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Hello, friends! It’s been quite a week announcing our growing family, shipping a crazy amount of orders out of my garage (I have the most tolerant neighbors!), and releasing my book. All great things that have brought an exploding phone and inbox, and a grateful heart for all God has done.

Last night we completed our home walk-through for our adoption home study, handed over the final paperwork, and now we are home study ready! Typing that is surreal. I sat in the kitchen after the social worker left and felt very still. I couldn’t get any words out. I felt like I needed to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. This avalanche of all the things in the last couple days left me emotionally overwhelmed. With our growing family comes fear of the unknown: will God take this baby home to be with Him too?  How will we raise two infants at once with a busy three-year old? How will this affect our business that means a great deal to me because of our mission? With the book release comes fear of those 240 pages not affecting anyone and fear of judgement from others for my imperfect path. A lot of fear and opportunity to draw closer to God in trusting Him more fully with all the things. I think of the father in Mark who says, “I believe; help my unbelief!

As I sat in these feelings in the kitchen, a friend called. I screened her call, feeling hesitant and selfish. She left a message saying she really needed someone to pray with. Despite my own overwhelm, God kept urging me to call her back.

It’s the times I step outside of my comfort zone and say YES to Him that life changes.

I listened to her heart. I was reminded of God’s power to transform anyone and anything as I related parts of my own story to her. I prayed for her. She listened to my heart and prayed for me. Our exchange of time and prayer was the very best gift that I didn’t realize I needed. So often I try to control instead of trust God. I felt God saying: Be still, Lara. Be still and know that I am God and I am all that matters. I am all the things. I have all of this. Just keep saying YES to me. The best is yet to come.

Jesus was often still and withdrew to pray before He made some of the most monumental decisions. In fact, He prayed all night: ‘One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles’ (Luke 6:12-13 NIV).

So, that’s where I’m starting today with 2015 Goal Setting. With stillness. With prayer. While the rest of the world rushes to set goals by the stroke of midnight tonight, I offer you an alternative: be still. Let’s do this well, with intention.


We’re going to take this day by day, in small powerful chunks, because there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. – Beverly Sills   For the entire series, I’ll be sharing my personal progress and goals as well.  And I have no idea what those goals will be yet.  No idea!  I know the heart of what they will be, but this is a series — a process — for a reason.  You can microwave some goals and have a pretty list by January 1, or you can dig deeper and set goals that matter to you over the next week or so with me.  You can pray hard about them and really weigh whether or not they are the best use of your time.  You can set goals that are twenty levels below the surface, where the fiery good stuff lives, or you can just make resolutions that get forgotten and tossed aside come February 1. If you need an extra kick in the pants to make this happen, keep reading.  I have a little something for you at the end.

I told you I was going to be open and walk through my mess with you and that this was going to be different than the last four years. Here goes!


A few things before we get started!

Here’s what you can expect in this series: I’m going to walk through the steps in my book and the PowerSheets together, as they were designed to be used together. I’m going to blog pieces of my journey using both. I won’t be blogging every step as many of them are exclusive to the book and PowerSheets. So, if you are using either of these tools, or both, take your time coming back to these posts as you get to each step in the book or PowerSheets. These posts aren’t going anywhere, so take your time and come back when you’re ready. More notes below for book + PowerSheets friends!


If you are reading my book: it was written for this season of goal setting and taking big leaps of faith. There are lots of steps throughout the first three sections and exclusive book downloads. Do them. Use them. Write all over your paperback copy. This book was designed to be an action book, not just a reading book. Section Four of the book is the Make It Happen Action Guide that walks through faith-based goal setting steps. If you haven’t gotten a copy of the book, it’s not too late. Get yours here. Also, if you are blogging your Make it Happen journey, you can get lots of free downloadable graphics to use here. This is me below, working through the book steps myself!


If you are using the PowerSheets: Everything you need is in there! PowerSheets can be used by anyone in any life stage — mama, business owner, student, anyone. While you’ll see faith mentioned in my own PowerSheets examples, they can be used by anyone, any faith. And they will make you work, friends! Expect to dig deep. More info on the PowerSheets can be found here and you can check out the #PowerSheets hashtag on Instagram to follow others’ progress too : )

If you are using both the Make It Happen book + PowerSheets together: I designed them to work together. This is the best combo. Important: start the book first and when you get to Section Four, work through the PowerSheets along with that section. I am pumped for many of you who are doing this now!

Do you need either of these to have an intentional year? No, but my prayer is that these tools help you greatly if you do use them. If you just have a notebook to do these few steps I’ll be sharing, use that! If you have scrap paper, that’s great too : ) It’s not about the perfect stuff, it’s about how you USE what you have.

Let’s do this!

LC Shop 2014-526_B

First! Here’s the deal. Making things happen requires action. (Prayer is an action step, by the way. One of the very best ones.) As we go through this series, either use the comment area here to leave your answers or write them in your PowerSheets or a journal. But, don’t just think them. Thinking them doesn’t count. Write them out and, if you want accountability, leave them boldly here in the comments. I want to cheer you on! Friends, help me out here and cheer each other on, too. You never know who you might inspire or whose life you might completely change with your words.


An easy place to start in preparing for an intentional new year is to reflect on the good things in the last 12 months. Here were my 2014 goals:


God made so much more good happen than I expected. I am praising Him as I type this. He guided me on each one of these goals. I didn’t write both books I’m contracted for, but I did write one and that was plenty : )

Writing this list below of the Good Things from 2014 was hard at first and then, as I went through these goals from January, my calendar, blog posts, Instagrams, and 2014 PowerSheets, I saw so much good that God did that I forgot about! It’s so easy to forget the good and only focus on the challenges, isn’t it? So, here is a little bit of the goodness this year brought. I am so grateful to have made this list — so much to celebrate that I didn’t remember till I sat down to be still and write.


The things that stand out to me most from 2014 are all about relationships. Closer sisterhood with the women from my church family group has been so sweet. We had a lot of fun together this year, welcomed new babies, had a women’s book club, enjoyed lots of meals and prayer time, and we even hosted Sunday service at our house in July when our church decided to help us understand what the closeness of the Acts church was like. It was awesome. I am so grateful for the brothers and sisters we get to do life with.

One of those sisters, Tijuana, made a big impact on my life this year. In January, I was overwhelmed with my book writing and work. I was struggling with my packed schedule and feeling like I didn’t have time for friends or fellowship. Tijuana pursued my heart and didn’t give up. I remember so clearly one night when she said, “I know your schedule is packed, but we should pray together — even if it’s over the phone once a week.” I resisted. I got mad at God because I wanted to pray with her but couldn’t seem to find time between motherhood and work. God made me find time. I finally gave in and it changed my life. Every Monday night at 8pm for six months we prayed. I’m crying typing this. Tijuana showed me what faithful friendship is. No matter what was going on in her life, she dropped everything to get on the phone and talk to God with me.

I am grateful for closer friendships and new friendships. I could write a whole post just about this and my heart is already pouring out in thanks to God. Good friends became great friends. People I didn’t know at the start of the year have now sat on my couch with me countless times to share life. Meals have been shared, tears, fears. God blew me away with friendships after years of prayer and feeling like I didn’t have a local community that “got me.” I don’t deserve the friends I have, but that is a picture of God’s grace and goodness — He loves us that much.

If there is one word that captures 2014 for me it’s community. We felt God calling us to open our home and we hosted dozens of dinners, sometimes three or four times a week. Many of the friends who joined us at the table ended up in Instax pics on our fridge too : )


We had the joy of teaching Bible class for the 2-year-old’s for several months this year, took a very helpful marriage and parenting class at church, and were so grateful to be asked to lead our Family Group, which we also host in our home. When things got crazy in Bible Class, Ari broke out the bubbles!


I spoke at the Thomas Nelson Spring Sales Conference to present my book to retailers. It was an awesome experience to see a giant room full of retailers from Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook.com, Faith Gateway, and more, pray together about the books and stories they were being presented. Seeing so many honor God in prayer at a business event left me in awe.

Ari and I celebrated seven years of marriage. If you know my story, that is all God! He is so good. I haven’t spoken about this much online because it has felt so sweet and personal to me, but this year I changed my name : ) Lara Casey Isaacson. I’m not changing it for business, but in my house, I am Mrs. Isaacson and that makes me so grateful. Nancy and Will Ray have been two of the most encouraging friends in our lives and sent me this beautiful gift. They had Ari hand-write my new name and had it made into a necklace. I love it!


I did a lot of consulting with small business owners this year. I’ve been doing consulting since 2009, but this year in particular I felt very clear about how God wanted me to lead others. Writing my book helped me to put words to many things I hadn’t been able to express in the past and this, in turn, helped others too.

The garden. If you read my last post, you know this was my joy. The garden was a daily gift! I gave plants and crops away and met many through gardening. I started the Southern Garden Club and enjoyed garden tastings and talk with local friends. It was a joy!

As of today, I’m still going on the Contentment Challenge, specifically with not shopping for clothes. I thought I would do this for three months, beginning in September 2013, but God has kept me going. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been revealing and good.

I work with some remarkable women. That is a good thing itself. I am grateful to work alongside women who share the same passion for our mission as I do, sometimes more. This year, our business got smaller and bigger — smaller in the scope of what we do (I stopped doing Making Brands Happen in January) and as a result, bigger in our mission reach. In all of this, our team created beautiful and meaningful imagery and words for our seventh annual issue, V7, that highlighted meaningful beginnings to married life.

Small is the new big. We considered and said no to office space for many reasons. The prescribed path for a growing business tends to be: start small, grow grow grow, get office space, grow more and get busier. After my miscarriage, I realized I didn’t want any part of that plan. I wanted to stay at home where I can bake biscuits for my team and go right downstairs to comfort Grace when she needs me. So, even though we are bursting at the seams in our small space, we decided to do more with less this year and it has been a blessing.


2014 brought many changes in our office culture as we began celebrating working anniversaries, enjoyed our first annual team retreat, and decided to make this a year of relationships, hosting many in-person reader and community events. Our whole team travelled a lot too (more than me): NSS, Bridal Market, Engage, workshops, education, shoots all over the South, oh my!


It was a big year for product design. Nicole and I spent many hours in front of the big iMac. Nicole is pretty awesome. Some of the many things she took from concept to reality this year in our office: all new 2015 PowerSheets, the new Southern Weddings Planner, new prints, new desk card sets, scripture cards, and many more products that we have yet to produce. They are meaningful and I can’t wait to use them myself. Details to come.

Our former nanny, Meredith, got married and Rhiannon joined our family. These women mean so much to me! They will always be family.

The Influence Conference with Ari was awesome. I love the Influence Network and the women who created it!

The Making Things Happen Conference this fall was just so good and life-changing — my favorite yet. We made many additions to the format and it was a joy! By the way, today is the last day to register at the early-bird rate!

Grace turned 3 and started preschool, got her own bed, was so brave at swim lessons in the summer, and is just a fun kid. I love her : )

A huge new thing this year was something unexpected and will likely be the subject of my second book. I started talking to a lot of women about marriage. I’ve had dozens of phone calls with women I’ve never met, sharing my story and praying with them. I’ve made dear friends that have encouraged me greatly as well. God is good. I never expected to be used in this way through my own imperfect path and brokenness, but God does remarkable things with our broken pieces when we give them to Him. If you are struggling in marriage, know that the impossible is possible with God. I wrote my book for this very reason, in hopes it will encourage many to believe in what seems impossible.


