LITTLE BY LITTLE / July 1 can be our New Year
Fruitful Summer, Goal Setting, Little by Little, Motivation, My Books, Personal

Hi, friends!! Welcome back to my new weekly series! Can you believe we’re at the half-way point of 2016? I was reading Nancy’s goal updates this morning and they got me inspired. There’s nothing magical about January 1–July 1st can be our new year, friends.
I’m working on my July PowerSheets today, and feeling good about the little by little progress I made in June. What a month of unexpected change!
What are y’all up to this weekend? Ari is working so I’ll be here with the three little Isaacson monkey’s. My mom was supposed to come visit, but couldn’t at the last minute. Thankfully, our friend Gabrielle and my neighbor Tori offered to lend me a hand. Two babies at totally different developmental stages, and on totally different sleep schedules… well, it’s almost impossible to do it solo. Lot’s of love to all you single moms and moms of multiples and moms of many fur babies too. We may just buy a watermelon, slice it open, and eat that all weekend, for all of our meals–but we will have fun doing it!
Dressed up for the 4th in her outfit that used to be Gracie’s. Those leg rolls : )
Fun things to share this week!
First, you have to see this from my friends Addi and Lisa. I love these words, and be sure to watch the very end.
My friend Emily came to photograph our house for Smitten Magazine several months ago. Josh is so tiny in these pictures.
But, really, these allergen-free chocolate chips. I made my own protein bars with them a couple weeks ago, but more ended up straight in my mouth.
How to embrace an imperfect summer. Sign up to get the next three weeks for free here.
Dating well matters.
I love our mailman.
If you were a holiday, which would you be?
I wrote the forward for these wonderful watercolor books by my friend Kristy. They are so beautiful and meaningful!
And Kristy is a fellow adoptive mama. Grace being Grace this morning below : )
I have a whole post coming on this, but to potentially save a few sleepless nights for some of you in the interim, this lady was an answer to prayer for us. Josh had a horrible time sleeping. He would nurse every hour for the first eight months. Much more to say here soon, but for now, call Irene.
We successfully “Kondo’d” our house, and are trying not to acquire anything new, but I really love this from my friend Lindsay.
Building relationships when you have no bandwidth.
I really appreciate my friend Jess.
And my friend Renee.
And my friend Val, and her “Minnie-malism.”
I’ve had to pass on speaking for this year and next. Except this. I would love to meet you this October here in Chapel Hill.
Last week I had one of my favorite experiences on social media. I asked you to tell me about yourself. Even if you’ve introduced yourself to me before, tell me about who you are now. I’d love to get to know you, and you never know who you might connect with!
I got an email about this on Monday. I’m grateful to be included.
I’m working on a Faith 101 class. A tip: get this. It may have been written for kids, but adults, get it. I love reading it to Grace at night, and it’s a great metanarrative of the whole Bible. Also, be sure you have a Bible you love that is easy to read. This is a huge stumbling block for many people who feel overwhelmed by the Bible! I love this translation and this one as well. I also use the free digital versions on Much more to come…
We have a new baby. (Ha!) Our intern, Rachel, suggested entering it at the fair! Check my snapchat (LaraLaraCasey) for more behind the scenes with Señor Zucchini.
It’s okay to be average.
Recording the audiobook of Make it Happen was challenging, but I’m so grateful I was given the chance to use my voice training from college! Three days in a studio, all day, lots of hot tea, and lots of do-overs. Get a copy here. I hope it encourages you.
I love the women I work alongside. They have been so encouraging in my journey to figuring out business and motherhood. Nicole posted this note on my office door yesterday to encourage me. We have a shared love of farm animals : )
Thank you all for the formula recommendations last week for Sarah! We tried this goat’s milk formula and she is loving it. She says it’s not baaaaahh-d. (I couldn’t help myself!)
Okay, off to feed Josh and make some progress on book writing before the weekend! Happy 4th, friends!
P.S. Our big 4th of July SALE is happening. Use code JULYFIREWORKS for free domestic shipping, free tab stickers, and PowerSheets are on sale
This post contains Amazon affiliate links, which is no extra cost to you, but if you make a purchase using one of these links, we send our commissions to the Love One Another project : )
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Love you! Hope y’all have a great 4th!
YAY! This was such a great read! Thank you <3 I just recently commented on your Facebook Life video asking about faith and how to start so your tips here came right in time! And I can't wait for your faith 101. In case you ever feel doubt about it or fear or overwhelm(which I guess we all do) please always remember: If no one else, I am soooo looking forward to it and know it will bring me the help I need <3
Sending you lots of positive vibes!
xx Ronja -
Could there be a more perfect mug?! 🙂 G looks so cute painting in her PJs!
OMGee!!! I just saw the gift from Nany and Merideth (I think that was her name lol) in your freezer…now that is a blessing! I remember stocking up on milk when was preparing to go back to work after having both of my little ones and my heart ached for women who couldn’t produce as easily as I could, or for those who were adoptive moms and needed help from other mommies. You are so blessed to have them. xoxo