First, black lives matter.
The halfway point of the year is coming and—maybe you’re feeling the same way?—I’m craving a life refresh. The first half of this year has been… a lot: tragic and difficult and beautiful and life-changing all rolled into a few very unexpected months.
I’m ready to mark a new start—to refresh my mind, my focus, and my next steps. I want to finish this year cultivating what matters more than I ever have before. Join me and thousands of women for The Mid-Year Refresh, starting June 8th. I am so ready for this and already brainstorming how I’ll refresh my and my family’s lives that week!

Mark your calendar for The Mid-Year Refresh and let’s get you ready for June. Listen to the June PowerSheets PrepCast below. Be guided step-by-step to prepare for the month ahead—with great music and time out in the garden:
Here’s a quick recap of my May PowerSheets progress and what I’m focusing on in June!
May Monthly Goals:
— Renew my mind / I needed this! I continued listening to this audiobook, consistently listened to the Dwell app, stopped reading the news as much as I had been, and started talking to a local Christian counselor. In such a time as this, keeping our minds focused on hope and truth has never been more needed. I will continue this focus in June—and forever!?
— Enjoy the garden / Things are growing! Listen in.
— Continue writing in our Legacy Journal for the kids. / Yes! Learn how to make yours here.
— Prepare for the book launch. / After two years of this sprouting and growing, I’m sharing the title and cover with you on June 9! HOORAY!
— Share the hope I have / Yes, namely with our children this month. I spent many evenings sharing stories with them of God’s faithfulness and writing to them here.

May Weekly Goals:
— Pray over it all—give it to God / I have certainly cried out to God a lot this month and studied what it means to rely on Him. Reading Psalms (and listening to them on the Dwell app) has been a way to do this well.
— Look at the birds / YES! As evidenced by my confession in this episode.
— Make our quarantine scrapbook / I’ve made a little progress here (read how to make your own and get a printable list of prompts!) and set an hour on Sunday to do this with the kids.
— Organize our family photos (I bought this course from Nancy—my first course purchase ever!) / I have made 0 progress here because I wanted to be away from my computer as the month went on. I’ll resume this later in the summer!
May Daily Goals: progress on all below, especially writing the Word! I finished the Hope journal and just started one of our brand new Write the Word journals that comes out on June 24th!
— Bible reading
— Write the Word
— Read the footnotes
— Workout + worship

In case you missed these!
— Listen to how you can cultivate what matters with your kids this summer.
— Read all about the basics of building a legacy with smalls steps that build over time. Learn practical ways to cultivate legacy with your PowerSheets, in the garden, with legacy journal prompts, and keeping a simple quarantine scrapbook during this time.
— Check out the NEW Homeschool Planner Pre-Order. I’m thrilled we’re offering a printed version mailed right to your door this year!
— Shop the whole NEW Summer Collection and Girls Goal Planner in the Cultivate Shop!
— Listen in to the June PowerSheets PrepCast and kick off your 2020 2.0 with me.
— Browse Cultivate’s Resource Page full of free tools to help you navigate change during this time.
— Download new Wildcard pages to re-energize your goals this summer

On to June! I have 2 goals for 2020 (each with 4 mini goals under them) that are focused on growing something that matters to me in the big picture. Each month, I’m breaking my yearly goals down using my PowerSheets®. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead.
June Monthly Goals:
— Do the Mid-Year Refresh! Get ready—I’m excited to do this with you!
— Start new work hours—happening Monday! Today is my last official day working full-time hours. I’ll be finishing work at 4 starting Monday for the foreseeable future (I’ve worked till 6 most days for the majority of my career). This feels like a monumental change for me and our family and I’m grateful the Lord led us here!
— Prepare for our week in the mountains. We don’t know if trails will be too crowded to hike, but we’re going to try our best to get out there!
— Reveal the book! I can’t wait to share on June 9!
— Prep for 2021 shoot. This year’s big collection shoot will obviously be a little different logistically and we are up for the challenge. So far, we’re planning an all-outdoor shoot with only solo shots and lots of creative fun!
— Create a new homeschool rhythm. I can’t wait to use this to do some dreaming for all of our kiddos!
— Lead our children to DELIGHT. More in this episode!

June Weekly Goals:
— Shabbat
— Continue writing in our Legacy Journal for the kids
— Renew my mind
— Enjoy the garden
June Daily Goals:
— Bible reading
— Write the Word
— Read the footnotes
— Take care of my body and mind
Your turn! How are you doing? What goals—big or very small—are you focusing on in June? I’d love to hear!
P.S. Join me on June 9! : )