Bible Bunch (above). Oh, Bible Bunch! For years I have wanted to start a local Bible study for women to dig into Bible basics and to build community. I had no idea it would happen this year and in the way it did! My friends Carrie, Randi, and I decided to take a leap of faith and ask on Instagram if any local women would like to join us for a Bible study at my house. We had space for 15 people and over 50 replied. We now have almost 100 women in Bible Bunch! God is awesome. We meet once a month here in Chapel Hill. Leave a comment here if you’d like to join us and I’ll email you info! Our next meeting is Monday, January 5. Bible Bunch has brought more than just new friends, it has brought life-long soul friends. I am blown away by what God has and continues to do with Bible Bunch!

Writing and releasing a book goes on both the Good Things list and my Challenges list. More to come on this in the next post, but I am so grateful for God faithfully making this happen. Here is the book trailer below and you can find more info on how to purchase here.

I was also grateful to get to record my own audio book. It was two long days of hard work and so worth it. You can download it on Audible, iTunes, Amazon, and get the DVD’s at major retailers.

The first-ever Faith Retreat was a beautiful end to 2014. I love these friends (below). We decided to stop and be still in a hurried season to get back to what’s most important: Him. We prayed, shared what God has taught us this year, laughed, and celebrated His goodness together. It was so sweet!


Up next, I’ll be sharing some of the many challenges that God used for my good and what I learned from both the good and the hard. For now though…

Your turn! Write your own list of good things. What are you most grateful for from 2014? You can write it in your PowerSheets if you have reached that section or write it in a journal. Either way, I also encourage you to share some of your 2014 gratitude in the comments to encourage others too!

And remember this: There is no room for comparison in making what matters happen. Whether you had one good thing happen or twenty, celebrate the good stuff and let’s help each other do the same. Let’s turn comparison into compassion and cheering on : )

OK, that’s it for today and that’s plenty to work on. Be still, be prayerful, and celebrate the good stuff today! I’m going to take tomorrow away from the computer and soak myself in the Word before I do anything else, withdrawing to pray and listen before I act. I’ll be back Friday with more!

Take your time with this and remember with your PowerSheets — or however you set and take action on goals this year: PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION.  This is not about writing the perfect list with a perfect pen… it’s just about honesty. To make things happen, you have to start with where you are. This is a process that will have a big payoff, but you have to commit to working through it. Be still and let your year’s vision slowly cook, like a pan of homemade hot baked cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They wouldn’t be so flaky and yummy cooked in the microwave, would they? Just a big pile of mushy dough. I’m not going to hand you your 2015 goals. We’re going to do this right and get there together. Sound good? Awesome! Get to it!


If you need an extra kick in the pants to make this happen, on every post there will be a big giveaway. Today’s is the new Make It Happen Collection Box: a Make it Happen T, gold foil notepad, calligraphy print, a set of PowerSheets for you or a friend, and our new signature sunrise stripe box with gold foil “Make it Happen” on the top. You can win multiple times and you can increase your chances of winning by:

– Commenting on this post to share your thoughts
— Pinning this post or any in the series
– Instagramming any graphic with a link back here to this post or future posts
– Sharing this series on Facebook or Twitter
– Blogging or in any way sharing this post/series
– For all entires, link back here to www.LaraCasey.com/blog and use the #2015GoalSetting hashtag. You are welcome to use graphics from my posts!
– Lastly, leave a comment saying you did any of the above. You can enter as many times as you like on all posts! I’m going to choose some extra winners along the way, too, for some special surprises : )

Why am I doing this? I know God put me here on this earth for many reasons, and He has made it clear that one of those reasons it to motivate people to take action on what matters most. I want you — yes YOU — to make what matters happen in your life. So, help me spread the word and let’s get all our friends in on this for accountability! Making things happen is always better when shared.

Here’s to a meaningful, purpose-filled 2015 — I am cheering you on friends!

P.S. I didn’t proofread this post because I have to get Gracie down for a nap, so forgive typos! My life motto still holds strong: done is better than perfect : )


  1. Thank you, Lara, for your heart and this opportunity to reflect and dream BIG! I am so excited for this #2015GoalSetting series and to jump into my PowerSheets this weekend!

    I recently wrote a 2014 Year in Review post on my blog to highlight the good things that happened during my year. I’ll mention these few things here:

    1) I had the opportunity to do a lot of traveling, mostly out west, and was able to see new places and spend time with family who live far away from my home in Michigan. Traveling is so good for my soul and always renews my spirit!

    2) I completed my first eBook and had it published in June. It was a two year process and God totally provided me with the space and time to finish it and share my faith story with the world. So grateful!

    3) I attended the Influence Conference for the first time ever this year and was completely blown away. It was LIFE-CHANGING for me! Incredibly blessed to have been able to go and participate, and I already bought my ticket for 2015!

    4) I renewed my limited license as a social worker and am making progress with the requirements for full licensure, which I should have after April 2015. A lot of time, money, and effort has gone into this since completing grad school and I look forward to being through this hoop once and for all!

    I’ll be sharing this post and graphics on all social media right after I add my comment! 🙂

  2. Kim Konderla on at

    Thank you for sharing all of this and for being so honest and genuine with all of us! I am so excited about moving forward in this new year with intention and gratitude! 2014 has offered some difficult points but your encouragement to “Make it Happen” has followed me around all year. Your joy and trust in Christ are contagious and came into my life at just the right time!

  3. Caroline on at

    This year I am grateful for my new church that is helping me grow deeper in my faith than I have in years. I am also thankful for my daughters teachers and therapists who are simply wonderful.

  4. bev carrasco on at

    I feel Him calling me to make commitments, choices and DO. Would love these resources!

  5. Just cracked open your book that arrived in my mailbox this morning! I am thankful for a stronger marriage, getting through my first year of motherhood, a growing hunger for God’s word, and my loving church family. I’m also thankful for you Lara, you have impacted my life deeply and I am thankful for your brave honesty and fierce love for others. I’ll post more soon but wanted to share those thoughts for now!

  6. Kelly Blanks on at

    Love, love, love this goal setting series & cannot wait to dive deeper. For now – I am off to write down all the joys that 2014 brought to my world & then spend the evening with the best thing that 2014 brought me – my little family. Thanks so very much for your passion & perspective & honesty!!

  7. Tera M. on at

    Lara I just started you’re book yesterday. It is speaking straight to my momma heart. Thank you for opening up your heart!

  8. Kristi on at

    Thank you for your book. Your words are changing my life. I’ve been fearful of giving over control, but after reading your book I feel the walls crumbling. I’m heading down a new path this year. And I know,for the first time, God will be walking down it with me. Hugs for being YOU!

  9. Lara, I just want to encourage you and let you know that your book was incredible. I just finished it yesterday and I read it in the perfect God timing. Surrender has been such an important theme over the Christmas season and I love the way that you started your book reminding me how important it is to continually surrender to God. I’m excited to see where God leads us in 2015! Happy New Year you are amazing! Keep using those wonderful talents you have for the Kingdom!

    • Lara on at

      Your encouragement means so much — God is so good. Thank you for sharing this and I am so grateful you’ve been encouraged!

  10. Kaya on at

    I am so grateful for the powersheets! I thought2014 was a difficult year for me and did’ nt have any thing positive about it . When I started thinking about it I could see all the blessings God has given me this year. Thank you for making such a wonderful tool Lara! I am so grateful for you and your wonderful example! 🙂 Also I will be blogging about this goal setting series here: kayawinn.weebly.com 🙂

  11. Kelly on at

    Such good events to look back on. My biggest good thing this year was being accepted into my masters program and internship. It’s also been the biggest challenge of my life. Another good thing, being maid of honor to not one but TWO of my best friends this past summer. Such a joy to stand by them on their wedding days cheering them on.

  12. Karen H. on at

    So excited to read your book and start using my Power Sheets. Can’t wait to Make It Happen in 2015!

  13. Sarah B on at

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Lara! Currently setting goals for 2015 and I needed the reminder to reflect on 2014. I’m currently not where I want to be at this point in the year, but looking back I can see that so many good things did happen and I have to trust that this is all part of God’s plan. Looking forward to making things happen in 2015!

  14. Allison on at

    I always love that you start by encouraging us to look back at all the good things that have happened in the past year!

    It’s so easy to remember the bad that happened, or the things that didn’t get done, or the things that got done, but not in the precise way you wanted them to happen.

    However, when we sit down and hush the negative talk, we begin to see all the little love notes God left us throughout the year.

    So thankful for these goal setting series, and I can’t wait to dig in!

  15. Allison on at

    I also couldn’t contain my excitement and tweeted about this post. 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I love you friend!

  16. Cathy on at

    So good Lara. Thank you for your honesty. I used powersheets all last year and they changed my life. But I’ve felt stuck this year, because we lost 2 babies to miscarriage and I was having a hard time picture 2015 without those sweet babies. But this is what I need to start with. The things that God did that were good this year. And there were lots and lots, but its easy to loose focus when the grief feels overwhelming. Thank you so much for the reminder.

    • Lara on at

      I am so sorry for your loses, Cathy. My prayers are with you. May 2015 bring you new joy and peace as you heal.

  17. Lindsey on at

    This is my second round of doing Powersheets. It can be so easy for me to sit down and think of all of these goals to achieve and do. I am so thankful for this post and how it has encouraged me to sit back, be still and be thankful. I am also very encouraged and challenged by your “small is the new big”. Like you said, it is easy to get caught up in more and bigger. One fear I have as I follow this dream the Lord has given me of having an art business, is neglecting my role as mom or wife. This blog encouraged me soooo much! Thank you!


  18. Michelle G on at

    I love this! What a wonderful year and what a wonderful encouragement.

  19. Laura Wadsworth on at

    Thank you Lara! Your posts always bless me. Make it Happen arrived in my mail yesterday and the first couple chapters have challenged me so much already. I know God will speak through your words written to me and so many. Also this past week I have been working through the Powersheets, ah! So much clarity is coming from each step. Okay, here is my list of good things from 2014, it is kinda long winded but so good for me to reflect on: After two years of being finished high school I made the decision to follow my heart and study art and design, applied to school in January, went through the portfolio process and was excepted shortly after. During this time I was blessed with more than enough hours at work. I worked hard and saved for school so that my future goals will not be set back by student debt – so, so thankful for this! I tried and did new things, such as traveling to Nova Scotia and Colorado, ran in my first 10k race, took a spin class, moved from my parents home to the Toronto area for school into my first apartment, went to some design events in Toronto, I also became and aunt to the cutest little bundle of joy. Throughout the year God taught me the importance of kindness. Simple actions can shine His light in such a dark, sad, and scary world. What a great year 2014 was, so excited for 2015! Praying for your family, Lara as you grow.

  20. Taylor Preckel on at

    I am so encouraged and spurred on by this post, hoping to delve into goal setting with this giveaway packet! Shared on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram 🙂

  21. kayse on at

    I would love to hear more about your bible study group. Many Blessings!

    • Lara on at

      Yay! Emailing you now : )

  22. Sarah Potts on at

    Lara, I am so blessed by you and your words. I want to first say congratulations on all the exciting things coming your way! I can’t wait to keep following along as these things progress. You are such a blessing encouragement in my life. I’m so thankful that I’ve gotten to know you & your heart more through Ladies Bible Bunch. You really have challenged me to live with intention and I’m so thankful! Here’s to a great new years!

  23. Kaya on at

    I just blogged, pinned this, left a comment and shared on instagram!

  24. Heather on at

    Oh, I need purpose in this coming year! I would love to share in the purpose in these resources.

  25. Noelle B on at

    Thank you so much!! I am just starting my Power Sheets and am so in love with this process. I am ready to make things happen!!

  26. Kyla Fetzner on at

    Between reading your book and starting my PowerSheets, I am excited to seek out God’s will for me for 2015. I wrote a reflection on my good things from this year on my blog:


    I am so looking forward to this series, Lara!

