September Progress and October PowerSheets Goals


“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Hello, October! The leaves on our sugar maples are turning brilliant crimson and it’s a big month around here as we launch the 2021 PowerSheets Collection in 8 days.

It has been quite a year at Cultivate and I have to tell you how proud I am of our team. More than ever before, we’ve seen challenges as opportunities. We’ve gotten creative in the face of these opportunities—supply chain barriers, the economy, kids at home, moving to a new warehouse right as the pandemic began, and safety logistics (how in the world do we shoot product with people??). My team has worked heartily through homeschooling and trying new things to thrive in 2020! We zeroed in on rest. We took an extra week of vacation in August as a needed mental health break. We’ve prayed together and worked in faith and made things work. Many times, we made them better.

Getting the office atrium filled with new products! 🎉 Don’t look too closely—I need to tape those washi rolls up again! Ha!

I’m proud of our team and excited for the world to experience all that’s currently stacked and ready to ship from our new warehouse. The 2021 Collection launches next Wednesday, October 14, at 10 am ET. 🎉🎉🎉

After a year like this, I want to pause here and thank our partners and truly amazing customers—who are family to us. Thank you for cultivating what matters in your own lives this year, and turning your challenges into opportunities, too. You deserve a trophy for making it through this year.🏆 A wall of trophies!

And, no matter what happens in the year ahead, I have confidence you’ll be focused on one thing. A lot of things changed in our lives since last October, but one thing remained the same: what matters. In fact, it’s clearer than ever.

We’ll be celebrating YOU on Launch Day—and your fresh start ahead! Get ready to clear your mind, set your best goals, and move forward into 2021 with confidence. Shop next Wednesday at 10 am ET to be sure you get your favorites!

Here’s a quick look back at my September PowerSheets goals. My October goals are below, too!

September Monthly Goals:
Start the homeschool year with ease and joy / This has been a delight and my favorite time of the week. I have a mega homeschool post coming for you soon!
Write the big list for Q3/4
Work + Worship / I was especially grateful to get to speak at the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference a couple of weeks ago alongside two women I greatly admire, one of whom was April Anthony. She taught us about the gift of integrating all of our lives together—work and family with a shared heart: His. It was encouraging to learn from someone who has lived this out and created such an impact in her family and beyond.

September Weekly Goals:
Wonder in God’s creation
Listen to the birds / We’ve become a little obsessed with bird watching lately, as lots of falcons have been migrating! We may have run across the neighborhood in our PJ’s one morning with binoculars to get a closer look at one.
Memorize my goals

September Daily Goals:
Bible reading
— Physical Bible time (instead of digital)
— Write the Word
— Move it!
Digital fast

The time came to clear the last zinnias out of the garden. What a beautiful year God gave us in our little patch of earth!

In case you missed these!
— Commit to your fresh start––2021 PowerSheets are coming in just one week!
— Have you found yourself homeschooling this year? Plan it with joy and clarity.
— Read about one big lesson I learned in my garden
— Let me guide you page-by-page to do your October PowerSheets (complete with music and a Fall Refresh) in the October PowerSheets PrepCast.

On to October. I have 2 goals for 2020 (each with 4 mini goals under them) that are focused on growing something that matters to me in the big picture. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead:

October Monthly Goals:
— Focus on what matters and let go of the rest
— Enjoy this life
— Worship at work
— Prayerfully launch PowerSheets
— Prepare for the Proverbs 31 launch! (Mark your planners for November 9—the day I get to share this with you!)

October Weekly Goals:
— Family dance party / We don’t mess around. The Isaacsons can dance! 😉
— Enjoy the birds
— Homeschool joy
— Make it better / My current work motto. Whatever I’m working on, I ask myself, “How can this be better for the Lord?” This directly affects the joy and hope our customers experience when they interact with our brand!
— Enjoy the garden

October Daily Goals:
— Bible reading
— Write in my Bible
— Write the Word
— Move it!
— Presence / A nod to my encouraging words for the month

Prepare for October with me! Listen to the October PowerSheets PrepCast below. Be guided step-by-step to prepare for the month ahead—with great music and a Fall refresh:

Your turn! Which PowerSheets cover are you choosing this year? Can you guess which one I’m choosing, too?? I can’t wait to dig in with you!

keep reading


  1. Emily DeArdo on at

    I CANNOT WAIT for the new products! <3 <3

    • Lara on at

      Yippee! We can’t wait either! Excited to see all the fun goodies you choose!

  2. Christina Taylor on at

    This year was so hard for me in so many ways. I never touched my PowerSheets and I’ve felt the difference. I can’t wait to start the new year with my new PowerSheets and I’ve invited my 16 yo and 8 yo daughters to join me on this journey with their very own PS. We can’t wait to grow together this year and remain grounded in God and family and moving forward toward our goals together. Thank you ladies for all you do! May God bless each and every one of you and your precious families!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you’re here, Christina! My heart goes out to you, as I can understand that this year was difficult for you. Grateful for your gracious perspective and joy to cultivate what matters with your girls!

  3. Tammy on at

    I am excited to try this again for the third time…oh my but this time I feel like I can do it and going for the blue.

    • Lara on at

      I’m rooting for you, Tammy! Progress, not perfection! (:

      • Renee' on at

        2020 has been a challenging year and right now my life is not my own. We, my husband and I, are taking care of his dad who is in the last stages of cancer. So all my goals and dreams are on hold for him, and that’s alright in this season. We are expecting another month, perhaps a bit longer. And though tired and weary in body and spirit, I am excited for a fresh start in the coming year. The Lord has sustained me and is continuing to do so. Thank you for the little-by-little and the progress not perfection attitudes you espouse that doesn’t heap defeat and self-condemnation but allows for life and interruptions that happen. This is so different than any other goal setting system I’ve ever used or tried to use in the past. Thanks Lara and the CWM Team for all you do.

        • Lara on at

          Renee, I am so grateful for YOU! I’m cheering for you in this season and excited for you to start fresh.

  4. Analí on at

    Me encanta el equipo de CWM, tengo sólo tres meses de la Agenda de 6 meses y soy super feliz! me voy por Rosa para este 2021. Muchas gracias y éxitos!

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