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I am writing this in awe! I just finished the last steps of my PowerSheets prep — reviewing everything I have written during this month of prayerful preparation and then writing my 2015 goals. This process was hard and so worth it. It took focus and checking my heart with God on every word I wrote on these pages. It took pushing myself outside my comfort zone to be bold in writing these goals — bold for a purpose that is bigger than me. It took hushing the hustle and killing the distractions (fear, insecurity, and seeking escape when I didn’t want to write the words that God had for me). It took time. It took putting my headphones on at my desk and playing some great music. Most of all, it took making a mess. Case in point….


A tip! I’m going to add this to the 2016 PowerSheets, but wanted to share it with you to hopefully help you today. As you review all you’ve written, go through and highlight, underline, mark, star, or circle the things that really jump out to you. This was so helpful for me to identify themes and meaningful points as I moved towards writing goals at the end. I also added to what I wrote as I went along. Make a mess!

If you are just joining us for this series, it’s never too late to begin! February 1 is my January 1, so feel free to join me:

2015 Goal Setting, Part 1: Good Things 

2015 Goal Setting, Part 2: What Didn’t Work + What I Learned

2015 Goal Setting, Part 3: Saying Yes, Saying No

2015 Goal Setting, Part 4: Get Radical + Sing Loud

2015 Goal Setting, Part 5: Set Good Goals

When I got to writing my goals today, I felt surprisingly clear. It was hard work to commit to writing them down, but the things that are most fruitful in my life have come out of times of struggle. They’ve come out of hard work and stepping into the uncertain or uncomfortable. It’s in those times that I am given an opportunity to either control and restrict, or let go and let God. There is endless freedom in the latter! Finally writing these goals, after this month of working hard and doing this process more intentionally than I ever have, was an unexpected JOY. It left me here in awe — in praise! Below: where I am right now writing this to you. I love that sweet little daffodil from our floral class yesterday. I stopped about 16 times to smell it as I pushed through in writing my goals.


Choosing to make February 1 my January 1 was a great decision. I encourage you to take time to do this well, too. But, also be encouraged to work hard and push through. As I shared in the PowerSheets live broadcast this week, give yourself a deadline. I know we don’t like that “d” word, but digging in to purposeful goals and prayerful planning has the potential to change your life. I don’t say that lightly. I am sitting here today having done the work and I am fired up about helping you move forward, too! The hard work will be worth it.

In the next post, I’ll be sharing how I plan to take action on these goals and some tips on action steps. For now, though, here are my 2015 Goals! I connected scripture to each and began each goal with an active verb, instead of “I want.”


I got the print above (that is now hanging on my wall) from this talented artist. I love it!

1.  Seek (my 2015 word!) the Lord deeply above all else and before all else. Why? Because all other paths lead nowhere and because I need God to direct my steps or I get far off-track. Because I am innately selfish. Because I don’t have the answers, but He does. Because I want to do this life well and live on purpose. SO many reasons!

Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. 1 Chronicles 16:10-11

2. Raise God-loving children who want to love and live praising Him! Why? Because Grace and these children are His and we want to honor and cherish those gifts. Because we want our children to know the freedom and joy we have in Him.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…”  John 16:24

Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Duet 6:4-7

3. Bring many to know the Lord’s heart and life-giving transforming truth. Why? Because God is life and I know what it feels like to live without Him. I am passionate about sharing His story and how He has changed us!

I could choose so many scriptures for this, but will stick with Psalm 118.

4. Use every part of my work for Him — internally as a leader and in all we do. Why? Because He didn’t give us this business and work just for fun, He gave it to use for a bigger purpose. Because our work or encouraging marriages matters. Because, though we are imperfect, God can use our surrendered hearts and hands. Because I don’t want to waste my life or talents. Because I only have one life on this earth to encourage others to what matters! Because we are blessed to be a blessing.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col 3:17

5. Live a marriage and family that deeply pleases Him. Why? Because when we are strong together, we are stronger for everyone around us. Because being strong together means first being close to the Lord. Because it’s God’s will that we would honor Him in our marriage and family. Because we love Him!

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10

But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

6. Be a faithful humble leader, working heartily for the Lord in our family group, Bible Bunch, small groups, Bible studies, in our business, in leading Grace’s heart in our household — in all things! Why? Because these aren’t “responsibilities,” they are they are hearts. Because God has chosen these things for our life and we want to do them well to honor Him and encourage many!

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. Col 3:23

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Eph 4:1-2

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:10-13

7. Listen and learn from wiser sisters and be completely humble and gentle so that God can dig into my heart as I listen and learn. Why? So I grow closer to God. I need to keep learning and growing and practice a deep humility.

Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. Proverbs 10:17

8. Encourage others in truth and in love. Why? Because that is the gift I believe God has given me. I feel hesitant in owning that, but I know that not acknowledging that gift is shrinking away from potential good.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. Romans 12:6

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thess 5:11

9. If it’s God’s will, write a book to encourage marriages — to break down barriers. Why? My why is pretty simple here and at the same time totally overwhelming and scary. Because God told me to. I feel insecure and not equipped, but God keeps bringing Moses to mind. Moses wasn’t equipped, but God gave him the words. I am putting my faith in that!

My verse for in starting this process and seeking wisdom on what to write: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

UPDATED: After much prayer, I’m writing about a totally different subject! So grateful for answered prayer and clarity about what I’m supposed to write. Can’t wait to share soon!

10. Know that ALL we have is fully the Lord’s. May we give it all away for Him! Why? This has been on my heart for the last couple years and God keeps pulling me to more fully surrender. I am praying on this and ready.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7

And then… right as I finished writing these goals, this song came on. It’s completely my heart for this year. This is my song for 2015 : ) I need thee every hour, indeed!