  27. Kayleen on at

    Thank you so much, Lara for taking the time to walk through this journey with us. You are such a blessing! 2014 was a big year of first! My first year with “Momma” added to my title, at that brings so much joy to my life! The fair share of struggles and exhausting days, but so so much joy. I am also so thankful for being able to find a church with my husband where we feel called and the growing friendships and meaningful relationships that are coming from finding a church to call home. We have been able to get involved in a care group with other couples in all walks of marriage and we get to walk through the struggles and the accomplishments with them.

  28. Rachel on at

    Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many people! You have truly inspired me in so many ways!

  29. Amanda Bischoff on at

    Stumbled on your Insta and I am so inspired Lara! Thank you!

  30. Kendall on at

    I am so looking forward to making some things happen this year. Thanks for reminding me to make my goals purposefully and not rush to “get them in” by January 1.

  31. Glory on at

    Hi Lara, I’ve been following your blog and instagram account for about a year now. My life has changed since I started reading your words. Your bible study bunch really stood out to me in this post and wanted to ask if you ever considered making the bible study so that people could tune in via phone or skype? Although I pray for a community similar to this, I haven’t found it yet where I live and would love to listen in and be apart of a bible study like what you have described. So happy I stumbled across your account/blog as it’s challenged me to grow more with God and not be afraid to talk about Him. Thank you for taking the leaps you have to reach people all over and make a difference with your experiences and words. Praying for your journey and family.Thanks, Lara!

    • Lara on at

      I am praying for you to find community there! I know this is so hard to find many times. I will be doing a podcast series through the Influence network in 2015 on Spiritual Growth, so look out for that. But, most of all, I am praying for you to be wrapped in community : )

  32. Beverly on at

    Hi Lara, I’ve been following your posts for a couple of years. But I must admit that only recently did I start believing that your “You know all those things…” quote could be true for me too. That, yes! – there were still dreams planted by God in my heart for future good. It was a very happy day.
    A couple of other Good Things of 2014:
    1. I finally accepted and am starting the process/taking action on managing my mental health (anxiety) issues, which I had been avoiding for many years. I finally resolved that if I’m not taking care of myself, I’m no good to give my best in caring for others especially my family. Typing this, I realize this may be more of a challenge. But I’m choosing to see it as a Good Thing. Healing is a process, but I’m hopeful God can use my healing to help me be a healer for others. And my motivation to be better for my family is full of more love than I have ever known. So I’m honestly – and boldly – taking responsibility for this part of myself and the positive action I’m choosing.
    2. I closed my social media accounts on Sept 30, 2014. It has been so so good. I am much more focused and am working to be more present in all of life that is right in front of me. The lack of distraction has even made my marriage that much sweeter.
    3. My husband and I moved back east to be closer to our families. We chose an adorable coastal town in Mass. that we only intended to stay for the summer. But we fell in love and are hopeful for all that God has in store for us here. Though we have much to build – community, job for me, finding a local church to get involved – I feel a bittersweet excitement that God can do so much with our ‘so little’ right now. There is an opportunity for us to build a firm foundation with Him. And not just in light of our new home, but also plant and grow us in our spiritual maturity.
    Ok, I suppose those were a few Good Things instead of a couple…
    And in light of #2, this is my only entry in the Make It Happen Collection Box giveaway. But I’m ok with this. I can still spread the word. 🙂
    Also – Thank you, thank you for all that you do, Lara! Seeing God grow your faith and produce so much good fruit in your life over these years is so very encouraging and inspiring. Thank you for honestly sharing your heart and doing His work! God is so good and faithful. Praying God will bless, grow, and provide greater clarity to all of us who are seeking to live intentional, more purposeful lives with the help of your Goal Setting series. 🙂

  33. Stacey on at

    The past few years have been really hard and full of some ups but lots of downs. We started the international adoption process 3 years ago , and are still waiting. The blessing that has come from our journey has been a refined faith as we have grown ever closer to the Lord. The very best part of 2014 was when God led us to do a concurrent domestic adoption and we met our baby girl for the first time! Her name means “gift from God, who is faithful”. I can’t wait for the book and PowerSheets to arrive! After a few years of feeling like life was happening to us and we were barely coming up for air, doing all the right things but having our priorities forced to be out of order, my husband and I decided that 2015 was going to be our family’s year to thrive! THRIVE is the word we chose for this next year. We are looking forward to a year with priorities firmly in place, saying yes to what is best for our family to thrive, a local move, hopefully a referral for our international adoption, and more. God has been laying this on my heart for a year and I am so excited to be obedient to Him and see what blessings happen this year! I really feel like amazing things are coming and I can’t wait to have these tools you have designed help us on our journey!

  34. I just got your book in the mail (literally) and I’m excited to read it and work on the Power Sheets. It’s been so long since I’ve actually been focused on goals and goal-setting and I’m curious about seeing what good things I can accomplish this year with God’s grace. Thank you so much for your hard work and initiative. You’ve inspired me to show initiative too! (I’ve already FB shared, Tweeted, and pinned your post. I hope to actually blog about it later today.)

  35. Stacey on at

    Posted on instagram

  36. Stacey on at

    Posted on facebook

  37. Em on at

    Oh my goodness! 2014 was one of the hardest years of my journey but looking back God brought SO SO many blessings…

    -leaping into leading a bible study and growing together by digging in into Gods word weekly and sharing life with one another
    -blessings of friends near and far who are living on purpose. I am grateful for the Make It Happen Group and Influence Network
    -learning to share my heart and be brave about what God is doing in my life, I blogged way less than I hoped but God brought opportunities for me to speak I front of women and share my heart
    -I trained and ran my first 5k
    -gardening with friends at home and at Zachariahs Aces
    -three new fundraisers at ZA and our new building…serving more beautiful children and sharing Gods love and purpose
    -a thirst of Gods word and starting my mornings with intention. Walk/run, coffee/Jesus before anything else
    -time at our cottage with family laughing, playing games, bonfires and hiking to waterfalls
    -realizing the gift Of a close knit family
    -crafting, creating and nurturing relationships with my cousins..showing Jesus to them
    -growing in courage and confidence in my leadership roles

    • Lara on at

      I am always so encouraged by you!

    • Emily — One thing to add to your list — you have blessed me beyond measure by your friendship and encouragement! I adore seeing your face here as I scroll through these comments and I am so blessed by your gift of Lara’s book already! It is exactly speaking to the prayer of my heart this year with simplifying our life and living with PURPOSE, all with our new baby girl and trying to manage our business. Love you to pieces!! And so inspired by both yours and Lara’s hearts! Thanking God for your God-breathed brilliance, Lara. xoxoxo!

  38. I love this! I think it is so important to keep your dreams and goals alive. This year is going to be my year and my year to do some extraordinary things! I would love to win these to help with these goals! I will share!

  39. Lydia on at

    I love this step because it gets me to stop and realize how many wonderful things _did_ happen in the last year! What a wonderful way to end the year!

  40. Lydia on at

    Forgot to ask, should we do separate comments for each entry or all in one? Pinned this post, and even though it doesn’t count for an entry, I’m emailing it to all my business friends! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      All in one is great! Just so I know to count those entires : )

  41. Carolyn on at

    Thank you for sharing Lara, you are very inspirational. This year I worked on being my true self, not what others expect of me. I’m continuing on in 2015 and with your power sheets and some other tools I hope it will be the best year yet!

    Congratulations! Hears to a wonderful 2015!

  42. Malinda on at

    Thank you Lara for all the prayer, love, and time you put into your products. I am so grateful for your PowerSheets!

    2014 was a wildly winding road for me, but because of the work I did, utilizing the PowerSheets as a tool, I was able to discover my core and stay anchored to it throughout the year. It has made me fight to prioritize the things that really matter. So, thank you!

    Also, I would love to learn more about the Women’s Bible Study.

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad the PowerSheets have helped you, Malinda! And I’m sending you the Bible Bunch info via email now : )

  43. claire on at

    hi lara–thank you for sharing your life and energy with your readers! . i’m down the road in durham and would love details about your monthly bible study.

    thanks so much.

    • Lara on at

      Awesome! Sending you an email with all the details now. Happy new year, Claire!

  44. Grace Cho on at

    I just got the book, just finished it, and am waiting for the kids to go to bed to go through part 4. I’ve even convinced my husband that we should do it together! Excited to see what God has in store for us in 2015- the best is yet to come!!

  45. Ashley on at


    Words can’t not express how grateful I am to have stumbled upon your blog! Last year I was in a terrible place mentality and reading your goal setting series last year helped really give me that kick I needed to get out of my mental funk!

    So what I am truly thankful for in 2014 is you! Your openness to expose yourself is so brave!!! Your openness to the father and his will has affected change not only in my life but in a whole host of others! I am thankful that when I was in that dark place the father led me to your website and suddenly the world seemed a bit brighter.

    I’m so excited for your book and I have my fingers toes and ears crossed to win this giveaway! I ordered your book already but would love to share it with a friend. I hope one day we cross paths ( maybe when I can afford your conference) and I can thank you personally!!

  46. Grace Cho on at

    I just instagrammed about this!

  47. Kimmy on at

    Shared this post on pinterest and twitter! Happy to be able to follow along with you in this journey of setting goals and making them happen. My mom, sister, and I wanted to take time tonight to remember the good from this year anyway, so that works out perfectly for this first step.

  48. Kailin on at

    I love the idea of “slow-cooking” rather than “microwaving” my goals for the coming year. The reminder that there is nothing special about January and that His mercies are new EVERY morning has got me excited about 2015!

  49. Luisa on at

    What a good reminder to choose purpose over perfect. This short sentence digs deep into my heart…I am so encouraged to hear your story and know I need to let go and trust in Jesus. This year has been long, hard but beautiful. I am thankful for my husband and our supportive families. A job that challenges me in every way possible and points me back to Jesus and for the Lord’s faithfulness over my life. He is good even when I want to run from Him.

  50. Laken on at

    Loved reading your good stuff from 2014! You are such an inspiration to me, and your year reflects so many things I want to make happen in 2015.

    This year was pretty packed with goodness for me.

    +In February, my husband and I bought our first house. We’ve spent the majority of our time since remodeling parts of it and creating a home that we love.

    +In February we also found out we were pregnant with our first baby!

    +In April we found out that our baby was a girl — the first girl born on my husband’s side of the family in 50 YEARS! A miracle that almost no one believed the first time we told them!

    +In October our little one – May – was born and made us parents.

    +In December I made the huge decision (with the unwavering support of my husband) to quit my full time job in order to stay home with May and pursue my true passions (even if they don’t exactly come with an income yet.)

  51. Claire on at

    Hi Lara! I love your goal list in that pretty blue graphic. What did you use to make that? Thank you for your inspiration!

    • Lara on at

      Hi, Claire! I used Adobe Illustrator : )

  52. Sarah on at

    I love your writing and am very glad to hear that you are writing a few posts in a row! I know you’re busy, so the time away is also fine, but I selfishly think YES! whenever you blog! I also have your new book sitting a few feet away from me–it arrived today and I can’t wait to dig in!

    The beginning of your post resonates deeply with me. I just wrote yesterday about how I am not going to make goals this year. 2014 was crazy, and I am still catching my bearings. The last thing that I need is to start or add new things–I just need to keep going passionately with what the Lord has already started for me. I feel more desire for HIM to increase and less pressure for ME to change things this year. It’s not that goal setting is bad; it’s that goals need to come from your core, from your heart, and in my heart, I know I am doing the best that I can right now and genuinely could not pick one area that I need to focus on improving. I want to just keep growing in general in each role I’ve been planted in.

