Hi and welcome to the fifth annual Make It Happen Goal Setting series! This year is going to be a little different. And we are on the way to see my parents in Florida for the week as I type this, so forgive any typos!
First though, some news : )
After two years of praying, we have been chosen for our adoption. Lord willing, we will be welcoming our littlest girl in late February or early March (due March 6th). We are feeling all the feelings: excited, scared, nervous, and in awe of God’s plans. We are still in shock and don’t totally know how to feel yet, but every time Ari and I look at each other with the look of, How in the world are we going to take care of two babies and a busy Grace!?, we remind each other that it’s not about us. Never in a million years would we have envisioned adopting, or even having kids together, when we first met ten years ago. God had far better plans than us. He will equip us–and part of that might be breaking us along the way in order to build us back up again. Where we can’t, He can. Thank you to the countless friends who have been praying through our journey. We ask for your continued prayers as we prepare our hearts and home, prayers for our expectant mother, and for the little one growing inside of her. Thank you in advance for praying alongside us!
I lack a worthy transition here, but it still feels right in step. I’ve declared 2016, The Year of Getting Messy — embracing imperfect grace-filled progress. Why? Every time I have found myself chasing “perfect,” I’ve felt anxiety creep up. When I fear not being enough, I strive and try to control things, and it gets me nowhere. The chase for perfect—trying to rise to an unattainable standard—has been known to wake me up at 3am. It makes me a distracted mom, wife, and friend, because my head is somewhere else. I lose patience. I rush around trying to do it all. Everyone around me feels rushed too. I start to expect bad things to happen because life feels cattywompus and out of my control. I lose hours and days of my life to worry. I don’t use my days well. I wind up exhausted. When I find myself chasing perfect, I forget this truth: my worth doesn’t depend on someone else’s approval, or my own abilities, or an anything you can see with your eyes. Are you with me?
Chasing Perfect from Twenty-One Films on Vimeo.
You can’t simultaneously do it all and do life well.
Let that sprout in your heart for a minute. You cannot do it all and do life well.
But you can choose to cultivate what matters. And that means letting go and making a mess at times.
Gardening without getting your hands dirty is like trying to run with your running shoes sitting pretty in your closet. I’ve tried this, stepping out into the tomato vines in white pants, thinking I’ll just pick a few fire-red fruits, prune a couple rogue vines, and walk away dirt-less. Doesn’t happen. No matter how hard I try. And you know what? I end up missing the JOY of what the garden calls me to: being fully present right where I am. Hands, heart, mind, feet — all of me present and grateful. Content in the mess. There is freedom in the imperfect, friend. I can’t hold my iPhone and plant seeds at the same time. Watering my zinnias doesn’t happen if I’ve got my head somewhere else. I end up watering the car or the pavement, wasting life-giving nutrients. Keeping my pants clean isn’t possible when pruning ‘matoes (as we call them). Have you seen the jungle of our yellow pear vines? They were over twenty feet tall this year! The garden begs for my full attention, and when I give it, the garden grows.
Planting seeds is risky. It’s putting our whole trust in something bigger than us. It’s letting go. I know that, to plant these seeds, I first have to stop and break through the ground. I have to get my hands dirty in the soil — and that takes two undistracted hands.
Getting messy—embracing imperfect progress and taking physical steps forward even though it’s risky and scary and unknown—that’s where the good stuff happens.
And that’s where we are starting this year. Together, we’re going to break through the hard ground of winter to plant good seeds. We’re going to step into the imperfect and have some fun! This is Grace-Filled Goal Setting, with open hands. Let’s invite in the mess and unearth the good stuff. Ready to choose purpose over perfect? Me too!
Here’s what you can expect in this series: I’m going to walk through a small sampling of the steps from my book and the PowerSheets, and some extras we’ve never done before!
If you are using the PowerSheets: Everything you need is in there! You’ll see some steps from the PowerSheets here in my blog series, but you have lots of extra steps too : ) UPDATED: If you missed out on the SOLD OUT PowerSheets, we just opened pre-orders for our next shipment! Get yours here.
If you are reading my book: It was written for this season of goal setting. Get messy and write all over your paperback copy. This book was designed to be an action book, not just a reading book. Section Four is the Action Guide that walks through faith-based goal setting steps. You can order a copy here in paperback, e-book, Kindle, or audiobook. If you are blogging your Make it Happen journey, you can get lots of free downloadable graphics to use here.
Speaking of downloads, I asked my publisher if I could give you a free download of the first part of my book to encourage you in your goals this year, and they said yes! Thank you, team Thomas Nelson! Download it HERE. Enjoy : )
If you are using both the Make It Happen book + PowerSheets together: I designed them to work together. This is the best combo. When you get to Section Four of the book, work through the PowerSheets along with that section. Up to you, though! You can do this however you like.
Do you need either of these to have an intentional year? No, but my prayer is that these tools help you. If you do this blog series and only have scrap paper handy to write your answers, that’s great too : ) It’s not about the perfect stuff, it’s about how you USE what you have.
Take action. This is the key to this series. As we go through each step together, use the comment area here to leave your answers or write them in your PowerSheets or a journal. But, don’t just think them. Thinking them doesn’t count. Write them out and, if you want accountability, leave them boldly here in the comments. I want to cheer you on, and this year I’m going to leave some of my answers in the comments too! Friends, help me out here and cheer each other on, too. You never know who how your words might change someone! And if you need an extra kick in the pants to make it happen, I have a giveaway at the end that might encourage you : )
STEP ONE: What have you been chasing? Do you feel like you are “chasing perfect” in some ways—attempting to measure up to an impossible standard? Write or type here what you have been chasing, and how that has been making you feel. Maybe you’ve been chasing success, significance, or approval. Maybe you’ve been trying to keep up, survive, or just get through. Whatever you’ve been chasing, name it boldly and know that you are not alone. To name your chase is to destroy it.
STEP TWO: How are you? Vulnerability is where change begins. In order to leap into the new, we first must know where we are leaping from. The golden question: How are you? Allow yourself to be vulnerable and write or say the things that feel sticky. Your worries today can directly affect what you write next, so don’t shove them under the table. Acknowledge them. Reply in the comments, or on paper right now.
And don’t get stuck in the negative soil. Have grace with yourself and think about what you’re grateful for in each category along with the challenges! Include thoughts about what is good in each area, too! For instance, as for my feelings about money: I have become more skilled at managing money, but I’ve been challenged by contentment and emotional spending.
Here are some prompts to help you (and a free printable here!):
Be still with your feelings—whatever they may be—without trying to change them or push them away immediately. Let’s get to know the ground you’ll be planting in. Maybe it needs some new soil or fresh nutrients. Whatever it is, evaluate where you are first in order to know how to leap to what’s next!
STEP THREE: What worked in 2015? Now let’s take a look back at the last year. What grew well and produced fruit in your life? What are you grateful for from the last twelve months? What good things happened? I know this can be a challenging step for many. We don’t like counting our blessings because it may feel self-indulgent or like it won’t get us anywhere fast, or perhaps you are thinking that there were no good things that happened! It’s easy to look back at an entire year and see only the yucky parts, like when something happens to you at the end of the day and you automatically call it a bad day, regardless of what happened the other twenty-three hours.
Let’s do a little digging! A few tips to unearth the good stuff:
1. Talk to your significant other or a close friend about your year and ask him or her to reflect some of the highlights back to you. He or she may remember some that you have forgotten! This is also a wonderful way to celebrate the good things of the past year with others. Make it your dinner conversation tonight. (I made some free Celebration Meal printables for you in cool colors here or warm colors here!)
2. Take a look back at your calendar, blog posts (if you blog), social media updates, or photos. Those might give you a clue into some of the highlights you’ve forgotten.
3. As you reflect on the good things this past year, say thank you to those people who were a part of them. Whether through texts, e-mails, phone calls, or physical letters, make gratitude happen! If you want a special gratitude letter to send to the people you love, print one out here.
Here is my own list from my PowerSheets, and a few extras I uncovered going through my calendar and talking to Ari : )
– This was my first year with a new name, and I am so grateful to be Mrs. Isaacson!
– I began the year pregnant with Joshua and we became active in our adoption process.
– I can’t believe it’s been a year since I released Make it Happen. I wasn’t prepared for the post-book PR push, but I learned a lot and am grateful for it.
– We decided to partner with Love One Another Project. We love you, Carol and Brian!
– The Office Reno happened!
– In January, we began interviewing for a new team member. More on how that turned out at the end of this list, because it took up till last Friday!
– Ari and I did an eight-week Marriage Dynamics class through our church, and it was awesome.
– We released a new shop website and brand in February!
– IF local was life-changing.
– Our local community of friends was incredible this year. So many new relationships cultivated through our family group, “Tuesday” group, mamas group (I love you Alison, Kayte, Emily, Andrea, Bryce, Lauren, Natalie, Janel, Marie, and Andrea!), Ladies Bible Bunch and lots more.
– The garden. I don’t have words. I planned to do more flowers this year, knowing I wouldn’t be able to prune tomatoes and care for as many veggies with a new baby this year. It was glorious. The bees and butterflies and goldfinches were magical!
– The Making Things Happen Conference. I can’t even call it a conference anymore. It’s an experience, and this year—both in the spring and fall—it was life-changing.
– We led our annual Passover dinner together, which has been such a joy the last few years. I love seeing Ari teach and I double love how much Grace loves Passover!
– I did a Skype call with Anne Austin and her girl scout troupe. It was my favorite “speaking” I’ve done all year. Anne, you are a gift and I hope Grace grows up to be as joy-filled and focused on the Lord as you are!
– Blogging my goals and PowerSheets progress definitely worked. It kept me accountable! Goal progress: March, April, May, June, July, August.
– This was a milestone year for me with Southern Weddings. There was no way around this, but I had a baby right as our busiest season with magazine prep began. I’ve done layout for each issue and image selection every year… except this one. I had to let go, trust, and I prayed for my team. God listened and they created what I think is our best issue yet! I hadn’t even seen a proof until the week before we went to press. Nicole knocked it out of the park with design, Emily and Lisa created some of the most meaningful content I’ve ever seen or read, and Marissa and Kristin brought the issue to life with our best sponsor pages ever. It’s just so good and I am so grateful!
– In the summer, I got a call from Lysa TerKeurst that changed everything. She brought her team over to my house and we learned and shared and a friendship sprouted. Lysa is someone I greatly admire for her business acumen and deep love for God. That first meeting with her team changed the way we do business, and it encouraged me to keep going with my writing. Thank you, Lysa!
– Our second-annual Team Retreat was powerful
– I could write an entire blog post about this, but Lisa’s wedding was a highlight of my year.
– And then Em told us she was pregnant during a staff meeting. I am pretty sure I threw my phone across the room (accidentally!) in joy! She is going to be such a great mom.
– We took a family trip to Jamaica and I read Interrupted. Both of these things changed us. See here.
– In the way back from Jamaica, God had a little surprise. Right as we got through US customs, I heard, “Lara!!!” Low and behold, there was Renee Swope. This was such a God thing. I had just told Ari that I wished I had a mentor and someone to encourage me in my writing. He brought me Renee. We have become dear friends and she has most definitely encouraged me. I love you friend!
– Fruitful Summer! It. Was. Awesome. I enjoyed creating and living this summer series about relationships so much. You can download the entire 100+ page magazine after signing up for my newsletter in the sidebar of this blog : )
– Nicole and I spent countless hours redesigning, testing, and dreaming about the 2016 PowerSheets. This was the first year we incorporated color, offered a bound version, offered full year versions, added stickers, and I rewrote and changed literally every page to make it even more fun and meaningful. We had no idea we would sell out so fast. We couldn’t order more in time for the new year, so if you missed out this year, do this series and grab a copy of my book. And be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter so you are the first to know when the 2017 PowerSheets are available in the fall! UPDATED: If you missed out on the SOLD OUT PowerSheets, we just opened pre-orders for our next shipment! Get yours here.
– I spoke at the Influence Network’s Creative Women’s Summit. This was humbling. I was nervous to speak alongside Lysa and Jess who are seasoned and gifted speakers. I sat on a stool on stage with my notes and Joshua in my belly and did my best, but I left feeling like speaking just wasn’t my thing. I felt doubt and lack and I had to let go and sit in those feelings of inadequacy. I was reminded once again of Moses. Moses is my homeboy. He felt inadequate and told God he couldn’t speak to Pharaoh. I feel you Moses! But, God helped him and history changed because of it. God used an imperfect man to lead an entire people to freedom. I’m no Moses, but we serve the same God who makes the impossible possible. That speaking experience reminded me that it’s not about my ability; it’s about His power.
– I really enjoyed the consulting and coaching I did this year. I got to know some incredible women, and saw their businesses and lives soar!
– Come summer, we were still deep in the interview process. We had gone through over 300 resumes and done over 30 interviews by that point. But, we still hadn’t found the right match. So we started over and reposted the job description with new details! I prayed and prayed and prayed some more that God would bring the right person to us. His answer was completely unexpected! More in a bit…
– Blueberry picking in, Grace’s love of swimming, being out in the garden, hosting house church in July, new friends, time with friends on my couch talking about life and praying together, and summer BBQ’s including a memorable team dinner — all worked. I love summer in Chapel Hill!
– I haven’t shared this yet, but it’s worth noting. TLC was interested in doing a TV show about our little office. The production company was lovely and kind and it seemed like a wonderful and meaningful fit, but we decided to say no and stay small. I am grateful for that decision. Our lives and lifestyles might have changed in a way that would alter the sweetness of our company culture, and we didn’t want that to happen. : )
– After years of this season being bananas in my house with boxes and people helping us pack orders, something had to change. Last Christmas, my parents came to visit and we couldn’t get to the dining room table for all the boxes. We spent months searching for a solution that would still allow us to have a personal connection with our customers. We found a great fulfillment team right down the road! The shop moved out of my house and we can still bring handwritten notes to them to include in orders when needed. There are still links to work out, but I am so grateful to not have constant shipping madness here!
– I had Joshua : ) That worked. He is wonderful. Read his name story here, birth story here, and thoughts on life after baby here.
– I had to stop eating soy, dairy, and eggs for his sensitive little body, which has been a pretty challenging life change at times. I basically eat chicken for four of my 6-8 little meals a day (I’ve long been a frequent eater!). But, it has made me eat a lot more whole foods and I discovered Vega. I. Love. Vega.
– I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and got rid of 1/3 of our stuff and most of the clothes in my closet!
– I prayed and prayed about what to do with Grace’s preschool this year. We didn’t have a great experience last year, so it was a risk to keep going and try a new class and new teachers. I prayed for months and God gave me His answer at the very last minute, two weeks before school started. And Gracie loves her new class AND we looooooove her new teachers. They are stellar! Yay God and yay for preschool!
– We celebrated a wonderful issue launch, new product launch, and a powerful MTH all in the span of two weeks.
– I’m excited to share this one. After almost a year of praying and 500+ resumes and leaps of faith and endless hours of conversation as a team, we invited two lovely women to join our team last week, and they have accepted! More to come on these dynamic women (two familiar faces to some of you!) and this whole process in the weeks to come. I’m bursting at the seams with praise for God! It is a pretty crazy and unmistakably God story how this all happened!
– Letting friends into our home and hearts worked. Last night we had our friends Jonathan and Talia over for my birthday. We talked about our kids and marriages and how we can all be better in the new year. It was so life-giving. I am grateful for new friends and vulnerable conversation. Thank you, Lord!
Good things ahead (bonus if you want to include this!):
– After writing this series to you, I’m literally shutting off my email for two months to write book 2. I’m excited and know these two months will be worth it!
– Our new team coming together after this year of prayer and waiting on His perfect plan to unfold. The good we will be able to do for others (like you!) excites me.