Photo above from ZimZoomPhoto, from the Carolina Inn Bridal show last weekend.

I don’t know what the Lord has ahead for us this year, but my prayer is that in seeking Him above all else, I will have my heart wide open to what comes. I want to listen. I want to trust. I want to go and do what He has for us.

The giveaway for this post is a real good one. I haven’t done this in several years, but as encouragement for those who go through this process and complete all the steps in the series, you’ll be entered to win a seat to the Making Things Happen Conference for you or for a friend if you are already registered. YES! I am SO excited for whoever wins this! This giveaway is for a full ticket to the conference (An $1800 value), and does not include travel and accommodations. In order to be entered for this prize, I encourage you to go through all the steps and comment on each post. I’m extending all the giveaways on each post until February 16th to help you have time make some great progress! Remember, progress, not perfection : )


You can win multiple times throughout this series and you can increase your chances of winning by:

– Commenting on this post to share your thoughts – my goal in these giveaways is to get you to make some progress on meaningful goal setting! : )
— Pinning this post or any in the series
– Instagramming any graphic with a link back here to this post or future posts
– Sharing this series on Facebook or Twitter
– Blogging or in any way sharing this post/series
– For all entires, link back here to www.LaraCasey.com/blog and use the #2015GoalSetting hashtag. You are welcome to use graphics from my posts!
– Lastly, leave a comment saying you did any of the above. You can enter as many times as you like on all posts!

Lastly, thank you! Thank you for joining me on this journey. I am overjoyed by how this process has gone for me personally! Taking this little by little has been worth it and I am praying you find the same is true for you. Get messy and make it happen, friend! More to come on action steps soon in the next post…

keep reading


  1. Stephanie on at

    I absolutely love your power sheets and love the idea of February being the new January! January I feel like I processed all month and now I’m ready to do the work!

  2. I love your goals , Lara, and how you connected them to scripture! I did the same thing for each of my goals and put verses in the “note to self” section of the PowerSheets. Aligning our goals with God’s Word is essential to crossing our finish lines! I’m so thankful for this goal setting series, the PowerSheets, your book, and your heart for making things happen! This process has inspired me in so many ways and I feel empowered by God to live on purpose this year and into the future!

  3. Amanda Ready on at

    Yes! Love this! The Powersheets have been so impactful for me. I have never really sat through and fully thought out my goals before so this has been such an amazing tool. I am currently mentoring high school youth and I think I might work through the sheets with them as well. I especially love the pesonal mission statement. I am in such a crazy phase of my life as a business owner (wedding planner) and a mom to two little ones so having something that grounds me and motivates me is essential. I AM DYING to go to the MTH conference so I would LOVE TO WIN!!! Pretty pretty please. 🙂 PS. I am on chapter 9 of your book and I am loving it! I want to give it away to so many people!

  4. Amanda Ready on at

    ok. I think I did absolutely everything! 😉

  5. Kayleen on at

    Until this year, I was the same as you talked about in the goal section of your book. I thought that making goals was being self-seeking and resisted them. However, going through this process intentionally and making goals that serve a purpose and ultimately bring glory to God has been so freeing! It has been exactly the kick in the pants I’ve needed to make the changes in my marriage and walk with God that I have been needing to make. Thank you for letting God use you!

  6. I shared on Facebook!

  7. I shared on Pinterest!

  8. I shared on Twitter!

  9. Amanda Ready on at

    Pinned this to Pinterest!

  10. Amanda Ready on at

    Shared on Instagram!

  11. Amanda Ready on at

    Shared on Twitter!

  12. Amanda Ready on at

    Shared on my business page! 🙂 It’s a blog geared specifically to wedding professionals so it was a perfect fit 🙂

  13. Kami on at

    I pinned this!!

    I am so thankful a friend directed me to your products and blog. One of my biggest goals this year is to figure out what God’s goals are for me. I really want to take time and not make the rash New Years resolution type goal!!

    I would so love to attend the Make It a Happen conference. At this point it is out of our budget, so to win a seat would be truly amazing.

    Thank you for the inspiration to make thoughtful goals

  14. Jane on at

    Wow, getting to go to the conference would be a dream come true! I came across Making Things Happen only a few short months ago, but this community has changed my life. So first, I say thank you. I purchased the Power Sheets and have come to the final step. Writing my goals! I decided today is the day to finish up and I’m pretty excited. Thank you for sharing your goals as a great point of reference. Here’s to February 1st and a new way of living in 2015!

  15. Amy on at

    Thank you so much for everything you do! I can’t really express how winning this would make me feel! Such a generous giveaway and life changing for the winner! I put verses in the notes to self section as well. I am just so overwhelmed with thankfulness to have found your blog, read your book and used the power sheets for 2 years now. God is so good.

  16. Brooke on at

    I have gone through this whole series and Feb 1 is my Jan. 1. I am so excited to see what I can accomplish for the Lord through living intentionally and on purpose. Thank you!

  17. Amy W on at

    I’ve pinned the last few posts, instagrammed twice, and have been sharing links on Facebook.

    Thank you for always helping me have guidance on how to set myself up for success. This process is powerful. I was just reviewing my 2015 goals and evaluating what I need to be doing in February to get there. I’m excited to see what 2015 has in store!

  18. Kelly on at

    Love your words and heart for sharing them! I’m so pumped about my goals and taking action!

  19. Paula on at

    Lara, I love how you tied each of your goals to a verse – I didn’t do that when I initially set my 2015 goals, but I will definitely be adding them in on my monthly tending lists. Thanks for sharing your goals, and your heart. They always inspire me.