    The best “good thing” that happened this year was the adoption of my second daughter. My first daughter was born and adopted domestically in December 2012, and in the beginning of February this year, we experienced the failed adoption of her biological sister. It was so sad and yet the Lord redeemed our story and has created great things out of it. Without that failed adoption (which was not even something we sought out, but was something we were asked to do) we would have never found ourselves in the process to adopt our second daughter. There is no way! God is always faithful and our second daughter has been a tremendous blessing. Having two kids under two has been the biggest challenge of my life, but I am SO grateful to Him for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow from these beautiful girls and to deepen my relationship with Him through the responsibility of parenting them! I love sharing more about domestic adoption, so please let me know if you ever need anything in your own journey. You have been so inspirational to me and I would be happy to return the favor!

  53. Zoe Loeser on at


    I’ve been so excited about today since November. So much so that I took my sweet writing reviews of last year’s goals on my blog so I wouldn’t start collecting goal pre-processed. It’s like eating chicken before it’s in the oven. GROSS! Maybe more like cookie dough — it’s delicious, but it may kill you. Better.

    My good things highlights:

    1) I have a 15 minute drive home from work. This year I decided that was enough time for me to call one relative and one friend. The day I heard my grandpa say, “I woke up this morning and thought you’d call today,” was one of my favorite moments.

    2) I started getting groceries on Saturday instead of Sunday, and it made Sunday feel like I had an extra day off. I also started getting gas after I got groceries, saving me from emergencies.

    3) One thing I learned from 2014 is that if something didn’t have a dedicated space in my time, I would do it. I started a “plan time” on Saturdays. I’d meal plan for the week, plan date night with my man, plan my outfits (ahem… do laundry), and plan one friend date. This gave me something to eat besides pop tarts, time I could love my husband, underwear, and time with a person I love who I maybe hadn’t thought about in two years.

    4) I started a book of poetry for a future daughter (far future daughter). I wanted her to know the things and adventures that make me who I am, so I set off to write from ages 0-25 (I turned 26 in November). I made it all the way to 5th grade, but all and all I wrote or revised 33 poems. I’m so excited to make that happen in 2015.

    5) My husband graduates from dental school in May. I knew that if we waited until April to find a practice for him it could cause unnecessary strain on us, so I mailed out 103 letters to dentists in the Oklahoma City area. WE HAD 25 DENTISTS RESPOND! We were both blown away and overwhelmed. We’ve narrowed it down to three really strong options, all practices that would love to have him on board. I’m going to let him take it from here, but I am so thankful for your encouragement.

    6) My radical goal was to get involved in my community. One of the lies in my head was that I couldn’t keep the promises I made to myself, much less to anyone else. This lie kept me from offering my time to the community that loves me so well. I volunteered for the weekly art walk in the area we live in, and I found myself co-chairing the children’s area of the yearly district festival. That part was more than I had bargained for. I’ll know better next time, but I wouldn’t have done anything differently because God shows off in our weakest moments. I’m so thankful for a God that does that.

    7) The tags made it to my license plate rather than staying in my glove box until I got a ticket.

    8) I mailed my youth minister the vintage hockey jersey I stole from him in the 7th grade (14 years ago).

    9) I took a bag of stuff to goodwill every couple of weeks.

    There is so much. Some of it’s huge, but most of it’s small. It’s the small conscious choices I make everyday that whisper, “keep going,” so quietly. I’m learning that wisdom is being aware that the little stroke make the canvas of my life. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. And Jesus. I thank Jesus, a lot.

  54. Zoe Loeser on at

    I did all of those things! I did the Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter things, but I may have failed at the Instagram thing. I’m not sure how to post links.

    Also, there were many typos in my post, too. Like “if something didn’t have a dedicated space in my time, I would do it” vs. “if something didn’t have a dedicated space in my time I WOULDN’T do it.” And that, friends, is why grammar’s important.

  55. Laura on at

    Thank you, thank you for giving me permission to be imperfect, to embrace life, and live now, to take action behind dreaming and wishful thinking. I am excited to see what the Lord holds for me in 2015, this is my year of intentional planning and taking action!

  56. Laura on at

    I forgot to say that I did them all! 🙂

  57. Bonnie V on at

    Lara, I am so inspired by you! Thank you for sharing your story, your life and this work with all of us! Last year I was too late to order PowerSheets (they were sold out by the time I learned about them!), but I followed your blog posts to reflect and set goals and have seen so much progress since then! My word last year was love. Love for my kids, the work I do, my faith, my family and my friendships. I grew so much in all these areas thanks to the guidance from your blog. I’m looking forward to 2015 and “doing all the things I’ve wanted to do” with your #PowerSheets in hand and the Make It Happen book. Thank you!!! I have shared how much I love your work on Pinterest and Instagram and have to give Cathy from #CozyCameras credit for introducing me to your work! May you have a very blessed year ahead!!!

  58. Traci on at

    I’m reading your book now and am loving how it’s making me think and confront so many things I’ve been avoiding! I’m also interested in the Bible study:)

    • Lara on at

      I’m so grateful the book has encouraged you, Traci! Sending you an email now with the Bible Bunch details : ) YAY!

  59. Christy G on at

    You have a gift from God to inspire and give hope. Can’t wait to Read your book! PS – I also pinned this post 😉

  60. Heidi on at

    While 2014 was a challenging year, I am grateful for this reminder to reflect on the positive things first! I have two healthy children, I was diagnosed with cancer BUT we got it all out (!), I learned to say NO more so that I could say YES to other things, and I started grad school (for the second go-round) as an action step to a career goal.

    • Lara on at

      Wow, your story is so encouraging!

  61. Sus on at

    Just posted on IG: https://instagram.com/p/xS-4KHloCi/
    Thank you for your sharing heart. What a relief when we’re not chasing perfect… or trying hard not to – in order to enjoy the present moments for what they are!!!

  62. Cheri on at


    I’m completely new to your blog but am excited to learn more. I love the idea of looking for the purpose and planning with intention.

    2014 had a number of struggles for me, including my hours & salary being cut in half.

    What fills my heart more than the financial struggles (and boy, they have been there), is the fact that my elderly father turned 90 years old in July. I can’t tell you the sigh of relief that I felt at that milestone. This fall, we almost lost him. Nurses were telling me to prepare for the worst. We were having end-of-life discussions with his doctors. Tonight, my sister and I had New Year’s Eve dinner with him at the nursing home. I can’t think of a good thing that can surpass the gift that tonight was.

  63. Michele on at

    I’m excited to start my powersheets along with you and do some intentional planning for 2015…love your heart and your transparency! Shared on Instagram and Facebook-hoping some friends join me for some real life accountability!

  64. Sarah Westphal on at

    I feel so encouraged by your posts Lara. Your book is due to arrive here in New Brunswick, Canada next week.
    This year was wonderful and hard and a learning experience with our four kids ages 4, 2, 1 and newest babe Ruby at 6 months. God is Good.

    He will provide the energy you will need with two babies! Jesus and coffee 🙂 My mainstays as well as good girlfriends!
    Take care,

  65. kristen on at

    Love these tools. Love having fresh starts and the ability to make what matters happen in my life. If I won this I would be gifting part to a friend who could really use the encouragement and re-install the ability to dream and know there is a plan for her life!

  66. Amy W on at

    This goal setting series has been powerful for me since the first time you started doing it. I got my copy of Make It Happen yesterday and it’s been helping me change my vision and perspective on where I’m really at and what needs to happen. Tonight as i’ve been working on being still, praying and relishing in the highlights of the past year I’ve been full of gratitude. Thank you for being someone who loves God and who helps inspire all those you come into contact with. I’m excited to go on this journey the next couple weeks as I prepare for many big and scary steps in 2015. I’ve also shared this on Pinterest and my private instagram account. Cheers to a great year!

  67. rebecca on at

    you are such an encouragement. i can’t wait to get your book!

  68. rebecca on at

    i pinned this post!

  69. Hope Easter on at

    I am so excited to dive into the contents of your book. It downloaded on my Kindle the other night (I pre-ordered ^_^)

    2014 has been challenging, from dealing with people completely rejecting me, and having to deal with that hurt, to finding actual community in my workplace. It’s been a roller coaster or emotions, but I wouldn’t trade one bit of it.

    I’ve learned in 2014 how to be a better leader, entrepreneur (entre-leader), how to be a better person, etc.

    I cannot wait to see what 2015 holds, and what kind of relationships form.

    God is good, all the time. And all the time God is good.

  70. Jordan on at

    Hi Lara,

    Happy New Year! I woke up this morning and plopped down on the couch to read your post. The first thing I’ve done to start off this New Year – and what an amazing gift! I feel how genuine and thoughtful you are in the words that you write. They have give me permission to relax and reframe my purpose for this year. When you live from perfection it effects your whole body and mind. It can be so crippling and limit our ability to stay in the present. Your words have left me with a sense of relief and gratefulness. I can’t wait to start this new adventure and be a part of a growing and supportive community. Thank you for YOU and your team and your family and the amazing work that is truly going to change the lives of others. Let’s Make It Happen!

  71. Ashley on at

    Hi Lara,

    Congratulations on your new book! I’m so excited to start reading it in the new year! Posted your images on Pinterest and have my fingers crossed for this giveaway!

    I thank God that your so vulnerable and willing to share your story with the masses! It is so inspiring. Finding your goal setting series for 2014 was a true game changer in my life and I will forever be greatful for it! I hope one day our paths cross and I’m able to say thank you for all you do in person!!!

  72. Brittany on at

    I am super excited about this series! I have the book & am working through it as well, but would LOVE to have the Powersheets to go along with it. (Also everything else in the box. It’s all so great!)

    God is absolutely using you in great ways. Your outlook on life is so refreshing, and I’m excited to see more from you!

    (I also pinned one of the pics–pinterest.com/brittanystoess.)

  73. Janet O'Neil on at

    I pinned, tweeted, Facebooked and Instagramed this post because this is exactly the catalyst I need to move forward in 2015 in my business, art and walk of faith. Read most of your website this morning. Feeling inspired!

  74. Madeleine on at

    This year was full of challenges and really tested my faith and time-management.

    As a Theatre performance major, I feel like I have to be constantly competing for a multitude of things: roles, attention, reassurance. I have never been a fan of the competitiveness of others in my “business” – and this year showed me that it is something that both defines who I am and sets me apart from a lot of my peers.

    But this year has brought so SO many blessings.
    – I started my relationship with my wonderful boyfriend at the beginning of this year. He was and is my best friend, my fan club, and I truly believe God speaks to me through him.
    – I pursued dreams and personal business ideas that have brought me joy rather than stress!
    – I decided to take a chance to study abroad and travel! Paris, here I come!
    – I have de-cluttered by getting rid of a lot of “things,” followers, people, etc. that I just didn’t need anymore and was holding on to for no reason.
    – I started canning! After reading SW’s feature on jams and canning I thought. “hey! why not!” and I discovered just how much fun it is! Not only did it feel good when making it over the summer, but I loved the joy of giving friends and family homemade gifts during this holiday season. It all felt much more heartfelt!

    Thank you Lara for all that you share! It is truly inspiring! Happy New Year!

  75. Anna on at

    working on my goals now! thanks for your advice to not rush through them!

  76. Karen M Roth on at

    I would like to get this as I’m totally disabled but I feel like I can do more. Unfortunately, I am not able to get the supplies from you due to us both being on just one SSI income {I’m still fighting for mine.} I want to live with purpose and to write a book myself. As you may not know that I live with multiple painful illnesses that keep me down more than up. My history is a long painful one.. But I am a survivor with God’s help. I have been reaching out to many people but friends have not been found, even within my own personal life. So please pray for friends for me before the Parkinson Disease finishes me off. Please.

    • Lara on at

      I am sending prayers and love, Karen!