– Our adoption. I anticipate some of you will have questions about how you can help us. Pray! We ask that instead of any physical gifts that you pray for us and encourage us in the Word. That is the best gift we could get. Specifically, the prayers I listed in the beginning of this post, and pray for my intense time of writing ahead. My deadline for my manuscript is March 1, but we may have a new baby before then, so I have a lot ahead of me. Pray that my inbox stays empty and my heart stays full of Him as I write. I will have to ignore most text messages too and that will be hard for me as I love connecting with others. Please pray for my focus. Pray for Ari and Grace as we all prepare our hearts and our home for this little girl. Pray that each step would glorify Him. Thank you for these gifts!
– Ari and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage shortly after welcoming this little girl into our lives. We had planned to have a big celebration, but we are putting it on hold now. We will likely have a newborn!
– This year ahead, I’ll be releasing my second book, couples PowerSheets (yay!), and praying about homeschooling Grace for kindergarten in 2017.
– And God could change ALL of this! But, as I’ve learned, His plans are always better than mine!
I’ll be sharing more on Periscope today!
Once you have your list of what worked, name three lessons you learned from what worked. For example, in my life there were many times last year that great things happened when I let go of control—whether getting on my knees (literally) to surrender in prayer to God, letting someone else lead, or letting myself make a mess. The lesson for me was a big one: let go. Surrender. Humble yourself. That’s where change begins.
Your turn! Write your own list of good things. What are you most grateful for from 2015? Write it in your PowerSheets if you have reached that section, or write it in a journal. Either way, I encourage you to share some of your 2015 gratitude in the comments to encourage others! And remember this: There is no room for comparison in making what matters happen. Whether you had one good thing happen or twenty, celebrate the good stuff and let’s help each other do the same. Let’s turn comparison into compassion and cheering on : )
OK, that’s it for today and that’s plenty to work on. I’ll be back Wednesday with more! Take your time with this and remember PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. This is not about writing the perfect list with a perfect pen. It’s just about honesty about where you are so you can get to what’s next. This is a process that will have a big payoff, but you have to commit to working through it. Be still and let your 2016 goals bake, like a pan of homemade hot cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They wouldn’t be so flaky and yummy zapped quickly in the microwave, would they? They’d end up a big pile of mushy dough. I’m not going to hand you your 2016 goals; we’re going to do this right and bake them well together. Sound good? Awesome! Get to it!
Need an extra kick in the pants? How about this for motivation? Welcome to the Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway! There are lots of prizes and fun ways to enter. Most of all, though, I hope you comment with your answers from each step as we go through this series. I can’t wait to read your answers, and share mine with you too! One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: A (spiral bound) One-Year PowerSheets Workbook. Yep! I have two left in the office, and one of you is getting one! I’m determined to motive you to dig in with me on these powerful steps : )
1. A set of 2016 PowerSheets with a Make It Happen binder and colorful tab stickers
2. Five prints of your choice from the Lara Casey Shop
3. The Finishing School by Valerie Metrejean
4. The Make it Happen audio book, recorded by yours truly!
5. A Journaling Bible (NIV)
6. Five Make it Happen journals
7. Artist’s Loft Fundamentals Watercolor Set
8. Two tubs of Vega Protein and Greens + a Vega shaker cup. Bonus: sign up for a free Vega account to get $15, and I’ll get $15 too!
9. Ashley Brooke Too Legit water bottle
10. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?! 10 2016 Simplified Planners (pineapple daily edition). Yes, TEN of them! Lots of chances to win!
11. What good shall I do this day? sign from Best Made Co
12. Five Make it Happen books
13. Jonathan Adler Grapefruit Candle
– (Not pictured, but so fun!) $25 Amazon gift card for books. Some suggestions: Anything, Restless, The Best Yes
, A Confident Heart, The Fringe Hours, or anything on Nancy Ray’s Book Club list.
14. The Write the Word journal collection – volume 1, 2, and 3!
15. Val Marie Paper Prayer Journal
16. Naptime Diaries print of your choice
17. In the Wait study by Holly Holt
18. Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
19. How to Study Scripture E-Book by Jane Johnson
20. Make it Count 2016 Bible journaling kit from Illustrated Faith
Why am I doing this? I know God put me here on this earth for many reasons, and He has made it clear that one of those reasons it to motivate people to take action on what matters most. I want you — yes YOU — to make what matters happen in your life. So, help me spread the word and let’s get all our friends in on this for accountability! Making things happen is always better when shared. Here’s to a meaningful, purpose-filled 2016 — I am cheering you on friends!
There are 41 prizes, which means 41 chances to win! Your odds are good : ) Giveaway ends January 13th. Winners will be announced on January 15th here on the blog. Shipping some of these items can get costly, so hard goods are for US entrants only. Lots of digital prize options though for my international friends! If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! : ) Also, this post contains some Amazon affiliates links. No extra cost to you, but it helps us raise funds for Love One Another Project!
Ready for the next post? Go to Part 2 here.
keep reading
This is amazing! 🙂
I can’t wait to follow along on this series! 2016 is going to be such an amazing year!
I am working through these now! I’m excited for the new year!
So amazed by this process. These sheets are the best way to start making 2016 a great year!
Love Lara Casey and all her intentional encouragement!
I am ready to let go and accept my imperfections. I want to live and enjoy every moment for what it is.
Thank you, Lara, for all of your encouragement through this process! This is my first year doing Powersheets and you have been so helpful! I can’t wait to see what else you will do in this series! Also, I will pray for you throughout your adoption! That is so exciting! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your exciting news & encouraging words. Excited to Make Things Happen in 2016!
This sounds like just what this senior lady needs!
Happy New Year Lara! Can’t wait to dive into my powersheets. My word for this year is PEACE. 2015 was a tumultuous year for our family. This year, PEACE – in everythign I do, every decision I make…I choose PEACE. I can’t wait to read your adoption story. You are all in my prayers.
I have jumped into my Poersheets and loving them so far. This year is going to be amazing!
I am so happy I attended MTH this fall. I love your heart Lara!
Love this, Lara! Always grateful for your words & encouragement.
I absolutely love this!!! I have been diving into the book and the powersheets pretty intensely the past couple days and I can’t wait for 2016 to be my year!
What a great opportunity! The new year is such a great time to get intentional!
GRACE not PERFECTION. I cannot wait for 2016. While changes in my life have been slowly happening, a new year always brings this sense of revitalization. Happy New Year to you and your family, Laura!
I’m so happy that a good friend told me about you, your book, and PowerSheets . I know 2016 is going to be amazing!
2016 is going to be a FULL year! I would love to try powersheets for the first time!
I cannot wait to begin with these, 2016 is going to be an amazing year !
So fun….extra motivation for goal setting with power sheets!
Feeling down over infertility issues. So needed to see this post to help try to give me some needed motivation. Here’s to 2016.
Excited to start 2016 with a fresh start!! thank you for this series!
Congratulations on your adoption, Lara! Thanks for posting all of these 2016 goal setting goodies and inspiration. Good luck with writing the new book!
Love this Lara! Thank you for being so transparent and encouraging us to be intentional about looking back and looking forward and digging in deep for 2016!
What an amazing set a gifts!! Happy New Years to you, your family and friends!
Congratulations on your new addition to your family. 2015 was a rough year. Looking forward to 2016.
So thrilled to be here and be part of this incredible journey!
I can’t wait to kick off 2016 on the right foot! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Thank you, Lara, for all your positive encouragement and your willingness to help others live their best life. I’m excited to follow the series and can’t wait to use my Powersheets! God bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help us with making 2016 the best year ever!!! I really look forward to this series and truly making a difference in my life!!
I look forward to this series every year! Thank you for doing it!
Thank you so much for this series! I’ve been trying for so long to find something that works for me, in terms of goal planning, and I stumbled across Lara Casey by sheer accident. However, I choose to believe there are no accidents in life and I was supposed to find this site, the series, the Powersheets, and the book. Faith, my relationships, work, play, and finances are all going to be factored into my goal planning this year. First stop? To leave perfection at the doorstep and not allow its negative aspects into my life. Thank you again for this opportunity and many prayers for your 2016 journey!
I always enjoy your goal-setting series, Lara!!
So encouraging! Makes me happy happy for a New Year! : )
What a bunch of fun prizes! I’m looking forward to 2016 and seeing what God has in store.
Such an inspiring post! I’m looking forward to intentional goal setting this year.
New to your site via someone I follow on Instagram. Thrilled to have discovered you! My 2016 word is nourish. What better way to nourish than by starting the new year reading your book & using the power sheets? Thank you!
Loving the power sheets ! Happy New Years !!
I’ve been waiting for this post!!! Totally pumped to see the rest of the series. Thanks for being so motivating, Lara!
This is the year for me – I am so excited to start out 2016 on the right foot!!!
I’m still in the prep process of my PowerSheets but this series is amazing. Thank you 🙂
<3 excited for your life changes Lara!
I love this!! 🙂 I love these powersheets so much! It’s my goal to save to get them!
Very awesome giveaways to help boost 2016!! #Inspire
Lara, your words have been such a source of inspiration for me this year. Fruitful Summer changed how I approach my friendships, and I cannot wait to read the Make It Happen book I got for Christmas. Best of luck to you in 2016!
So fun. Excited about 2016
I got my sister PowerSheets for her Christmas gift. They were definitely a hit 🙂
I just discovered your Powersheets – a little too late as they were already sold out in your store! I would love a set for 2016.
I hope you and yours have a Happy and Peaceful New Year!
Thank you for the encouragement to look back on 2015. Sometimes I feel like a lot of things didn’t work this year, and I’m excited to see how God will use that to grow something new in 2016.
This is BEYOND encouraging. What an exciting way to begin a new year by review the previous. I am so encouraged by your write in the word journal that I got for Christmas. What a blessing you are! Excited for this series and for the giveaway!
Our pastor’s Christmas sermon was about Jesus coming to earth to get messy, and then I found your blog! I think God wants my 2016 to be messy!
LARA! So many AMAZING things in this post. I could comment on every single one, but instead I will focus on my top two:
– Saying no to TLC: I commend you on making this choice! Not because I dislike TLC (I like this channel very much), but I think it’s awesome you declined this opportunity to stay true to the business you have built. I am sure this was not an easy decision and y’all talked about it extensively. Bravo!
– Couples PowerSheets! OMG. Literally just texted my husband about this and we are SO FREAKING excited! He loved watching me go through the PowerSheets this year… I know that we’ll have so much fun doing this in 2016!
One more thing! As y’all develop new PowerSheets in the future, I think it’d be a great idea to somehow make the Tending List removable from the bound version. Maybe perforated card stock? Just a thought!
Thank you for EVERYTHING that you do for this community. We love you for it.
WOW What an awesome giveaway! Any of the items would be so beneficial!!! Looking forward to this New Year!
Hey Lara, I’m super excited to be kicking off 2016 with my MTH powersheets, with a whole lot of realistic progress not perfect goals! Thanks for your encouragement and the MTH program. I can’t wait to see all the Lord is going to do through my MTH goals for the ministry of She Believes this year! Love it!! xoxo BethAnn
You have shaped the way I live my life and allowed me to chase grace, you’re almost like my internet mama. I’m so humbled every time I read your posts, your book, the power sheets, etc. I know that life is messy, and difficult, and sometimes downright frustrating, but with these tools I can live with purpose.
Oh, Lara,
I love this post. Especially the encouragement to be fully present where you are!The thing I have been chasing most is a relationship. That’s hard to write and admit sometimes, but it’s true. I am 32 and single and have prayed and prayed for a Godly relationship that would lead to a Godly marriage. But for His own reasons and purposes, God has chosen for me to remain in singleness.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned this year is that there is power in TRYING LESS and TRUSTING MORE.
I cannot change my singleness (at least not if I want God’s best for me), and when I try to control things in my life — especially that — I find that I feel both discouraged and discontent. I want to chase after HIM instead, choosing Him above all other things and accepting His gifts to me with gratitude and great joy — even this season of singleness. 🙂
As I get quiet and do my reflecting on 2015, I find that my life needs a bit of pruning and weeding — getting rid of distractions, clutter, doubt, etc. to make space and room for fresh nutrients, inspiration, direction, and HOPE!:)
And here are a few of the things I’m celebrating and giving thanks for about 2015:
*Community: God continues to bless me with wonderful community — both online and off — and I’m continually amazed and inspired by that.
*Time with family: I’ve had some very sweet time with my family this year, in the midst of losing my grandma, and I am so thankful for the support we’ve offered one another and the memories we’ve made.
*I taught my first Influence Network class! I was SO NERVOUS and uncertain, but I saw God work in spite of that, and I am so thankful.
*I took a random vacation day in November to spend with my mom and take advantage of our gorgeous fall weather, and that was SUCH a good day. I want to do more of those spontaneous adventures in the new year.
*I jumped into the world of copywriting this year, collaborating with my friend Kelsey of Pinegate Road on the That’s Darlin’ website. I loved getting to help Malissa tell the story of her business and showcase her heart and passion behind it.I’ll be blogging about all of this in more detail, but I love jumping into the community here and sharing some of the highlights. Can’t wait to read what others are celebrating! This community is so incredible! 🙂
Katie thank you for being honest about this. I’m 35 and you summed up perfectly the raw hope that is both joy and pain for those of us who wait for God to write a story of two for us. Seeing God’s gifts to me as a single woman has been a huge lesson for me in the past five years – wish I would have started looking sooner. 🙂 And even though I am more willing to see them now, sometimes I still get a little panicked by how much that longing still aches. I was so encouraged today by your declaration to continue to seek God’s heart as you try less and trust more. Hope in His greatness dear unknown friend – He is bigger than any of us can fathom. 🙂
Hi, CJ! Thank you so much for this sweet, encouraging comment!
I completely understand the feelings of panic. As Proverbs says, “hope deferred makes the heart sick.” And I’ve definitely found that to be true at times in my waiting. I hope you continue to see and celebrate God’s amazing gifts to you, and I’m thankful we connected here and could encourage one another in our seasons. He IS bigger than we can fathom, and He can do so much more than we could ever imagine! I hope we both continue to hope and believe that with all of our hearts and that we keep chasing after Him! 🙂 -
Hi Katie, thank you for sharing your heart on singleness! I’m in the same place at 36 and I know it might sound strange, but it is nice to know that we are not alone in this season. Blessing to you!
Hi, Tiffany! I’m grateful to connect with some other single gals here! It is definitely a comfort and encouragement to connect with others who understand the ups and downs of singleness in your 30s! I will pray for you today! 🙂
I’ve always been a planner but never really focused or committed to some personal items – it’s mostly been work focused which has helped achieved a happy place professionally. It’s time to focus and commit on those things I do (or need to do) to fuel my happiness.
Grateful for God continually reminding me that He loves me and I can’t but He will!
Lara, thank you so much for your inspiration! I bought your 2015 Powersheets and, because of having a newborn (#4) last year, I just didn’t feel up to starting them. So I am starting my 2015 power sheets in 2016. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
So many amazing things happening here! Looking forward to making things happen in 2016!
I can’t wait to try your powersheets and book! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
My goal for 2016 is to get things *done* – cross them off the life list to make room for other stuff!
So excited I found your blog! Ready to get on track for 2016!
This looks amazing!! Looking forward to this series this year. Thank you Lara!
How fun! Thank you for being such a strong woman of faith.
I was just talking with a friend about how I wasn’t sure where to focus for 2016. I finally landed on making self-care a priority. As a single mom and full-time graduate student I have been feeling so overwhelmed lately. I have to slow down and take care of myself or nothing else matters. Here’s a great 2016!
I am new to your blog and a newbie to goal setting. Working on mine now. I can’t wait to see what 2016 will bring!!!!!!
LOVING going through my powersheets! This goal-setting series is helping me focus even more! Thanks for sharing and all you do!
Sent a message to my sister in law who just gave birth to my nephew last week. Sending her love today as she is home resting!
Thank you for using your God given gifts to inspire others! Happy New Year and looking forward to 2016!
Lara, love all of this and how “intentional” you always are. Congratulations on the additions to your family. A baby changes everything;).