  20. Jessi on at

    Goodness I am SO thankful I can across your blog thanks to Kristin Schmucker over on Instagram. Purchased your book 2 weeks ago and read through it in 3 days…and am going through it again! God worked so mightily through your writing, it has completely wrecked me in such a beautiful way. I’m slowly processing through actionable goals but so far I have come up with these 3 thoughts that are shaping everything I see….1-Trust & serve God wholly 2- Community, build up others, truly walk alongside hurting people, and genuinely plug in to my church 3- Steward all my time, talent, and all I have to be used as an offering to Him who has entrusted me with these things. Praying for God to show me how to do these things specifically.

  21. Jessica on at

    I’m so encouraged by you as a leader, Lara, and by how you have shared your goals. It would be a dream to attend the conference and be surrounded by people who want to live out their life vision and put action together with purpose. Thanks for this awesome chance! I’m sharing on IG and with my friends and sisters and also pinning on Pinterest!

  22. Julia on at

    Oh Lara!!! These posts, your book + the powersheets are transforming my heart!!!! I decided to make Feb 1st my Jan. 1st too. I am up to #8 of my 10 goals, and working through the goal planning sheets. My heart is on FIRE!!!!! Thank you and thank God for putting all of this on your heart to share, inspire, motivate and encourage all of us to live the lives we were created to live.!!!!

  23. Thank you so much for sharing your personal goals and reminding me of the importance of goal-setting in my own life. I always had BIG dreams but life has a way of slipping by and I became unfocused.

    I have just started reading your book and I am excited to see what other challenges your wisdom holds for me. I am extremely thankful for the little nudge your words are giving me to keep chasing my dream.

    I shared your post/site on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and on my personal blog.

  24. Mel on at

    I thank God for using you as a vessel on this journey I didn’t know I needed. I don’t have Facebook , but I’m sharing you all over Instagram . Thank You, Thank You for writing Make It Happen.

  25. Amanda Ready on at

    Pinned on Pinterest on my other business page! 🙂

  26. Amanda Ready on at

    Tweeted again! Can you tell I reeeally want to go?! 🙂

    Oh and working on a blog post!

  27. Allison on at

    What a wonderful giveaway! This will be such a blessing for whomever wins, as I am still relishing my time spent with the MTH ladies last March.

    I too am loving the idea to make February 1 the new January 1. Who has time to sit down during December to thoughtfully create their goals?

    Last year (and this January!) was certainly a learning year. It showed me that some of the bigger dreams I’d been dreaming don’t really fire up my heart after all. Not only am I trying to learn that this doesn’t make me a failure, but I’m also trying to pinpoint the things God has created me for.

    Thank you for all you do, Lara! I hope you understand the impact you have made on so many lives!

  28. Oh, I LOVE that you started each with a verb + connected to Scripture. I have made a complete scribbly mess of my Powersheets (a first for this recovering perfectionist!) so I think I’ll take some time this week rearranging the wording to do the same, and digging into Scripture for each as well. Thank you for your constant wisdom, encouragement and inspiration!! You are a blessing!!

  29. Kyla Fetzner on at

    After much prayer, patience, and little-by-little progress, I completed my PowerSheets on Saturday and committed to my goals:


    Lara, that is very kind and generous of you to offer a scholarship to MTH. That is such an incredible gift that will have an amazing impact on one blessed reader! 🙂

  30. I began doing #powersheets last year. I didn’t do them well, but I began the journey. Today I have really launched out with my goals and honestly feel like they are foundational to the direction God is taking me. What a great feeling that is! These post have been such a valuable tool to help though the process. The video was so good as well. Thank you!!

  31. JoAnne on at

    Thank you once again, for propelling me and so many others forward this year – into purpose and our best to come. Shared on FB & Pinterest, and hope it will inspire more into possibilities. 🙂 xo, Jo

  32. Oh, L ara, I have loved going through the Powersheets this year. It’s been a much harder process for me than last year, but I feel so good and settled about the goals I set for my year. I wrote an in-depth post about each goal on my blog, but here is the short list:

    1. Seek and find God in everything.
    2. Wait on the Lord — especially in my singleness.
    3. Make time for creative adventures.
    4. Spend, save, and give with intention.
    5. Find a fitness routine I love and make it a regular part of my week.
    6. Continue to simplify my life.
    7. Be an encourager and a celebrator..
    8. Use social media and my blog with intention, and continue to evolve and find the focus/niche God has for me.
    9. Find the balance between living the stories and telling them.
    10. Be brave in writing and creating.

    I will also be adding scripture to each goal. I LOVE that idea! Val of Val Marie Paper wrote a great blog post about doing that, if anyone is interested in checking it out! 🙂

    I haven’t chosen a song yet, but I just stumbled on the new album by I Am They, and I think this album in general is my soundtrack to this year. So much beautiful, encouraging truth!

    Thank you for following God’s call to help others live lives that matter for God. You are a TRUE blessing to so many!

  33. Beth on at

    Your Powersheets have been such a blessing. I really believe things come into your life when you most need them, and I have really enjoyed the process. I have loved that Feb is the new Jan. And although I didn’t make Feb 1, I am hoping to get my Powersheets complete for Feb 15th. It would be such a wonderful opportunity to attend Making Things Happen. I have heard wonderful things about it, and think it would really help me get in touch with others like me looking to make things happen not only in 2015, but going forward. Fingers crossed 🙂

  34. Beth on at

    Shared on Facebook!

  35. Beth on at

    Shared on Instagram!

