The sold-out PowerSheets are back!


Something unexpected happened. I’ve been sharing with Ari about the flood of emails, heartfelt stories shared, and requests for us to restock, since we sold out of PowerSheets last Tuesday morning. Friends have asked if I have felt regret for not ordering more for this first part of the year, and that’s an easy answer: not once. I’ve felt peace in our decisions to grow slow and well.


And this little flood of emails has revealed something amazing that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. You are craving–and actively pursuing–intentional, genuine, and content. That encourages me to no end! It’s not about a product. You can live those things without any product or thing! But, these last few days of listening and praying and watching have been a surprising gift of insight.

Good things are growing friends.

What a gift it is to be in the company of women who want to live out what matters, no matter how many times we stumble along the way. (So many of you have encouraged me personally in my own goals these last couple weeks and I’m so thankful.)



We are grateful and excited to share that we have a small batch of undated #PowerSheets up for pre-order @CultivateWhatMatters now (intentionally ordered for the second half of the year—pre-order here), but I just have to encourage you: start now. Don’t wait. Start small or start big, or somewhere in between, but just get going. Good goals are about stewarding what you’ve been given well, and there’s no magical day or circumstances or things needed for that. Today, tomorrow, or even February 1st could be your January 1st!

Pre-order your 6-month undated PowerSheets here. They will ship in May, just in time for June goal setting, and using these for the full second half of the year!

keep reading


  1. J Atkins on at

    So excited! I am the probably the most complicated customer ever and you girls are the most patient kind people ever! Thanks for putting up with me and helping me to rearrange my order. Also I thank God for giving you such insight that you would create something so wonderful that helps so many people world wide!

    • Lara on at

      Our pleasure! We’re so grateful for YOU, and excited for you! : )

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