Friends, it is with great joy (and butterflies) that I write this post. I don’t even know what to say here. I’ve re-written these first sentences about twenty times. Announcing… revealing… drumroll… cue the confetti cannons… Nothing fits sharing the book title and cover with you quite right, so I will simply say, here it is.
I honestly can’t believe I am writing this post. I almost quit writing this book about a hundred times — no exaggeration. If you’ve been following my book-writing journey on Instagram, you know this has not been an easy one. I shared back in October about how this book came to be and about my struggle with oceans of negative self-talk. Many people think that writing a book is glamorous. This journey held a far better reward than glamour, though.
When you take a big scary leap and do that thing God wants you to do — pouring out the kind of love that leaves you spent and somehow full at the same time — you get cracked wide open. As I wrote these 224 pages, pouring my everything into pixels that formed letters that formed thoughts that formed a much bigger picture, I gave and gave and looked fear right in the eyes and battled comparison and so much junk and I let go and cried barrels of tears and though all of this, God changed me. He refined me through the writing process, and I am so grateful. I know that sounds odd — I was just writing, right? That would have sounded completely strange to me six months ago, too. It’s cliche to say that writing a book is much like giving birth, but perhaps it’s cliche because it’s true.
Is it exciting to be done? Yes. But, it’s not done. The writing is done, but there’s so much ahead including getting these words into people’s hands. I don’t feel shy in spreading the word about this book because it’s not about me. It’s the story of how I said YES to a new life and how you can too. It’s the story of how I said NO to what doesn’t matter, and how I’m still on the journey. It’s the story of how God took my broken pieces and made them into something. It’s your invitation to be still and let your pieces shatter so He can do the same with you. It’s the story of how the Good News became really great news to me and how you can make it — an imperfect life of purpose — happen too. This book, while it may have parts of my story woven throughout to illustrate each point, is not about me at the core. I wrote this book for you. The you who has a beating heart and a longing for so much more. The you who is wanting to make something meaningful happen. The you who is struggling with comparison or in marriage or feeling like you’re never enough or trying to find purpose amidst a lot of noise and heartache. The you who wants to let go of all your fear and take a giant leap of faith. The you who feels like the word “impossible” is crushing your everything. I wrote this book for you, friend. The impossible is possible. The best is yet to come.
I wrote this book because my life was going nowhere fast and it was not by my might but by my surrender that everything changed.
Parts 1-3 of the book will walk you through a journey of surrendering fear and taking big leaps. Part 4 is a workbook-style guide that will propel you into a life of purpose, one action step at a time. Get ready. It’s going to be a challenging and yet deeply joyful journey!
I’m excited to share that Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear, Take the Leap, Live On Purpose is available for pre-order. The official release date is December 30th (my Grandma Bunny’s birthday). Why am I telling you this in June? Because I want to be sure that whoever wants a copy gets one. The more copies that are pre-ordered now, the more Amazon and stores will stock ahead of time for others. So, I would LOVE your help spreading the word about pre-orders. Thank you in advance, friends! It’s exciting when something sells out because of demand, but it’s no fun when you want that something : )
For single copies: In paperback on Amazon
If you pre-order 2+ copies or 10+ copies, please order through Barnes and Noble or ChristianBook.com. Amazon counts all orders, no matter the quantity, as one order. So, this will help us get these copies stocked correctly so they don’t sell out on launch day! : )
Kindle edition
iBooks edition
And there will be an audiobook to come. You can pre-order that through major retailers too.
This book is best devoured with friends. If you pre-order 2+ copies, I’m excited to be doing a live online class on January 15, 2015, just for you as a thank you and to help you start 2015 well. Simply pre-order your copies and register you and your friend(s) for the 2015 Make It Happen class here. (Honor system — no need to send me your receipt!) If you are doing this as a surprise gift (birthday or Christmas maybe), you can add those names later on, if you wish. I’ll be emailing class info and some fun encouragement as January gets closer. If you pre-order 2+ copies, please order through Barnes and Noble or ChristianBook.com.
For those who pre-order 10+ copies, simply forward your receipt to me (lara at laracasey.com). I’ve had many people ask about getting larger quantities. As a thank you for helping to get these words into the hands of people who need them, you and whoever you gift these books to (or maybe your small group is getting them together) will get:
– The 2015 Make It Happen class.