  36. Hope Easter on at

    I have loved working along side these posts, and your book!. My final goals are launching tomorrow on my blog. This has been challenging, but freeing at the same time. Thank you for all you’ve done Lara! 🙂

  37. Ads on at

    I don’t always share blogs on Facebook but when I do it’s because it’s a blog that I’m sure will help and encourage myself and the people around me…and enter me into a give way. But seriously, Lara, you’re graced to help people live out their purpose and point them towards God.

  38. Liz Hernandez Nunez on at

    Thank you Lara for this. My February 1st also became my January 1st:) I have been blessed by your work and I thank God for you. I am still plowing through the powersheets. It’s been hard because of my wanting them to be perfect but I am reminded once again to do what matters. God bless you!

  39. Lanai on at

    With this being my first time working through Power Sheets, I am learning that forcing perfection is actually producing non-effective fruit in my life. I’ve been running in circles because I have always felt that I needed to have direction or some huge project going on. I always needed to be busy. All being busy does is shield me from my reality. I’m aware of when this began, but I didn’t realize that was the very thing holding me captive until now. To stop, get quiet, and wait on The Lord, is nerve racking! I get antsy and start thinking of another project to create. The chaos that I have experienced is of my own making. Thank God for Lara! The Power Sheets are more than just to-do lists. With the help of this community I truly feel that I will be able to search and find the things that really matter. Today, I’m reviewing my goals and making February a month of clearing out the mental clutter.

  40. Lanai on at

    Commented and shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pintrest! 🙂

  41. Claire Neill on at

    Love your goals Lara! 🙂 I too set my goals backed with Scripture. For me, it’s not only important – because I want to surrender and seek God in everything – but it also helps immensely when the going gets tough… I shared on the page for the book that this year my word is ‘surrender’ I want to let go of the fears (big and small!) that entangle me and stop me living out God’s perfect purpose for my life. Setting goals, starting with an active verb is a great way to start! Thankful for you Lara and your heart. I have shared this goodness on Instagram, twitter and Pinterest!

  42. Sabrina on at

    Not going to lie: I was really excited to dig into the PowerSheets right after Christmas. Then come January 1, I was having a hard time bringing myself to even think about goals. At one point I just felt “eh, I can’t think of anything I want to write down, maybe this isn’t for me this year..” Other times I thought ” I just don’t see the point, I’m starting to just write down the same things as last year” (I literally did, after I filled the getting to know me page, I looked at my 2014 page. Exact same words… I guess I know myself pretty well) Honestly, I was just having a hard time putting into words what I was thinking. I really wanted to make an effort this go around and not “write” the same old thing, the same old goals, the same old stuff. I really wanted a purpose behind what I was putting on paper. After following your posts and reading your book I was still having trouble. Until this post when you connected scripture with your goals. Suddenly. it all clicked. I decided to take the approach of connecting scripture to my goals and suddenly the thoughts started flowing. Thanks for creating the Powersheets and the inspiration Lara!!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so grateful this helped — God’s word is powerful! : )

  43. Amanda Hays on at

    I love your instagram and am thinking about getting your power sheets. Can’t wait to sit down and look at them more after the little one is in bed! 🙂

  44. Amanda Hays on at

    Just pinned this post. Love your office pic!

  45. Raena on at

    Love this! Your goals are very much centered around seeking Him. It makes me want to revamp my goals so that I can lean more into my relationship with the Lord. Maybe my January 1st will be Feb 15th. I shared on insta, pinterest and facebook.

  46. Kristina Buckler on at

    I love your goal of wanting to give everything away for the Lord! Such an absolute blessing to see someone chasing after God in all areas of their life. Also very encouraging to hear about your adoption journey. My husband and I are going to be starting the adoption journey in the next year, so it’s very encouraging to hear how someone else is leaning into God in the process!

    Thank you for helping us learn the difference between goals and meaningful goals. I really appreciate you and your graceful heart!

  47. Amanda Ready on at

    I FINALLY made it through the power sheets and the goal setting! AND I BLOGGED ABOUT IT!

    Thank you so much for this book and for the powersheets. You have really impacted me! You are on my “people to meet” list 🙂 I would love to come to the MTH conference and I would be seriously honored if you would check out my blog post! 🙂


  48. Jahna on at

    I just love how you connect every goal to God’s word! I am in part 4 of the Make It Happen book, and it has already impacted my outlook on everything so much! Thank you for letting God lead you <3

  49. Grace Cho on at

    Pinned this. I’m still in search of a song for the year, but starting off the year with your book was probably one of the best, most motivating things I’ve done in a long time. So thanks.

  50. Amanda Ready on at

    Just tweeted this link! 🙂

  51. Kristina Buckler on at

    Oh, I put this blog series on Pinterest, tweeted it, and wrote a blog about it! I would absolutely LOVE to win a seat at the MTH conference!

    I have recently started to work for a small start up company and would love to learn better ways of Making Things Happen and doing everything in a way that shares the love of Christ!

  52. I just really cannot believe how big Gracie is! I feel like I did January as a test run for goal setting, mainly because I was afraid of failing. But I kid you not, it may have been the month where I did the most of my goals ever since I started using the PowerSheets last year! I think the fact that my husband and I made some of them together for the first time really helped. It was nice to see him take an interest in my goal setting, so that it became OUR goals instead of just mine. xoxo

  53. Just pinned 🙂

  54. Just tweeted 🙂

  55. I’m up in the middle of the night, desperately searching for your power sheets (sold out until March), feeling somewhat unhinged with my goals floating around me, and thankfully, stumbled across this blog post. I’m planning to start tomorrow fresh, by watching your PowerSheets broadcast on Vimeo. Thank you!

