“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
Throughout my entire life and career, this verse has guided my path and pushed me out of my comfort zone into things I never thought I’d do. From helping couples plan meaningful beginnings to married life to coaching women across the world to live out what matters, I’ve heard these words from Moses echoing through my soul. Listen in to my favorite podcast episode for more.
This life is a gift, friends.
We’ve each been given gifts to use to grow good things that last longer than us.
And, yet, there’s something, maybe a lot of things, that try to thwart our efforts and hold us back from using those gifts, right? Or even knowing what they are in the first place.
Fear, comparison, overwhelm, limiting beliefs, and the many lies that swirl in our minds vie for our attention and hold us back from the life that is truly life.
This happens to our kids, too.

Our pre-teens and teens, especially, struggle with anxiety, feeling like they are too much or not enough. The root of ‘anxiety’ means to divide—to separate. Our kids’ hearts are being chased after and divided from community, connection, the joy of childhood, creativity, using their gifts, genuine love, and so much more.
As you know, I hung up my entrepreneurial hat in 2022 to focus on my family, and frankly, because God said so. It was not easy in the least. Heartbreaking, in fact. I share more here. But, there were things that needed my energy and time in a new chapter. We have a special needs kiddo, we homeschool, my dad had recently gone to be with the Lord, my best friend died suddenly of cancer, and my health needed tending to in this season. Our marriage needed a spotlight, too. It has been quite a journey. I’ve learned so much about myself and the Lord in these last two years.
And I’ve come to know that He likes surprises. 🙂

Well, they aren’t a surprise to Him. Looking back, I see His perfectly orchestrated (sometimes crazy – read my last post about the wild season of this job so far, including planes catching fire and black mold!) plan in all its masterful intricacy. I had no idea that an opportunity to serve the next generation, while still focusing on my family and what He has for me in this season, would be part of my path.
It’s a joy and honor to share that I’ve been blessed with a role alongside the incredible team at Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor as Chief Education Officer of our new initiative, Faith Driven Students. I’m thankful to do this part-time while my kids are in lessons (about ten hours a week in this season) and extra thankful to learn so much to equip my kids along the way!

Friends, now you can see why I accepted an invitation to do this work – for the same reason I started Southern Weddings Magazine and Cultivate What Matters: God won’t let Psalm 90:12 out of my heart and soul. I want to use my gifts for the time I’ve been given on this earth to grow good things that last longer than me. I want my kids and the next generation—the world, e v e r y o n e on earth—to experience their unique lifelong adventure of faith! I want us all to know the gift of doing life alongside a Savior who can turn hard things into beautiful things, redeem all that’s lost, bring springs up out of the desert, create new life where all seems lifeless, turn challenges into opportunities, and guide an anxious generation to an abundant life. I want my kids and yours to know the way Home.

As a long-time entrepreneur, I love seeing people live out what matters most using their gifts—and I’m passionate about helping the next generation do the same.
Our mission is to equip a million teens to know their call to create and live out the joyful adventure of faith by:
—Discovering their identity in the family of Christ. We’ve partnered with Partick Lencioni and Working Genius to create a life-changing tool.
—Seeing how they belong in the Kingdom through imagination-opening stories. Get ready. We’re putting the finishing touches on our video course.
—Living out their unique call to create through teaching and intentional tools. You know I’m excited for this.

We get to “grow fruit on other people’s trees!” – Bob Buford
We’re creating something big, and I want you to join us:
— Let’s chat together about faith, entrepreneurship, encouraging the next generation, and more. I’m opening the door to podcast conversations for the first time in a long time. I have limited availability, so send us a note here before my calendar fills up.
— Join our newsletter to get all the details as we launch our beta course, future courses, and products.
— Listen to today’s podcast with Justin Forman and me where we take you behind the scenes. You don’t want to miss this episode.
— Follow @FaithDrivenStudents on Instagram.
— Join the team and come work with me! 🎉 I’m hiring a VP of Students and cannot wait to meet you. Apply today for this leadership role alongside the amazing Students team and me.
— Watch the trailer below with Lecrae Moore, Coby Cotton, Patrick Lencioni, Jessica Nam Kim, and more…
Enormous thanks to the entire Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Halftime teams, especially Justin Forman and Henry Kaestner, for inviting me into this work. I’m grateful to work alongside you! Bonus thanks to Mike Sharrow, who was part of this role coming to life. I’m ever grateful for you and my C12 Business Forums group.

Listen in for more on Faith Driven Students. There’s so much more to this story and more to come.
Thank you, friends, for encouraging me along the way in this journey. I’m thankful for you!
Let’s GO!!!
P.S. There were some cowbells in our first meeting, just in case you’re wondering. 🎉