Lara! I miss you! I’m so encouraged by this post and so thrilled for your adoption news. Thank you for your very tangible prayer requests; I WILL be praying, I promise! Even if you don’t hear from me via email or text. : )
It took me a while, but I realized that I’ve been chasing validation this year – validation from mentors, from peers, etc. Yuck! I’m mid-PowerSheets but just figured this out reading your post – thank you!
Miss you, and looking forward to the rest of the series!
I’ve been working through my Power Sheets and thinking about this year!
1) Realizing I’ve been chasing perfection at home that just sends me in a tizzy when it’s not achieved (ie. kids trash the house, mama has a cow.) Also, comparison has caused me to chase what so many others are doing rather than focusing on my own journey. I get so stuck when I compare!!2) Ach – so much clutter! I’m feeling really squeezed in my all the extra stuff around the house… At the same time I don’t want to freak out, but do something about it! About 2015 – I’m feeling like it went by so so quickly and a bit like I failed (to be honest!!) I know it wasn’t a wasted year, but I really have to dig… Financially and physically feeling worried, but hopeful as my husband and I are going to sit down to talk about these things. I feel energy in the physical side of things – I need to make some changes, and I’m finally feeling the kick in the pants to do it! I guess – overall I feel like a mess! How’s that for honesty on the internet!? 🙂 But a hopeful mess at the same time… Most looking forward to IF: Traverse City (I am planning the first city-wide IF: Gathering for our city!!) and the follow-up Bible study.
3) Some things that worked in 2015:
– IF: Traverse City at our church – started the long healing process after miscarrying a second time.
– So much growth in our women’s ministry at our church!
– Realized in the second half of the year that I needed to eliminate some goals in order to be successful at any 🙂
– Read some life-changing books (Breathing Room, Every Body Matters, Audacious) and Bible studies (Children of the Day, She Reads Truth)
– Took writing more seriously and wrote some very meaningful postsWell, that’s a start at least!! Thanks so much for this exercise – I’ll continue through my sheets! I love the idea of a celebration dinner – definitely doing that! Also planning on doing it with my IF: planning team 🙂
Much love to you and your family, Lara! Thank you for all your work and leadership!
My goal for 2016 is clarity–on my purpose, on what makes me happy, and on how to move forward.
I am so grateful that your business is so God-focused. You and your team are such an inspiration in being real, transparent, honest. Praying His many blessings on your family, friendships, and business. Thank you for encouraging me in ways only God knows and being a light to us all.
I can’t wait to get my Powersheets in the mail! I am very excited to get started and see all the changes in 2016!
Great writing and encouragement! Looking forward to the rest of the series!
One goal that I have for myself for 2016 is to read a book every month. “Make It Happen” is my fist book for this year and it’s not because I received your message. It’s because it’s time!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to receiving my Powersheets! Loved your blog!
What an amazing giveaway! I’m so glad I found you on Instagram a while back. I just love everything you do and share. You guys being a smile to my face!
I loved your book Make it Happen and the Power Sheets which put me on track last year. I am most grateful for my new granddaughter who will be born in late January!
You are such a great encourager. Am thankful for women like you and many others who are willing to be an open book for what they are not only good at, but the times of struggle, too.
Things that worked in 2015…choosing to find joy instead of focusing on the things not going the way I anticipated. Planning to continue choosing joy and looking forward to applying grace to the mix now. Grace is such a rough, hard thing for me… -
Due to personal illnesses and a multitude of crises in my life in the last 7 years , I feel like I just keep getting further and further behind! I need organization in my life more than anything and find it harder and harder to get motivated. I am a strong believer in the Lord, but I could use a daily push of inspiration. Thank you. God bless
dear lynn, i feel in a similar place … the last 6 years have been quite hard and each year i say ‘this will be the year it eases up’ and i am hoping for that in 2016 … sometimes there is just a very long season of difficulty and as a believer we rest on God but we don’t really understand … i too am committed to clearing thru the clutter … dropping all the dead weight this life dumps on top of us … hang in there … a day at a time … sometimes a moment at a time … my thoughts are with you … dawn
Grace and encouragement. It’s a fine line I hope to balance, for myself and to share with others.
So excited to start using my Power Sheets and being more mindful this year.
Ah! My friend recommended Holly’s book this morning and I am ordering it today! Advent … may you let it ever be on my lips to wait well, Lord.
Oh boy this year I chased control, and it made me so full of worry. I was always anxious the most horrible thing would happen, but it never did. And ya know what, when something did put go my way, I was capable of handling it. God is so good. And this year, my word is graciousness. I want to be filled more with the Holy Spirit and His fruits. I’m excited about using my Powersheets again this year as last year they pulled me out of the muck. Thank you Lara for creating. I’ll be praying for your adoption!
Lara I love you and your Powersheets have changed how I plan my day, my week & my year! I can’t wait to Make 2016 Happen!
Looking forward to a great new year!
This past year I’ve been chasing a dead-end relationship, approval, and success. I’ve decided to move on from my relationship to make room for what God has for me and to focus more on building healthy community and focusing on what matters.
Ordered Make it Happen last night! I’ve been overwhelmed with where to start bc of perfectionism! Time to get messy!!
Good things in 2015: Simplicity, Cozy Minimalist Class with the Nester, learning and about prayer and Sabbath rest, investing in college students and women at my church, helping others grow in Christ, taking a fun five year anniversary trip to St. Croix with my awesome husband, learning more about myself and leading and stepping into obedience, saying YES to God and His plans, figuring out my current gifting to gather people, talk about Jesus and everyday life (help understanding from Restless study/talks with my husband/prayer), focus on progress not perfection! Thanks for sharing your life with us Lara!
Yay! I love this time of year. The possibilities for 2016 are so exciting!
Such an awe-inspiring and motivating blog I have read all year. Too have read the highs of your 2015 is for overwhelming of how God saw you through such busyness. The first tip I gathered from all of this was because you surrendered and let go and you allowed God to take it is how you were able to do the impossible. I read how you wanted to be in control and except you let go and let God, these amazing blessings wouldn’t have been possible. You are right there is no such fulfillment in being perfect but to do purpose. That is my desire to do purpose and not comparison.
This post was amazing Lara – Thank you! I’ve never in all my 24 years done any official goal setting at the end of the new year. To be quite honest, I don’t even recall specific resolutions I’ve haphazardly set. But this year that is changing, and I’ve been reading and reading and researching and trying to figure out what the best way for me to set goals is. I’m loving your comments about the year of messy – that so completely resonates with me! Also in the process of reading Essentialism, and I think 2016 is the year of figuring out how to be an essentialist. Will update once I work through these tips – thank you, Lara!
This will be my first year using Power Sheets and I am so excited for the process! I read your book in just one day, I couldn’t put it down!
Love it!!!
Why am I doing this? Sometimes I have NO idea! I have been an ER nurse for 10 years and I recently completely my Masters to practice as family practice nurse practitioner. I am starting new again, as this role is different from nursing. My husband is in the Navy on a submarine and we just moved here and I don’t have any close friends. I am using my powersheets and going to church and doing my best, but sometimes it is difficult and sad. I want to study more in the world to help make myself a stronger and more independent woman. I was to grow in a strong provider where my patients (uninsured and underinsured) can count on me, and I would like to begin journaling to notice trends and therefore which can help guide me in my powersheets. Thank you Lara Casey & team for these powersheets and TRULY wonderful giveaway!
This is an incredible post! So much to “digest” and think about…I’m starting the book on audio. Choosing Joy is my goal this year!
I have BIG goals for 2016 and could really use something to keep me organized and on track. 🙂
I just sat down last night and focused on the hardwork of prepping my PowerSheets for 2016. And I was so fired up, I couldn’t get to sleep till 2am thinking of everything God has placed on my heart! My word for 2016 is FULFILL, as I will be fulfilling God’s command in what I do, and that what I do will be fulfilling to others as God works through me. I am so grateful for His work in you, Lara, and the bravery and trust you’ve exhibited by stepping out into the unknown so many times, fully relying on Him to catch and lead you. Keep your eyes on Him, sister! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Love this! Thanks for the info and encouragement!
I am so ready to push myself to declutter, accept people more, give more, buy less, and dream more in 2016
What a wonderful way to bless others! As I step out in faith into my entrepreneurial journey, I find it so encouraging to see sisters in Christ walking alongside. All these resources sound so amazing! I’d love to be able to implement one into my 2016. Blessings!
so excited!
so excited! :))
I’m so grateful for these words and entering a new year filled with grace and not perfection in my goal setting. I feel a heavy burden lifting off my shoulders and embracing the things that mean the most and that I’ve always wanted. My focus is my legacy. What do I want others to see in me, what do I want to leave behind, how will I impact my little world for His Kingdom.? That is what worked for the last half of 2015. Chasing perfect and allowing comparison to lead my thoughts and goals was exhausting. I’m looking forward to digging into my Powersheets to prayerfully and graciously enter 2016.
Thanks so much for the Ultimate Giveaway Lara! You are such an inspiration. I can wait to begin 2016 to improve on my past 2015 year. I learned so much about myself and what I have to let go to move on…Can’t wait to get a chance at winning the giveaway for more motivation and help with this journey of mine. Thanks!!!
So awesome! I was so full of anxiousness and worry before reading this, but now I feel excited and relieved.
Have just spent hours reading here, stumbled across your site at a time that my heart definitely needed some positivity. Thank you for sharing 🙂
I just read a sample of your book on Kindle. Still deciding whether to purchase the kindle version or hard copy but it looks like it will be a good read either way!
For your open and honest words, perspective, encouragement and nudging thank you! Prayers to you and gratitude for sharing with us and living in your purpose. May Gods blessings pour out.
I am so excited about this process. It has taken me some time to get to Step 6 in the Powersheets, but it has been a great journey so far. Completing the fears section was scary, but so eye-opening. Lara, thank you for sharing your journey with us!
My greatest fear of all is trying new things and new roles professionally because I strive for perfection and am afraid that I will not be perfect in this new role and will be viewed as a failure or imposter. I know realize how this is holding me back and am ready to make this the year that I do not let this continue to hold me back.
India, I can so relate to this. I hope you can give yourself permission to not be perfect in this new role (because none of us are), but that you’ll use any mistakes or “failures” as opportunities to learn and be better going forward. Cheering for you!
Thank you for the encouragement! I’m so excited for the New Year!
Thank you so much for all you do and the inspiration you provide for us. What a great giveaway!
I look forward to your goal setting posts every year!! Such an encouraging way to look back on the past year and move forward into the New Year with ambition!
I am looking forward to this goal setting series! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. And what fun, a fantastic giveaway too!!!!!!!!!!!
Super excited to get started on my intentional goal-setting and using powersheets!
This is absolutely amazing and SO encouraging! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Your power sheets inspired me last year to define a family intention and we’re carrying it over into 2016 – JOY!
2016 is all about visualizing my goals and be successful. I spent time yesterday writing out goals and creating a “practice” schedule so that I can give my day some structure to succeed in all of my goals!
This post was amazing!!! Thanks so much. I have a lot of work to do, but in the end it will be good. Lots of pruning and decluttering MUST happen and LESS worrying. More letting go and letting God take over. More time on my knees in prayer for directions and clarity in my life!
As a step-mom to a college aged daughter who is struggling to find her way toward God, I cherish your thoughts and guidance! I wasn’t raised in the church so helping her is helping me discover and celebrate God’s love for us all. Thank you to everyone involved, both content creators and fellow readers, for being my community:)
Thank you for sharing your gift of encouragement with us. Recently read “Anything” by Jennie Allen, and really appreciate your encouragement to let go, trust God, and take a leap!
This is truly remarkable, I do not personally know you however you are a great individual and help me daily. I am soo happy to see that you and Ari are together. God is good and god bless your family. I will continue to follow and looking forward to 2016 is a more positive way. Thank you for everything you do! Giveaway is a plus!
What a wonderful collection of inspiration! Such a great way to welcome the new year!!
I have been working on reading Make It Happen and journaling along with it! I am on the last section and I am going to try to finish it before the New Year so that I have all my goals in place! “Progress not perfection”!! I can’t wait to see what the Lord does in 2016.
2014 was a painful year of tearing all the old down, 2015 was setting a new foundation and 2016 is for building up! Ready to embrace what God has in store!
Thank you for this amazing tool, I know it will make a significant impact on my life.
What an encouraging blog post to read this morning! Yay God all around!
How do we enter your giveaway? 🙂
My goals, tentatively decided:
– Finish completely reading the Bible. I’m 23% in!
– Be involved in church. Be committed.
– Make connections with local Christ centered women, nurture that “community” I’ve been aching for.
– Lose 60 pounds.
– Be intentional with blogging. Make it one of my priorities if writing + crafting is meant to be my calling in life.
– Marry my best friend! -
I have hope that 2016 is going to be a good year.
I would absolutely love to win some of your awesome goal setting stuff!!
Thank you for all the practical yet beautiful products to help us live life more intentionally!
What am AMAZING giveaway!!! God bless you for sharing your talents with us!!
Thank you so much for always being encouraging while also being honest
My intention is to live purposeful and focused in 2016
I am at such a crossroads right now. I just finalized my adoption (yay!) but am at a loss at how or where to move forward. Winning this would help so much to clarify my path. Thank you Lara!!!
This year has been a year of miracles for me and my family…after being told last year my newborn would not live….yet our Lord had other plans as a family we prayed like never before and then we began to see miracles after miracles” now our baby boy is 15 months and doing great Praise God! I give thanks for physicians and nurses but God children wait on our Great Physician this test really shaped my faith and my families. May 2016 be everyone best!
Thank you so much for all the beautiful tools and your vulnerable heart. You are eigr where God called you to be. 🙂
Lara, this is AWESOME! I’ve been working on my power sheets since November and am so STOKED for digging in more through this blog series and for what the new year will bring! God did a major work in my life this past year and I sense Him calling me to a place of even deeper freedom in 2016! I can’t wait to see where He will lead and what He will do! Thankful to you and your team for all of the encouragement and inspiration! Let’s do this!
Thanks for all the guidance to get this year off to a great start!
Lara, I could not be more thrilled for you and your family! I’ve just fallen in love with your heart since first learning about you and following your adventures online. You’re a very special person, and I’m so grateful for the work you do and the courage you have to put it all out there. You’re such an inspiration to me! Wishing only the best things in life for you and your family in 2016.
I’ve so been looking forward to this! Stumbling across this series several years ago was the start of a wonderful new experience in goal-setting for me. This year, I’m using Power Sheets for the first time – they are one their way to me and I can’t wait for them to arrive!
Thank you for how you have inspired me to live life with intention Lara! So blessed by you!
Love this! Excited for 2016!!!
I’m so excited to start this journey as I need some focus and guidance as I head into 2016. I can’t wait to take this journey! Thank you!
I am so pumped about this new year and doing it with PowerSheets! Thank you for helping me to live intentionally!
Wow! That’s a lot of prizes!! 🙂 I feel like God led me to you, your site and your Powersheets just in time as I’m wrestling with what I want to do/change/be in 2016. There’s so much good goal-setting/planner stuff out there, but much of it is without a faith basis and that is so important to me and obviously to you. CONGRATULATIONS on your adoption. I will be holding your family up in prayer.
So excited for this blog series. 2015 was probably my hardest year to date but what I’ve learned is that the moments with those you love are often far apart, so its best to soak in every second when you can. Hoping to use the Lara Casey products this year to help find a work/life balance. Family time > Professional Time for my 2016. Thanks for the encouragement this morning Lara! I am thankful for you.
I can’t wait to get really into my Powersheets and really start my path back to God. It seems that I have slipped on my journey in life and never really committed to a life for Him when I should have. Thank you for all your inspiring words!
Thank you Lara! I have been slowly working through my power sheets since before Christmas! I shed many tears working through them! A lot of heart work was accomplished! I am to the setting goals section. I am so excited about this new year and the possibilities.
SO incredibly generous. The post alone is a gift!
Lara, you are a gifted writer. I enjoyed reading Make It Happen and look forward to reading your next book. Thank you and your team for your work on the 2016 Powersheets. I purchased the spiral-bound version and love them–very inspiring!