  56. I’d love to win a seat to the MTH conference. Without winning I won’t be able to attend due to cost and attending is a dream of mine! Thank you for your continual inspiration.

  57. Gao-Jai Yang on at

    I am so inspired and encouraged by what God is doing through you. After reading your blogs, my women devotions group took time to pray and set goals for 2015 as well. So did my business partner. Thank you for always reminding your readers to keep Christ at the center of everything.

  58. Gao-Jai Yang on at

    I have blogged about your series. It has been really life changing! https://matthew-ch25v40.blogspot.com/

  59. Gao-Jai Yang on at

    I have shared on pinterest!!!!

  60. Oh, Lara. Taking last month to prep and plan instead of flying through the power sheets for a January 1st start date has made all the difference! The control-loving gal that I am wanted to kick off the new year with a bang, but I’ve learned that I put too much pressure on myself and the goals fizzle out. Saturating my power sheets in scripture, lining each goal up with the big picture dreams and the season God has me in right now has made my goals so much more specific and attainable. Thank you for sharing your journey so openly and for encouraging the Make It Happen #rockinitreaders book club last week. So inspired by you!

  61. More than happy to pin away! Maybe this seat will come my way when all is said and done 🙂


  62. Melissa on at

    Lara – I look forward to your power sheets and goal setting every year. And every year I do my goal setting with you and try to reset and refocus for the year ahead. I read your new book and feel ready to make things happen this year. I have looked into coming to the MTH conference every year for the last 5 and have not made the move, in fear of making the wrong move or not being ready. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter because its all about overcoming fear and living with love. You told me to make it happen and come and that was all I needed!. So I’m putting in the effort by pinning and sharing this with my social network. I have set my goals and have started taking small action steps, and this would be a HUGE action step and one I would be forever grateful for. You are a huge inspiration and I hope to make it this year.

  63. Tiffany on at

    In December 2014, I was led to go look at your website and I’m so glad I did. It wasn’t on my mind or a plan to attend the MTH Conference in March. I almost didn’t register, thinking that I couldn’t afford it and slightly feeling bad because I would have to choose whether to spend the money to go to the conference, or go visit my twin sister (which I was saving up for). After taking the next few days to pray about it, I’m thrilled that I made THE decision that will be a major game changer, goal changer, and life changing experience.

    Lara, you inspire me and have been inspiring me ever since I found out who you were, about 5 years ago. Thank you!

    P.S. I’ve posted on facebook and instagram!

  64. I started off in January with a lot of optimism and energy and then life happened and I felt like I was regressing. I always appreciate your message of giving myself grace instead of being consumed by perfection. It’s a beautiful reminder that each day/month brings a new opportunity to work towards my goals. Here’s to February!

  65. Kelley on at

    In a day where I have decided to take the first step in starting my own company, I also stumbled across your blog. Goal setting. So simple. Yet so important. And something I’m not sure I would have thought to do. Can’t wait to continue on on this series. Pinning this image as well!

  66. Rachel Friedrichs on at

    This blog series has been exactly what I needed to find the strength to commit to making change in my life with real intentional goals. It was hard, but so worth it. I started my tending list at the beginning of February and I quickly saw how much more accountable it held me. i am so glad that I took the leap and got you powersheets. I can already see how they are making a powerful change to my life. Thank you!

  67. Kristen O. on at

    Thank you for these amazing opportunities! Of course, winning a trip to MTH to thank you in person would be incredible and unforgettable. However, I’m truly grateful for all of these posts. I took the day to focus on this series. I even took a lunch break – which I rarely do – to spend time and hear about my employees days. Today has been so refreshing and a much needed break from “busy” and “tired”. I’ve got some really great things down on paper now. And I am excited to begin!!

  68. Just in case you needed to be reminded, the Lord is using your voice and vision in mighty and beautiful ways, my friend. I love that you tied Scripture into each of your goals…that’s something I’ve always tried to do in the past with my PowerSheets, but I definitely made it a priority this year!

    I tweeted this post up right here! > https://twitter.com/rachel_nordgren/status/565224454478123008

  69. Anna Smith on at

    Oh my such a good series, reading this has been gold to my soul, each step is transforming .. looking forward to reading the book! Gave you some love on insta, twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & my blog https://annasmithblog.com/2015/02/12/stepping-in-standing-hello-2015/

    xoxo —


  70. Lindsay Dabney on at

    Love how you make your Time to start in Feb! I think it’s appropriate because making Real things Happen takes time 🙂

    Also I love following your story and am hoping to find some motivation and encouragement to Make things happen while going threw a tough time . It’s encouraging to know that you are able to stay strong after all of the recent things that have happened in your life. I too am going through similar tough times while battling depression and I am trying to find that love for life again. Nice to see that you have that love and passion for life and God!

    Hopefully soon I too will have that.

    Best wishes on your journey for your goal setting for the year! And maybe I can Meet you soon 😉 * It’s on my Goal lists sheets.


  71. Amanda Ready on at

    Shared to my Facebook page! 🙂

  72. Mallory Bope on at

    Hi Lara! Thanks for the goal setting steps and information- will be spending some time this weekend re-reading and working through the steps. Would love a seat at the conference and the other goodies! http://www.LaraCasey.com/blog

  73. Haley Smith on at

    Lara – I love your PowerSheets so much. I did start in January, but I only set 5 big goals, knowing that more would come to me as the year progressed and I didnt want to set goals in January that didn’t mean anything to me in March because I needed all the spaces to be filled in!

