September Goals


Golden in the garden,
Golden in the glen,
Golden, golden, golden
September’s here again!
Golden in the tree tops,
Golden in the sky—
Golden, golden, golden
September’s going by!
– Annette Wynne

It was an abundant August. Homeschool was in full swing, and we horsed around Primland once more (this time with kiddos!). We also hiked over Labor Day weekend in the North Carolina mountains with friends, had a visit from my mom, and savored the last of our garden blooms as we gifted them to neighbors in honor of my dad.

The second anniversary of his homegoing was, as usual, devastating and needed all at once. I anticipate these grief milestones, and yet I can never predict the weight of how they will change me as they come. A friend encouraged me that these are times we intentionally bring to remembrance those we miss, and in these times, we get to hold our loved one close once more. What a painful and beautiful paradox grief brings into our lives: to want that unbearable pain and closeness. It’s not sustainable to exist in that liminal space for more than a day or so, though—it inevitably leads me back to the reality of faith.

As I shared here, I walked around my neighborhood, pouring tears like a river, evidence of my humanness. I easily forget that Dad is with Jesus, and my faith will become sight one day, too! He is not dead, just not here. Ari baptized him at the age of 77. I have such proof of God‘s realness! He can do, and has done, the impossible.

This is faith.
To miss someone SO terribly and want them back – and to choose to trust that this story isn’t over. The best is yet to come. To believe in what you can’t yet see.

Death, oh, death, where is your sting?!

Puffy eyes; grateful heart. Flowers from a friend on the anniversary of his Homegoing.

I believe.
I trust.
I praise the Lord for His very real miracles.
And I miss you, Dad. More than ever.

August highlights:
— Ari, our friend Svetlana, and I completed an epically challenging hike together. We were drenched from head-to-toe in sweat by the end of those four hours and had a few bruises and scrapes to show for it. It made me grateful to God for the lack of pain in my joints with every step—truly miraculous.
— We praised the Lord for my little guy turning 9 with friends. Ari and I made a fun memory and baked the Celebration Cake from one of my favorite bakers (affiliate link). It was SO good.
— Our return visit to Primland Resort in Virginia – it was delightful. I love the hiking trails, views, people, and peace in the Virginia Mountains.
— Ari finished his first weekend-long course with IFM 🙂 Yep, he’s going for it!
— We picked up my vow renewal dress and went to visit my friend Maghon’s shop.

Ahead in September:
— Moved over from August, and at the top of my list: vow renewal planning. I have my dress, Ari has his suit, and now we need to get this party planned. I need help, friends. Calling all florists and party people—your girl needs some guidance!
— We’re in the midst of a kitchen renovation. Our 20-year-old stove is finally getting replaced (the door was falling off!), and we are making space for a new season with growing kiddos.
— I begin co-teaching a Shakespeare class at our kids’ homeschool school this month. I’m so looking forward to this sweet time.

— And finally, I need some sleep. It was an emotionally challenging month, and I decided to step outside the box… or inside the PostIt Note… this month with my Tending List. Speaking of PowerSheets, I’m eagerly looking forward to the new launch. Mark your calendars for September 17th.

My September PowerSheets goals grew from my 2024 Goals here.

Your turn! What are you looking forward to this month? I’d love to hear.


  1. Em on at

    Kitchen renovation!! I can’t wait to hear more! And also about the Shakespeare class!

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