own strength, I became irritable and exhausted. By carving a Sabbath out each week, I hope to create peace and strength for the week ahead!
3. Following my creative passions. How: Collaborating with business partners to launch our small business this year. Why: I know the Lord has placed dreams and passions inside of me and I want trust in the direction He takes me with them all the while enjoying it, because it’s what I love!
My main goal – look more like Jesus than I did in 2015. Love Him harder.
I also want to establish a housekeeping system here at home. I’ve been a SAHM for four years now, but I just can’t seem to develop a system that works & keeps the house looking presentable. I need to be organized with my time because I work from home, and it’s important to me that my kids don’t end up sacrificing time with me because I can’t leave my work at the office or because I’ve failed to manage my time appropriately and have to clean. So that’s a big goal for 2016 – time management, I guess.
I hear you on the housekeeping system, Mary! When you find out something that works, please share with me – kameyashows@gmail.com
Thank you!
Goals for 2016
1. Start debt snowball and pay off 50 percent of my debts.
2. Launch my mobile app
3. Help my DS achieve his IEP goals
4. To get closer to God with daily bible study
5. Finish Soul Detox reading plan -
The theme around everything I have written so far is growth and living in my purpose. I’ve always walked confidently in all that I’ve done. The past year has been a major shift that has left me uncertain. Working my way back to my God-given purpose is my main focus for this year
purpose, not perfect….i will not be able to to answer with all my steps intact! sad, I am, but then i evaluated, did i really need anything from the giveaway… i have ordered Make It Happen, the power sheets (feb.) with binder and I am content. One of my challenges this year is to read one book a month so i will jot down a few of the give away titles and go spend time with my Husband of many moons. Blessings to you and prayers for all the transition in your life 🙂 hugs and congrats to Grace on being a big sister!
Narrowing down my goals is what’s proving to be hard for me – determining good from Great and not chasing to many rabbits.
What an awesome giveaway!!!
Also quite glad to see that you’re walking us through PowerSheets!
Ok so I actually started answering these questions on a day to day basis, sort of as I read the blog post… but then I stopped…thinking I’d get back to it and I didn’t. SO today is the last day to enter and you much have answered ALL the steps to be eligible. Here it goes, I am going do one post with all the steps completed. That means I will be re-answering the few I already did, but since they weren’t all together it was probably hard to follow.{and I know my answering won’t be 100% the same. & that’s ok.}
STEP ONE: What have you been chasing?
I have been chasing “perfection” & “success” and I’d say those both come with control issues. And no matter what I do, I’m left feeling less than perfect. And there’s a constant feeling that my life is a big failure. It is very emotionally/mentally/physically draining to not feel good enough.
STEP TWO: How are you? I feel weak and exhausted. Burnt out. I am tired of fighting a losing battle. I have been able to see areas were I’m more likely to focus on the negatives instead of the positives. And when my focus is on failures that is just spiral that leads to feeling of no self worth, or purpose in life and major regrets. Which is never a good place to be. Im also wondering when the break is going to come from being at rock bottom and think that is was all in GREAT timing that I cam across this blog and challenge.
STEP THREE: What worked in 2015? One of the things I was most happy about was boyfriend finally moved to the city! Were are in the same place and no longer long distance & he came right at a time I really needed a shoulder to cry on. God’s timing was perfect. So sharing life with him has been working. Getting plugged in at church helped me plant some seeds. Opening my bible and finding God’s truth to combat the lies that creep into my head. Biggest thing I did to help this was I made a list of “facts” about me {ie. Im female, baby of the family, etc} and then I wrote the “lies” that each one of those “facts” can lead to. Then in another column I wrote “God’s truth” about the fact & the scripture(s) that referenced it. I carry it my purse and look at it at least once a day. Also what worked for me was transparency. No more “little lies”/cover-ups for folks in my family. I’ve stopped hiding. I also got to dance more and it was nice to be back in class for me, instead of just teaching dance classes.
Surrender was my word for 2015 & I really was trying to let go and let God, but I know there were areas I didn’t let go. I finally got a job with health insurance that is covered! There’s a feeling that I’m finally getting on God’s path for my life
STEP FOUR: If I stopped chasing “perfect” there would be less emotional negativity and I feel like I would have my light / laughter back in life. My fruits of the spirit would be in a major abundance instead a drought. My “messy 2016” looks like I’m living life each day, instead of trying to make it through each day. Stress and worry would not be written on my face, but instead my eyes would show resilience, hope and peace. I would not be obsessive but more laid back. There would be more adventure, sharing time with folks instead of putting off relationships. Mostly it would look like FREEDOM and living in God’s purpose not for my own.
STEP FIVE: What hasn’t been working in 2015? What hindered you from living on purpose? Worrying. Trying to control things that are out of my control. Clutter/disorganization. Bad money habits and an over abundance of stuff. Not making time to spend with people, being “too busy”.
STEP SIX: Who helped you cultivate what matters in 2015? My frined Meredith. The women’s bible study group from church – Erin, Jo, Colleen, Tamera, Liza, Jen……My mother.
STEP 8: Write your list of what you are saying YES to in 2016 and what you are saying NO to.
Im saying YES to: starting my day with reading some scripture, even if it’s on my phone from an app. Staying plugged in at church {finding some women to keep me accountable}. Growing my fruits of the spirit {peace patience love joy kindness self control}.To getting money / budget sorted. Making sure to tithe 10% and put 10% into savings. God being my strength. Try to get meal plans together but never go to grocery store without a list. Trying new recipes. Once a week, finding some area to de-clutter and THROW AWAY unnecessary paper. To get rid of clothes I don’t wear/ trim down my closet. Organization/labels. Starting to get craft supplies in some sort of functional order. Open an etsy shop. Say yes to keeping in-touch with people who im thankful for. To laughter, growth, and purpose in God.
I will be saying NO to: lies my head tells me. To buying things I don’t really need. Rising my voice when my father elevates his for no reason. Say no to worry.STEP 9: Pick a core word for 2015. My word for 2015 was SURRENDER and this year for 2016 my core word is CULTIVATE = growth
there are so many areas to let God in and let my life blossom from His goodness/faithfulness.I feel like the exhaustion from the day is clouding my thoughts and I’m not getting my words across. but I hope some of it makes sense.
God had me stumble upon this website for a reason. -
I am a self professed paper geek who loves all things paper and pen! I also love having tools to aid me in my organization process. I believe God is a God of order and desires for us to live a life of order to ensure we live a life of peace. I love your tools which have been instrumental in my spiritual journey as well as my organizational planning!
Omg. Amazing!,, I have been unable to start this with more goals that need to be accomplished than time. What a blessing. Thank you so so much!
I am already feeling like life is too busy to get to spend as much time with my powersheets as I had wanted. Realistically, how many days of the week do you try to devote to your power sheets, brainstorming, planning, etc?