    I’m also about 2/3 of the way through your book and it could be the best thing that has happened to me!

    So grateful for your willingness to share your heart and your experiences, even the hard ones!

    You are such an inspiration and alight to us all!

  74. april on at

    oooh! yes, please!

  75. Kelli B on at

    I’m a wife, homeschooling mama of 2, expecting my 3rd in just 5 weeks and in the process of writing both a book & an album to go with the book. I have long desired to do something like this & it feels “crazy” that God would be giving me the green light in the busiest season of my life in a long time. I stared reading your book “Make it Happen” last month & Ive literally studying it like I study my bible, because I feel like the inspiration & instruction God gave you to write it is necessary for me in this adventure. This giveaway would mean so much to me. My biggest struggle is organization followed up closely by procrastination. I know that any of these gifts listed would help me. Thanks for the chance to win!

  76. Jamie Hopkins on at

    Lara- I love your plans for this year. Especially your goal to inspire others in truth and love. I think this is so important. Sadly, I’ve realized how many people in this world do not receive love and are surprised when they are given a compliment or noticed. My word for 2015 is DEEPER and I feel the Lord calling me to invest in relationships and go beyond the surface with everyone around me. Again, I am thankful for this post and your gifts!

  77. Jamie Hopkins on at

    I also pinned this post, shared it on my Facebook and Instagram!

  78. It has surprised me how your Powersheets have altered how I f-e-e-l about where God is taking me! Everything was so piled up in my heart and on my desk that I could not hardly move. So far to go, but there is energy to sit down at my desk and projects have been set aside that I don’t see God in and I’ve taken several big, scary steps of change and letting go, so there is room for some things stirring in my heart. I have no idea where this is going, but excited because I feel like it isn’t me controlling it, but joining in to something bigger than I could plan.

  79. I tweeted! #2015GoalSetting I would LOVE to win this!

  80. Kate on at

    facebook & pinterest…thus far 🙂

  81. Kaela Bostic on at

    As a full time employee and student, a family ministry director, photography business aspirer, and now a fiance I’m wanting to make 2015 the year I get my business off the ground so that the full time employee job can end. Attending the conference would be a step in the right direction.

  82. Abbie on at

    great site, very inspiring!

  83. Jennifer Lee on at

    One of our biggest goals in 2015 — Financial Peace!! We started Dave Ramsey’s FPU in January and it’s life changing. We are working towards early retirement , which is only 10 short years away! I’d love the chance to attend MTH this year to help fuel our goal !

  84. I love this post so much! I ordered power sheets for the first time this year – they are amazing and so helpful! I am struggling with infertility, and your posts (and prompts in the power sheets) have helped me make some goals in this area, and pray more about them! Thanks!

  85. gretchen on at

    You are always so inspiring, and I need to get in gear. No more excuses! Thanks for the motivation!

  86. gretchen on at

    Pinned this too!

  87. I pinned this post on Pinterest!

  88. erin on at

    Goal setting has been life changing! Totally sharing on Twitter and Pinterest 🙂

  89. TheDivineMissMG on at

    I just bought my 1st PS for 2015! I am in awe of their usefulness for clarity, prioritization, balance, and overall peace in my day. Thanks so much! BTW, the webinar was incredible! Loved meeting the whole team! Blessings, M.

  90. Erin on at

    Oh Lara, once again this process has been a game changer for me. Last year was the first year I’d gone through your goal planning series and ordered my first set of power sheets. I’m now on my second set of power sheets and am so thankful for how they keep me grounded. While I may add more goals as we get through the next few months, my list sits at six goals. But when I take a big picture look at them the main message is: love well, encourage others and give grace. I love that you’ve paired scripture with your goals and hope to go back and do that to go along with my goals as well!

    Thank you for your heart for Him and for encouraging us to make what matters happen. I’m so grateful for you!

  91. Brittney on at

    Hi, Lara! I just blogged about my experience reading Make It Happen – it was life-changing. Thanks so much for sharing your story and words of inspiration. God’s words through you made a difference in my life and I know they’ll change many other lives as well. 🙂

  92. Ashley on at

    I pinned a photo! This is such a great giveaway! It would be incredible to win! I have always wanted to go to a conference.

  93. Jody Morgan on at

    You are so much sunshine to every square inch!
    LOVE the joy and love that jumps from your page and all that you do.

  94. Audra on at

    Goal setting has become such a powerful motivator in my life, and I’m so thankful to have found your blog and #PowerSheets! Still waiting on access to the PowerSheets Facebook group, but with your help 2015 is turning out to be my most productive, focused year yet!

  95. My heart soars to have recently found this community of women working hard to do great things. My business partner recently stepped down to focus more deeply on her daughter’s health (she was born last June with CHD), and it has left me thinking about how I should move forward to turn my various projects into one cohesive brand, allowing me to more beautifully impact the lives of others. Working through these posts has helped me tremendously to start imagining what that looks like for me. I am so thankful for all of you!

  96. Machelle on at

    This series of posts and your book have been such a good start to the year, even though I haven’t solidified my goals yet (so close) it has been such a good process working through the action steps here, and in your book. I firmly believe the Make It Happen book is such a good resource for women and I am amazed at how God worked through you in writing that book. I wrote a blog post about it in hopes that more women could experience the truth that is in the pages and be pointed to Christ. https://www.machellekolbo.com/blog/makeithappen

  97. Laura on at

    What an amazing give away! Thank you for this opportunity, thank you for cheering us on, encouraging us, being honest with us and loving us!

