2019 GOAL SETTING, Part 4: The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist


Welcome to the 8th annual Intentional Goal Setting Series—you’re in the right place! Here’s Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 to get you started on living your BEST year yet.

Note: We are so grateful that ALL of our 2019 One-year PowerSheets are SOLD OUT. But, good news! You can get started at any time with Six-Month Undated PowerSheets (available NOW), which include the same Prep Work as the One-Year Goal Planners! New to the party? Head to the Cultivate Shop or say hello – we’re so glad you’re here!

Want to listen to this post instead of read it? Listen in below for a special bonus intro by my 3-year old son, Joshua!

Friends! First, thank you for all the excitement and love for the Cultivate Your Life Podcast. I am so grateful, and I hope it encourages many of you!

Okay, let’s dig in! Remember how you felt when you started this series just a few posts ago? You felt nervous, unsure, or even a little scared.

But, now look where you are!

You’ve blown me away in this series so far and you’re getting ready to choose your best goals for 2019—goals you can’t wait to get started on. I’m so excited for you!

Think about this: like planting flower seeds in a garden, making our goals come to life requires physical action. I have to first get my hands dirty, plant seeds in faith—believing in what I can’t yet see—and tend to them little by little over time. It takes action. And another action. And another. Over time, goals that were once words you wrote on a blog post here will come to life!

But, do you know what’s more exciting to me than the blooms at the end?

The in-between.

The happy dancing we do when the seeds first sprout.

Watching tiny green leaves unfurl.

The kids squealing with delight when the first flower begins to open.

Hearing the low hum of the bees blanketing new blooms.

The process of cultivating—breaking the soil, planting, tending, and waiting for the harvest—is where life happens. It’s where change and growth happen. The journey to making it happen is where the good stuff lives.

You may think you want growth to happen overnight (I feel that, too, sometimes!), but I have also been reading every single comment on this series. Taking this step-by-step is helping you make remarkable discoveries. 

You are starting to see clearly, and it’s happening little by little.

Your little by little progress is adding up. 

You’re cultivating what matters, friends.

And you know the truth now, the secret to following through on goals that last: it’s okay to grow slow. In fact, it’s really good to grow slow. 

Little by little these zinnias in my garden grew this year from the tiniest seeds. Little by little babies grow. Can you imagine if you got pregnant and then the next day gave birth?? Oh my stars! You wouldn’t have time to prepare. No time to buy diapers, think over a name, assemble the crib, or celebrate. You would have missed the time of preparation and growth that happens over nine-ish months.

It’s the same with our goals. Friend, trust that your goals matter enough to make them happen well. They matter enough to take little steps forward every single day, and some big leaps along the way, too. Your goals matter enough to tend to them like a garden.

There have been a few watermelons and tomatoes in my garden that seemed to appear overnight. (And the mint! SO MUCH MINT.) Your goals will happen faster than you think if you take it day by day by day instead of jumping ship when you mess up.

Just because you make a mess doesn’t mean you become one.

Let’s pick out some good seeds to plant this year! Are you ready for this? It might feel scary the moment before you pick them, but it will feel SO GOOD when you take that leap of faith and finally do the things you’ve always wanted to do!

First, review everything again! Do not skip this step. Remember, this is goal uncovering. Uncover one more layer and get to the good stuff! Read through everything you’ve written again in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Read every word. Rewrite or add to things once more if you need to. Cross stuff out, revise things, add to your lists of what did and didn’t work (I added a ton to mine!). Add more to your YES and NO lists. Refine your 2019 Pinterest board and remove pins that don’t fit anymore. Uncovering good goals is like a treasure hunt—get messy and dig a little deeper.

I did, and I can’t believe what I almost missed had I not done this step! I went back through my 2019 PowerSheets and WOW! Here’s what I found…

— The biggest thing that kept popping up—my clearest thread—was growing a faithful life over a comfortable life. 

— I circled and highlighted many things that have to do with doing less and making it mean more—slowing down, growing the hearts of our children, and growing close to God’s heart. (See my word of the year popping up??)

Now, write out some goal ideas. Make a list of the first “goal ideas” that come to mind for this year based on everything you’ve just reviewed. Now would be a good time to take a big deep breath 🙂 I’m also going to stop and pray before I write mine, and ask Ari to pray for me, too. Your goal ideas don’t have to be perfectly written—just write what comes to mind first when you think about the big picture. Feel free to share some of your goal ideas in the comments, too!

Check your goal ideas to make sure they’re worth spending your time on! Now, let’s sort through the goal ideas and see if we can find any weeds. It’s easy to make goals that sound good or goals that look like other people’s. Let’s not do that 🙂

The idea here is to do your life well, not to give yourself a new to-do list of random things that sound good or things we think we “should” have on our lists because everyone else does. Maybe those things aren’t right for you in this season—or ever. Be intentional about how you decide to spend your time, with your own unique gifts and talents and resources. How you spend your time is how you spend your life. Check each of your goal ideas to see if they are leading you in the right direction.

Do a GOAL CHECK and ask these essential questions:

— Will this goal help me to cultivate what matters?
— Will this goal help me get to where I want to be when I’m eighty years old?
— Does this goal help other people?
— WHY do I want to make this goal happen? Am I desiring this goal for the right reasons, or am I striving for “perfect”—or whatever I’ve been chasing?

Download a free printable checklist (direct download) below!

If the answer is NO to any of these questions, then it’s possible it’s not the best use of your precious time. Don’t run in circles with goals that don’t directly connect to what matters most in the big picture. Cross goals out that don’t 100% fit. Be bold and take leaps of faith as you write!

If you are a believer like me, here are some additional questions I’m asking myself (there’s so much more for you in my God + Goals 5-day reading plan on the YouVersion Bible app!) :

— Does this goal help draw me and others closer to God?
— Is this goal rooted in God’s truth? (Find scriptures to support it!)
— Does this goal rely on my strength or God’s?
— Does this goal help me steward what I’ve been given well?