– Personalized encouragement bookmarks. The bookmarks will have a personal pep-talk note on the back, so let me know in your email what you (and your friends) need a pep talk for. I’m excited to make these! The bookmarks will come to you in early December in time for the holidays, so you can wait till November to let me know each friend’s name, if you like.
– I’m most excited about this. You and your friends will be added to the Core Coaching Group. This intimate online goal coaching group will start in January and will be a place for encouragement, accountability, and I’ll be doing a few live online coaching sessions for y’all throughout the year. I’m excited about building relationships through this coaching group and can’t wait to get to know everyone!
If you pre-order 10+ copies, please order through Barnes and Noble or ChristianBook.com and then simply forward your receipt to me (lara at laracasey.com).
In other news, I love the book cover! Choosing the right cover was a challenging process. But, the moment this one came together, I knew it was the one! It’s a perfect mirror to how I felt in writing the last page of the book: joyful, clear, and so ready for what’s next. I have the background as a painting in my house now. I was grateful to have designed this cover with the amazing team at Thomas Nelson. It makes this book feel all the more a part of my heart. You’ll also find over thirty handwriting pieces in these pages, which makes me giggle because I got a C in handwriting in second grade! I’ll be sharing a little more behind-the-scenes about the process of writing this book, choosing a cover, and what’s next in my newsletter soon. Sign up here.
There you have it, friends! Ahhh!!! How did the butterflies in my tummy just multiply!? Deep breaths. Surrendering my fear, taking the leap… and hitting publish on this post now! God is good. Let’s do this!
photographs by Faith Teasley
keep reading
I couldn’t be more proud or eager! Who knew that I’d fall in love with a marriage magazine and then end up learning and loving from the lady who said “yes” to the Lord!
Ahhh I am SO excited and SO very proud of you!!!!!! I cannot wait to have a copy in my hands! 🙂 The cover is beautiful!
Just ordered 4 copies and shared that on Facebook….LOVE the cover and can hardly wait to receive it………The title alone speaks to me……Congratulations, Lara…….XOXO
It’s beautiful Lara! So excited to read what the Lord has laid on your heart in this book. I’m sure it will be an encouragement to all who read. 🙂
Thank you for being brave enough to write this book and make it happen! This is the stuff that really matters, and it’s what we need to be talking about. Can’t wait to start January off working through what is sure to be one of my new favorite books!
horray for you, friend! LOVE you.
Just pre-ordered! I have been waiting for this announcement and anxiously following this exciting journey! So excited!! God is SO good!
Congratulations, Lara! I am so excited about this book and I cannot wait to pre-order mine. I know your words are bound to change whoever reads them. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this “birth”!
YOU ARE SO AWESOME! How exciting!! I can’t wait to read it 🙂
Congratulations Lara!! So happy for you and excited to get the book in hand! It will be a perfect way to start 2015
I’m so so so so so proud of you. It’s just as beautiful as your heart. Can’t wait to read its pages!!!!!!
So excited for this journey and another step for it! A friend recently wrote a book and the cover she said was the most difficult thing! But this speaks perfectly to you, and your brand. Just ordered one for me and my BFF. Can’t wait for the goals workshop!
Congrats, congrats! Excited to see what God does through this!!!
I am beyond thrilled for you sweet lady!!! YAY! GO YOU!
Congratulations!! I am so excited! You’re words are such a huge blessing. You are so empowering and encouraging. I cannot wait for your book to come out. I already preordered it. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for not quitting in the process of writing this book. I love that you say, “It’s the story of how I said YES to a new life and how you can too. It’s the story of how I said NO to what doesn’t matter, and how I’m still on the journey. It’s the story of how God took my broken pieces and made them into something. It’s your invitation to be still and let your pieces shatter so He can do the same with you. It’s the story of how the Good News became really great news to me and how you can make it — an imperfect life of purpose — happen too.” I am so inspired and cannot wait to read this book. Truth to how God works in us and through us!!
Wow, so amazing – congrats! I can’t believe we have to wait till December!! I can’t wait to gobble this book up. I know God will use this book to encourage so many people and I am thrilled to be one of them!
Let me tell you how excited I am about this… I couldn’t even read the entire post before I pre-ordered a copy! God is so good!!
Just pre-ordered my copy! Can’t wait to read it!
Congrats, Lara! So excited for you and super excited to read your book! I know it’s going to be just the thing I need to start 2015 out right! You go, girl! 🙂
Ohh Lara!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I saw this posted on IG this morning and did a happy dance in my dentist’s parking lot.