  77. Belinda on at

    I love how you always start by reminding me/us how great God has been . Then you encourage us with your many talents to use the “gifts” our Father has given us. Seriously …”Done is better than perfect”…is my mantra for 2015. Thank you!

  78. andrea on at

    So so grateful to be doing this again this year! I wasn’t sure last year if i would be able to make anything happen and yet here I am ready for another year and in SUCH a better place. So so grateful for you lara!

  79. Judy on at

    I love this – “Be still, be prayerful, and celebrate the good stuff today!” “PROGRESS not perfection!”

  80. Dawn on at

    I just stumbled upon your powersheets and blog on Pinterest and I must say, I am truly inspired to make things happen in 2015. I’ve begun to list the goods and bads of 2014 and am anxious to begin creating my vision for the new year. Many thanks!

  81. Jennifer on at

    Thank you for your words of inspiration. I am currently praying and goal setting for 2015. This will be the best year yet.

  82. Grace Henry on at

    This is my 3rd year following along with you through the process. I don’t do it exactly (done is better than perfect!) but like that it takes time and lets thoughts simmer. Meaningful change takes time. Looking forward to seeing what comes out at the end!

  83. Grace Henry on at

    p.s. I also shared on Facebook – before realizing that was a way to enter. 🙂 Last year I had 2 friends go through with me, and hoping for that again. Nothing like community throughout the year to keep you focused!

  84. Jessica on at

    I pinned this post!

  85. Kaya on at

    I wish I lived in Chapel Hill so I can do the bible study! I was wondering if you ever needed a prayer partner or accountability partner through email if you could let me know? I am a freshmen in high school and I just would like to have a better relationship with God this year and you are such a great example of that! 🙂

  86. Jessica Chavez on at

    THANK YOU! For your honesty, uour hard work and all your love. I can cetainly feel like we’re sitting across the table fromeach other having this talk. 2014 was not the usual year, I took a huge leap and entered into a relationship that ended 7 months after. While it was painful and lead me to be really hard on myself with regret, God was good to remind me that even that failed relationship was part of a bigger plan for me to see how unable I am without Him, how weak I am without Him.
    Grateful for blessings in disguise! Sure God held my hand throughout the year and blessed me with a new decade as I turned 30! God has turned what I felt like a regular year and turned it into a great learning experience.

  87. how thankful I am for your wisdom! you bless so many! I pray your 2015 is wonderful!

  88. Kelsey on at

    I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. I shared how God used today’s post to touch my heart about 2015 on my blog today here.. https://www.kandidlykelsey.com/2015/01/comin-at-ya-twenty-fifteen.html

  89. Kelsey on at

    Oh! I also pinned your post here… https://www.pinterest.com/pin/169729479682607176/

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  90. Jenny on at

    I am so excited to dig into the Powersheets for 2015! Heading into my last semester of college, this is my first time using them to help guide me into a more meaningful 2015 and end of my college career!

    Soaking in this quote from the post–
    “But God does remarkable things with our broken pieces when we give them to Him”
    Your posts always leave me feeling refreshed!
    I shared this post on twitter!

  91. Kimberly on at

    I’ve been digging into your book and making my way through my first set of PowerSheets. I’ve journaled things I had NO idea were on my heart till I put pen to paper. Blessings to you.

  92. Crystal on at

    It sounds like you’ve had a wonderful year, Lara! I hope that this coming year for you is filled with as many, if not more, blessings! I’m looking forward to reading your series on 2015 goal setting. It’s definitely something I need! Shared about it on social media 🙂

  93. Kayla on at
  94. Christie on at

    I’ve actually written about powersheets on my blog before and have a post coming up soon about it. I’m really excited to use them for the first time this week (fingers crossed) and looking forward to working through them with the book.

  95. Christie on at

    I shared this post on twitter and looking forward to the rest of the series!

  96. Amanda on at

    So excited to start my book!

    Blogged, grammed, tweeted, and now commented.

  97. I was able to celebrate my grandfather’s 90th birthday with him. I got a new teaching job. I was able to let thewriteteachers.com grow, although I’m not sure where it’s headed – and I’m still seeking wisdom and guidance on the best direction for my business. I made huge edits to a play that I wrote that I feel will help so many people. I produced 10 concerts/cabarets in New York City. I took a leap on a new job over the summer that required me to move. I’m working on relationships. I’m trying to love the broken pieces, and wear my scars as proud stripes of a tiger. Here’s to my second year doing this series! #blessyou

  98. Christie on at

    https://www.pinterest.com/christie177/goal-setting/ I started a new pin board just on goal setting and added one of your images.

  99. Christian Melvin on at

    Just IG’d. So looking forward to living 2015 with intention using my PowerSheets and the Make It Happen book! Thank you for sharing your heart and passions with us, Lara! Can’t wait to see what blessings this journey brings for us all!

  100. Jessica on at

    My family and I are brand new to the triangle area, and your Bible Bunch group sounds wonderful. I would love more information about your meetings! Could use the time out of the house, and the opportunity to meet some great people!
    Thank you!

    • Lara on at

      Yay, welcome to the Triangle! I am sending you an email now : )

  101. Heather on at

    I am so glad I checked this post out – as a first time #powerstees user, seeing examples is very helpful. I completed some of mine yesterday and my good definitely outwieghed the bad. It was such a great exercise to remember the good and then to start making choices about what to say “no” to. I also love the fact that – if we are not doen by 1/1 – thats OK too – its better to take your time, listen to God and pray than rush and throw something together. Let’s be intentional! Thanks for sharing your process and heart!

  102. So inspired by you and your journey, Lara — and so excited to see all God has planned for you in 2015! I love that you begin goal-setting with looking back at all the ways God was good and faithful. 2014 was a year full of ups and downs for me, and creatively, I didn’t accomplish much in the second half of the year. BUT the rest from producing was good for me and very much needed, and God still accomplished a great deal in my life and heart this year. In the second half of the year, I also realized that my quiet time had gotten off kilter, and as a result, so had I.

    A few highlights:
    -Community was a huge focus of my year (and one of my 2014 goals), and God definitely worked in that area. He gave me time with my church friends and family, new creative friendships, and a desire to start ministering to college students. I’ll likely be leading a women’s discipleship group for college women this spring at my church. I also hosted an online book club for my eBook An Inspired Life and connected with so many wonderful women who love the Lord.
    -We celebrated my grandmother’s 90th birthday and had many family gatherings this year. I often struggle with my singleness, but it has actually been a gift at times this year, as it has afforded me the opportunity to really pour into my family relationships and soak up extra special time with loved ones.
    -I’ve continued to date with a hopeful, open heart. I do believe God has marriage in mind for me, and while I don’t know why I’m 31 and still waiting, He reminds me often that His plan is always better than mine.
    -Summer was a sweet time of recharging and just enjoying life…I wasn’t worried about creative deadlines or my next big project. I just focused on LIVING.
    -Fall brought the chance to attend the Influence Conference again, and I loved being in the midst of that amazing community again!
    -I have been less active online these last few months, but I think the break has helped me look ahead to the new year and really ask myself how I will be a part of the Internet in the coming year. I don’t know all the answers yet (although I do have some exciting plans with some fellow blogging friends), but I know that as I press into God, He will reveal each next step.

    And now I’m off to share this on Instagram and Facebook! Thank you, Lara, for building this community and being such a source of light and inspiration! 🙂

  103. I’m excited to tackle these again this year! Thanks Lara for putting this together and sharing your story with us. You are very inspirational!

    My 2014 Good Things:

    1. I completed my MBA program and attended a beautiful graduation!
    2. I invested in a new DSLR camera to pursue more of my passion in photography, and I enjoy shooting with it.
    3. I traveled. I ventured to Florida, North Carolina, and California this year. I spent time photographing while I was there. I relaxed with family and friends and embraced the concept of rest.
    4. I attended the Making Things Happen Conference in October and peeled back SO MANY LAYERS. I discovered that I had to let go of my past – specifically my parent’s divorce and loss in my family. Those fears paralyzed me for so long. I am thankful I won’t be dragging those into this 2015. I saw examples of true marriage and unconditional love at MTH. That wasn’t why I attended (I was going more for starting a business), but examples of marriage and truth were exactly what I needed. I have had so many fears about marriage, commitment, and relationships. I had been so afraid to date because I wanted to make sure I was good before entering a relationship with someone – I didn’t want to say yes and end with divorce. I have felt free after attending.
    5. I began praying more than I have in any other year. I spent many mornings in prayer, and it has become a part of my routine. I committed to a devotional that helps me speak more frequently with God. After attending MTH, I learned that I need to expand my praying and that I can pray about anything – marriage, relationships, friendships, business, contentment, anything. That has led to greater peace.
    6. I created my blog! This had been on my heart for about a year, and I was a little afraid to tackle it since it wasn’t a part of my comfort zone. Surprisingly, this has been one of the most rewarding parts of 2014. I have a way to present my photography and continue to see my talent grow. I found I enjoy creative writing and accountability and opening up more about myself. I enjoy being a role model and inspiring others.
    7. I spent time on relationships. After so much school and focusing on my career, I realized this year how much relationships matter. I made progress on loving others and being there and giving back to my relationships. I can’t want to continue this in 2015!
    8. I said “yes” to actions and ideas that scared me. I said “yes” to listening and trusting when things didn’t make sense. And they worked out.

    • And to add one more…
      9. I celebrated my second full year of no Facebook account. I became more intentional with my social media time this year and made sure my time on Instagram was more uplifting and motivational. I have compared far less this year than any other year 🙂

  104. Traco on at

    Pinned on Pinterest

  105. Traci on at

    Tweeted 🙂

  106. Traci on at

    You are beyond inspiring and I just love your heart! Thank you for doing this giveaway!!!

  107. I love this! I just wanted to share my thankfulness for Bible Bunch- I saw the posts on Instagram about it right around when my husband and I moved up here this summer not knowing a soul in the Triangle. It has been such a blessing to find community and friendship and women who love the Lord in my new home thanks to Bible Bunch! Thanks for taking that leap of faith 🙂 See you on the 5th!

    • Lara on at

      I can’t wait to see you!

  108. Cara Craver on at

    Confession…I bought Powersheets for 2014 and they intimidated me and I was trying too hard for perfection. I started on them two different times!! But the past is behind, and this is a new year. Isaiah 43 says to forget about former things and not to dwell on the past. My word for 2015 is START. I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. His mercies are new EVERY morning!! Thank you for sharing your gifts and for being such a wealth of wisdom. And for encouraging us all to Make It Happen. And PS> I did all of the above!! Pinned, Instagram, FB. And picking up a reserved copy of your book today at B&N!! Can’t wait to dive in! Been looking forward to this read for months!

    • Lara on at

      Love it Cara — I am cheering you on!

  109. Melissa Abeyta on at

    Happy New Year Lara!! And Congratulations to you and the family on your TWO new additions.

    I think it was in 2010 during the MTH in LA (2.0 they called it) when I first opened myself to a room full of strangers about my fears and that changed my life. It was like holding up a mirror to myself and asking if I was being authentic to me and my life’s purpose. Well at that time I wasn’t. But every year since I sit down and dig deep, make tangible goals for myself professional and personally. While my life has gone down a different path than I was on years ago, it feels so right. Incredibly blessed that I’ve founded and pursued my purpose! Thank you Lara, you have no idea how I look forward to these “end of year” postings….and postings in general when they are revisiting through out the year. <3

  110. Kristen on at

    So inspiring, Lara! Thank you for being so inspiring, and sharing your radiance with the world!

  111. Kristen on at

    * Pinned!

  112. Melissa Abeyta on at

    *Tweeted, Instagramed, and Facebooked!


