Two-thousand and thirteen sleeps. Two-thousand and thirteen dreams. One night sleep (or five small ones from the time you were born to 11 months — we were all very tired together!), two naps for a while and now just one. About two-thirds of those, I got to rock you to sleep, close to my heart. As close as I could get you. That’s where you always want to be. Close to my heart, I have sung you a thousand songs and prayed a thousand prayers. I’ve listened to you breathe — one of the most miraculous sounds I’ve ever taken in with my ears. Thank you, God, for ears to hear. I’ve smelled your little head each day. The perfume of you has changed from the magical sweet smell of a new baby — something totally unexplainable in words — to the still-sweet scent of the bubbly happy Gracie I know today. As I’ve rocked you these last 714 days of your life, I have learned something new over time. I am still learning this. God brings us to that baby blue rocker to teach me to slow down and savor stillness. But, this is a special stillness. It’s not the absence of movement or of life. It’s the absence of me. God fills up the world and our hearts with Him. And that, I am learning, is all we ever need. Be still and know, sweet pea. He is always here.
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
Psalm 46:10
I love you, sweet pea. Sweet dreams : )
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This is awesome, Lara. You’re inspiring the way I parent one day…even if it’s a while from now. Gracie is so blessed to have a Mama like you.
Such a beautiful post – and a truthful picture of motherhood!
Love seeing all of these. Love seeing how she’s grown into a tiny person with her own personality. Makes me sad to think that she’s too grown for the reindeer pjs this winter. Love that tiny yawn best!
This is simply beautiful. I’m relatively new to your blog and am so inspired by your thoughtful living 🙂
What an amazing photo collection! Such a treasure! Beautiful!
I love this!! What a sweet way to capture her growth. Sleeping babies are so wonderful 🙂
She is an angel. So blessed! Love this idea!
This is beautiful, Lara. She just has the sweetest cheeks!!
There are so many worse ways to learn to be still. Our God is so good to let you learn with that little girl in your arms. As much as you treasure those pictures now, they will be priceless when she’s all grown up.
I love this & adore the yawn picture and her giving you sweet kisses!
Wow!! That was awesome! What a great idea, too. Really documents her growth while capturing the everlasting bond. I will have to do this when I’m blessed with children. 🙂
Lara, this is the most beautiful action (and the most beautiful collage). Enjoy continuing to soak it up in your Present December x