I just received your Power Sheets and have dived into them. Finding them, your book, your blog, etc. has been a huge inspiration to me after having such a “down” 18 mos. Things can only go “UP” from here! Thank You!
I am sitting here with my PowerSheets open right now to the what worked last year and what didn’t work last year section. I like most people get stuck on the stuff that didn’t work….it is so easy to do that, we remember the bad, the horrible and the ugly….we ealisy forget the good and the awesome! Thank you for putting it in my face to think about the good as well as the bad….we need both to keep our lives in ballance
I have just started using your powersheets for the first time. I couldn’t believe it – but, my eyes were opened to the fact that I have been a little depressed since 2012 – since May 10, 2012 to be exact. That was the day I was diagnosed with Stage IV incurable cancer. Praise God it is in remission and I pray it continues to stay in remission even though my doctor tells me it won’t. Plus, several other things happened after my diagnosis which have made life very hard. I realized that I have just been going through the motions and just trying o make it through the day. I am going to be more intentional in all aspects of my life for 2016. Thank you for opening my eyes and creating such a wonderful community!!!
I have the powersheets and EL planner. I am so excited to have a messy beautiful year!!
so happy I found you! Your stuff is exactly what I have been looking for – oh and LOVE your gold foil 🙂
So much goodness in this post. I’m journaling alongside reading, keeping a list of what I’ve been chasing, how I’m feeling (heart physically in overdrive, constantly wondering about the future), ideas that I want to implement this year (books to read, podcasts to listen to, experiences I want to have with my family, possibilities I want to research). One HUGE lesson for me – as an introvert, I HAVE to refill my tank, so I shouldn’t feel guilty for taking a few minutes to myself each day after a long day of teaching elementary school kids before I pick up my own toddlers from daycare. Looking forward to this series so much!! Thank you! ~Ashley
thank you for the motivation to focus on what is most important!
Thank you for sharing your heart and your process. It is so incredibly encouraging to hear about the imperfect journey of others, to know I am not alone. What a gift you have given all of us your readers. I’ve been praying for focus this year and greater purpose, learning to wait on His timing and not mine.
so grateful to have found your website/blog this year and am well on my way with my 2016 Powersheets!
I’m excited to work through my goals. Thanks for the encouragement!
Lara, congratulations on your adoption! It’s so great seeing this finally happen!
This is my second year using the powersheets and I really love them planting theme you have this year! Thank you for continuing to work hard to help others out. You are a blessing.
I love the idea of starting thinking about my 2016 goals, by remembering the good of 2016. By biggest lessons of 2015 are:
1. While traveling more for work then I ever have, I was reminded how much the experience of travel and new experiences enlivens me and inspire me to take bigger steps.
2. This year I put myself out there by attending events and meet ups and connected with people that have warmed and inspired me.
In 2016 I know I need to put myself out there around loving people who have similar goals and virtues and try new experiences that may seem scary . Ultimately, do more of what fills my heart and frightens me. I find God speaks through my heart and when I surrender, listen and follow, that is when the magic happens. -
So excited to have just found your website! Here’s to a great 2016, lived on purpose!
This is amazing! I’m ready. 2016 is my year to thrive!
After the most challenging had of my life, I am somewhat Surprise yet so grateful that overall, I am good grateful hopeful content and excited for what’s ahead. I’m okay sitting in the mess of what is currently unknown and in progress trusting God for his will and his timing and his ways that are always better than my own! Praise him.
I am so excited to follow along with this goal setting series! I’m going to start by reviewing my 2015 what worked/didn’t work. Thank you, Lara, for always being so encouraging! Reading your year in review and goals always motivate me to make more meaningful and insightful goals.
From your webinar a couple weeks ago, to your blog and book, to the powesheets (that are on the way)…I am looking forward to using your tools to help make it happen in 2016! Thank you!
I’ve always been so encouraged by your blog posts! I’m hoping to be able to win the power sheets so I can apply them to my 2016 year. Thank you!
Love these! Thank you for your encouragement!
Wow Lara, what a generous giveaway!! I just love your product and am especially loving my power sheet workbook!
I am inspired. I am grateful. I am blessed to have read your blog today. From the first sentence, I immediately felt God directed me to read this. Your words spoke to me like you knew how I’ve been feeling, all the things I’ve been questioning. I too have struggled with perfection. I have believed that my worth is based on what I can do for those around me and if I did it well enough…only then would I be worthy. I’m still working to change my thoughts and working towards allowing vulnerability to at least sit beside me but I truly appreciate your words. They have power. (Tears) I’m ready to stop the chase, plant some new seeds and grow. Grow deeper in God and deeper in love with who God created me to be. God bless you and your family.
I’ll try and come back to answer the questions. I just wanted to encourage you.
I attended the Influence Network’s Creative Women’s Summit in Charlotte. God spoke through you straight to my heart. He showed me that it is possible to live your dream and keep your family first. It isn’t easy, but it’s possible with Him. My heart connected with your words. I am so excited to attend the Making Things Happen Conference in the Spring. I can.not.wait.
Oh sweet friend! I’m so excited to hear your adoption story-you know that is something so close to my heart! YAY God!!
What has been working in 2015:
Expanding our serving at ZA to monthly free events, letting my team lead and grow, paying off debit, consistent time in the word, pouring into relationships with my cousins and being a LIGHT, working hard on my “job” and sharing the load/delegating, full-time with ZA/salary position, giving regularly to causes I care about, boundaries, being invested at Elmbrook confidence in my calling and most importantly savoring EVERY drop out of these single years.What has NOT been working: Analyze to paralysis, prayers too focused on ME, spending $$ to fill a desire only God can, COMPARISON, being discontent with the home I’ve been given, distractions during work hours, too much Instagram, doubt, fear, pride, clutter saying YES to much, placing my identity in titles not CHRIST
Lessons Learned:
-ZA: This is truly God’s ministry. He has called each person uniquely to bring their gifts and talents to serve! Growth happens in community. Communication with my mentor and team will cause the vision to flourish.-Spiritual: An abundant and joy-filled life begins right where you are. Focus on where God has you, Emily and savor this season. He has a plan for you-it is GOOD and it is for TODAY!
-Personal: Small seeds were planted this year–focus on progress not perfection. Clear the clutter and intentionaly focus on what God’s called to you to accomplish today! Those distractions may seem harmless but they are taking up valuable brain space and margin. 2016 is a fresh start, give yourself grace and remember to focus on what matters in the eternal perspective!!
Emily! Love this! I’m glad I found your comment! 🙂 I I can relate to so many of these, friend. I want to really prioritize prayer in 2016 and one part of that is to focus many of those prayers on others. Not to say I won’t still continue to bring the Lord each of my hopes, concerns, etc., but that I will be very intentional about praying hard for other people in my life and doing so with the same fervor I do for some of my own needs/wants/worries! 🙂 And also that I will make time to be still and LISTEN. That I won’t just talk and talk at God, but that I will make room and space to hear from Him in return! 🙂
And singleness…girl, you know I get you there. My phrase for that lately has been LESS TRYING, MORE TRUSTING. I am right with you in embracing it this next year and savoring every moment with continued hope for what God can still do in the future.
I haven’t used your products yet, but they sound like just what I need for 2016! My friend, Robyn Schlichter, has been sharing about them on facebook, and I see what a difference it’s made in her life!
What a lovely giveaway! I just finished with my goals for 2016 using the powersheets and I am SO FIRED UP about 2016.
What a great giveaway to start the year fresh!
This is amazing! I will be following! I have been analizing 2015. Looking at what worked and what hasnt. I am ready for 2016 and make it happen!
Congratulations on the second book! And thank you for the freebie worksheet to help me start 2016 with a bang!
Thank you so much for your beautiful post! We also have 3 littles (one on the way in February and twins that won’t be quite 2). I love being a busy mom, but know how hard it can be to be intentional. Best of luck on your adoption journey!
Lara, I am so inspired by you! I received my PowerSheets last week and am so excited to dive in this week! Best wishes on your adoption! Oh, and, that giveaway! How generous!
I am so pumped! My power sheets are in the mail! I read Make it Happen last year and the past few days have been reading through all my goals and notes. God has been so good and blessed me beyond my dreams, but there is so much to clear out and look forward to in 2016! So encouraged by you, Lara!
This is an amazing giveaway and you are certainly a great motivator and inspire-er! 🙂 I always seem to get emotional when I read your stuff!
I love the way you inspire people to create margin, to slow down and put whats most important first. I have done your power sheets and they’ve changed my heart for the better. They’ve empowered me to seek Gods kingdom first and to live life well. Thank you for everything that you do! You’re helping this 24 year old out!! -
Lara, thank you for all you do to inspire. I bought Power Sheets last year and did not use them to their potential. However, I have big plans for this year and I am so excited to go on this journey.
I just started to read your book as I look for God’s purpose for my life. I am excited to get “Messy” this year and work on being more imperfect because that is where I will find myself.
I am so excited to start planning for 2016. It is one of my favorite things about starting a new year!
2015 I struggled with giving up control however I learned so much with the birth of our son. 2016 I am keeping it simple and focusing on less and living a more simple life. Love my powersheets!
So excited for you and all those good things! Love this and your encouraging words!
I am excited about getting started on my PowerSheets and making 2016 great! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!
Excited about 2016. Just got the Make It Happen book in time for this !
I am so excited for this series! My Powersheets have helped me IMMENSELY with my goal setting. I feel focused and excited not worn out/stressed out from goal setting. THANK YOU for following God’s calling for you to encourage and inspire Lara Casey!
This gets me fired up about the new year. As a new Mom, I sometimes feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. I’m tired of just surviving and want to live life again. Ready to set some goals and get started!
I’ve just discovered you over the last year and you’ve had a profound effect on my goal setting. Thank you for the valuable information that you so freely share with the world. God Bless!
Wow! What a great and loving giveaway! I can hardly wait to get started. 2016 is going to be amazing!
I just texted a friend who is 4 days overdue with her third child who is dealing with sickness and sick kids. I told her that I was praying for healing for everyone and that God would give her strength in preparation for the baby to come.
I just found your website and learned about power sheets and I need them in my life!
Thank you for the goodies and the encouragement, I´m so happy for this series. Can wait to set some goals and start 2016 with a new beginning.
Confession time…I purchased your Power Sheets in the fall of 2015. I found I couldn’t complete them. I would just stare at them. It was a really tough time. God has made a big move in my life closing doors to past pain and opening a new one to Him. Now I feel ready. Bring on the Power Sheets!
Love your blog and your products! Thanks for the great giveaway:)
I cannot wait to do this! I just got married and my husband and I are going to jump into this tonight!
I love the growing in your garden reflection sheet, thank you!
Loved this inspirational post and the printables you provided as well! I have a Blessings dinner planned with some friends that touched my life in 2015 and I can’t wait to share some of your inspiration with them! Here’s to an amazing 2016!
I am looking forward to embracing the power sheets. I know I need to give myself grace, stop being so hard on myself and live with intention. My husband and I are hoping to make a baby this year, so all of those things will be essential.
Thank you for this! I needed to read this: purpose over perfection.
Woohoo! thanks for such a great giveaway! 2015 was filled with good things: Trips for work to New York, Miami, San Francisco, Jackson,and Grand Rapids; a six month rest from business trips (huge!); a beautiful Chicago summer; vacation to the Amalfi coast; starting my business’ website and blog; filling my goal of 20 calligraphy orders; and becoming a member at my church. Looking forward to 2016 and all the good things coming!
I have encouraged my husband to take this journey with me. We’ll need all the help we can get if we’re going to make a family.
So inspired to hear from and learn from you! Thanks for writing this series and for being obedient to the Lord in “redefining” success and encouraging others to follow Christ over the world’s definition of success. Excited for a fresh start and a purpose filled year.
Love your power sheets and your personal experience with them as motivation!
I finished Powersheets prep section today! Planning on filling out the January tending tomorrow!
I have SO been looking forward to this series! YAY!
i have been looking forward to this!
This looks amazing!
I can’t wait to get started on a messy, puporseful 2016! I started power sheets for the first time in 2015, and am very much looking forward to this new year. I’m getting married, and to be able to stay focused on what really matters as my fiancé and I plan our marriage is going to be so helpful and fun! 2016 is going to be a great year!
2 big + good things from this past year: we had our fourth baby, Jones (!) and Jesus helped me overcome my fear of scheduling and enduring kid’s dentist appointments (it was a thing). It led to quite a few hard moments with one of our boys, but to have that fear gone and for him to have a healthy mouth was so worth the scary phone calls!
This has been on of my favorite parts of this last week in December for the last couple years! So excited to see where this process leads me.
I ordered my power sheets for 2015… and never used them. So I am so excited to do my goal setting for 2016 with my power sheets from last year! This year I WILL set goals and achieve them!
I have the PowerSheets and I’m digging in this week. First time using them and excited about doing some great planning for 2016. Thank you!
Just texted a dear friend who lives far away and told her about how seeing her and texting with her all last year was such a highlight for me. 🙂
Oh my goodness! My word this year is PURPOSEFUL.. What a great time to do something like this. I just ordered the book. I’m so looking forward to this! Thank you!
I’m opening up my Powersheets today (best Christmas present!) and am looking forward to your series!
I am SO excited to start working with your Powersheets. I found you on Instagram a month ago and I’ve already bought giftcards to your store for a few of my friends/teammates.
One of my big goals for 2016 is to start a blog that I’ve been telling myself I would start for YEARS. Because of some of your teachings, I’m writing my first blog to be posted today…BEFORE 2016 even starts. So unlike me – I’m Miss Procrastinator to the core. But not in 2016! I have big dreams in my MLM business for the upcoming year and I cannot wait to use your Powersheets to help keep focused and heading in the right direction — and to also keep in mind that I need to follow my heart sometimes, too.
Congratulations on your new addition. What an incredible gift for the new year! -
I so desperately want to get organized and be intentional in all areas of my life. Praying I can be committed to this series and the Lord will honor my desires to help me be committed, thank you Lara!
I feel so inspired to make 2016 an amazing year for myself and my family. Each year i get paralyzed with fear of the unknown, how big the task feels, or just because I don’t have all the answers right now! I am ready to be uncomfortable to allow myself the ability to have purpose in this life so it doesn’t pass me by.
Oh please please please!!!!!
I came across your blog via Kayse Pratt’s recent series. I love the new year and the fresh start that it brings. Looking forward to following along with this series and would love to win the giveaway.
Power sheets have changed my life. You are amazing Lara!
What a wonderful giveaway! Goal setting can seem so daunting. This is a lovely way to start. Thank you!
What an inspiration! I need to start my goal planning for the year!
Love your website!
Thank you so much for the encouragement!
I’ve know God has a plan for me and have followed the path He put in front of me. Some things are changing with my job and I face an uncertain future. Since I became a grandma 10/2/14, I am looking for a way to get myself together. A friend showed me your power sheets and I bought your book yesterday. 2016 is going to be MY year! Thanks for helping illuminate the path!!
Love this! Thank you so much for sharing.
I would love to win this! It would be a dream come true!
I was stuck away from family over the holidays, so I started my PowerSheets in December. While I was bummed to not be with loved ones, I enjoyed the gift of uninterrupted, introspective time. It’s interesting to see how much my goals have changed since even last year!
so, so thankful for lara casey and powersheets (first time using them) and the encouragement you all provide. =)
My daughter is pregnant with her second child due in May. I am visiting for the holiday and have been trying to help and encourage her by doing as much for her and her husband while I am here. Babysitting, straightening toys and washing dishes and clothes go a long way to making it easier for them. Added bonus…spending time with my granddaughter!
Your goal setting series is always one of my favorite ways to kick of the new year! I’m excited to jump in and plan for the year ahead. And WOW! This giveaway is incredible! I would love to win any of the things you are giving away! Thanks for your generosity!
Just texted a new friend from church… hoping it encourages her heart at a time she needs it.
Looking forward to clearing the clutter in our garage! Moving to a smaller house worked! Great incentive to simplify.