  113. Madelyn on at

    What a beautiful recap of your year and some wonderfully timed encouragement for me! Thankful for community this year as well, specifically in my hometown of Columbia, SC. I (hesitantly) moved back to SC after graduating college but have grown to love it so much more in this post-grad season.

    Thank you for the way you encourage and challenge others with your God-given ability to use the words that speak to so many hearts. Happy 2015!

    • Madelyn on at

      Also forgot to mention, I pinned and tweeted this post, thanks!

  114. JW on at

    Your resources sound so inspiring an d helpful.

  115. Charity on at

    Lara, every year it gets better and better! I love reading your yearly recaps, as well as your ideas on goal-setting for the next year. I found you in 2009, and I can’t even tell you how life-changing it has been for me!
    This year I have
    a. experienced my lowest low in January 2014
    b. started a new job in February 2014
    c. launched a brain-child (September 2014) that was thought of with a friend in fall 2013. It’s not perfect, but it is an accomplishment of a dream!
    d. cemented the plans for my future (unless they change of course)
    e. purchased my first car
    f. learned to make time for others in my adult schedule
    g. started to focus on purpose over perfection

    I can’t wait to see what God has in store for 2015. Your family is in my prayers as it grows 🙂

    • Charity on at

      I also pinned and instagrammed about this post! 🙂

  116. Heather B. on at

    Thank you for the encouraging post. Purchased my kindle version of the book, Make it Happen. And, also received my power sheets last week. I am SO ready to use these tools!

  117. Kelsey on at

    I blogged about 2014 here:


    It’s so valuable to look back and take stock of what God has done. I’m so glad I did!

  118. Kristu on at

    thank you! I always feel so hopeful after reading your posts!

  119. Lauren Brogdon on at

    What a wonderful post, Lara! I am three chapters into your book and am just loving every minute of it. Thank you so very much for the gift of your words. On the off chance that you actually read this, I would love to share my story with you for your book on marriage. My husband and I have had a unique journey and are so proud of the foundation we have built and how we got there. Thank you again for all you do for women and I’ll be praying for you and your family in 2015!


    • Lara on at

      I am so grateful the book has encouraged you! And I will keep you posted on book #2 : )

  120. Heather Jones on at

    2014 was such a difficult year for my family, my husband and I lost our mothers within 3 months of each other. I need to move forward in 2015 with true God given focus and I believe your book and power sheets can help me lead the way. Feeling so thankful that I discovered your blog.

  121. Joanna Hyatt on at

    What worked in 2014:
    -I wrote for both Huffington Post and Relevant Magazine for the first time
    -I tripled my speaking engagements and to bigger audiences
    -Hosted people regularly in our home
    -Lost the baby weight and got back in shape
    -Marriage maintained and cultivated throughout a rocky year
    -Great, intentional moments with my daughter
    -Cultivated learning by reading more books than in 2013, trying new recipes and starting an herb garden

    • Joanna Hyatt on at

      I also Tweeted, Instagramed and Facebooked about this!

  122. Melynda on at

    Thank you for your openness . I’m trying out Powersheets to better balance my roles of mom, wife, and local independent pharmacist. There are things I’d like to make happen in each of those arenas this year

  123. Alyssa Maxwell on at

    “With stillness. With prayer. While the rest of the world rushes to set goals by the stroke of midnight tonight, I offer you an alternative: be still. Let’s do this well, with intention.”

    Wow, what a perspective change. I love this. So often I rush to get things done, just so I can check them off my to do list. God doesn’t want that- He wants us to come to Him and ask for help. Thank you for this post, Lara!

  124. Aubrey murphy on at

    I commit to living on purpose this year. No idea what that means but I’m doing it!

  125. Chelsea Wester on at

    I’m looking forward to walking through this process with all of you! Looking back over 2014 is humbling and motivating all at the same time. God did many amazing things last year and at the same time, there are many ways I’d like to grow and improve in the coming year. I missed opportunities, I made hasty decisions, and I allowed the world to dictate parts of my life. Here’s to a new beginning and new chances! Happy to share this series everywhere I can!

  126. Carmen Hamilton on at

    Hi Lara! I prayed for you throughout 2014 and loved using PowerSheets for the first time! I LOVE your necklace! Can you share the vendor the Rays used? Thanks and Happy New Year!

  127. Emily on at

    I loved that the first thing you start with is listing what worked and what blessings we found in 2014. So easily at the start of a new year I think “I am not gonna do that again.” “Really am glad I am moving past this..” But to first give thanks for the good- because there is a lot more good- it somehow gives me new perspective on my desires for 2015. Looking forward to more blessings!

  128. Sally on at

    Happy New Year! This is going to be a great year lived with intention and purpose. Thank you so much for developing the Power Sheets and book ~ they are different and just what I needed to get me going. Your products were used by God and dovetailed into my plans beautifully. Thanks!

  129. I was working on my resolutions or thoughts for this coming here when I found your site. I have seen the power sheets on a few blogs throughout last year and was curious about them. I’m excited to follow your series this year and look at the past series.

  130. Amia on at

    I am thanking God soooooooo much every time I think of you and your heart. I am really excited to see what God is going to do through you. I’ve been a sharing, tweeting, instagraming, pinning fool trying to get as many women on board with this. It’s funny because someone asked me have I used them yet and what kind of progress have I seen. I laughed and said NOPE I’M JUST SUPER EXCITED TO SEE GOD MOVE AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO!! THANK YOU!!!!!

  131. Stacy Scott on at

    I so love this! I have never began a new year with intention on making things happen and living on purpose. Sure, I’ve set a resolution from time to time, knowing full well that I would probably break it. But this year, I wanted to do something different. There’s almost an urgency to it, to live on purpose for a purpose, and to not delay any longer. I’m so thankful for the tools you have created to give structure to this journey. I can’t wait to dig into your book! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve already repeated to myself, “Done is better than perfect,” and for someone who is a recovering perfectionist, you can bet it has been pretty often!

    While I haven’t been able to sit down and be still in reviewing my 2014 yet, there is one thing that stands out to me: my husband and I became a part of a church plant in Clayton, NC. We don’t even live in Clayton, but felt (over reflecting on the past 2 years) the Lord had been preparing us to say yes to this all along. We left a church we deeply loved and experienced much growth at in order to walk in obedience. We can’t wait to see what’s in store as we launch in February! God is good and to Him alone be the glory.

    **I pinned, shared this post on Facebook and Instagramed it too!**

  132. tessa traweek on at

    Your blog has been so inspiring for me in the New Year. I am a new reader, but I am looking forward to following this journey through the new year!

  133. Michelle on at

    I pinned! So inspiring <3

  134. Griselda Flores on at

    Lara, I’m so grateful to have come across your Powersheets on Instagram. Although I’m in a very different season in my life than yours your post has really touched me and spoken to me. For a while there your Powersheets kept coming to the top of my mind and I finally decided to purchase them. I Waited anxiously for them to arrive the day they were supposed to be delivered, checking and rechecking the USPS site for confirmation (they were finally delivered at 4pm!). I started working on the sheets right away. I kept reading that it would take me a week or two to work through them and being an overachiever I was determined to finish them ASAP! As I read through your posts and went through the check boxes, I’ve slowed down and am taking the time necessary to make the changes I want to see in my life. You can’t see me but I haven’t stopped crying as I’ve read this post and even writing this. You have spoken to my spirit. Thank you so much.


  135. Hayley on at

    Your website has inspired me to finally start designing mine. It has spent years in a notebook as I try to perfect every little detail, and now I just need to jump in!

  136. Jen on at

    Hey Lara,
    I came across your website while I was looking for something else… I’m so grateful to God for your encouragement. It is just what I need right now. Thanks for following hard after Jesus.

  137. Tessy Fuller on at

    Last year was the first year I used any of your goal setting techniques and the process and encouragement I found to pursue them step by step made such a difference. I plan to purchase your book after payday. I am now waiting for your “How to write a book” blog series. 🙂 That is my big goal for 2015 and it makes me hyper ventilate a bit thinking about it.. I have already done my reflection post on both my blogs so I am ready for the next step. It is so good to read and look at all God has done, even among the chaos gifts can be found.

  138. Be still my heart! It’s so lovely to be going through this with you again. What I love the most is that you take the time rewrite this series when you could just re-post previous ones. You take the time to let us in so we can truly learn how to surrender our testimonies to God. Thank you so much. I looking forward to a meaningful 2015 full of embracing my purpose without getting overwhelmed by it. xoxo

  139. Ann Marie on at

    Just spent the morning reading over your website, life story, and beautiful words of encouragement and faith. I am so filled with hope from your story and that we share the same God. I’ve shared this post on my instagram and facebook and pinterest. THANK YOU for our courage to be honest and vulnerable. “to love at all is to be vulnerable” -CS Lewis

  140. Melissa on at

    I just received the book in the mail today and I plan to start tonight so I can get started on those powersheets. I am looking forward to a great 2015!! Thanks so much for your help along the way!

  141. brit on at

    So looking forward to diving into this. What worked this year…after a few years of prayer, pleading and tears, my husband and I welcomed a baby boy in October. His promises are true!

  142. Candace on at

    I’m SO excited to get started with this. We had a loss over the holidays, my husband’s dad unexpectedly passed away. So instead of spending my first week of January with some quiet planning time, we were planning a memorial service, working on an obituary and going through family photos for a slideshow.

    BUT, GOD. He knew all along the timing and has ordained the days of each of our lives, including that of my FIL. The Lord knew we would be grieving instead of whatever our man-made plans were for these days.

    Now that my kids are back in school, I have a little bit of time to sit down and work on this! I got your book in the mail, I have the power sheets and have finished the first 3-4 pages. I’m READY TO GO. 🙂 I’m so excited about this series.

    I have pinned this and will continue sharing as the Lord guides me through this process!!

  143. Kavonda on at

    This will be my first time going on this journey and i am excited. I’m so in love with the prayer aspect of setting your goals which has always been missing in other goal setting journeys. I look forward to learning and living.

  144. Mickie on at

    SO happy I found you through a friend (which I’m sure was no accident!) at this time of my life. Everything I have read lately (including now your book) has led me to this moment. I am ready to take on building an intentional life for 2015 and love this guidance for getting there.

  145. Rachel on at

    I really enjoyed this post. I have been trying to set goals for 2015 and just really coming up blank; the idea that I can take it slow and that’s better, even,is so relieving.

    As for what was gpod about 2014- the best thing was getting pregnant with our first child.

  146. kristen on at


    Completely love you and all your goal setting posts books and resources! Pinned this post!

  147. So grateful for you, Lara! In early 2014 we said “see you later” to my father-in-law when Jesus took him home to free him from cancer. A few months later our youngest said “yes” to Jesus in her Sunday school class. And this fall my husband and I became the owners of an abandoned church building after nearly 2 years of prayer over it. We are in the VERY early stages of restoring it. Lots of blessings scattered all throughout the year. Thanks for leading me to look back!

  148. Carly on at

    Hi Lara – I just ordered your book and am so excited to dive into it! I moved back to Chapel Hill a few months ago and have been looking for a women’s bible study to join. I would love more details about the Bible Bunch 🙂

  149. Angela A. on at

    Thank you for sharing your life and heart. I am inspired to think and pray about several things after this read and feel renewed hope for what God wants to do in 2015.