Yep! I have a printable for these questions if you want them, too! Download it below (direct download)…

Write down WHY you want to accomplish each goal idea. When I was a personal trainer in New York for many years, clients often would come to me with a number and say, “I want to lose 20 pounds.” I would ask them, “Why 20 pounds?” Usually, when we got down to it, it was just an arbitrary number or a weight they were in college—there was no real heart connection to the goal of losing 20 pounds.

But, when we dug deeper into why they became out of shape in the first place and what they wanted most in life, a picture of true fitness started to emerge. Instead of, “I want to lose 20 pounds because that’s what I weighed in college” (not very motivating and more self-defeating), we worked on goals like, “I want to be healthy and strong so that I can walk my daughter down the aisle. I want to live a long, happy life so I can be a better husband and show my kids how to be joyful and healthy, too.”

True story.

That goal worked.

That was motivating.

Get real with why you want these things to happen and connect them to something that really matters to you. This is the key to achieving your goals instead of tossing them aside.

There is so much goodness to come when we actually write out our 2019 goals on Monday (using a special method I’ll tell you about then!). For now, keep making a mess and digging into that rich growing ground of yours!

Your turn! Today’s Goal Uncovering Steps:

11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.

12. Write your goal ideas.

13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.

14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.

Need some extra motivation? The Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway is on! 

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, fill out this form to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!

— 10 sets of 2019 PowerSheets to help 10 of you cultivate your BEST year yet! —Mary Conti, Emily Yost, Amy Wing, Jen Martinez, Brittany Garrett, Chelsea Pirtle, Mariah Meade, Kimberly Boyd, Tonya Kappes, Amber Corey
— A Goal Guide Bundle to help you dig deeper on your specific goals. — Jaimie Tollers
— Five signed copies of Cultivate. —Lisa McMahon, Patrice Pierce Thornton, Steph Conklin, Bonnie Johnson, Kristin Vlasak,
— Five signed copies of Make It Happen. —Michele Lanning, Mariela Capellan, Amy Bain, Stephanie Canete, Amanda Applegate
— One Write the Word All Seasons Collection to help you cultivate fresh faith all year long. —Becki Sue
— A gift card (YES!) for a massage to kick off your year refreshed! —Ashley Bossong
— A Balanced Life membership – get moving and motivated with a year of at-home pilates! —Heather Renee
— A Floret Flowers puzzle (it’s double-sided and so much fun!) —Leah Meadows
—A Revelation Wellness membership with a ‘Wellness Kickoff Package” to cultivate your health in the New Year. —Elizabeth Hiney
— One Artifact Uprising album to document the people and experiences that matters most to you. —Natalie Gessell
— An Emily Ley Simplified Planner to keep your schedule organized in the new year. —Amanda Burley
— Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course—a life-changing experience to help you pursue financial freedom. —Cindy Booth Carlson
— One Val Marie Paper Yearly Prayer Journal. I’ll be using one this year, too! —Michelle McQueen
— A Hello Fresh boxto keep you fueled with good food. —Kate Mariani
— One Art Bar canvas (up to $150 value) to brighten your walls. —Gina Abatiello
— A Fitbit to help you celebrate your literal steps forward. —Evangelina Cantu
— An Amazon Alexa to keep you dancing. —Rachel Whorley


And the bonus prize for one of you who comments on all 5 posts in this series: a ONE OF EVERYTHING Bundle from the Cultivate Shop! —Katie Ledvina


SHARE THIS SERIES WITH YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t keep all this goodness to yourself! I’d be so grateful if you spread the word about this free series. Email this kick-off post to your friends, tweet it, ‘gram it (here are lots of sharable graphics for you to make it easy!), text it—sing it to the rooftops! Let’s get all our friends in on this so they can feel as refreshed and clear about 2019 as we will. Here’s to our best year yet togetherstarting now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Giveaway ends January 30th. Winners will be announced on February 1st here on the blog. Hard goods are for US entrants only. If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! 🙂 This post contains affiliate links.

P.S. You want to live your best life in 2019. The PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner makes it possible! 


  1. Iva on at

    I have some catching up to do! I need back up to steps 1-10! But what a wonderful blog series!

    • Lara on at

      Iva, I hope you enjoy!

  2. Andrea Seaver on at

    Thanks for this reminder. I was debating on a few goals but it’s easy to figure out the really important ones when you ask yourself the questions.

    • Lara on at

      Andrea, I’m glad you found this helpful!

  3. Laura A on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing. Definitely seeing threads of health and cultivating relationships, as well as finances.

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    -Get healthier (includes drinking more water, tracking calories, and incorporating more movement) WHY? I need to be around for my kids and be healthy enough to participate in their lives, not just observe them.
    -Teach kids healthier habits (starting with learning food groups, and increasing water intake) WHY? because I don’t want them to have to struggle with weight/unhealthy habits like I have.
    -Set a budget and track spending weekly WHY? To save more, reduce debt so that we can take on more family adventures and be generous with giving.
    -Discuss/set a family mission statement WHY? We need a goal/guiding purpose
    -Love my husband according to his love languages WHY? Because he is amazing and I want our marriage to be strong long after the kids are grown!

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. check!

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea. (see above)

    • Lara on at

      Laura, I love your goals about teaching your children and discussing your family mission statement!

  4. Angela McMurry on at

    I can’t get the printable links to work— they all come up as list of “people I’m Thankful For” printable?!?

    • Melissa on at

      Just scroll down in the printable all the items are there. That is just the first page.

    • Sheryll on at

      It *was* downloading as just a jpg of the ‘I’m Thankful For’ page, but it’s now downloading as a pdf with several pages. 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Angela, if you haven’t gotten it please feel free to email jordan@cultivatewhatmatters.com and she will be more than happy to assist you!

  5. Jenn Campbell on at

    I cannot wait until I get my 2019 PS! I’m so excited to get started on my 2019 goals!

    • Lara on at

      Jenn, I’m excited to cheer you on in 2019!

  6. Emily McHenry on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
    After sifting through everything, the most obvious theme I found was a need for rhythm/structure in a few critical, daily areas: homeschooling, my spiritual space, and our family meals/health choices.