Congratulations on adoption news! 🙂 -
I discovered you this time last year Lara, as a newly married lady, unsure of what the year would bring. We’ve been so grateful for God’s goodness to us and as a new adventure is presenting itself to us as 2016 approaches; we’re beyond excited. I so wanted to get my hands on some powersheets, but have been slow on the uptake due to international-ness! I’ll be happily following along with my journal and an excited heart. Thank you for everything that you do! x
I am starting my PowerSheets, a little nervous about what I will find out – will I be able to put it into action. I do know I am willing to try.
I love this giveaway Lara! I really admire your love for all of your followers and how you are such a motivator. Keep touching lives!
Taking my own leap! Scared as heck! Ready for change! Thank you for your help!
I encouraged someone by telling them it’s okay not to be perfect and that their progress is a testimony in itself
I absolutely love this! I’ll be re-reading this tonight to fully take it what you wrote.
Hooray! This post brings me such joy. I appreciate your vulnerability; it helps me craft my goals with a tender heart. Jamie Ivey once said that prayer is the greatest way to prepare for adoption, so I will be praying for you, Ari, your little ones, and your lil’ girl’s birth mother. My husband and I both are so excited for the Powersheets for couples in 2017. Thank you for all you do.
I’ve been hearing about your PowerSheets for a while now but I’m terrible at follow through – this post has given me the kick in the pants I needed to commit. Thank you for your honesty, heartfelt words and encouragement.
I filled out one of your fantastic Encouragement Cards to mail to my sister! She worked so hard over Christmas to make it special.
love, love, love that i found you! this is going to be my best year yet!
encouraged and she ordered PowerSheets and the book! yay!!!
Such a great giveaway!
I have LOVED doing the Powersheets prep work. It has made me think through so much. Emotions that have been buried deep.
Love all the goodies in the giveaway. Good Things this past year: moving forward to change career though very scary; spending more time acknowledging self care; and cultivating valuable friendships. Things I wish went differently: Dissolution of some friendships I thought were strong and unbreakable; God not opening doors as quickly as I would like; and coming to terms with hard truths. Thank you for your honestly Lara!
Always an encouragement to hear what is on your heart, Lara. You are real and honest and it is so refreshing and inspiring. I am so grateful for your hard work and the way you pour yourself into helping others. Blessings on you and your sweet family!
I have been chasing significance, value and self worth. Trying to do things that will be successful so I can feel like I matter and my life has meaning and purpose. Looking forward to letting all of that go in 2016 and living a life of purpose and meaning just simply by being the ME God created me to be. <3
Love this! So much 2016 inspiration!
I just texted my gym trainer and thanked her for all of her encouragement during her training classes this year and how I looked forward to reaching all of my fitness goals in 2016!!
Looking forward to this series! I’ve also been enjoying seeing what you’ve been doing with your PowerSheets! Thanks for the chance at winning!
So cool!
Love this!! Can’t wait to get started on goals for 2016!
I pray that I win this! I don’t have the funds to buy it but it would be amazing to win it. It would bless me so!
Could be a great 2016 !
This is CRAZY good insight!!! Thank you for sharing the insight…why is it that sometimes it takes the message coming in someone else’s voice to carry weight.
What a great way to start off 2016! Thanks for the chance to transform our lives and make our goals achievable! Your positive energy is an inspiration!
Great motivation to get into gear to start 2016 on the right foot. Will you be hosting a webinar in January like you did last year?
I am so glad God pushed me toward your company and your blog this year Lara! He has used your words in so many cases to encourage me and keep me looking to Him.
I was able to take some time off work this week and one of my main goals for this quietness is to reflect on 2015 and make an intentional plan for 2016. In the past year I’ve learned that God has given me more skills and gifts than I though – He has made me capable of more than I thought possible. But I’ve been chasing life so hard, trying to make up for the time when I just existed instead of lived on purpose, that I’ve overextended myself. I’ve said yes to too much because I am afraid of slipping back into that rut of empty existence. My relationship with God is not as close as it should be because outside commitments are pulling too much of my focus. It is time to pick a direction instead of trying to straddle the fork in the road. I’m looking forward to seeing how God chooses to push new doors open as He closes old ones; I’m looking forward to growing and being better equipped to encourage those around me. I am so excited to learn new things and be moved forward. -
So inspiring! Everyone needs this in their lives! #sharegoodness
These tools look fabulous!
This is totally amazing! Thank you for this generosity, Lara!
I came across this site today and I am so so grateful. I will be returning often for great insight and resources. This giveaway package would be a hug blessing in my life! 😀 😀
Stumbled across this on instragram – worksheets look amazing I’m ready for 2016 to be ‘big’ – lots of changes have happened leading up to this – I’m ready! All sold out – and being international , any guidance would be gratefully received.- cant’ wait to dive into your website.
I wouldn’t be disappointed with one gift over the other. Great choices. Love your blog.
Almost done with my powersheets prep. Excited to start an intentional January!
You are such a delight. Even if you never made powersheets or wrote your book you are such an encouragement and a light. My feed and my life is so much better with you and your sweet family in it 🙂
I love this so much! I have the power sheets and need to sit down to plan out the new year!
My big challenge this year is beginning to print and sell my illustration artwork. Totally freaked out a bit by it but moving forward through my fear! I think this would really help me with this endeavor! I’m going to be using these tips to jump start:)
It’s amazing to go through the Powersheets among such great and inspirational friends. I love this!
dear Lara,
Thank you for even making the time to simply share how so many of us feel. Just the gift of clarity, alone is SO FREEING! And thank you for this generous giveaway. It is so encouraging. I love what you do!
Care -
This is such an amazing giveaway, thanks for giving us the opportunity to win it!
I just ordered Powersheets for the first time and am really excited to start 2016 with fresh intensions.
This is an exciting giveaway! I would love to win to jumpstart some goal setting for 2016!
This year has been a bit of a mess for me personally and creatively. I find this to be so inspiring and such a great way to get down to the bottom of what changes I need to make in my life in order to live a happier life. Thanks for having shared this with us.
I would love to win. I was too late ordering the Powersheets and I’m at a point in my business where I know I could really benefit from them. Blessings!
So excited to be doing PowerSheets this year! I can’t wait for them to arrive.
Really looking forward to this! Great way to stay accountable and organized!
Today I encouraged my husband to go swimming! He has been talking about it for a while, and hasn’t gone. So to encourage him, I got him swimming stuff for Christmas, and told him today was as good as time as ever!
Lara, your encouragement is so precious to me, you really have no idea. Thank you so much. I got my first ever set of Power Sheets last week, and I’m so exited for the new year! Im a sophomore in high school, so I was really (and am still) not sure how they’ll work for me, but I have all my prep done and I’m ready to fill in my tending list for January! I didn’t make all 10 goal ideas, but making things happen is about breaking the rules! 😉
My work for 2016 is change. I feel like all my life I’ve just coasted along, not doing anything different. But this year I’m ready for change! Most of my goals have to do with cultivating kindness and making a good relationship with my mom. I’ve never had a good relationship with my mom, and this year I’m focusing on saying no to pride and becoming a kind, respectful, generous daughter, not only of my mom, but of the Lord.
I’m still not really sure what else my “it” is, but I think that even if cultivating a relationship with isn’t ‘what matters’ in the long run, it will be worth it.
So thank you so, so much, Lara. I’m praying that your adoption goes just seamlessly and your sweet baby’s birth mother has a smooth delivery, and you get to hold your little one soon! God is so good! Thank you! -
I write one of my best friends who recently was laid off from her job. I told her I would be praying for her and for God to help her find a job she loves and where she would be a blessing to others! She is one of my dearest friends. Prayers for her and her family!
Just encouraged my BFF to go through her closet and clean it out! New year, new organization!
Thanks for making such a wonderful product Lara! And for your constant encouragement to individuals to Make what matters the most Happen!
I very new to PowerSheets and your website but I loved this post. Fortunately after being undecided for a few weeks I purchased the PowerSheets yesterday! So glad I did!
There are so many reasons I want to win this giveaway. Accountability, focus, love, purpose and more!!!
Excited I found your blog! This is just what I needed!
Really looking forward to following this series. Your power sheets helped me a lot.
Wow! This post was amazing and I am digging into my Power Sheets now! Love all the giveaway items too 🙂
Love this process (and Vega)!
Looking forward to reviewing 2015 and making 2016 more intentional.
This year is all about being real. Being honest with my husband, loving my daughter, being who I am authentically without fear or regret, and not just praying for God to guide my decisions… but spending quality time with God and giving him my time to create in me the person he created me to be, his child. This year I am going to try and turn away from greed, stop trying to purchase love, and stop throwing away precious time with my family and friend. Friends! I am going to work on being a real friend. A real wife. A real mother. A real child of God.
this looks amazing, I wish I had ordered the Powersheets before they sold out. Looking forward to having 2016 be awesome– I will be getting your book and Making it Happen! 🙂
This is by far my favorite blog series of the New Year. I can’t wait to work through this with y’all and make some big dreams come to light this year! Here’s to change and new directions 🙂
thank you so much!!!!!
so many great tools to help me get on the right track this coming year!
I just discovered you today through instagram! Wow I’ll be ordering your book for sure!
I started reading Make it Happen and already feel liberated in the sense that it is allowing me to let go of so much baggage and just be. Looking forward to diving into my Power Sheets for this year and making my goals into realities.
You and Emily Ley were my sweet endings to 2015. I now have the planner and your book and follow your blog. 2016 should be a wonderful year of anticipation and joy!
Thank ful for your transparency and openness for 2016
I really never dove into the details of your powersheets until today. Wow. I’m really inspired and I’ve had such a tough time gearing up for the new year, but I’m feeling better about at least STARTING by reflecting on 2015.
This is my second year doing the Powersheets and I am so excited!!!! I love starting and ending my year this way!
I just discovered your site. My ADD self needs to take very small bites!
Praying for you all during this incredible journey! Sounds like it is a great year for embracing the messiness of lovely life! Blessings to you! You’ve certainly been one to me!
Really looking forward to this series!
So many of my friends love PowerSheets and I hope to get to working on some of my own! I encouraged my mom today as she is about to move to breathe and enjoy this transistor season.
I am so looking forward to sharing this journey with you. Thank you for your gift, your passion and your purpose.
Thanks so much for the post and more to.come . Happy new year!
I am so excited about this! I did this last year (unfortunately without the PowerSheets) and it has blessed me tremendously! Now as I (im)patiently wait for my PowerSheets to come in the mail, I am really excited to see where God takes me next! Thank you for your obedience and making this happen!!
Thank you for sharing your gift, Lara! I’m loving the PowerSheets so far. After a few weeks of laying the ground work, I’ve come up with my word for this year: be love(d). It fits perfectly as my husband and I are expecting our first child in June. The responsibility weighs heavy on me to set the right example but what I’ve learned along the way is that if I can love myself first, I can give that love right back.
Motivating me to follow through!
Looking forward to this week now. Thanks, Lara!
I love all of the inspiring items you chose to include! I already have some of them, but I can think of people in my life who I could spread the love to by sharing a few things from the giveaway if I were a winner! 🙂 Thanks for being so generous!
I decided to send encouragement to a dear friend of mine who is a new mom who just headed back to work after maternity leave. I reminded her that I love her, and that she is amazing and a wonderful mommy to her baby girl!
Just started my prep work for this year. So excited to make 2016 intentional. Powersheets were life changing for me last year even though I wasn’t the best at keeping up every month. Ready to make more progress.
Thank you, Lara, for all you are sharing! Looking forward to learning more!
Looking forward to joining this series. I’m grateful for and enjoy the encouragement I get from reading your blog and listening to you, Lara. May God bless you and keep you and yours in the year(s) ahead. 2016, here we come!
Well, clearly I commented on the wrong blog post. OOPS, sorry about that!
I will say that I sent a good friend of my a well deserved text about how much I look up to her. And that her life is encouragement for me in so many ways (health, family, finances). None of these things are extravagant in her life, but she does things with such honesty, simplicity and purity. Her daily walk encourages me and I wanted to share that with her. So I sent her a message telling her that and encouraging her to know and own that she is a WONDER WOMAN!
Hooray! Makes me so excited about 2016. Thank you!
encouragement idea: tell your mom how thankful you are for her and her love for you 🙂 moms are the best!
I would love to win this—I just discovered your powersheets, and I found with sadness I was too late! They were already sold out. Thank you so much for doing this series, and for the amazing giveaway!
I loved reading this post! Thanks for sharing the process! It helps so much to walk through this together. It has taken me a bit longer to start working on the powersheets this month since I was reading the book 🙂 I am now on step 6. Wohooo!
I’ve looked forward to this series every year since you started. I can hardly wait to Make Things Happen in 2016!
Encouragement Idea: Text a friend you haven’t heard from in a while and express your gratitude for their example, and the ways they’ve blessed your life.
Thank you Lara for living your purpose so we may go and make ours happen! Wishing you a wonderful 2016!
I’m a first time visitor to the site but my sister is already loving her new Powersheets. Hopefully I can win a copy so I can join in the fun too!
As a recovering perfectionist, I was a little skeptical when I first read that this year was going to be “messy” goal setting! Then I started thinking about it and..realized… I was SO THRILLED to get my power sheets in the mail last year, but got so overwhelmed with wanting things to be perfect that I never got past the first few pages!! So…all things considered…I am now relieved to have a new goal for goal-setting….get MESSY!!
Oh, my! Thank you for your work. I’m excited!
Your powersheets are such a fresh approach to staying on track and staying goal focused. I’m so excited that someone showed me your blog 🙂
This is my first year having Powersheets, and I am SO excited!! I am only part of the way through, but after family leaves this upcoming weekend, I am looking forward to really digging in (a little after January 1st…and my perfectionist self is learning to be okay with that!). I am also very excited about this giveaway!
Thank you for sharing how you are using the goal sheets. helps a great deal!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this! I have SO many goals for 2016 and I need something to keep me organized!!! And it helps that all the products are SUPER cute 🙂
What an amazing giveaway. So many awesome things to fire anyone up for 2016. My word for this year is going to be balance, I want to gracefully balance my life. Being a mom, wife, business owner, friend, daughter, etc is hard. I love hearing you say that sometimes we need to embrace the mess…that is what I am going to do. Here is to a mess filled 2016, but mess with grace, mess with purpose and mess with balance.
Progress, not perfection! I have had so many lightbulb moments while working on my Powersheets. Lara, you are a gem! So grateful for all you do! xo
This is so incredible! I can’t wait to start 2016 with this approach and mindset. The powersheets are all sold out right now but I can’t wait until their are more. I would love to win these amazing resources. Thank you for sharing more of your story with us!
What a great post! I can’t wait to start my powersheets! Thank you for sharing your heart!
I received the power sheet books and your book for Christmas I am so excited to get started!
I am so encouraged by you Laura! Thank you for being you!
Wow. I love everything about this post and have bookmarked it so I can sit down properly with pen, paper, bible in hand and prepare for 2016 and ‘making it happen!’ Thanks, Lara. You are a star and truly amazing. xx
Thank you so much for always doing this series, Lara! Prayerfully thinking through the upcoming year and writing down my dreams and goals is something I get so excited about every year. The last three years, I have gone through your process and they have been some of the most rewarding and faith-building years of my life. I’m so grateful to you for sharing with us!
Wow! I adore your PowerSheets! Can’t wait to use them. So thankful my dear friend let me know about you. Thank you for sharing so many inspiring ideas.
Thank you for being such an inspiration. I really want to accomplish my goals this year and make 2016 my best yet. I hope I win the giveaway 🙂 This is a wonderful opportunity.
So excited to have found this amazing resource and really excited to start planning 2016 with purpose and inspiration…
This is my first year of working through Power Sheets and it has been great so far! I am working on restoration of my inner life in 2016. It has been a difficult past couple years, but I am ready for renewal and fullness. Inviting Jesus in to help me sort through my mess this year.