  150. Sarah on at

    Here is my list of good things from 2014. I have been thinking about this list for a while now and it was much longer, I just can’t remember everything now! Life at our house has been a little crazy lately, I have spent the past few evenings holding a fussy baby for hours so I haven’t had my hands free to do much typing. Anyway, in the spirit of saying “done is better than perfect” here are a few of my good things from 2014.
    Good Things from 2014
    – Graham! In July we welcomed this super sweet, cheerful boy into the world. He was born early in the morning and his birth went really well, it was an answer to prayer. Later in the day, around noon, my husband left to get our older boys to bring them up to the hospital to meet their new brother. While he was gone the lactation consultant came in. We were just chatting while I nursed this hours old blessing boy. At one point he stopped nursing. I glanced down and his complexion looked dusky. I thought he was just cold. As I reached for the blanket lactation consultant realized he wasn’t just cold. He had stopped breathing. She took his limp, now blue, body out of my arms. I sat frozen in shock as she firmly patted his back urging him to “breath!” He did. She assured me that he looked fine as she took him off to the nursery to have him checked out. My husband left our big boys with my Dad and hurried back to the hospital where we waited for an answer. We were never given an answer as to the cause of his apnea event but were reassured by trusted doctors and sweet nurse friends that this is not a rare occurrence in newborns. We left the hospital at peace and with an apnea monitor to alert us in case Graham were to have another episode.
    Fast-forward about two weeks. It was about 11 PM. Graham had fallen asleep in my arms so I went to put him to bed. I hooked him up to the apnea monitor; I was exhausted and so ready to get some sleep. When I turned the monitor on the alarm on it went off, indicating that his heart rate was above 200 BPM. I thought there was something wrong with the machine, maybe I hooked it up incorrectly, and so I tried again. It went off again. I checked Graham’s pulse; it was so fast I couldn’t count it. I called our pediatrician who advised me to call for an ambulance. Soon our little apartment was filled with three firemen, three security officers, and two paramedics. My Mom went with us to the ER where they did more tests. Something was wrong with our baby but no one was quite sure what. He ended up being admitted to the hospital and the next day the Lord orchestrated a series of events that revealed the cause. A relatively minor heart issue called Supraventricular tachycardia that was, in this case, relatively easy to treat. We stayed in the hospital a few days to get Graham’s medication regulated and we have had almost no issues since that time.
    So… What’s the point of this long story? God was in the details. He was working out so many things to work out His plan, which is ultimately for His glory and our good. I once heard someone say it like this, “He gets the glory, we get the joy.” I rejoice as I reflect on this series of events and the details around them because God reminded me who He is. He cares about the details of our lives. He is intimately involved in our lives. And perhaps the most profound for me from this experience, even in the midst of difficult days He gives us what we need in order to glorify Him. He can give peace when there are no good answers, He can give strength when we are weary. As believers we can rejoice, knowing that whatever may come, we will never walk alone. These health issues we experienced with Graham may seem silly in light of what others endure. I’m not claiming to have walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death or anything like that. What I am saying though is that in the midst of the crazy, He is faithful.
    Walking through these events has reminded me that I need to trust the Lord to provide for others as they experience difficulties. Just because I don’t see Him working doesn’t mean He isn’t. He is faithful, whether I see it or not.
    – I learned to be more quick to laugh when things go “wrong.” Like when I decided to make cookies with the big boys 2 weeks postpartum and the oats ended up all over the floor while Levi snacked on a stick of butter and then he and Leyton dipped there toothbrushes in the toilet before using them. Or when I dropped a huge candle in the dinner that was boiling on the stove.
    – The Lord gave me a different direction as far as where to serve at church.

  151. Kristin on at

    I can’t believe how much good stuff you can pack into one blog post!! I’m eatin’ it up.

    2014 Gratitude:
    -giving birth to my first baby (BOY!)
    -getting involved with a church in my actual neighborhood/community
    -husband getting a new job that allows me to stay at home with our son
    -simplifying belongings which has created extra time for relationships and “life” to happen

    I’m working through the Power Sheets and love the opportunity to write down what did work & what didn’t work, especially the part about what lessons were learned from each. It’s helpful to put into words the lessons I learned from the things that didn’t work. It makes those things seem helpful even though they weren’t working. 🙂

  152. Heather on at

    I am so looking forward to reading your book! (It should be here tomorrow!) I worked through your goal planning process last year and am slowly working through it again this year. I am anxious for what the Lord will do through this process. Thank you so much for inspiring others to make things happen! : )

  153. Diane on at

    I just finished your book Lara and it was so beautifully written. You asked a lot of tough questions and they made me really think.

    When you poured your heart out over a year or so ago, your story is what lead me to Christ. I was so stressed about finances and no matter what I did or tried, nothing seemed to help. When you talked about God, it’s as if God was pressing on my heart to open my soul up and let Him in. I prayed and prayed for God to help me, not necessarily give me wealth, but to humbly ask him for the orders to come so that I could work to help my family. Every time I prayed, orders came.

    It wasn’t all happy times and I faced my challenges of excessive worrying about when the next order would come. It took 2 long years of that type of behavior until God finally made me truly understand that He is always there for us and will always provide. My panic attacks of finances has diminished and he has pressed upon my heart that it’s time to focus more on strengthening my relationship with my husband and son. Not an easy task, but He works in mysterious ways.

    So my gratitude for 2014 (short list because I surprisingly had a lot longer list than I realized):
    1. New home in a new community where there is a large Catholic and Christian foundation.
    2. Found my church home and decided to take the leap and convert to Catholicism. My faith in God is what has gotten me through a year of transition and challenges after my father passed away in late 2013.
    3. To learn to be thankful in all things, even the not so good things we experience. There is good in everything if we choose to believe God has a greater plan for us.
    4. I stopped worrying so much about tomorrow, about what is to come and to focus on what He gives us today.
    5. Learned that even though we may not have much, there are those who have far less and we should give to those in need as Christ teaches us to do. Felt so good to help through the various ministry drives our church supports.
    6. Business was brutally slow, but looking back I realize that there’s a season for everything and to try and see the good in the hard seasons. God has blessed me with a lot of wonderful orders to work on since the new year and I’m truly grateful.

    Thank you for pouring out your heart and soul to do what God calls you to do. You inspire me and so many others to be our best not for ourselves but for God!

    So happy for your family and soon to be welcoming two new little ones into the family. God bless.

    • Lara on at

      Diane! I am so encouraged by all of this — God is so good! I am praying for you as you continue to seek Him and grow in faith! : )

  154. Carly on at

    Hi Lara, I just ordered your book and am so excited to dive in to it! I moved back to Chapel Hill a few months ago and have been looking for a women’s bible study to join – I would love more details on the Bible Bunch 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Yay, Carly! I am smiling you details now : )

  155. ashley erickson on at

    2014 brought some struggles and some victories. I’m thankful I was able to continue my graduate work thanks to some financial help. I’m also thankful a car accident turned out to have only damage to the car. Life is so short – why do we tend to think we’re invincible? Some of my favorite verses in the Bible remind me that I am small:

    “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
    4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?”
    Psalm 8

    And yet, He still loves me and knows me by name.

    Thank you for your encouraging words!

  156. Sam on at

    Thank you for all your wise words and inspiration. I posted on Pinterest and hope to share this (and your book) with anyone who needs it. Thanks again!

  157. Lauren on at

    Hi Lara! I just found this post about how you do bible study in Chapel Hill and would love to get connected!!! I also can’t wait to do the book club for ‘Make It Happen’ through the Influence Network 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Yay, Lauren! Sending you a link to our Bible Bunch Google Group now with all the details!

  158. Talli on at

    Hi Lara! I’d like information about Bible Bunch! TY!

    • Lara on at

      Hi, Talli! Great! Sending you an invite to our Google Group now : )

  159. Heidi Lyn on at

    I love this goal setting series! I just finished the third and am moving into the fourth now. When I made my “fires me up” list, I was blown away by how few of those things I allow myself to do, always in the name of being so “busy”!!! I’m a bridal coach and help women stay healthy and balanced throughout their engagements and I would NEVER advise them to watch “How I Met Your Mother” reruns instead of spending time nourishing themselves and yet, today I realized that I’ve been doing just that. I’ve been filling my soul with junk and the busier I get the more I’ve pushed out the amazing parts of life. This was such an awesome wake up call for me and I’m glad to get out and feel more alive than ever today. Thank you for sharing! I posted this on pinterest and am excited to share with my clients! Thanks Lara!

  160. Hi Lara,

    I’m a new reader in your blog. I can’t remember how I found your space in the world wide web but I guess it was somewhere between the pursuit community and the beautiful instagram photos. Although I may be new, I can say that you have already inspired me a lot (not in a creepy way that would make me idolized you). But in the way that makes me want to be more and more like Jesus, developing my character as a woman of God. Your life is such a powerful testimony and I hope I’ll build my own platform to share my testimony too someday.

    True enough 2014 was tough for me as well. There are times when I was so full of doubt that I want to give up, and I am more than grateful that He is more faithful than I am. I can relate how we rush our plan in the brink of New Year’s eve, so I’m thankful that I found your blog even before the year ended.

    This series is helping me to visualize my year this month (although I’m just working my way through part 2). Excited for what God has in store for all of us. 🙂

    P.S. I just pinned one of your graphics, inlcuded a link of your blog in my blog post, and will instagram it. I’m currently on facebook/twitter break for the whole month so I won’t be able to share this on those platforms. Never won a giveaway before, so…I am hoping that your book would be available in the Phillippines soon! I’ll make sure to save up for the powersheets so I can buy a set on March. 🙂

  161. I thank you for doing this every year. I am in bed, with the Powersheets on my lap, the laptop open to your blog, and the Make It Happen book at my side.

    It’s so hard to look back on everything. Even the “About Me” page on the Powersheets were so hard to write. I don’t even know what 3 words I would use to describe myself. I realized how little I loved myself when God loved me SO much.

    In 2014, I joined a mastermind. I signed up for 1-on-1 coaching calls and made more friends. I spoke in Google Hangouts led by others. I served with children ages 5 and 6 the entire year, at church. I earned a little more money. I was able to bless many charity causes, and also my family — I had a wonderful Christmas dinner even though my dad and uncle weren’t believers.

    These things I forget. I only remember how little I felt I had worked on the business and how it hadn’t grew as much as I liked it to.

    Thank you for doing this every year. And all the resources. I pinned my favorite #2015 Goal Setting picture to my Making Things Happen 2015 board, as I do every year.

    I am going to work through the sheets today because I feel SO called to do it. NOW. No more procrastination. Figure out and take action. God is talking and moving in your words and your blog.

    I love you Lara!

  162. Kirsty Kendall on at

    Well clearly i am truly embracing the fact that there is nothing magical about January as we are halfway through the month and i am easing myself into leaning what being Intentional with 2015 looks like for us Kendalls!
    I feel full up to overflowing, with the potential God is already opening my eyes to, within my own life and passions. Following your suggestions and book, along with my Day designer, I hope to be able to turn the exciting(sometimes confusing mess) ideas into real things.
    Intentional was the word God seemed to repeat over and over for me for this year and i can’t wait to be looking back at all that has happened at the end of 2015!

  163. Grace Hahn on at

    Lara – I just found your blog and book at the end of last year. I have found your power sheets and book so inspiring and focused. They have been exactly what I’ve been looking for as I’ve tried to live a more focused and purposeful life that is about my family and friends. I have been pushing too long to achieve and get lost at work and in my career. My supervisor recently was forced to take at least 6 weeks off in order to simply NOT have a heart attack because she worked too much. I realized I didn’t want to end up like her. Thank you for providing the tools to help push me to my best self!

  164. Kami on at

    I was just introduced to your blog and shop by a dear friend at work. I am going through a transition and she thought your words and power sheets would provide some encouragement and focus. Money is very tight for us as we recently moved across the country. Winning this set would truly be a blessing. I feel God wants me to really take a leap if faith and this could be the help I need to do it. Your faith is inspiring, thanks for sharing it.

  165. Hi Lara, I am just now coming across your blog. I bought your book on New Years Eve! I have been reading it in between taking care of kids and animals :o) I just read about the MTH conference!! Oh my!!! It looks amazing! I am going to try and somehow make that work! (or should I say happen!) God bless you for sharing your heart!