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    – Create and practice a daily “Place and a Plan” (aka quiet time). *This will definitely help me cultivate what matters -my faith. It’s absolutely essential to helping me become I want to be when I’m 80, and I KNOW having time with God equips me to help other people.
    – Develop a homeschooling rhythm and accountability for sticking with it! *This is the most practical way I can cultivate my daughter’s heart and mind, and will almost certainly grow our relationship for a lifetime. It will develop the practice self-discipline in both of us, and hopefully show us that good things are worth doing well!
    – Commit to doing physical therapy exercises on days I don’t trail run. *This will cultivate my physical health and help keep me strong so that I can continue to do the activities that I love. It will also help me to be a good steward of my body, so I can be around for my family for the long run 🙂
    – Make a weekly dinner meal plan with a few mom friends. *This will help me tackle my fear of not being able to cook & serve my family nutritious meals! I want to teach them healthy habits for a lifetime, so modeling is the best way to start. And if I do it with friends, I’ll be more likely to follow through 🙂

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist * Done!

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea * And done!

    I love this step! Thank you for helping us take it slow and let goals slowly rise to the surface. Connecting them to the heart of why they matter makes me so much more motivated to follow through!

    • Lara on at

      I love your weekly dinner meal plan with friends goal, Emily! What a great way to keep yourself accountable, serve your family, and spend time with friends!

  7. Amanda on at

    I reviewed everything. My overall threads are about health, relationship building, faith, and taking small, intentional steps toward a more joy-filled home.

    In just a few words (and not everything I wrote on my worksheet!)…
    Cultivate my health by exercising more and eating better. (I love those modifiers because I can be so all or nothing in this area that letting go of that perfection really helps me!)
    Focus on daily habits that give lifegiving home to our family
    Tend to my relationships with my husband, extended family, and friends
    Step out in faith and be bolder for God and grow my faith

    My whys all go back to my vision for my life at 80. I want to serve better, live well, and produce good fruit!

    • Tiffany on at

      Love the way you worded these goals!

    • Lara on at

      Yes, Amanda! These are so good!

  8. Brittany on at

    Step 11:
    The main threads I am finding are about cultivating health, finances, relationships, and my relationship with Jesus.

    Step 12:
    My goal ideas
    – to become healthy and strong
    – to implement the Dave Ramsey outline to our finances
    – to make my time with my husband intentional
    – to spend more time with God and focus on hearing Him more

    Step 13:
    All of my goal ideas are giving me yes answers to the checklists. They would all be a benefit to my life.

    Step 14:
    – I want to become strong and healthy so I can feel better. So I can have healthy pregnancies, labors, and babies. So I can raise my children to be healthy adults. So I can live a long and healthy life.
    – I want to cultivate our finances so that we can be more successful in life. So that we can eliminate debt or the need for it. So that we control our money. So that instead of living paycheck to paycheck, we can grow our wealth. So that we can give more to those who need.
    – I want to make the time I spend with my husband intentional because right now we spend time together but it’s passive. I want us to be able to take care of the things we need to for our life, relationship, and spirituality. So we can live intentionally together and accomplish our goals. So we can help each other more and grow closer.
    – I want to cultivate my relationship with Jesus so I can grow closer to Him. I need to for responsibilities that I will be stepping into this year. I need to hear His voice more and use His strength instead of my own more. Plus I just want to love and know Him more.

    • Lara on at

      Brittany, these are so good! I enjoyed reading the why behind your goals!

  9. Jen on at

    2nd year with power sheets I love that your writing always talks TO me instead of AT me. Grateful that God put you in my timeline 😉

    • Lara on at

      I’m so grateful you’ve been encouraged, Jen!! 🙂

  10. Ally on at

    I encouraged my friend today via Marco Polo (love that app), telling her what an awesome job she is at making her home so cozy for hosting!

    • Lara on at

      Ally, this is great!

  11. Melissa on at

    I’m so excited to be steeping into the New Year with grace and intention, thanks to Lara and Cultivate What Matters! After two hard years and feeling like I’ve gone backwards, I’m ready to move forward with passion and purpose and clarity. Love all the support and assistance provided by the team to set us up for success. To 2019!

    P.S. LOVE the podcast!

    • Lara on at

      We are so ready to cheer you on in 2019, Melissa!

  12. Rosie Lapp on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing. // Biggest thread: LIVING FRUITFUL. Seeing the fruit in relationships, my home, everywhere. <3 All the praise hands!

    12. Write your goal ideas. // Digging deeper into God's word, expanding contentment to more areas of my life, minimize clutter and maximize cozy! Grow better habits, build on our family foundation, tend to family time….

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. // Yes! Done!

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea. //
    Goal #1: Put down roots in God's Word, and then live fruitful. Why?: I want my kids to see my faith and want it for themselves. I want to cultivate my knowledge and grow a deeper understanding so that I can better teach my children.
    Goal #2: Savor the season I'm in, and Give Thanks! Why?: It's time to bloom where I have been planted and learn to be content as a SAHM. I need to learn to appreciate what we are able to do right now where we are.
    Goal #3: Become an excellent keeper of our home. <3 Why?: My family deserves a good environment to grow and be creative. By keeping up with the cleaning, they'll learn to respect our home and the things in it. I want our home to be welcoming, minimizing clutter will help with that AND make the space more inviting.
    Goal #4: Generosity as a lifestyle instead of an afterthought. Why?: I don't want to be known as stingy or greedy, but as a CHEERFUL giver! I want to bless people and sow good seeds into other's lives. I want my kids to learn to love to give, and that it is better to give than receive.
    Goal #5: Little by little grow new habits in the dirt. Weed out distractions! Why?: I can't accomplish new habits overnight. This needs daily, weekly, and monthly tending! There are things that need to change in my life if I am to keep moving forward.

    • Lara on at

      Rosie, these are so good! I especially love #4’s why on being a cheerful giver!

  13. Daryl Morris on at

    I really liked the step of looking for trends. I purchased powersheets thinking that I was going into 2019 with 30 different goals and after this step realized it wasn’t really that big. There were several trends that crossed different areas, of my life but are the same goal at it’s core. -Daryl

    • Lara on at

      Daryl, I’m so glad!