  98. Reina on at

    It’s past my bedtime and I’m a little too overwhelmed to write much of a comment. I started working through the Power Sheets in December, before returning to work from the Christmas Break. I had a good rhythm going. Then my morning routine and that rhythm got thrown off sometime last month. I desperately want to get back into the Power Sheets and the Make It Happen book. A little grace goes a long way, but I’m having a difficult time extending it to myself and letting go of unrealistic expectations of perfection. Needless to say, I could definitely benefit from everything in this prize pack.
    1) Pinterest – check
    2) FB – check
    3) Twitter – check

    I’ll post on IG and one of my blogs tomorrow. I really need to get to bed so I can get up and work in my Power Sheets tomorrow morning.

  99. Abi Losli on at

    I love your transparency in your process – it gives others permission to sit in their own process and sparks ideas from a different perspective. Thank you. I love that each of your goals is rooted in the word. That’s something I’ve thought of but for some reason haven’t done yet. Definitely going to implement that now!

  100. Abi Losli on at

    I just tweeted this. Twittered? Shared? Whatever, I’m obviously a twitter pro.


  101. Anna Tidmore on at

    Pinned a pin linking back to this post on Pinterest!! And retweeted your tweet about the giveaway!

    Would love to win! I want to be more intentional with goal setting. Also would love to get a chance to sit under and learn so much from all you wonderful people at the MTH conference!!

  102. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I love how you share your heart to encourage me and so many others. I am LOVING your book and it’s helping me grow my Rodan+FIelds business with NO fear so that I can make what truly matters happen in my marriage and family. Love this giveaway! #2015GoalSetting Love to you sweet Lara!

  103. Lindsay S on at

    My goals for 2015 include: running two half marathons, learning how to meal plan and make it cost effective for my family, create a TPT store for my classroom.

  104. Megan on at

    Shared and hashtagged 🙂 This is such a dream giveaway!!

  105. Kaela Bostic on at

    I blogged ov er at belovedinspiration.wordpress.com
    I tweeted at @kaelabostic
    I instagramed
    I pinned this thing
    I Facebooked
    I Google+
    I truly want to make #2015goalsetting happen
    Not just for me, but for every faucet God has me pouring into. My blogging, my photography, my ministries, my fiance, my home, my powerlifting, and for me.

  106. Jackee on at

    What a blessing you are, Lara! I’m so thankful that I first learned about you and MTH last fall at the Influence Conference! One of my biggest goals for 2015 is to seek the Lord’s plans in every aspect of my life, especially with the business that he has blessed me with. Like you, I hope to use every part of my business for Him. Blessing others. Reaching others. Loving others. Praying for others. Thank you for sharing…I will go share this on FB & Instagram now. 🙂

  107. I eagerly devour every word you write on your goal setting posts (and really all of your posts, period!). Thank you for speaking life into so many – myself included! I feel so much more empowered to bring glory to the Lord through the goals that I set and the life I am trying to live. I sincerely appreciate the transparency that you share with all of us, and thank you for continually inspiring me to dream big, make the impossible happen, and to do it all for the One who gave us His everything.
    (PS: I shared on my blog, Instagram, and Twitter!)

  108. And here is the link for my blog post, just in case you need it! https://stephseekingjoy.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/happy-2015/

  109. Kathryn Towles on at

    So glad I stumbled upon this series of blog posts! I am reading your book now and loving it. These posts have been so encouraging and helpful in getting organized, staying focused, and seeing God in it all. Thank you for sharing your journey and what you are learning with others.

    I shared one of your pictures with the links and hashtags on my facebook and instagram! Would love to win a seat to the MTH conference.

  110. Sarah Buis on at

    I absolutely adore reading your posts, Laura. They give me so much hope, remind me of God’s love, and are always perfectly times to the obstacles I am facing. My word this year is purpose – placing things in my life that have purpose and getting rid of the clutter and distractions. I look forward to reading so much more! #2925GoalSetting

  111. Kaylee on at

    I love these so much. I have 3 month old twins so these posts on goal setting have been so incredibly helpful!

    I pinned, tweeted, and shared on FB.
    Thank you for your writing!

  112. Inna on at

    Lara, you are incredible christian woman, wife, and mom. Your Blog posts are amazing! This year, I also pray to be humble with people who surround me every single day! Can’t wait until your next post!

  113. Tiffany on at

    This post is encouraging as I’m going through chemo treatments and setting goals helps me look beyond today. I can keep living and hoping. I’m not dead yet, so now is a good time tobmake the most of life!

  114. I’ve pinned this post. What an amazing blog post & such generous gifts.

  115. Michelle on at

    I first found this blog through Jess Lively’s blogcast (what an inspiring story I must add). Since then, I went out and bought Make It Happen, and I am so excited about making positive changes in my life and setting good goals for myself. Thank you!

  116. Inna on at

    Shared on my personal Facebook so they get inspired by your amazing posts!

  117. Elizabeth on at

    Lara, thank you for writing this series! This has been so good for me to get my thoughts on the year, and goals I want to set for myself on paper to hold myself accountable. I can’t wait to look back at the end of the year and see what the Lord has done!

  118. I have loved going through the PowerSheets so far this year, Lara! Your #2015GoalSetting series is incredible! Thank you for everything you do to inspire millions of us to live our best lives now and for spurring us on with bold encouragement along the way! <3

  119. Sydney Jones on at

    I love that you have a work every year. I’ve been doing the same thing for the past 5 years! I am so encouraged by the way your word gives your life direction and purpose. Having a word or a verse in my case “offer right sacrifice and trust in The Lord” Ps 4:7 primes my mind daily to strive for it.

  120. Vivian on at

    love your goals. Thanks for the encouragement.