Learned about the Powersheets recently from Cori, The Reset Girl. May have missed out on buying the workbook, but I LOVE the idea! Thank you for creating such an intentional and inspirational tool.
This is so exciting! Congratulations on your new journey in 2016 and beyond.
Yay! I have been working through my Powersheets since yesterday and am LOVING it so far. So thankful for this tool and the encouragement you are spreading! 🙂
So excited for what the Lord is doing in your family!
Wow. Wow. WOW!
I’ve never gone through such a fantastic, well thought out look back at a past year. It was so refreshing to write it all down and see it on paper staring back at me. 3 1/2 pages full of insight into 2015; what worked, what didn’t, what I’m happy about, what needs attention…
Winning anything from the giveaway would be a great bonus but I’m happy to have found this post because I feel like it’s the first step towards a great year ahead. 2016 is going to be a great year. I mean that. For the first time though, I don’t need to look outside of myself to know whether or not me saying that is silly… I realized through this post (& writing things down) that I had been chasing approval and acceptance… not just in 2015 but pretty much my entire life. I need to find approval and acceptance from now on within… so I will stand alone (and be content with that) and say once again that 2016 is going to be a great year… and finally I can do that without needing to have anyone agree with me or pat me on the back.
I can’t wait to read the next post. 🙂
Thank you so much Lara. xo
I found Powersheets three weeks ago when I was desperate to restore some sort of balance and order to my life. Thank you.
So excited for you and your upcoming adoption! And I am looking forward to reading the books that you posted about- they all look so good! Happy New Years!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I have just discovered this and love this blog so much.. I have just ordered your book Make it happen and I wish I could afford the Power sheets but I cant so I have made my own journal with your free printable templates and I am going to make 2016 the best year yet!! thank you for this Lara!!!
Thank you, Lara, for your heart and your encouragement. The prep work that I have done on my powersheets has already been worth it to me. Even though this year has now played out the way that I have expected, God has been so good and reflecting on the lessons of this year, really helped me to acknowledge that and thank Him. It also makes me even more excited to see what this year brings.
Thanks for the encouraging push to get things back in order!
The 2016 powersheets would make me the happiest ever!!!!
This is such an amazing concePT AND I’ve recruited my hubby to join in with me. yay!
What a great post
You have a great giveaway!! I hope I win something!!!
I am so encouraged by the Powersheets! I have already had some breakthroughs! I have been stuck for a while now and I have prayed that God would use these Powersheets as a devotional journal to work through all my many commitments. I may need to take a risk and let some go. There are so many…and that is just family, my home, and homeschooling! My desire is that these sheets will help me organize and manage them with God’s Grace!
This is my first year with power sheets and it’s taking some time to dig down to the true answers and feelings but I’m looking forward to getting to some positive goals and living 2016 more intentionally. Your posts and videos are so encouraging and love the inspiration of how you walk in faith openly. Thank you for being you.
Such a blessing. Thank you!!
I am so bummed! Finally got the money to pay for the PowerSheets, and they’re gone! So thankful this contest is going on as I’ve been chatting to a few of my friends on the journey I’m about to undertake, and now they’re bummed the PowerSheets are sold out, too. Oh, wait, I was supposed to be encouraging. I did. Promise!
This is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing xx
Yay! So excited about this series! I’ll be sharing!
This year, I started to #makeithappen.
In 2016, I will continue to learn, choosing progress over perfection.If I had continued to chase perfect, I would have accomplished little to nothing, except gathering discontentment in my heart. Choosing to progress, letting myself rejoice in the journey instead of dreaming about the destination has changed my life!
Right now, I realised I want to stop using “I need to learn more about it before I get started” as an excuse not to do what I am called to do.
I need to stop considering myself unqualified and thank God for all the gifts and talents that He has given me.“I’m not good enough” is just a distraction from “I can do all things through Chrits who strengthens me!”
Just started my Powersheets and reading Make It Happen. Both are so helpful together.
Wow! What a great giveaway with some awesome prizes!! Congrats on your adoption Lara, and I will be praying for you for that as well as getting your book done!! Now I’m off to start my tending list for January! 🙂
So excited to start this grace filled journey!
I sent a message to my best friend and new Mommy Julie this morning! Telling her she is strong and amazing and I hope she has a great day!!
I was so bummed to miss out on the PowerSheets, but excited to see this blog post!
What have I been chasing? Significance. I know comparison is so dangerous, but it is a trap I have fallen into so many times, and 2015 seemed the year to be completely ensnared, which is why I am so excited to enter 2016! New year, new life! With work of course, and a whole lot of God’s grace, mercy, and power! Thanks for this blog post, it has me thinking and celebrating what is to come! -
2015 was a hard year. When I try to look back at the good things I realize the whole year was a chase for more drugs to feed my habit. I thought they would make me happy and I used them to excape reality of my crumbling life. Some good things happened. My sister had another baby but no one wanted me around because of my self distrustion. I lost a lot in 2015 relationships, God, and my self. I bet a lot of good things happened that I can’t remember because of all the drugs.
2016 I’m going to say no to drugs and escaping. I’m going to be present in my life and re cultivate the relationships I lost in 2015. I will not let my past mistakes dictate my future.
Today I feel scared and worried. I’m scared I won’t be able to stay drug free. I’m scared I can’t get back the things I lost. I pray God uses this Goal setting time and 2016 to destroy my shame and guilt. To bring along new godly friends and encourages me to make things happen. -
What a wonderful opportunity to walk through goal setting for those of us who didn’t get our powersheets in time this year. Thank you for sharing your heart Lara
I can’t wait to get started on goal setting for 2016!
floundering in my packed life right now.. not sure where to start or where I’m supposed to be going, but I do have your book and might start with reading it(finally). Thanks!
Lara, I’m so excited about this series. The Make it Happen book was so great that I’m definitely going to reading it again this year. Thanks for sharing your heart girlfriend
Praying God’s blessing over your adoption in 2016!
I am so thankful to the whole PowerSheets team that I came across your products. Lara, you are truly an inspiration and make me want to be a better woman!
Good stuff! Power Sheets are sold out so hopefully I can win a set!
Thank you for this giveaway! I LOVE your blog and how you are so open and honest about life. I love your encouraging heart! Thank you!
What an amazing giveaway! Your book and powersheets are changing my life. I am a first year mama and trying to run a business and also work full time has left me feeling stretched in 1,000 ways and unable to take care of myself and nourish my mind and soul. I can’t thank you enough for changing my life for the better. The area I never want to fail in is being a wife and mother, Putting my family first is so amazing and I feel the stress slowly leaving my body.
Thank you so much for doing this series! I am a young professional who is still figuring out what my major goals might be in the upcoming years, so I didn’t want to spend the money on a full set of power sheets quite yet, so this is perfect for me! I can’t wait to follow along with the series and get ta goin on some person goals for 2016. One being – start a blog!
I love the idea of embracing messy. I think giving yourself grace, which is what I see in the idea of embracing messy, is such a powerful gift that serves all those around you – not just yourself.
What a great kickoff to the new year!
I read Make it Happen during my honeymoon at the beginning of this year, and I can’t believe how fast it has flown. A lot of firsts and friendships and lessons learned.
How exciting will 2016 be?
I’m gearing up for 2016 and would love to win this pack. I also am encouraging my BFF we plan to rock 2016!
What wonderful tips and guidance! I love the images and encouragement.
I love your openness on your blog. Thank you for kicking me in the tail to get my goals in order….or at least the thought s going in my head about them.
I so needed this encouragement!
Best investment I made in 2015 was the Powersheets! Thank you for helping me reach my goals. Looking forward to 2016.
Can you be excited but scared to start this journey? My emotions are all over the place as I commit myself to living on purpose! Thank you for providing such encouraging words! I have been saving your blogs and now I have the book to guide me too (yeah!) I was too late to get the Powersheets for this year, but I am taking that as lesson #1in waiting- progress,not perfection, right??
Yay! So expectant and encouraged to see how Jesus works in this coming year!
Your awesome motivation is just what I need to start the new year on the right track! Thanks for the amazing giveaway, too!
2015 was a roller coaster, but I learned a lot. Excited to see what God has for 2016!
Omg this is amazing! I would love to win!
I know that 2016 is going to be an epic year! Love your products, thanks for the giveaway’
Thank you Lara for all that you do in helping, equipping, and encouraging us to meet our goals and plant good seeds. I am praying for action in 2016 and inviting the mess to unearth the good stuff, as you say!!
What an amazing giveaway! I’m looking forward to seeing all FIVE of you get messy in the new year! <3
I texted one of my best friends today who is going through a rough time in early mama-hood. I let her know she is an amazing mama to her little.
I am so excited for 2016! Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m so glad I discovered you through the planner community. Thank you for all you share with us!
I missed ordering by minutes! Thjs is the year I dive in and write my first book. And I need these power sheets!!
Would love to win!! Love your tips 🙂
I’m so excited to write my 2016 goals!
Going through your power sheets right now and excited for what God is going to do in2016!
I sent one of my friends a card in the mail who recently moved to a new state and is having a rough time adjusting. Snail mail is good for ANYONE’s soul! 🙂
Just ordered my power sheets!!! So excited to start goal planning with purpose and intention! (Which I think will be my words of the year)
My husband and I are staring the adoption process in January! Excited and nervous… encouraged by those who have walked before us! Thanks for your heart for the Lord and influence!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, insight and encouragement, Lara! I’m really ready for a NEW year and fresh start in 2016….I’m ready to make it happen! Blessings to you and your family in the new year:)
This could not be more perfectly timed & this is so beautifully written, Lara! (As in, I may have just sat in my car & read the entire thing start to finish & cried along the way a time or two) Your honesty, sincerity & vulnerability shine through & everything seems so relatable. Purpose over perfect, I love that. I can’t wait to sit down with my power sheets & really get messy, get my hands dirty preparing for 2016 to be the best year yet. Thanks for always sharing the good, bad & messy!
I am excited to get a jump on organizational skills this next year, as it is not a gift I have had previously. I want to glorify God in all I do and say, and he is a God of order. This characteristic does not mean that I have to control at all cost, but I do want to not live in chaos
Having recently moved back halfway across the country I have found myself to be unemployed so I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to still participate in the “Make it Happen” experience by following along (with your blog and periscope) and using my own journal. You and your team are such a blessing. Thank you.
So excited to start this Powersheet process. Lara’s Make It Happen book is amazing. Ready to reread it this week as I work on my goals.
I’ve been looking forward to this series for the last few months! Thank you! My now husband and I did your 2013 goal setting series separately and then came together and talked about what we had put together. It was so life-changing. We talked about so much and it solidified that our long-term goals were very similar. A few months later we got engaged, aside from being in love of course 🙂 , it was very easy to say yes knowing we had the same values and the life we pictured together was so similar.
This is so great! I wish I would have understood the “power” of the PowerSheets better before they were sold out so I could grab a set! I am in a season of reflection and growing, so your encouragement is so refreshing and inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do.
Thank you for the Ultimate Give Away!
It is really awesome!
May 2016 be the best year yet!
I turn 60 this year. -
I’ve been looking forward to this series for the last few months! Thank you! My now husband and I did your 2013 goal setting series separately and then came together and talked about what we had put together. It was so life-changing. We talked about so much and it solidified that our long-term goals were very similar. A few months later we got engaged, aside from being in love of course 🙂 , it was very easy to say yes knowing we had the same values and the life we pictured together was so similar.
Already getting into the powersheets! looking forward to this year and lots of amazing things.
I cannot wait to start on preparing for 2016!! I love these tidbits and guides you’ve posted.
2015 was a tough year, I’m not unhappy to see it go. haha. But in spite of hard losses this year, I am grateful for a Faithful Sovereign God who continues to strengthen and heal hurting hearts and for physical healing.
I am so excited for the addition to your sweet little family coming in March! Thank you as always for sharing your heart for making what matters happen! Happy New Year!
I am super excited about this series. Your book was life changing. I am looking forward to only good things in 2016!
I would love a chance to win any of these things! Looking forward to kicking off an awesome 2016!
Thank you so much for your openness. It has really encouraged me to do some soul searching and prayer.
I am so excited to get my hands on a set of powersheets!! Very excited to be so organized and focused on the most important things for my life and not the distractions and unimportant things that we fill our time with. Thank you so much for creating- wish there were more to buy!
Jumped into my PowerSheets this morning! Looking forward to new depths with the Lord as 2016 unfolds!
Perfect timing! Thank you! <3
I’m so happy to be introduced to your book and products! I can’t wait for 2016 and all it has to offer!
My friend and client’s father has been battling cancer and just underwent surgery this morning. I’ve been texting her here and there with encouraging words. Just sent another with my prayers for his recovery. <3
Super excited about this year and change. Hmm maybe change will be my focus
I started using PowerSheets with a Junior League group and have been blown away by the community who have embraced this path toward goal setting! What an inspiration!
Congratulations on your adoption! T his is such a great post. We could all use a reminder that we don’t need to do more in less time, we need to less and use our time on more worthwhile things!
The Lord has used you in my life mightily since I found your blog just yesterday. I’ve been parched, drowning in the tail end of an intensive degree program and really needed something to revive my soul before the semester begins next week. I love how God brings help when we call out. Bless you!
Thank you for this chance to win this giveaway! I am loving the Powersheets.
I work with people with autism. This is a gift God gave me at birth. Recently the school where I have worked for the past twenty years has undergone some changes. Not for the better. It’s hard to understand why money must get in the way of making sure the students get what they really need but unfortunately money seems to be more important than the students we serve. We haven’t gotten any raises in 8 years, our health care benefits have decreased and enrollment is at an all time low. Morale is pretty much non existent. The students feed off us and our emotions and that can make life difficult. I have always been the “cheerleader” who tried to make things seem better but it’s been difficult. I just finished reading a book by John C. Maxwell, Encouragement changes everything. I hope and pray that if I can brighten even just one of my fellow staff, it might have a domino effect. It’s difficult when some of us know what is ultimately going to happen (the school will fold) but we need to try to do the best for the students we serve. And it’s important to be sincere when offering encouragement. It can’t just be hollow words. Please pray for my students and fellow staff this year!
Just what I need and exactly when I need it, looking forward to the series!
I have to admit, when I got my copy of your book, I started working through it and it TERRIFIED ME. What if I fail? What if I let people down? Your site, your blog and (most recently) your Periscopes have provided so much encouragement and support even from so far away. Excited to join in the 2016 challenge. I’m leaving FEAR behind.
I always love your goal setting series! Such an inspiration!
What an inspiring post! I am so unorganized and have always kind of let that define me. My husband Geoff gave me powersheets for a Christmas gift and I am so excited to use them as a tool to help me become more intentional about how I use my time.
I hate talking about my pay it forward opportunities, but earlier today my husband and I were in the grocery store picking up a few things. There was a lady in front of us who had 5 children, the youngest only four months old. Even though I’d never met this woman, I had the deep sensation that I was supposed to pay for her groceries. When I asked her if she would mind if we paid for her things, she almost cried. I’ll probably never see her again, but it was obvious by the look on her face, that it was a bigger blessing than I could ever imagine.
I’m grateful for the week I was so gracefully given to spend with my late aunt. So I could tell her just how much she meant to me before she passed away.
So inspiring, can’t wait to start!
I have never been organized enough to successfully put a planner to good use, but in recent months I’ve been feeling the need to make some changes. To step forward and really push myself to step out of my boundaries and reach for the stars!
My sister purchased the 2016 workbook and all it took was a quick flip-through for me to wonder if, perhaps, it was something that would work for me as well.
Thank you for the very generous giveaway, and may your new year be filled with adventure and many blessings!
This is an awesome giveaway!!!! I am working thru my 2016 power sheets now, so I am definitely excited for this series!!! Thank you for helping us make 2016 AWESOME!!!
Congratulations on being matched in your adoption! And thank you so much for these tools – I have loved digging into the Powersheets, and I am so grateful for the reminder that my goals and vision for the year can all be GRACE FILLED instead of rigid and trying to get it all “right.”