  14. Sarah on at

    Faith, time well spent, and self love are topping my list right now for some possible goals. This is my first year using Powersheets and I’m still unsure about how these ideas are going to turn into goals…but I’m excited to try!

    • Lara on at

      Sarah, I’m excited to hear how PowerSheets work for you in 2019!

  15. Missie on at

    11. Definitely seeing threads of faith, relationships, and wellness.

    12. Goal #1: More of Christ, Less of me. Why?I struggle with not being enough and truth be told I am not. But God is and when I fix my eyes on this, everything else is transformed and I want more of it.
    Goal #2: Celebrate MORE. Why? I want to make the ordinary extraordinary. I want to mark the events of this life and give my family and others pegs to hang their memories on.
    Goal #3: Encourage MORE. Why? I want my children to be encouragers. I want them to know that building others up in truth shows love.
    Goal #4: Build a life-giving home: Why? It is important to me that my family has a safe haven from the world; a place where they are appreciated and surrounded by laughter and loveliness, a place to bind their hearts to one another and appreciate the gift of family.
    Goal #5: Take care of myself. Why? I want to be healthy physically and mentally to take care of my family and enjoy this life.
    Goal #6: Build my marriage. Why? I want to love my husband even MORE. I want to still be holding hands and kissing when we are in our 80s. I want my children to have a legacy of a loving marriage.
    Goal #7: Build my relationship with the littles. Why? These littles are precious gifts. I want them to always know of God’s grace and faithfulness. We prayed diligently for these last two children and God answered mightily! They delight my heart and I want them to not only hear me say it but know it through my actions.
    Goal #8: Weed out distractions. Why? In order for me to give more of myself to my husband, to my children, to my parents, I need to be able to focus. I want to grow good things and that means eliminating the items that are choking out what’s good.

    13. Check.

    14. See above.

    • Lara on at

      Missie, these are all so good—especially #8!

  16. Jess Hall on at

    Threads: faith, health, connection, less, marriage and family, attitudes/fruits of the Spirit, fun, budget/money management

    1. Grow my faith — because I want to grow closer to Jesus and re-engage with a church.
    2. Love my people well — because my people matter and they add so much to my life.
    3. Prioritize my health and wellness — because this allows me to be my best self for others, to grow my confidence, and to keep me strong for years to come.
    4. Embrace a life of less — because less makes room for what matters most.
    5. Read 100 books (I read 58 this year) — because it’s something I love to do, and I also want to learn from others’ experiences and perspectives.
    6. Learn (and practice) a new skill/hobby — because I’ve told myself for too long that I’m not creative, and that’s not true.

    • Emily DeArdo on at

      I love number 6! Yes, you so ARE creative!

    • Lara on at

      Jess, wow! 58 books in 2018?! I hope 2019 is a year full of growing good goals and many good books!

  17. Dory on at

    Thanks so much for the helpful checklist – my goals are a little too personal to post here, but asking yourself WHY you want to set a specific goal is so important. I have noticed that rephrasing a goal to be driven by a better and more worthwhile reason behind it helps me to be more motivated,

    • Lara on at

      Dory, your goals are yours and yours alone—never feel pressured to share! But, I’m so glad that rephrasing goals has helped keep you motivated. Excited to cheer you on in 2019!

  18. Emily DeArdo on at

    I have three big goal areas this year: Faith, Finance, Fitness Health, and Writing (Couldn’t think of an F word for that, Lol).
    FINANCE: To complete the first of Dave Ramsey’s 10 baby steps (save an emergency fund), and start step 2, the debt snowball. This will give me a secure financial situation where I am a good steward of what I have and I am cultivating GRATITUDE for it as well!

    FITNESS/HEALTH: To have a fit and healthy body so I can live as long as possible!

    WRITING: Send out book proposals!

    FAITH: To be consistent in prayer and to cultivate a deeper relationship with God so that He is ALWAYS first. For this, I’ll be doing the write the word challenge in January! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Emily, these goals are exciting! I hope you enjoy the Write the Word Challenge!

  19. ASHLEY E on at

    11. This was so helpful!!!!!! I had completely missed a bunch of things that had been there all along. The biggest theme was “grow where I’m planted.” Both as an academic, a christian in a church, in my body, and in my family. This, in so many ways encompassed a lot of what I had been saying! The other big thread was relationships and loving people well – specifically in discipleship in my church, but also my husband who I struggle to love in his love language. The other big one was consistency in daily living – actually having a routine and a schedule!!!! I know i’ll have days when I break it, but, ya gotta start somewhere.

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    -Join a gym and use my fitbit!!! – so that I can be physically strong, ready for babies, and not be a slave to my body
    -Set aside time for my husband – so we can grow our marriage and build intimacy in our lives and be ready to one day take on more responsibility in our church
    – set a family schedule, wake up, eat, sleep, pray, read – so we can be alive and energized and ready to give every day our all for our Lord!
    -focus when I’m praying, reach out more – this really is lumped up into the next goal, but also so that I can have a better more fruitful relationship with my God
    -DISCIPLE – because when push comes to shove its what I’m being called to right now, and I love it. Obedience is the most freeing wonderful thing.
    -track work times and make a weekly plan – then stick to it! – so I don’t get sucked into overachieving at work and let go of my other really really important goals
    -focus on loving my students – this is a trap…I need to learn how to love without devoting all of my time. I will need think very carefully if this is a primary goal right now.
    -finish my thesis with joy and thanksgiving in my heart – this needs to happen by March, and I want to finish it feeling like I’m not alone and not a slave
    -take time to read and meditate on love – because to love better I need to understand love better, and the best person to learn from is the Father and God who is love Himself!

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting
    Even a day out, i noticed that I had work centered goals here that are “shoulds” instead of things that I’m really called to do right now. I’m supposed to focus on doing my job and not letting it take over my life, which means, not setting major goals for my job performance. I’m shocked that this is what I’m going to need to let go to allow more room for health, loving my people, and loving my God. It feels really scary at the end of my PhD program. Even that I shouldn’t devote all my love and energy to my students feels like a hard thing, but, I just need to dig in and trust God that since He is leading me to focus on loving other people deeply, I can’t focus on everyone. My hearts not big enough.