  166. Jessica on at

    You’ve shared so much amazing with the world, I’m so glad that I have your book and the powersheets to motivate me in this world! God bless you!

  167. I think that the greatest thing that changed in 2014 for me was finally making the decision to declare my faith and be baptized in Jesus. I grew up in the church, my grandfather was a pastor, and knew the stories…the expectations. I let the world take me away from that during high school, away from God, away from the church, and away from who I was meant to be. I read a book in 2013 by Phil Robertson and realized that to truly reach my potential, I needed to recognize and remember who had gotten me to where I am…Jesus Christ. On May 25, 2014, which just happens to be my grandfather’s birthday, I celebrated my new birth through baptism by my grandfather in my family’s home. Through that declaration, my life is improving…and I can’t be more grateful. I can’t wait to see what big and small things can happen in my life in 2015.

    • Lara on at

      This is so encouraging, Kricia! I am overjoyed to hear all of this!

    • Jessica on at

      Oh Kricia! What a wonderful story! God is so good and I am so encouraged by this!

  168. Kricia on at

    I posted on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest…nothing like a little accountability to get started!

  169. When you said, “There is no room for comparison in making what matters happen,” that really touched a nerve in me. It’s so so so hard not to compare, or gauge what I want to make happen against what I *should* make happen. I feel like there are so many “shoulds” passed down to me from my parents and our society…so many standards to live up to in a way.

  170. Amber on at

    Are you planning on adding any book club sheet or ideas for people that read your book? I am in a book club and this month was my month to choose what book is read. I choose your book! I was wondering if you had/ or are planning on adding anything of this sort. Thanks!

    • Lara on at

      Great suggestion and how exciting! We are going to work on this and I’ll post about it once it’s done. We do have many people going through the book with book clubs, and they are mostly going through the existing questions and exercises together. But, we are going to work on a single sheet of ideas! : )

  171. Rachel Prince on at

    Lara, your story and words are an inspiration and I have been so blessed and encouraged through your courage and determination to share them!
    What matters most to me is motivating and encouraging people to discover their passions and who God has uniquely designed them to be. AND then to start the journey! In 2014, I am grateful that through my struggles of working as mental health counselor I discovered Christian Life Coaching. It has been grueling on days to continue in this job and I do not know what the next step is for me but I know I have discovered my passion and I will trust him to be faithful in his next steps for me! Woot woot!

  172. Amanda Ready on at

    Last year my word of the year was “action” and boy was it! I did a ton from a business rebrand, to moving…TWICE. The year left me overwhelmed and sad. This year with your urging my word is to live “on purpose”. I want everything I do to reflect my personal mission and to have intention. I am also attempting some crazy things that I feel like God is pushing me to try. I have to talk myself into it on a daily basis. 🙂

  173. Amy on at

    I am so thankful for this past year. Lots of mistakes, but that has meant A LOT of learning what hasn’t worked. Mostly, looking to myself for the answers and the energy to make it happen. I truly am nothing without Him.

  174. Jessica on at

    Hello, Mrs. Isaacson:)

    I love this post- what an amazing year for you! And good things:) A few of mine:
    Jesus and His grace
    Fruits of the Holy Spirit, especially love and joy
    Time with the ones I love the most
    A great workout
    A challenge
    Pretty things
    Decorating and planning
    Doing something to help someone else feel important

  175. Amanda Ready on at

    Here is my list of great things from last year:
    My Business:
    I finally feel like I know what I am doing! I have made some amazing relationships with other professionals and love working.
    I have some amazing friendships with a core group of women. They are the ones I “do life” with. I love that we pray and encourage one another on a daily basis.
    I love my marriage! It isn’t perfect, but we are great together. 🙂
    New Ideas: I had some great “big ideas” last year and an intense entrepreneurial spirit!
    God: I had such a desire to know God last year. I have a great bible study group of 10th grade girls.
    We bought a new house that I love!
    I am doing so much better with keeping up with the house and doing way better with our finances.

    This is my entry for the MTH conference! hahaha 🙂 I want to go!

  176. Kristina Buckler on at


    It was so encouraging to read a little bit about your marriage! Congratulations on 7 years! That’s absolutely wonderful and I am so thrilled that you are now officially Mrs. Isaacson! I think marriage is such a beautiful reminder of God’s love for us. I remember that one of the most profound moments I had when I realized how deep God’s love is in when I read in Genesis about God changing Sarai and Abram’s name by literally inserting part of His name into theirs. He took the 2 ‘H’letters from His name, YAHWEH, and literally gave them to Abraham and Sarah.This changed their names to Abraham being “The Father of Many” and Sarah to being “The Princess of Many.”

    Thank you for sharing your journey and letting others see Christ through your marriage. Your words are truly an answered prayer!

    Also, this is my entry for the MTH conference! I’ve been seeing your pictures for years about the conference and would absolutely love to go! But with me being on The Contentment Challenge, I won’t be able to go this year. I blogged, tweeted, and uploaded to pinterest your wonderful blog series!

    And congrats again on the exciting news of a Baby Boy! My sister is due any day with a boy, and I have absolutely adored every moment I’ve gotten to see how much this little Boy (who hasn’t even been born yet!) has transformed my Sister’s marriage and brought her and her husband closer to God.

  177. Jahna on at

    Hi Lara,

    I’ve been working through Part 4 in Make It Happen and boy has it opened my eyes. I am so grateful for your obedience to God and letting him use you in everything you do.

    2014 was a year of transition for me, but I’m grateful for alot of things: an amazing loving and supportive family, a boyfriend who is my biggest cheerleader, and the will to take a big leap of faith by leaving a situation that wasn’t the best for me.

    I’m blogging my #2015GoalSetting process at https://justjahna.com/2015/02/05/goal-setting-part-1-good-things/

    Thank you for all you do <3

  178. heather m on at

    I just found you and your blog via Emily Ley. Last year so many changes came into my life and I’m still watching God unfold the future. I’m going to get the book and will watch for when power sheets are available again. Can’t wait to dig deeper!

  179. One of my big goals for 2014 was to become an approved foster parent along with my hubby. Those home studies are no joke! We were officially approved to be foster parents right before Thanksgiving and are patiently waiting for our first placement.

    My goals this year are focused on preparing myself for raising a tiny human. At times I am overwhelmed by the responsibility, but I look forward to the wisdom that I will gain along the way.

  180. Kristen O. on at


    I couldn’t have found this series at a better time. After an extremely rough day – I saw your instagram post about your weekend and your recommendation to read Joshua 4. I felt the tears subside and the calm of Jesus by my side. It’s almost like he put his hand on my shoulder and reminded me he was here and that all I needed was to trust in him. Thank you for reminding me of this and for sharing your experience this weekend.

    My favorite thing about this post was you reminding us that January 1st isn’t some magical day. It’s so easy to get caught up in that assumption. So much pressure! But I find comfort in being still. I think that will be my focus this year – to be still. Because I’ve learned that when I’m still, I am able to witness the Lord work through me and others around me. Which is the way I would like to live. Thank you Lara!. :o) Big hug, Kristen

  181. I LOVE seeing so many familiar names in the comments! The Lord is using you to build an incredible and powerful community online. #praisehands

  182. Dana Laymon on at

    What worked well last year was taking and making time for the things I really love outside of work. Time with my husband and friends, taking care of our house , caring for friends in difficult seasons of life and dreaming big for my businesses. Time is something we can’t get back and I’m starting to realize that! You business will be better for it!

  183. Erin on at

    Whoo! It’s been such a joy to go through the power sheets and to read along with your goal setting blog posts. I’ve commented on just about all of the goal setting posts tonight Feb 15, though for some reason they’re showing as Feb 16! Ah! Still hoping to be eligible for all the lovely giveaways on the posts I’ve commented on. But if not? I am still endlessly grateful for your heart for guiding others. The role you’ve played in my life in the last year has been big, and I bet many other women (like the 235 others who’ve commented just on this post) would say the same. He is working such good through you, Lara. Thank you for this opportunity to walk through goal setting in a community not just in January but all year long.

  184. Abi Losli on at

    Hooray! I love this series every year.

    Some good things this year:

    -started the Abigail and Whimsy shop.
    -started meeting purposefully with a mentor.
    -started to see the fruit in our marriage from all of the the choices I’ve been making for the past few years to press into Jesus and find healing and learn how to love myself.

    There are so many more beautiful, good, and hard things, but thats for a blog post on my own blog for another time.

  185. Tiffany on at

    I pinned to pinterest!

  186. Lara-
    I’m getting in late on these posts but better late than never! I struggle with perfection but in a different way. If I can’t do it perfectly, I lose all motivation to do it at all! It’s very frustrating for me and I never feel like I complete projects because I’m picky about how they will/are turning out.

    I know what will help me through this, and it’s a whole lot of Grace, Jesus, and discovering my true identity in Him. Grace for myself. Grace for my husband. Grace for others.

    In 2014, my husband and I made a big decision to move to a very small town forty five minutes north of our home in the Texas Panhandle so my husband could pursue his dream of being a varsity football coach. We decided to “sell out”, go all in, and buy our first house. We ended up building. I’m finishing up my senior year at West Texas A&M University. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the quiet of our home when my husband is away at work. I dreamed a big dream of helping marriages, discovered I wanted to start a business/ministry, became very excited about the idea of grad school, and started opening my bible a lot more than I’d ever had. The silence of my house is soothing to me now. I’m grateful for that. This year I hope to make my dreams reality! But, I find myself losing motivation because I’m not sure what they’re going to look like. I don’t know if they’ll be “perfect”. I compare my life to the instagram women whom I adore, and I feel that longing to DO more, to BE BIGGER, to SHINE A LIGHT. I need a plan. I need a map. I need Jesus. I need to let go and give to God. I need to listen more and talk less.

    I’m grateful for you in this moment for these posts. I’m grateful for your heart and the way that it’s ministered to me over the past few years. I’m grateful for the plan God has laid on your life, and I pray blessings, prosperity, life, and BIG BIG love over you, your husband, your daughter, and your growing family! XOXO

  187. Amy on at

    Hi Lara, I have the book. I thought for some reason I needed to wait to get the power sheets to begin. How wrong I was! I should have opened up this post and read it sooner. Now I know I don’t need more than my heart and motivation to make things happen. Thank you. PS- I pinned this post. 🙂 #2015goalsetting

  188. Amy on at

    PS- I forgot to share- the good things: 2014 was a crazy year in that it was filled with hard times and pain, and yet the refining work God did in my life made it worth it all. So, even though I find it challenging to say, 2014 was one of the best years of my life. I pray this year is easier, but that I come out of it so much more even still.

  189. I linked back to this series in my 2015 Goal Setting post! > https://www.ouryellowdoor.com/2015-goals/

  190. Stacey P on at

    Ohhhhhh, there is so much goodness in this post, Mrs. Isaacson!! The book, the powersheets, your growing family news, BIBLE BUNCH (YAAY), the Faith Retreat…. so much to celebrate!

  191. Melissa on at

    Hi Lara!
    I was starting to get discouraged since I am just starting to fill out my powersheets this week, but I’m encouraged by your words to not just “microwave ” my goals but to really think on them and pray over them. I have so much to be thankful for in the last year and a half (a new baby after years of infertility and losses) and I’m now looking forward to challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone with some things. I’m hopeful the powersheets will help me cut through the clutter and really focus!

  192. Holly on at

    “We’re going to take this day by day.” Such a powerful statement and the best way to Live giving the glory to God! Last year was incredibly difficult, but as you always say it’s never to late for a fresh start. I’m so excited to see what 2015 holds and am determined to make everyday count and build community through encouragement.

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