Whew!! That was a lot to work through. The overlying theme for “how are you?” For me is that I’m just okay. In so many aspects of my life I have been living in autopilot for the last few months. I am so ready to be free from “just okay”
What worked in 2015?
-reading (almost) the entire Bible. I’m a few days behind but oh well! Digging deeper into the Word has made such a huge impact!!
-The couple’s small group that my husband and I joined this last year.
-celebrating! Big things like our daughter turning one and a new job for my husband as well as the little things.
-simplifying our routines, my wardrobe, the “stuff” that we have, and our schedules so that we can really focus on what matters.
-allowing myself/my life/our home to be imperfect and, at times, messy!
-learning how to take the time to be creative again and allowing myself to follow the passions God has given me.
#1: my life take on a whole new look when I live firmly rooted in Christ.
#2: there is so much FREEDOM in allowing things to be messy and imperfect.
#3: God is fiercely faithful and will walk us through every situation he brings us to. -
This is my favorite blog series of the year. I love reflecting on the past year and dreaming about the next year.
I have my PowerSheets and I’m so excited to dig into them! I’m ready to start making some purposeful goals. 🙂
Doing this again with my mom this year. Love our annual goal setting tradition!
Thank you for this post! I’m ready to begin my 2016 goals!
I absolutely love your book and powersheets (and this series adds even more to them)! They have been such a blessing. I just worked through the section about what has and hasn’t been working, along with the lessons I learned, earlier today.
A couple things that have been working:
–letting go of the fear of rejection in creative and business goals–>going for it!
–taking risks and moving forward even if I don’t have it all figured out
–the months I did reflection and review at the end of the month
Lessons learned:
–Don’t just keep learning–take action!
–Don’t wait until it’s perfect–take action!
–Don’t be afraid of rejection–seek it out.A couple things that didn’t work:
–staying focused, motivated, and accountable in the “messy middle” of projects and goals
–the social media hamster wheel/mindless scrolling
Lessons learned:
–Keep showing up and doing the work, even when you don’t feel like it.
–Know my core “why” (vision, mission, and values) and use it as a touchstone to stay focused.
–Do fewer things, better. -
Love seeing the power sheets up close and personal!!! Motivated for some spring sheets!!
Such a great post to help getting started on Power sheets!
Rejoicing in the tools you have created! Thanks!
I’m just so excited to start this and prayerfully complete it!
This would be amazing to win!
This looks amazing Lara! I am so excited to get started with my power sheets !
So excited!
I just started a new business this year and I would love all the help I can get. I would love to win!
I just discovered your power sheets and Instagram! I plan on pre-ordering the power sheets as this coming year I definitely need so guidance!
So Excited!!
I texted my friend Becky some images that inspire me! I save images that speak to me and and them to friends. Thanks for the reminder to encourage!
Hoping I win the powersheets to gift to a friend!
Hi Lara, I just wanted to pop in real quick and let you know I’m SO happy that I stumbled across you and your powersheets a couple of weeks ago. I had been searching for something to help me focus on what I want to accomplish next year and they couldn’t be more perfect! You have a beautiful heart…looking forward to hearing more from you ♡
Looking forward to making it Happen !
I love this information. I’m currently working on my plans for 2016. This blog was perfectly timed for me as I’m partway through my own Annual Review.
Sweet Lara! You and your family and team are going to have a wonderful 2016! May you be continue to keep your eyes on Christ and point others to Him in your work! Thank you!!
I ordered my power sheets yesterday and I’m looking forward to getting started and making 2016 the best yet.
I love this! Read Make It Happen earlier this year but never made it through part 4. Didn’t really think I was chasing perfection till God recently pinpointed in prayer how perfectionism is keeping me from doing some things I know I should be doing because I don’t know how to do them perfectly… This series is coming at a good time. Already worked through these first 3 steps and am anxious to get the power sheets I ordered in the mail!
So thankful for you, Lara! I am using my Powersheets and am so thankful for your wisdom and insight!
Also, I encouraged two friends by texting them and saying how grateful I am for them!
Love this!! Working on it now.
This will be my third year using power sheets, the never turns out how I write it out on my sheets. They help me see that it’s now about this big goals it’s about the foundation of what those goals is built on. The faith, hope and love behind the goals. I hope to win so I can gift these items to people who need encouragment and love!
I wish these we not sold out. I am relatively new to my business and these would really help me out. I really wish I had the extra money to spend on these also. Have to save up and order early next year#
I encouraged a friend after receiving 3 negative speak texts from her within 2 hours about her job and being at work that day. I called her and read her multiple verses promising that God will handle her cares, has given her peace, is fighting her battles, etc.
Congratulations on the adoption! When I first read your pregnancy and adoption announcement months ago, I had just found out that I was pregnant with our 2nd baby. Our first baby was not yet 4 months old. When I saw those 2 blue lines, I felt disbelief, excitement and then fear, in that order. Your post came just at the right time for me. My due date is just a few days after my son’s first birthday. I know things will be crazy, but in my life I have been shown over and over again how His plans are so much better than mine. And I know this time won’t be any different. Your posts have been so encouraging too. I can’t wait to read that you’ve brought your new daughter home. Congratulations and thank you for all that you share.
What an amazing give away! Wow
I really wish I had found you much sooner. But at least I was able to pre-order the PowerSheets. I am very excited and cannot wait to get started.
I wrote so much, I’ll just add a few things here…
I’m so excited for this series It’ll be my 3rd year following along (my 2nd with the book) and I can’t wait to do it again! Last year I began with so many ambitious ideas, but before January was over, I found out I was pregnant with our first child! Needless to say, my goals changed, and most of the year was spent in survival mode. At first I was a little disappointed with myself for giving up on so many of my initial goals. But my priorities and abilities changed, and now I realize, that’s OK. It was the hardest year of my life (morning sickness, summer pregnancies, childbirth, and newborn days are no joke!), but was still filled with so many sweet moments (I type this now with one hand, the other holding my nursing son!)
Three lessons I learned:
1. I can’t do it all on my own, and God wants me to embrace that, because it causes me to seek God’s strength and the help of others → humility. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” <3
2. I can do more than I thought I can. I am strong enough in God’s grace to give birth without drugs. I can wake up every hour to feed a baby. I can do the dishes after dinner instead of being lazy. I can pursue my husband.
3. Complaining, a negative attitude, and anger don’t produce fruit–they grow weeds!-
Didn’t realize I needed to post the entire thing to enter the giveaway.. Here goes! 🙂
What are you chasing?
This last year, I was simply chasing survival! See next question for why…How are you doing?
I’m so excited for this series It’ll be my 3rd year following along (my 2nd with the book) and I can’t wait to do it again! Last year I began with so many ambitious ideas, but before January was over, I found out I was pregnant with our first child! Needless to say, my goals changed, and most of the year was spent in survival mode. At first I was a little disappointed with myself for giving up on so many of my initial goals. But my priorities and abilities changed, and now I realize, that’s OK. It was the hardest year of my life (morning sickness, summer pregnancies, childbirth, and newborn days are no joke!), but was still filled with so many sweet moments (I type this now with one hand, the other holding my nursing son!)So how am I? A bit tired. I am often overwhelmed. Fearful of not being able to make the changes in my life that I want to make. Fearful of my tendency toward laziness. Fearful of ending the year in the same place I began it.
At the same time, I’m learning that even tiny steps are progress, and that God doesn’t call me to do all the things–He simply calls me to trust & obey. For me, the whole point of this goal setting is to be intentional about trusting & obeying Him more and more in each area, in each role of my life. And I’m excited for that. I’m excited to approach the year with a fresh perspective, a clean slate, and meaningful goals designed to bring Him glory. I pray that in this new year, I wouldn’t just try and survive, but that I would at least begin to plant little seeds of growth.
I want to grow in intimacy with my husband, in deeper friendships with the women in my life, and nurture my new relationship with my baby as I care for him each day (and night!). I want to work harder and more faithfully in my part time job for my church. I want to be more careful with our spending as my husband completes student teaching and school to get his credential. I want to use my small talent for graphic design to bring in additional income to our family.
What worked in 2015?
My baby. 🙂 My precious husband. Pursing my relationship with my husband. Developing friendships with the other women in my church. Diligence and preparation. Our fun family trips to Disneyland, Oxnard, and Newport Beach. The love and care of our church family and our individual families. Organization. Our new pastor/my new boss. Snuggles with my son. Asking for help. Worship music. Taking a break from certain activities as we adjust to our new season. Day trips to the snow, Descanso Gardens, Dodger game, the pumpkin patch, the Huntington Library, Laguna Beach. Craft days with the youth group girls. Endless pool days. Falling asleep on the sand and waking up just in time to watch the sunset. Natasha, Taylor, Kimmy, and Jenna. Naps. Fresh flowers from my husband. Movie marathons with my husband. Thanksgiving morning at Descanso. A more relaxed Christmas season. The beach!
Good things ahead:
Owen is growing and learning more each day! It is so fun to watch,
New year with new projects at the church.
In September, celebrating 3 years of marriage and 1 year of parenting our little man!
More time for developing friendships.
More opportunities to love and serve my family through the crazy new seasons we are approaching.
Summertime with a baby old enough to enjoy splashing in the pool.
(Maybe) an Alaskan cruise!
Thanksgiving in Newport Beach.
Nana visiting in February.
Birth of the Luepke’s baby.
Lord willing, a full-time job for Scott in the fall!Three lessons I learned:
I can’t do it all on my own, and God wants me to embrace that, because it causes me to seek God’s strength and the help of others → humility. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” <3
I can do more than I thought I can. I am strong enough in God’s grace to give birth without drugs. I can wake up every hour to feed a baby. I can do the dishes after dinner instead of being lazy. I can pursue my husband.
Complaining, a negative attitude, and anger don’t produce fruit–they grow weeds!
I’ve had my eye on these sheets and never was able to pull the trigger to buy. This is amazing! My biggest goal is to turn my childhood cacer foundation that I started in my daughter’s name into an official non profit in 2016. She passed away this February, and although it is the hardest thing I have ever been through, I’m honored to be able to carry her memory forward and help other families facing this same journey.
I am so grateful for you being vulnerable and honestly sharing all that you do. I just turned 31 and this is my first year using PowerSheets and working on reading through Make it Happen. Also, Congratulations on the adoption!! My husband and I struggle with infertility and this as been something we have considered. We were blessed to have our son 4 years ago with the help of God and doctors. Praying for your family and the adoption family in this process. 2016 is going to be a good year!!!
I took the opportunity to encourage a friend of mine, Kimmy. She is newly pregnant with her first child as well, and she and her husband have been such great friends to us. The first trimester can be so rough (all of pregnancy can be!) but it’s so sweet to see them begin this new season and join us in parenthood, and I hope I’m able to encourage her with the little tidbits I picked up on my own this year!
Really loved reading this inspiring blog post and have never wanted to win a giveaway so badly in my life! 2015 was a hard year with my husband and I dealing with infertility. I am hoping for a fresh and joyful 2016 while I continue my journey to motherhood and so much more!
2015 has been the hardest year of my life. I lost my mom to sudden illness. Your tools kept popping up in my life. I got the book this morning. I can’t wait as the series unfolds. Thank you for living this journey.
So much goodness here! Power Sheets are delivered in California but I’m stuck here in the Midwest due to flight cancellations! I feel behind already! I’m reading the book and trying to journal along! SO many goals for this next year that I know I need to prioritize! Thanks for this post and I can’t wait for the next! Congratulations on your adoption!
Today I encouraged my husband. I know it sounds simple and maybe cliche but in this season of our life, he really needed it. He is not able to work right now die to having both feet operated on this month, and money is becoming a big area of stress. I know he feels like he is letting us down and worried that he won’t be able to provide, but we always find a way. I’m proud of him for everything he does, and he just needed to hear it from me. This too shall pass!
Encouraging friends by sending them a postcard while I’m on vacation letting them know I’m thinking of them! ❤️
I have recently came to understand that I have allowed fear to be the driving force for my life since having my first child 13 years ago. Fear of failure, fear of regret, fear of loss, fear of judgement, fear of everything. This is my year to break free from this fear and re-engage. I am doing nothing more than putting up obstacles to all the plans that God has for my life. Thank you for your blog post. I am honestly not sure how I found you, but I did. I asked for your Powersheets for a Christmas gift and am beyond excited to get started with them. Happy New Year!
I found this community just a few weeks ago (through Emily Ley) and I must admit that I’ve had my PowerSheets and other goal setting documents sitting in front of me for two weeks, but I’m so afraid of not doing everything perfectly that they sit here, untouched. Thank you so much for your openness and vulnerability in sharing your purposeful journey with us!
Encouraging someone: I texted a friend (newly married, newly pregnant, newly unemployed) to remind her of all her wonderful qualities and that God has a plan for in this season(s) and to tell her she is loved. 🙂
I’m so intrigued by your goal setting program.
I’m so happy I found these powersheets ! I just came across it on someone’s IG page. My goal for this year is to find balance!
What a blessing you are and your generosity is inspiring,thank you sooo much !
Looking forward to my best year yet in 2016 thanks to the help of PowerSheets!!
I don’t have the power sheets sets but I am so excited to follow along with you Lara. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for offering such a gracious giveaway as well. God bless you and your family.
I’m ready! Thanks so much!
I’m a young professional struggling with anxiety and feeling lost in my career. Your book Make it Happen led me to your blog and I visit it often for reminders of what it means to truly let go. I’m praying that God will guide me in 2016 and help me to give control up to Him. Thank you for the work you are doing to help women live their best lives!
Thank you so much for the push to set goals for 2016. As a mom of three, I am usually the last person I think about. Thanks for challenging me to really look at my life and set new goals and priorities for a new year!!
You came along along in my life life a fresh breeze blowing in the middle of a parched and dry life. I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work, encouragement and love that you pour into your work, which in turn pours into all of us! You are a blessing and the hands and feet of Jesus. <3
This is a very generous giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win some goodies 🙂
Also, I sent a text of encouragement to my daughter who is studying for her driver’s test!
I decided for my ‘encourage somone’ entry that I would contact my sister. She lives about an hour and fifteen minutes from me. She is single and lives with her 18 year old son. She’s been pretty lonely lately so I decided to call her and tell her I was picking her up tomorrow and we were going to spend the day together: her choice. <3
Thanks for sharing your life and journey with us. I would love to do the challenge and make things happen. I appreciate you being obedient to God and blessing me in the process. Thanks for your example. I hope I can do the same.
Looking forward to making it happen in 2016
I didn’t get a chance to grab the Powersheets before they sold out (hint: I’d love to win that prize!) but I’ve been using the excerpts on the site and I feel like my goals are stronger than ever!
So excited to dig into my 2016 Power Sheets! It’s gonna be a great year!
I have recently started following you and you are such an inspiration. I have listened to your story on Jess Lively’s podcast and just love your heart for God and for sharing Him and how each of us can make a difference in this world. Thanks!
Texted a friend who’s been going through some transition this year. Sounds like she’s excited about what 2016 has in store for her too!
I need this more than you know. You inspire me so much! I am praying for 2016 to be my year to shine! I quit my job to figure out what I really want to do.
It is very scary, yet exciting. I would love to expand my Choose Happy business & blog, but the financial aspect scares me. I would love to win items from this giveaway to give me the extra boost to make my dreams & goals come true. I want to help the world follow their arrow & Choose Happy! -
This is so awesome and I’m so grateful for all of the encouragement that you bring to others. It’s rare to find someone who actually lives out their faith and you do just that, Lara. Thank you for being such a bright light for Jesus.
so great!
So excited for 2016!
I texted my mom to let her know she’s loved and appreciated. 🙂
I encouraged a friend who I just found out is going through a difficult divorce. I told her how much I love her and that I’m praying with her and for her.
I just recently learned of you and your blog/business. I am so excited to catch up on all you’ve shared. Thank you!!
Encouraged my husband for how we will set goals in 2016 as a family. Started a good conversation. Thanks!
I missed out on the Workbook and now the Powersheets 🙁 Super bummed but fingers crossed I entered the giveaway!