    • Lara on at

      Ashley, your perspective and why is so good. Especially considering your primary focuses and goals. Cheering you on!

  20. Emily DeArdo on at

    (And of my gosh, Josh is SO CUTE!!!)

    • Lara on at

      Emily, you’re very kind!

  21. Joy on at

    What a great process this is! I especially appreciated the reminder to write down *why* I want to do these things. I hope that the why will motivate me to keep moving forward.

    Two of my goals for this year:

    Wellness–I want to work on my health by being more mindful of what I eat, making regular exercise part of my routine, and get my check-ups. Why – to honor the body the Lord has given me and to have good health so I can do all of the things I’m called to do.

    Writing – I want to have the rough draft of a book completed by the end of 2019. Why – I believe God has called me to write this book and various circumstances in my life have come together in a way that helped me to see that now is the time.

    • Lara on at

      Joy, I’m excited to cheer you on this year! I’m glad you found the reminder to write down the why helpful!

  22. Veronica Hoenecke on at

    Goal ideas and why:

    – create a Spotify list with songs that make me happy. Why? Because music, and kitchen dancing, always makes me smile, it is like a balm. It really makes me get out of my bad mood and be a better, calmer, happier mom/wife.

    – Do a three month no spending challenge. Why? Because I want to be more intentionall of how I manage our resources. I do tend to use shopping as therapy, but it is (obviously) not the right thing for my health or my family welfare.

    – Excersise – do a few minutes of yoga at the begining of my day and workout more intensely 3 times per week. Why? Excersising Aleviate stress for me. It gives me more energy and a improved my sleep. Also, I have NEVER regretted working out.

    – Be mindful of what I eat. I want to drink more water, add more vegetables to my meals, and eat less simple carbohydrates. Why? Because I have used eating as comfort, and as I grow older, my body needs more quaility foods to stay healthy and active.

    -Always notice the good in my kids. Because my first instinct is to point out their faults. It pains me to be like that. It pains me to crush their little spirits. I want them to always feel loved Just as they are. Why? Because I love them deeply, and I want them to feel it. Because my family is what matters the most .

    – Grow my faith. I want to rediscover God. I have not been to church or practicing religion for more than 15 years. I want to rediscover my faith. Why? Because I am scared of being judge. Because I need somebody bigger than me to hold my hand as I do life. Because I want to give my kids the opportunity to know God, just like I did when I was growing up.

    • Emily Wood on at

      Veronica, I love ALL of this!!!! ❤️❤️

    • Lara on at

      Veronica, I’m so excited for you. Reading these fired me up! Let’s go do 2019!

  23. Valentina on at

    Step 11: Review everything: Oh what a delightful surprise! most of my goal ideas have been areas I was pretty aware of since the beginning of this process- they just needed to be refined and find their place in the big picture. But i was completely taken by surprise that my quilts kept making an appearance- huh?! When I took time to review what was the deal with them I discovered how sad I have been for not celebrating them and allowing them to participate in the life of my family. I have spent years hand stitching pieces together, while waiting for my kids in the car, when sitting with them as they did their homework… and I have many of them now, just waiting to be hand quilted and finished. So guess what! I am putting the spotlight on them this year! And that makes me happy: Imagine- being used for what you were created… 🙂
    Step 12: Goal ideas-
    Develop Quiet time in the morning to pray and write the Word
    Health and Fitness- includes cooking nutritious simple foods for us as a family, and drinking my water every day.
    Home-life to create a functional and cozy place that serves our family well
    Keep Focussing on our Family life- less stuff, more experiences, adventures and times shared
    Growing- tending to myself self-care by spending time listening to life-giving books and podcasts as I hand quilt my quilts! happy dance!
    Step 13: yes! These are things that deserve my time, my effort and my commitment, because they bring me closer to who I really want to be.
    Step 14: My why’s-
    Because I want to continue growing closer to the Lord- to continue growing closer to my husband and kids and because I finally found a way to take care of myself so I can be around until I’m 80-90-100!
    And to finish my quilts- these are a living legacy for my kids and future grandkids. They have learned to appreciate slow steady progress as they have always seen me needle in hand making each stitch count.

    • Lara on at

      Valentina, I’m so glad reviewing was helpful! Also, quilts? How cool! I love this!

  24. Emily Wood on at

    11. Themes I see: prayer, prepare, cherish, celebrate, forethought, intentional, cultivate
    12. Goal Ideas:
    Pray/read through the entire Bible.
    Prepare to make space. (Meal planning, scheduling, etc)
    Prepare a budget
    Celebrate well (husbands 40th birthday; and both of my grandmas turn 90)
    Cherish time with my family
    13. All of these ideas checked out on the intentional goal setting checklist. 😊
    14. Whys:
    Praying/reading through the Bible will prepare my heart, soul and mind to be the wife and mother God calls me to be.
    Planning ahead for things like meals and scheduling, we allow me to create space and time for my family.
    Preparing a budget will allow me to be a good steward of why the Lord gives us.
    Celebrating others well is a form of praise. It is a way to show how thankful I am for the special people in my life.
    I need to cherish the life I have been given with my boys and my husband because it is too beautiful to miss.

    • Lara on at

      Emily, yes! Life is too beautiful to miss. Here’s to cherishing every moment in 2019!

  25. Heidi DK on at

    Step 11 – Review everything – setting rhythms for my family, caring for myself, growing my faith

    Step 12 – Grow my faith, cultivate my children’s relationship with each other and us, cultivate our marriage, grow relationship with others, steward resources well, feel alive in my body

    Step 13 – yes for all of the goal questions

    Step 14 – Why? They all point to where I want to be when I am 80

    • Lara on at

      Heidi, yes! They should all point to where you want to be at 80! This is good!

