March Progress + April PowerSheets Goals


Feel like you’ve been working hard but you’re not seeing the results that… let’s just say it… that she has?

Imagine what would have happened if the flowers in my garden took a look at themselves and thought, “Hmm. I’m not growing as straight or tall as that flower next to me. She sprouted faster. My leaves aren’t perfect. I GIVE UP! Maybe I’ll just go back in the dirt!” OR if I gave up on tending to them altogether. We would miss out on the blooms to come—blooms that were set to unfurl in their own unique and perfect timing.

It’s okay to grow slow. Keep taking steps toward what you can’t yet see. Your breakthrough might just be one more step away. And if it ends up being twenty steps away, it will be worth it, too!

—Here are 18 pep talks on how to embrace little by little progress.
—It’s never too late to start! This video series will help you make progress on your goals whether or not you’re a PowerSheets user.
—How to Get Unstuck with Your Goals.
—If you haven’t already, complete your Spring PowerSheets Goal Refresh (page 96). We walked through these pages LIVE in the PowerSheets Facebook community.
—Join April’s Little by Little Challenge!

My March PowerSheets progress

And now… a recap of my progress on my March PowerSheets® goals and what I learned! The 56th Making Things Happen Conference was the BEST YET! In place of doing another MTH in the fall like we typically do, we have a surprise event up our sleeves set for early December. Ahhhhhh just wait!

Photo by Rachel Coffey

Be sure you’re on this newsletter list so you can be the first to know details and when early-bird tickets go on sale!

That was fun! In this video I share how I made progress on my goals with my PowerSheets Goal Planner. Links I mentioned in the video:
—My husband went viral in this video
— I love the color coding system in the Goal Setting Sticker Book.
— Many friends have great books coming out: The Middle Matters, Letters from a Big Sister, A Love Letter Life, The Next Right Thing, Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday, and Empowered.
—We celebrated 13 years—here’s our story.
My interview with Jamie Ivey on The Happy Hour.
—The Carolina Inn is magical.
—I’m hiring for a very special position

We enjoyed an unforgettable meal at Crossroads at the Carolina Inn with friends (Ashlea and Chavez just got married and Ashlea shares her story in the latest podcast episode!).

March’s podcast episodes you don’t want miss!
Why I Stopped Straightening My Hair
Moving From Planning To Planting
How To Plan Your Year
Garden Planning and Dreaming

I was so grateful to be featured in Chapel Hill magazine this month. This has been a neat opportunity to have neighbors stop and tell me they saw the feature—it has opened many doors for meaningful conversation and telling them about our mission at Cultivate.

On to APRIL!

My April PowerSheets goals

All the details on my April goals are in the video! I’m excited for this month.

April Monthly Goals:
— Pray over everything—ask God
— Do my MTH action items
— Make our home come alive
— Teach the Gardening 101 live class!
— Plant our garden
— Train leaders

April Weekly Goals:
— Weekly family Sabbath.
— Read Letters to the Church with Ari
— Sing for joy to the Lord
— Read lovely words to the kids
— Sabbath: renew our hearts and minds
— Pray for the Lord to use us to meet needs

April Daily Goals:
— Old Testament Bible Reading (Need a great 5-day Bible reading plan? :))
— Write the Word at night before bed
— Sleep
— Analog evenings
— Work it out!

The Spring Goal Refresh in the PowerSheets gave me such clarity and motivation for the next 3 months!

Your turn! Do you have goals for April? What are you cultivating in this new month? I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies to from the Cultivate What Matters shop. I love sending real mail, and I love hearing your thoughts! Congrats to March’s winner, Kinsey!

P.S. Join us for 30 days of progress during the Little by Little Challenge! The Cultivate team will kick off each day in April with a prompt or resource in the PowerSheets Facebook community and Instagram to guide you to take the next step toward your goal. Start with today’s post!

Affiliate links are used in this post.


  1. Victoria S on at

    Just wanted to hop and and say thank you Lara for sharing your monthly recap via video. I hit play and felt like I was catching up with a friend. I know juggling products, the podcast, videos, websites, and more keeps you CRAZY busy but it is so appreciated all the ways you choose to share with us. THANK YOU Lara and team!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for that encouragement, Victoria! It is a joy to connect with you on a lot of platforms. Hope you have a great April!

  2. Katrina Lee on at

    Ahh Lara love your goals and sharing! I was praying you all through MTH and reflecting back on my time too – what a gift!!!

    For my April goals we have:
    MONTHLY //
    Re-cultivate my morning routine!
    Decorate Easter Eggs
    Celebrate Easter well
    See Dumbo in theaters
    Read 2 books
    Deep organize my office
    Go to the dentist (not my favorite 😉
    Frame my diploma and hang it up!

    WEEKLY //
    Random Act of Kindness
    Budget check in
    Weekly prep
    Something creative (magazine/paint/garden)
    Take steps towards a new business venture! (eek!)
    Take a bubble bath

    Daily –
    Lift hand weights before bed
    Write the Word
    Spend (at least) 10 minutes outside
    Don’t hit snooze on my alarm!

    April is already a great month – and it’s Easter month, making it all the sweeter! Have a great one Lara!

    • Lara on at

      Hi Katrina! Thank you for your encouragement—it means so much! So excited for your April, my friend. It looks so meaningful and FUN!

  3. Christine on at

    I really enjoyed hearing about your March and April goals, Lara! For April, my monthly goals are to administer standardized tests to my homeschoolers, finalize curriculum plans for the upcoming school year, and gather materials to do an activity with my children to celebrate the Resurrection. Some of my daily goals are to take my supplements, to have a daily buddy (I have 7 children, so I pick a different buddy each day of the week), and to read for 20 minutes. I set a timer and usually have all of my children join me.

    • Lara on at

      Hi Christine! What great goals for April, my friend! I love the idea of the daily buddy. Cheering for you!

  4. Katie on at

    Thank you for sharing your goals with us every month, Lara! I’m loving this video format – feels like a real-life conversation (almost!)! Some of my action items in April are getting outside to walk everyday, creating a morning and evening routine, and to unsubscribe to bulk emails (part of my spring declutter!). It’s been a great month so far thanks to PowerSheets!

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