  121. Melissa on at

    Thank you for being such an inspiration. I purchased the Powersheets last month but need to self motivate to fill them out and to really think and reflect on myself and what I need. This is just the push I needed.

  122. Anne Austin on at

    Lara, I am so encouraged by you! I know you’ve said before than you were in awe of my zest for life, and the feeling is mutual! Thankfully with constant prayer and constant support from people like you, I am already feeling more energized, more powerful, and more faithful during this new year! The Lara Casey shop products have done a lot in that! I keep the “You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.” desk card in my Simplified Planner as a day marker and having that reminder has been SO encouraging. I look forward to accomplishing more of my goals and making things happen this year!

  123. Michelle on at

    I shared on Instagram and Pinterest. I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me to win this.
    Thank you for sharing your journey!

  124. Misty on at

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. You have inspired me. I have been feeling so overwhelmed with all of this and your obedience to Him has touched me! I will definitely be back to review all of your steps and sheets. There is so much GREAT info it will take me some time! Thank you again 🙂

  125. Instagram! I love this stuff!!

  126. Ally W. on at

    Your fourth goal resonates with me so much. This is my first official year of owning my own business and sometimes it’s hard to remember that whatever happens in my business is not for my own gain or by my own doing, but His. My goal is that at the end of the year I don’t look back and see all that I did, but see what HE did through me and my business to glorify Him and help others see His love. Thank you for sharing your heart Lara!

  127. I have so enjoyed your book and your goal setting series. I still have more to process, but I thank you for the equipping to make things happen! Thanks for your investment into so many!

  128. I shared about your series on Instagram. 🙂

  129. ginger j. armstrong on at

    I LOVE your Feb 1st idea. Totally adopting it! MY word for 2015 is trust, I like you have no idea where He is leading, but I know that I can trust Him! Shared on FB, Twitter, and Instagram. Thank you for being strong and courageous! The Lord is which you wherever you go!!! XO

  130. Kaya on at

    ok I have posted this on instagram, my blog and pinned it! Thanks! 🙂

  131. Hillary on at

    I love the idea of highlighting goals and am over the moon excited at the opportunity to be entered to win a spot at the conference. Lord have mercy!

  132. I linked back to this series in my 2015 Goal Setting post! > https://www.ouryellowdoor.com/2015-goals/ and pinned it > https://www.pinterest.com/pin/183803228518695393/

  133. Rachel on at

    Absolutely love this !!

  134. Carrie on at

    My number one goal right now is to pay off my debt! I just paid off my school loan and now on to my credit card debt that I have due to my cat needing a very expensive emergency surgery!

  135. Lydia on at

    I’m so close to officially have goals for the next 6 months! It looks like March 1 will be my January 1, but just taking the extra time to think and pray has been so helpful!

    Pinned on Pinterest and emailed the series links to yet another couple of friends!

  136. Jamie on at

    I love your post! 2015 is the year I have chosen to set some huge goals for myself and so far it has been great and scary and I am pushing myself everyday knowing that it is going to be good. I have put all of my trust in the Lord and I am letting him guide me!

  137. Amy on at

    My goals:

    1. Complete my manuscript and query agents until one says yes. (it is terrifying to write that in public).

    2. Eat wisely and exercise consistently so that I can reach a healthy size and weight.

    3. Manage our family finances and begin the process of digging deep so that our family can become debt free.

    I am still working on verses for each goal. I do have a verse for my word of the year (Finish- John 17:4)

    I am looking forward to ordering power sheets in March and fishing Make It Happen with my friend. I can’t wait to share my progress over the course of the year. #2015goalsetting PS_ I pinned this post and shared it on my blog’s Facebook page (@ Amy E Patton). I’m looking forward to receiving the newsletter tomorrow.

  138. Jenna on at

    My goal process has taken some time this year. With our first baby arriving in April I’ve felt the stress of wanting to do it all – to “fix” everything before she is here. This stress and unrealistic expectation helped me to procrastinate starting anything. After spending more time in the word the past couple of weeks and talking with friends who have encouraged me I am beginning to give myself grace. I am the mom I need to be for my little girl. God’s prescence will allow me to lean on Him when necessary and never be alone. If I can continue to build that relationship I am confident this will seep into all areas of my life as a wife and mother. Thank you for the encouragement!

  139. Whitney on at

    so inspiring! I hope I can make this awesome conference!!!

  140. I love your goals for the year! And I especially loved the line, “…it took making a mess.” That can be interpreted so many different ways! Great post!

  141. Reina on at

    4) Instagram – check
    5) Blog – check (updated a 12/28 post on http://www.catalystmove.com)

  142. kristen on at

    Shared this pay on Facebook!

  143. Bethany on at

    Something I love is that your goals are all so centered on Him who makes everything possible. Sometimes it’s hard to remember His hand in all things as we get into the day to day rut of “doing it ourselves” Loosing weight, being better with money, have less stuff… normal goals that everyone sets. But what about building a relationship with our Father in Heaven? What about asking for His hand to guide us to those that need us and encouragement? Thank you for the Goal setting series to help remind us where we need to focus first.

    • Bethany on at

      And I put a repost on Instagram. 🙂

  144. I started my goals with verbs this year too–and it’s amazing what a difference that makes! I keep mind in a frame on my desk, and when they start with verbs it’s easier to think of them as things to take action on, rather than things that might just drop in my lap while I’m perusing my Facebook feed. 🙂

  145. Kim McNaughton on at

    Ohhhh how I want these sheets! Please have an electronic version! xoxoxo

    • Lara on at

      Hi! We aren’t able to offer a digital version but you can pre-order in the shop! : )

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