  26. Sarah Gusky Kemer on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.

    12. Write your goal ideas.

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea

    So I went through and did 11-13 earlier. My word of the year is SUSTENANCE so I measured each goal idea against that, and came up with an overall “why” for all my goals (fulfilling 14):

    I want to be full of all the right things! I want my life to be fulfilling and I want my family to be filled up with all the great things in life. With all the good God can give us.

    My challenge this year is going to be sticking with this I think. It will require saying no more often! And remembering that what doesn’t go on my list this year can go on another year.

    Now I’m writing my goals starting each with Feed (to go with sustenance), and going through Action Plans.

  27. Jacquie on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
    Done! 🙂

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    – Grow in love, knowledge & closeness with God
    – Grow in effective, open & honest communication with my husband
    – Build strong connections, openness, trust & fun with my kids
    – Be a life-giving & loving friend & neighbour
    – Love, nourish & cherish my body the way Jesus loves, nourishes & cherishes His body, the Church
    – Encourage & spur on others toward love, health & good deeds
    – Make space for recreation & creativity that is life-giving & refreshing for my body & soul
    – Make wise financial decisions that will set us up for freedom in the future
    – Continue to learn & be teachable, while also mentoring & discipling others
    – Cultivate a peaceful, warm, safe & welcoming atmosphere in our home for our own family & to be hospitable to others

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.

  28. Heidi DK on at

    I encouraged a new neighbor and gave some insight on things to do for families around the area

  29. nora on at

    Eleven: check, aaand found my Word for 2019! It is Love!

    Twelve: Meal planning based on my wackier and wackier dietary restrictions, so I can live my limited life expectancy to its fullest and feel as well as possible along the way.

    Meal shopping planning, to save €€€ on food so we can finance my projects.

    Project planning for sewing, crocheting, and knitting, so things get done by priority and budget.

    Cultivate my 2019 paper diary. Hopefully this will reduce stress because I stop missing important appointments.

    Try out Write the Word, to cultivate spiritual growth.

    Consolidate our budgets, as an experiment to help US focus on spending OUR money well.

    Start planning my dream of a tailored, handsewn, curated closet/capsule wardrobe, because it would be a dream come true.

    Thirteen: check

    Fourteen: see twelve

  30. Amy W on at

    This was so fun. I came to the word stewardship and phrase stewardship is worship. I want to steward my life well: time, finances, opportunities, gifting, etc.

    My goal ideas are around growing in godliness, cultivating our homeschool and nurturing their hearts and pointing them towards Christ, continuing to engage in recreation as a family, good for my soul self-care, and more.

    The why is really tied to the fact that we are made for eternity. I want to be found a faithful steward in the everyday for His glory.

  31. catherine on at

    My brother passed away this year so grief makes my answers a bit unique…(see other posts)
    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
    HEALING, revival, health, rebuilding

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    – Focus on your health: eating, sleeping, exercise, full physical at the doctor WHY?because grief has taken its toll on my body and I am starting to see the impacts. I want to cultivate a lifestyle that is one my kids will emulate and one that will serve them well as they grow. I want them to see that when we face pain and trials, we need to nourish our mind, body and souls well instead of take easy escapes with inactivity, stress eating or lack thereof, etc.
    -Plant a garden. WHY? In order to cultivate a home that nourishes our bodies well, to heal our hearts through the entire process of gardening, to bring JOY to our home after a devastating past year
    – Get finances back on track. WHY? In order to be able to DO the experiences that will build relationships with our kids and with my husband, saving money in small ways so we can do things together as well as be more generous in what we give away.
    -Read the entire New Testament in The Passion Translation. WHY? The Passion Translation has been balm to my soul in my grief. I want to see God’s word in a new way, with new eyes, especially after such a heavy and dark year.
    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. Check!

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.See above but the biggest WHY is because life is SHORT. That is what loss has taught me more than anything. We don’t know how many days God has given us so we must steward and cultivate well the life He has given us!

    Thanks for doing this. Although it has been difficult to do through the lens of my circumstances, it was really helpful and good.

  32. shea on at

    11. Themes: intentionality, joy, prayer, delight, love
    12. Goal Ideas:
    Read the Bible in a year (church is also doing this – helpful!)
    Delight in my children, husband, friends
    Meal planning so I have free space to delight in them
    Sticking to a budget so I’m not stressed
    Making God-time a priority first thing in the morning every morning.
    Exercise daily

    13. They checked out.
    14. Whys:
    Oops I think I already did this above, but I want to prepare my heart and mind by reading through the Bible entirely.
    I want to be focused on DELIGHTING in those around me especially my children not merely seeing the areas I need to guide them in.
    Meal planning helps to free my mind knowing what we will eat and saves us money.
    Sticking to a budget also helps my heart to better serve my family.
    Making God a priority first thing in the morning sets the tone for the entire day. If I skip it, I can tell.
    Exercising is vital, but I seem to skip over this lately for “more important” things. I would like to make this more of a priority so that I can have more energy. It also helps my mood!
    Also, I changed my word of the year to: DELIGHT. 🙂 This was so helpful going through this process. Loved reading. Thank you!

  33. Sharolyn on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and find themes:
    Hope, Joy, Peace kept cropping up. A general reliance on the Lord for all but also implifying finances and establishing some basic daily routines – devotions, laundry & dishes, alongside the desire to declutter our home from top to bottom this year. As for heart issues choosing hope, joy and peace over anxiety, fear and introspection.

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    Consistent morning/evening routine – prayer, Bible, laundry and dishes

    Less clutter – monthly van clean out, monthly deep clean out of one area of the house, donate/sell/throw out “extra”

    Focused time with kids and husband

    Simplify finances: reduce spending and debt

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.
    This was. a nice way to put it all in perspective.

  34. Tracy Connaghan on at

    My goals seem to continue and stay the same. Their meaning is strong enough for me to go after them. However I have chosen my word of the year and every time I look at it I feel it isn’t the right word. I keep going back to that part and don’t see one word that just pops. I’ll have to keep trying each day until I can say ‘Yes that’s it’.

