Hi, friends! I’m a little late in getting my speaking schedule posted, because honestly I didn’t think I’d be doing much speaking this year. I had cleared my calendar to make room for other things. But, God’s plans are better than mine and He continues to pull me to equip others for what matters. My number one aim this year is to have meaningful relationships. The internet is great, but I really love meeting people in person! I hope to see you at one of these events this year:


I’ll be speaking on branding and the heart of Southern Weddings at Stone River in Columbia, South Carolina next week! Register here.


Photo by Amy Arrington Photographers from the Atlanta Apparel VOWS event.

I’m grateful to join the Bliss and Bokeh ladies again this year in Charleston on September 22 and 23. I love this intimate retreat and can’t wait to meet new friends!

View More: https://annakphotography.pass.us/laracasey

Photo by Anna K Photography from the AmericasMart Gift Market.

Later that week (September 25-27), I’ll be flying to Indianapolis (with Ari and Gracie!) to do a members-only event for The Influence Conference. I love this conference and the women who created it. I. Can’t. Wait. It was life-changing for me last year!


Photo by Robyn Van Dyke (who I had a lovely dinner with last night!) from the Making Things Happen Conference this past March.

And, finally, I’ll be doing the Making Things Happen Conference for the sixth year, on October 27th and 28th, here in my home city of Chapel Hill, NC. I am very excited about the surprises we have in store for MTH this fall. We’ve learned so much in these last six years and we’re about to shake things up, combining the core principles of how to make what matters happen with key business strategy. But, most of all, MTH is about building lasting relationships. More on what I’ve learned in the last six years of leading the MTH workshop — and how I’ve changed in those years — in a post soon. For now, follow MTH on Instagram here and the #mthconference hashtag for some fun upcoming interviews with our speakers and lots of inspiring alum!


Photo by Robyn Van Dyke from the Making Things Happen Conference.

I have been praying and planning and dreaming and working hard the last months between book edits to make these two days our most powerful conference yet. Seats are already flying and early-bird registration (save $1000 with the early-bird rate!) is open until July 1 or until we sell out. We’ve sold out six years in a row and the wait list averages 30+ people each year, so make it happen. I do this workshop to ignite change and purposeful passion in others, so I feel no hesitation in giving you a push to come! : )


The wonderful MTH speakers who are all past MTH alum: (from left to right) Amber Housley, Emily Ley, Karen Stott, Nancy Ray, moi, Rhiannon Bosse and Gina Zeidler (who will be bringing baby Z with her to MTH, Lord willing!)

I also may be doing a webinar with Emily Ley in the summer (details TBA!) as well as a PowerSheets/business webinar later in the year. First, we need to get through magazine shoot season! A peek into our office below from Faith Teasley. You can take the full tour here.

SW Office-141

Having shared about all of these truly wonderful life-changing events, though, I feel compelled to offer a word of advice about conferences in general — advice I would have loved to have heard when I was just starting in business. You don’t need to go to conferences to be successful. Conferences have great value for education and building relationships, but you won’t be “left behind” or fail if you don’t or can’t go. Perhaps your resources need to be focused on another purpose right now, growing your business slowly and steadily. I talk to a lot of young business owners who are trying to figure out where to invest their money so I hope this advice is helpful. Don’t feel pressured. Grow slowly and wisely. If you can go to a great conference, go! And get the very most out of your experience by asking questions and building relationships. If you don’t go though, you are still on a great path forward. I am cheering for you, friends!

You can keep up with future speaking dates and get booking info here.

So, who am I going to see this summer and fall? : )


  1. Okay, Todd and I are going to come to the event on the 28th. 😉

    • Lara on at

      YAHOO!!!! This makes me SO excited!!!

  2. Brittany on at

    Praying over MTH this fall. I almost went last year but financial reasons held me back – maybe this is the year?? Would love to meet you & the team 🙂

    • Lara on at

      We would love to see you!

  3. Sarah Sunstrom on at

    I just signed up for MTH! Cannot wait to be filled with all you have to offer!

    • Lara on at

      YAY! We cannot wait to see you, Sarah! : )

  4. Still so hopeful that I’m going to see you one of these days!

    • Lara on at

      Ditto, friend. All in God’s timing!

  5. Nicole on at

    I’m registered to attend the Influence Conference. Can’t wait to meet you there! : )

  6. Annie Wiltse on at

    I’m thrilled to hear you’re coming back to Influence! I loved your session last year and I’m excited to hear you speak again!

  7. Kyla F on at

    I’m praying for provision to make one of these happen! I can only imagine the hearts that you will touch through these speaking engagements Lara 🙂

  8. I may or may not have jumped out of my chair when I saw that you were coming to Columbia! And to a spot that I pass everyday to get to work and is about 10 minutes from my house. I’m ecstatic to see you and am counting down the hours until next Wednesday!

  9. amy cornwell on at

    So excited to see you again at Influence. Yours was my favorite session and meeting you in person at the dinner was a highlight. Can’t wait to see you at the member class and be inspired!

  10. Melissa Dell on at

    I have my ticket for Influence. But I still need to book hotel & flight. I am not sure if I shall make it but praying something comes to light either way.

  11. Excited to see you again this year at Influence! I was there last year with my 2 week old so basically I was awake long enough to speak on the panel- I felt like a zombie for anything else. Oh wait, except she was crying while you were talking (and of course I sat up front). HA! Praying for MTH, it’s been on my list for a couple years so I hope October is it for me! xo

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