So excited about this! 2015 was a year of major transitions and I am grateful to have the opportunity to reflect and plan with all the wonderful women on here! Cheers to 2016!
I love your beautiful fresh look at goal setting and living purposefully. A good resource. Laurel
God’s timing is perfect. Coming across your blog and reading this post can right when I needed some encouragement. That whole striving for perfection and failing because I’m so imperfect.
I’m hoping to have thave chance to participate in this goal setting as a new year starts. And I’m hoping for another blessing from an on time God to be a winner since my finances might not allow me to purchase sheets /books -
Loving everything about this!
I emailed a friend who is going through some health and life challenges. Hope I encouraged her in her struggles.
wonderful post. I’m ready to get started with 2016 planning!
Wow, so much goodness in these questions. What have I been chasing? In my business (just passed my 1 year since starting my business/photography). I have definitely been comparing myself to some of my favorite photographers, and definitely some amazing photographers on instagram. I want to be as good as them – now. It was tough to not compare myself, which is definitely a priority for 2016!
I messaged a friend going through some stressful things the past couple weeks. Hoping to connect with her in person soon!
Very inspiring! Can’t wait for 2016!
Thank you for doing this series Lara! Praying for y’all & your sweet new baby girl!
I am so motivated for 2016 and I have encouraged some of my blogger friends to group together and stay on track. We will be taking part in the #fiveminutefriday link up. Every Friday you write a blog post for 5 minutes- no edits just write! A great way to blog more often.
My sister just turned me onto your blog. I’m really excited to take some time tomorrow to put some of these exercises into practice.
Magical!! I love this giveaway!!
This is so great!
I wrote a letter to my sister that just started basic training for encouragement!
I love this yearly goal-setting series. It’s a great way to move into the year with intention.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I loved reading Make It Happen and put it on my IVF Book Club reading list. I normally pass on my books once read but I kept Make it Happen to read again and again. I practically highlighted the entire book 🙂 Looking forward to your next book.
New Year’s Resolutions combined with my tendency towards perfectionistic thinking have destroyed my motivation and goals. I also know that these destructive thinking patterns have hindered me from accomplishing what God has set before me and allowed me to participate.
This year I am choosing to remove those pressures and destructive thinking patterns. I am choosing one word to represent my year – to remind me of my convictions – to push me closer to God – to help me accomplish much in 2016. I’m still working on that word, but am excited to pray through it and see where God is leading.
Lara, I love this and am so grateful for your transparency with us! It is such an encouragement to be able to know that we are not alone in our struggles.
Interesting stuff here. I’m rather fearful of the process, but I believe such planning would be good for me.
I have just discovered Lara Casey in the last couple of days and I am super excited to start this process with you. I have two young children and want to be my best for them and my husband. I am looking forward to working through it!
I have my Starbucks in hand and sent a sweet message to my cousin Alexis!!! She is a rockstar new Mommy and I am so thankful for her 🙂 Thank you Lara Casey for this opportunity!!!
Lara, you truly are a blessing to my life! You are a Light in this world, and it’s amazing how many women (and men!) you touch daily. Your book and PowerSheets have helped me rediscover myself and nourish my relationship with God. Thanks for all that you do.
I just went through my Powersheets and am excited about the coming year! Thanks so much for your generous giveaway! And…on a side note, I think Women of the Word is a foundational read for every believing woman! I am so glad to see that you have included it in this package! Equipping women to study God’s word on their own is so important, and that book does such a good job of doing that! Yay, for whoever wins it!!
Oops, I forgot to add how I encouraged someone! A lady I work with has been feeling down about herself, so I put together a little packet of some of your writing and prints to encourage her. 🙂
This comes at the right time when amazing shifts and changes are happening. I love having the Powersheets to get prepped, centered and reconnected to the things that matter to me and my family.
This series is amazing and I am sharing this with my close friends and people I meet. I am viewing life differently and finally letting god handle things. I broke up with my sons father 4 years ago, one year after giving birth. My relationship went downhill quickly with fights and miscarriages. I prayed everyday for things to get better however, I was not really letting god handle it. After the break up I was devastated and prayed that god will help him change for me to grow and change. 3 years later we are back together and planning our future, we didn’t rush back and he doesn’t push me away from my faith and is much more supporting. God’s timing is perfect.
I must add that this series has helped me to re focus and get back to nursing school. I am “making it happen” I might be looking for another employment to finish school but trust that god has control and his plans are better. I am very motivated with this! We can all make it happen!!
STEP ONE: What have you been chasing? I feel like for so long I have just been trying to keep up, to not drown in it all. Most of the time I feel like I’m failing. There’s just too much to do and not enough time or resources.
STEP TWO: How are you? Tired, worn out, empty, heartbroken.
STEP THREE: What worked in 2015? 2015 was a doozy! I lost my dear cat, two babies both in my second trimesters, and my mom. I am heartbroken and overwhelmed by loss. It was also a year of my children being sick for six months straight. Seriously every single week we had one or both kids at the pediatricians office. It tapped out our bank account, vacation time, and boss’ patience. My oldest also started kindergarten and after months and months of prayer (and stress that led to shingles) we decided that the neighborhood school was not a good fit and we put her in a private school. It’s a struggle to pay every month, but I know it’s where she is supposed to be. A doozy! However, what worked well was prayer and going to Jesus. He’s my best friend and after this year I absolutely know that there is no way I can get through this life without Him. I am constantly talking to Him, constantly crying out or even laughing with Him (sometimes just laughing at the absurdity of everything with Him). I myself could not have made 2015 better, I worked and worried and grieved so hard that I made myself sick. I do know; however, that I should have gone to Jesus sooner. I should have made Him my number one best friend at the beginning of the year…years ago. He carried me through this year and rained down small blessings.
I must say though, I am at an absolute loss for 2016. I’m so tired, worn out, and I have no idea what I can do differently. Pray constantly, rely on Jesus, and keep hugging my babies… that’s all I’ve got. -
I love the new printable & goal-setting theme!
hi…i just stumbled upon your website in searching for ways to really make some life changes, spiritually happy changes! what a great sharing of being involved and consciously aware of the many ways to make change, not only for myself, but the community and our world…thank you!
This is SO good, Lara!! I look forward to your goal-setting series each year! Thank you for opening your heart and sharing with us how you make it happen, with the Lord’s help 🙂
The pages of my new, one-year planner, are taking shape. I’ve used Powersheets for some time but long to take it to a new level this year! I tend to start well and lose my focus! I really like this new format.
Today I’m meeting with a friend to pray for their adoption. They leave in {{two weeks}} to travel to China. We only began praying last fall for this adoption. God is so, so awesome!!!
Wow! What a fun giveaway! All of these great items would be a great start to 2016 and making what matters happen!
Just seen a friend post on her powersheetings and was curious. I LOVE this idea! Can’t wait to get my own and get started.
I am always chasing the perfect thing to say. I think way too long before I speak. I am just afraid of being seen as less than perfect or less than professional or not smart. So oftentimes, I don’t say anything at all. It makes me feel like I don’t have any friends and nobody wants to hang out with me. It makes me feel like I am not funny or a good storyteller, so I just don’t say much.
I loved those questions for the How Are You? section. I have some really great areas and some not so strong areas. I am feeling good with my physical space as I did a lot of de-cluttering this year using the KonMari method. My marriage and family relationships have definitely grown stronger this year and are better than ever. My friendships are weak and I would love to grow them better next year. My financial health is ok. There are a lot of expenses coming up in the new year which is a major stressor for me, but my husband and I are going to be focusing on saving in the new year. We have a great budget sheet we are going to work through to cut back on the overwhelming feeling I have. Physically I am doing awesome. Self-care was a huge goals for me this year and I absolutely accomplished it. Work is very conflicted for me and I think that is what is holding me back from being excited about setting my goals. 2015 was a lot of fun. I turned 30 and felt so loved on my birthday, even while I was working. We took an awesome and refreshing vacation to Spain and Portugal. We also finally went to Epcot Food & Wine Festival. My husband lost 65 pounds and has maintained it since September, which is such a big win for us both! So much good stuff, but those are the big ones. -
Can’t wait for 2016. This post was just what I needed to get started TODAY! 🙂
So excited to dive in!
This giveaway would be such an encouragement!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Reconnecting with a friend from high school by attempting to encourage her through a rough time right now. Praying for her and trying to encourage through sincere words, NOT cliches!
Last year I discovered the concept of One Word, and I instantly connected with it. I’ve never been a big resolution girl as I feel like resolutions don’t actually have a whole lot of resolve behind them, and as a result they usually don’t last very long. This past year’s One Word was “dare,” and I really felt like I lived it out thanks to careful goal setting and then just experiencing life. I graduated with my Masters, moved somewhere new, started a new job, adopted a furever friend I’ve named Sawyer (she’s the most beautiful pup in the world), and tried to successfully “adult,” whatever that means.
As I’ve started looking ahead to 2016, I’ve searched inside a lot to figure out what I want my One Word to be for the upcoming year; what I want to be my cornerstone for moving forward through the next year of life. After a lot of reflecting and talking with my best friend, I’ve landed on “fortitude.” There are a lot of steps I want to take this next year, but some of them are big and scary and I know for a fact that they won’t be easy steps to take. Hopefully by making “fortitude” my One Word, I’ll consistently be reminded to move forward, regardless.
That being said, here’s what I wrote out for my steps!:
Step 1: I’ve been chasing perfection. Being perfect at my new job, being perfect at “being a grown up,” trying to have a perfect life (materially), and trying to cultivate a perception of that perfection. And all this has mean that I feel like a failure and that I’m not good enough. But most of all it has resulted in a lot of STRESS.
Step 2: I’m TIRED. Stress and worry and trying to survive and just managing to scrape by are EXHAUSTING. I don’t fully understand how to really “adult” (for instance, finances? I’m lost somewhere in my understanding of being financially stable and how to save and what’s important and it’s SO OVERWHELMING!). Overall, I just end up with this feeling of continually wanting to do better, and being too tired to do so.
Steph 3: Since this was a period of “new” for me, asking questions worked. Working out resulting in a whole bunch of healthier-ness (mentally, physically, emotionally). Having a dog to talk to helped with that as well. Plus using mom as a sounding board is always helpful. I also took a lot of time this year to reflect and reconnect with members of my “community.” I read a lot of books: some new and some old favorites. And when I could remember to put my phone down (and the computer and the iPad) that worked, too.
I learned that worry is fruitless; I need Jesus, church, and the community that results from both; people are willing to help if you ask for it; dogs are the BEST; a good night’s sleep does WONDERS for the soul and the heart and the mind; I don’t always have to be in control for things to work out; pride doesn’t do any of us (including, or especially, me) any good; every penny counts; listing to fear isn’t helpful; looking inward and upward more would have helped prevent a lot of headaches (and heartaches, too). -
i can’t wait to dig in and set my 2016 goals!
I’ve been working on encouraging others through sending cards this week, randomly texting friends, and participating in the FB Powersheets group!
Stumbled across this today, awesome!
I spent the morning going through my calendar making a year in review list and I’m feeling so happy and blessed with how full my life is.
i just received the make it happen book and my first set of powersheets for christmas, and i’m so amazed by the blessing that they are already becoming in my life! this book feels like it was written for me – i’m always overwhelmed and stressed and i’m excited to make some changes in 2016. thank you for writing this book and working to empower women like me!
Ready for a great 2016. Thank you for all the faith filled encouragement and I am loving the Powersheets!!!
I feel so lucky to have found you. This is a way to approach life more powerfully than I could have imagined (all without loosing perspective that He’s in control, not me). THANK YOU!
I got the Powersheets and I am so excited! Looking forward to what the Lord will do with my life in 2016!
This is such a great post! Wonderful ideas to journal, letting go of the past year and welcoming in the new one–thank you!!
I’ve been putting off starting this process this year because I am fearful. I fear not reaching my goals. I fear disappointment. I fear being behind… But since there is no fear in love (and I want to grow in love)… I am BEGINNING. Here. Imperfectly at comment #633 on your blog 🙂 But I hope it encourages others after me to JUMP right on in too, and share their hearts. Because the truth is that it is never too late. Ever! Change is possible. Always!
So, what have I been chasing?
This year, I have chased personal expectations, the “shoulds” of perfectionism, so many worldly things, and the outcomes (instead of the process). Chasing these things has left me feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. And empty. So empty. Because these chases are worthless. (1 Samuel 12:21) Naming these chases reminds me where my focus needs to be – on God, on growth in the process, on eternal things. And they remind me that I desperately need (and I am grateful for) His grace that perfectly washes over me, even and especially when I don’t feel I deserve it.
How am I?
I am hopeful and overwhelmed. Overwhelmed but knowing that I need to trust Him more. Hopeful because I KNOW He wants to do good things through this process and growth season.
What worked in 2015?
– Reading through the whole bible with my husband (only 8 chapters left, but more importantly growing in the Word with him.)
– Intentional and consistent budgeting. God has provided for us in so many ways financially. But we are also learning to become better stewards with our money.
– Bible studies and community.
Lessons from what worked:
1. God is good and faithful. He is always working.
2. Sharing my heart and what I am learning about God is good, so good, and life-giving.
3. Facing the hard stuff (i.e. $$ talks) creates a way to grow, to let go of fear, and to feel more peace.
Good things ahead?
My husband and I are celebrating our 5-year anniversary this year! After 6000+ miles worth of moving (cross country moves really shake up my heart), we are staying, rooting, grounding where we are right now. It is so wonderful to come to this place of celebration – of our marriage and of building and growing stronger right where we are.Lara, I will be prayerful over your adoption process. (Intentional Prayer is one of my goals this year!) Thank you for your words of light and truth, and for these goal setting exercises. I’m timid yet hopeful to begin my Workbook. But I re-read your book recently, and beginning here is good and encouraging.
Praying for the courage to make good things happen this year! -
I’m so excited to come across your site. I love this! I’ve always had trouble actually writing down my goals and sticking to them but I know how important it is to do. Just by writing them down you are much more likely to achieve them. In this upcoming year I need to let go of fear and worry in all areas of my life and trust God more!
I believe that this past year I’ve been chasing Security. Security in my relationships and in my finances. I’ve been working and striving to make a safe place for myself and it’s been hard for me to even keep my head above water in that pursuit. This next year I need to remind myself that God is my strong tower and in Him I find rest. God has good things for me in my relationships and finances, He is creating a safe place for me. It’s not something I have to chase down. I am secure in Him already.
There is NOTHING like God-centric planning ! I love how God encourages us to DREAM BIG and then SURRENDER those dreams to Him, so that he can do even more than what we ever thought ! Thank you to all the awesome creators and Lara a special thanks to you for this awe-mazing giveaway !
Wow Lara. I got your book as a New Year’s gift in 2015, but I must say that the impact your book has had on me has been so intense in the last few months when i did hit rock bottom. 2015 indeed was a scary bumpy carriage. I am so grateful for the Powersheets. Wow. It is changing my life and helping me to focus in what i struggled with the most in 2015 – my marriage. And I can already see the difference.
And I just want to thank God for the grace and wisdom to turn down seemingly great opportunites. All I can say is wow. I pray that God gives me the grace to focus on what matters. Thanks for being a great example. And I will be praying for you and your family.
My word!! I love this so much! I’m actually going to bookmark it and come back to it. (Is that weird?)
Aaaaaand just texted a friend! (One of my favorite ways to encourage!)
You are so encouraging!
I’ve existed on shallow breaths. Short sips of air, just enough to move me through life. A few weeks ago I was walking up several flights of stairs, taking shallow breaths when my son called. I felt like I didn’t have enough air to walk and talk. (BTW this isn’t a metaphor.) I had an epiphany approaching the 4th floor. I need to breathe to live. This Christmas I started to breathe again. Great big, belly inflating inhales. Focusing on my breathe opened my mind to my truth. So much of my life has pulled me away from my truth. 2016 is my year to prune, feed my soul, and breathe deeply, making space for my growth. Thanks.