  35. Gayle Vehar on at

    11. I loved the review! I found so many goal ideas as I was looking.

    12. Write out goal ideas. A few of mine were:
    – Build strong family relationships
    – Simplify the calendar
    – Intentional eating
    – Daily prayers
    – Create an organized home
    – Create financial self-reliance for our family

    13. Goal Check. I love this step. So awesome to link your goal ideas with the big picture!

    14. This step was eye-opening. Loved this process of writing out my why to solidify these goals!

  36. Amber on at

    11. While rereading what I’ve written so far, I discovered threads of improving the quality of my work (distraction-free work + rest/margin cycle), improving time spent in prayer for those I love, improving mindfulness and meditation on Scripture, less is more mindset, learning to cook healthy foods, spending more time outside and in exercise, developing security in the Lord, and making imperfect progress.
    12. My goal ideas are: 1) Create deep work cycles (see the book Deep Work by Cal Newport) to improve the quality of my work for my employment, my passion project, and my rest. 2) Create a prayer notebook and set daily use schedule. 3) Schedule time for mindfulness each day 4) Limit work and input daily. 5) Learn how to cook and practice! 6) Spend time outside at least 5 days per week. 7) Commit to a weekly exploration on how to develop more security in God. 8) Exercise at least 3x per week (cardio or strength). 9) Create time to meditate on Scripture and be still before the Lord daily.
    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. My goals definitely aligned with my values, with where I want to be when I’m 80, and with helping other people! Most of the reasons I want to make my goals happen are because I’m tired of simply reacting to life and responding to “urgent” situations that in retrospect, weren’t so urgent or aligned to my priorities. I truly believe I’m desiring these goals for the right reasons and that they are definitely worth my time!
    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea. 1) Creating deep work cycles will help reduce the hours of my work, while increasing the quality. This in turn will positively influence my health, ability to rest, and time with my family! 2) Creating a prayer notebook and using it daily will help give me direction for praying and will bring God’s power into the difficult situations of life. It will help me foster dependence on God which will in turn influence my family positively as I give up control. 3) Scheduling mindfulness each day will help me avoid the anxiety that tends to overtake me. This will positively affect those around me and my own health! 4) Limiting work and input daily will allow for more rest and will keep me from intaking more knowledge than I can apply in a given time period. This will greatly help with my anxiety and brain space, leaving more room for cultivating relationships. 5) Learning how to cook and practicing will help give my family more access to healthy food! 6) Spending time outside at least 5 days per week will help my physical health, as well as my mental health-giving my brain a chance to wind down and remember God’s truth. 7) Committing to a weekly exploration on how to develop more security in God will help me recognize patterns of insecurity in my life and begin to weed them out in my marriage and work life. This will definitely positively affect myself and others! 8) Exercising at least 3x per week will help keep me physically healthy, with enough energy and strength to pour into those around me. 9) Creating time to meditate on Scripture and being still before the Lord daily will help me realign my priorities daily as well as cultivate a listening spirt!

  37. Kendra on at

    Struggling a bit with these steps because my goals don’t feel very measurable…I’m longing for new and sustainable rhythms and a better family culture, but still trying to nail down the more specific goals that will get us there. Thinking about the WHY has helped eliminate some dumb goals that are just for checking off a list!

  38. Kayla on at

    I’m so excited for this year! So much goodness!

  39. Erin on at

    11. Growing in my relationship with the Lord really permeated everything I wrote in my prep work. This is the biggest thread I uncovered, but from that I want everything that flows from me to reflect that. So connecting more with my finances so that I’m using our money how God wants me to. Also, creating rhythms and routines that then allow space for joy and worship.

    12./14. Goal ideas
    1. Grow closer to the Lord why? So that I can live a life where Christ flows out of me so that I may honor him.
    2. Create a strong family legacy why? To create a space to honor God and remember what we’ve been through together, and the fun we’ve had.
    3. Steward our money well why? God has given us this money to use and take care of and it is our responsibility to do it well.
    4. Take care of myself/create rhythms why? So I can be the best version of myself for my husband, kids, family and friends and to glorify god.

    13. Check your goals with the goal setting checklist- yes done.

  40. Emily Johnston on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing. — Something I didn’t notice before was how much I talked about sleep/ changing my sleep habits! Also, how much gratitude came up!

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    -Healthy relationship with food & exercise
    – Through God’s power & Grace actively heal my mind
    – Developing & cultivating healthy & life giving AM & PM routines
    – Serving my husband well

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. I reviewed this, but I sensed I was maybe doing this while looking for Threads! It was interesting to see that happen on paper and not intentionally!

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea. I think what I have loved to see with the WHY section is how deep the why ends up being for me! I have really enjoyed this part for each goal this year! My WHY for my big picture goal: Serving my husband well … Our relationship matters, he matters to me, I am called to serve him (Biblically), He needs my help, I need to be a good servant with what I have been given.

  41. Anna on at

    11. Done 🙂

    12: goal ideas : give myself a “wind-down” time of 8 pm every evening, so I can be ready to wake up at 5 and start my day.
    Work on my book that I’ve been wanting to write for years.
    Eat whole foods. Excercise regularly.
    First hour of the day with Jesus – if I don’t have an hour, the first half hour, or 15 minutes. The first!
    Make more time for life-giving hobbies.
    Less time on social media…still figuring out the “how,” here.
    Grow my side business.
    Go back to school.

    13. Run all these goals through the checklist…working on that! It’s quite the process 🙂

    14. The “Why” behind each goal.
    Early bedtime – admittedly, there are some things I need to say “no” to in order to make this happen, and they are *really* hard things to say no to. Those evening hours are some of the only time I have for face-to-face with my people. But I’ve been so burnt out trying to invest in everyone but myself. This would help to set a habit of self-care and a solid sleep schedule, which is so important for health.
    The book. The book. Actually, as sad as I am about it, I wonder if this might not be the year for it. There’s just so much else going on.
    Good food and exercise. I’ve only got one body. Gotta steward it well.
    First hour with Jesus. Because I want to hear His voice above all others, especially my own internal dialogue. Walking through my day knowing I’m in step with Him changes everything.
    Life-giving hobbies! More self-care! I want to grow in learning musical instruments, and reading, and things that feed my soul and teach self-discipline.
    Less time on social media. So I don’t get stuck in the comparison trap. So I have more time for real life, and all these other things I actually want to give my time to.
    Side business growth, so I can cut back on my work hours and sustain a livable income.
    Go back to school! I’ve been wanting to do this for years! To learn more about my field and have the degree that will allow me to advance in it.