Going to preorder on Amazon right now. God is working miracles through you!! xo!
I am beyond excited to get this book in my hands! And I can’t wait to share and/or gift it to others too. Making Things Happen has been transformational in my life and I can’t wait to have a book to constantly revert back to when I need an additional boost or encouragement. Thank you, Lara, for not giving up! Thank you for all the ways you’ve served this community. Thank you for sharing so much! You are constantly pointing us to grace and to Jesus. All glory to Him! xoxo
This is so wonderful, Lara. I truly can’t wait to read it. You’ve always been this huge source of inspiration for so many people (myself included) and I can’t wait to see how God uses you and this book to inspire so many more!
So excited to read this book!!! Realy excited to read your writing tips too as I am starting to write my own book [thanks for aswering my question about writing in the live chat!]. Can I just say how much of an inspiration you are to me!
I am so happy for you, this is amazing!
Have a nice day! -
Amazing Lara! LOVE you. LOVE this. LOVE MTH! Can’t wait to share the joy and message with my team! It’s a message we all need to know, hear, read, think and share… daily. x
Just pre-ordered the kindle edition! Can’t wait! 🙂
I’m really excited to check this out. I’ve really been working on intentionality this year and I think this will be an awesome boost.
So proud of you! And so excited! And pre-ordered! 😉 🙂
Oh Lara! I am so so happy for you, dear friend! You deserve every bit of happiness! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. xoxo
YAY Lara! I am so excited for this. Your words are surely going to touch many hearts and help perspectives shift to what matters most. Congratulations on coming this far! 🙂
Delighted and so full of gratitude for all the beautiful changes and growth that have happen because of your continued support and genuine heart. I know God put you in my path for lots of reason and I will continue to grow because of you, God and my faith. I thank you from the bottom of my soul for without you I would never had taken any leaps of faith! I heart you beautiful, caring, tender, sweet sweet Lara. Your commitment to make this world a better place is just magnificent.
I am so, so, so excited for you! What a huge thing! Love your heart. (I pre-ordered my copy right after your announcement at the stone river event. I know some folks who may also be getting these to kick off the new year!)
Super exciting and LOVE the cover! I am super curious about the design process with Thomas Nelson for an author who is a designer. I’ve designed covers for them so can’t wait to read the scoop on that. Talking about pre-ordering with my Mastermind group!
Lara: I love you more than words! So happy the world gets see your heart in these pages!!! I can not wait to read 🙂
Nancy Ham -
Wow, this filled my heart with gladness! BIG congrats and many blessings on this piece! Just looking at the cover empowers me 🙂 How much more will the inside…
How wonderful, Lara! I’m ordering several tomorrow! YAY! Congratulations! The real question is, can I wait until December?!
I cannot WAIT for this book…ordering one for me and my work bestie. I love your blog and can’t wait to read more about empowering myself through him! 😀
So thrilled for this! Can’t wait to start 2015 off with an encouraging word and motivation. Thankful for you!
Yay! Pre-ordered mine just now. It’s been so exciting to watch your journey as you’ve written this book, and I’m excited to read all of your work. Thank you for your contribution to this generation Lara!
Congratulations on the book! It sounds amazing and I look forward to reading it. I found you via Melissa at The Inspired Room… so glad I did! 🙂
I am a Prime junkie so I bought two copies but I checked out individually! Hope that still counts as two separate orders! 🙂 Congratulations!
Hi Lara, I wanted to ask you a question that might not pertain to this blog post, but from what I understood this is the place for the outside questions
Lara, I am SO excited for you and look so forward to this book. I have seen you speak LIVE more than once and your excitement for life and love for everyone out there to be what they should be is SO EXCITING! I can’t wait to get the book and share it with my friends. Thanks so much for wanting to share your message that I believe is a powerful one to us all.
Lara, I just listened and loved the podcast you did with Jess Lively, you have a wonderful way with words. Will your audiobook version of Make It Happen be spoken by you?
can’t wait to read this!
Lara, thank you for not only writing a book on such a meaningful topic, but also being willing to share so much more with those of us who order! I am way late to the game, but was wondering if all of the offers related to the 10+ orders are still available… all these months later? If so, I will round up some girls and make it happen! 🙂 Thank you!
hi, im the director of this years women of empowerment panel conference and retreat. we would like for you to speak on the panel. please call or email fmi 2672414912