  42. Here are the goal ideas I have so far:

    * Simplify and create rhythms and routines that help me focus on what matters. (Cut clutter/distractions, etc.)

    * Keep growing stronger every day. This is a goal from last year that I want to keep investing in.

    *Cultivate a limitless and abundant faith and trust in God.

    *Invest in relationships (build new and stronger connections). Date with hope and not with fear/frustration.

    *Take intentional steps of faith (and get out of my comfort zone), but trust God with the outcomes.

  43. Lulu on at

    Working through these power sheets has been so meaningful to me so far. One of my top goals is to depend on God more instead of trying to control everything.

    • Lara on at

      Go Lulu! Proud of you for seeking Him and holding loosely.

  44. Becki Sue Kugler on at

    11. DONE!

    12. Cherish my body, Waste not, want not, Only Love Today, Work, Simplify/De-clutter/Prune/Organize, Financial Security

    13. Yes! All my goals pass this goal-setting checklist.

    14. Goal #1: Cherish my body – I only have 1 body. If I want to be healthy at age 80 and beyond, I have to take care of it NOW!
    Goal #2: Waste not, want not – I want to be more thankful of the gifts and bounty I’ve been given. I do not want to waste the veggies my husband cultivates in our garden. I want to teach my kids to eat from the earth directly, rather than processed foods in order to help them develop healthy eating habits.
    Goal #3: Only LOVE Today – When I’m 80 and my family and friends think of me, I want them to think of LOVE. I want them to come to me when they want to be filled up. I want to leave a legacy of love in this world.
    Goal #4: Getting things done (at work) – Even though there is much uncertainty in my job, I want to be productive and approach my tasks with the best attitude. I want to get things DONE!
    Goal #5: Create a home that fosters rest & connection – Currently my messy disorganized home stresses me our and creates tension in my marriage. I want home to be a place to rest and peace, where relationships are built.
    Goal #6: Steward resources wisely – My family is blessed to live a comfortable lifestyle with our dual income. We need to be more intentional with how we spend and save our money to ensure we have money left in later years, in the event of catastrophe and can support our kids’ education and other needs.

  45. Allison on at

    I texted a friend who just had a baby to encourage her!

  46. Lindsay on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
    12. Write your goal ideas.
    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.
    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.

    I am working on these steps today and tomorrow. Keep having to tell my Type A self “There is nothing magical about January 1st.

  47. JanDe on at

    What a great blog post! This is the section I’ve been stuck on, so I’m glad to have been given some solid direction by this post. Time to go work on those “Why’s”!!

  48. Allison on at

    Step Eleven:

    Step Twelve:
    1. Grow my faith.
    2. Deepen my relationship with my husband.
    3. Commit to a workout schedule.
    4. Deepen relationships with friends.
    5. Begin a hobby for fun.
    6. Become confident in our finances.
    7. Make our house feel like a home.
    8. Complete the 100 Days to Brave study.
    9. Live sustainably.

    Step Thirteen:

    Step Fourteen:
    1. What do I have if I don’t have Jesus? Nothing! Growing my faith is the most important thing I can do this year. I have brushed it off for too long.
    2. I don’t want to become complacent in marriage. Everything is going super great, but that doesn’t mean I should stop trying and stop trying to go deeper.
    3. I do want to loose weight. However, it important to stay healthy. I need to get in shape so I can make birth “easier” and so I can have energy to love the ones I’m given.
    4. We’re here for at least two and a half more years, and I want to spend those years investing in the women that are here.
    5. I want to learn how to do things to just enjoy doing them. I also want to have a creative outlet so I can find a way to express myself.
    6. I know nothing about our finances.
    7. I want to make our house feel warm and welcome. I want to feel satisfied and happy with it without feeling like I have to buy a lot of stuff.
    8. Not only will this help me grow closer to friends, but it will help me get in a consistent rhythm to doing a Bible study and help encourage my faith.
    9. God gave us this planet. We need to take care of it. We’re not doing a great job.

  49. Ezinne on at

    I’m glad I’m doing this today. PS: Had to do my step 3 as a Facebook comment cos it kept marking my comment as spam.

    Today started off as a really hard day for me, spent the first few hours crying but reading my Steps 1 & 3 have given me courage. Its all about audacious FAITH.

    Step 11

    Step 12
    Goal Ideas
    Take my time to decorate the new house
    Intentionally build my children up to love God and have their own opinions & strength
    Build a family structure and a home that is so warm you can feel God’s presence.
    Be an example of a mum who is accountable for her time, talent & health.
    Spend time with God daily & intentionally and do all I do to bring glory to His name
    Use my voice vulnerably yet powerfully to build a community of women who love God and love their bodies enough to care for it intentionally

    Step 13

    Step 14
    Goal 1: We’ve moved around a lot and lived apart for months unend as a family, now we are looking forward to finally living together in one space. I want it to be filled with so much warmth, a reflection of what our family life looks like – peaceful, a sense of togetherness, cozy and a space to always look forward to when you are out – our nesting place.

    Goal 2:
    I want each of my children to experience God for themselves and grow up living life through faith, that God will be real to them beyond just being able to cram scriptures.

    Goal 3
    I don’t just want to preach Christ with my mouth to my children, I want them to sense Him in every little activity that we do so that their faith may come life. That the teachings of faith will not be force fed but fully experienced. And for the guests that pass through our home that they will truly experience God’s presence as well.

    Goal 4
    That I may not preach and be found wanting on the last day. The goal is not to be a ‘perfect’ example but a progress example of a woman who did it through Christ and kept herself accountable in the things that mattered.

    Goal 5
    I can’t deny that my life has more sanity, balance, joy and peace with spending time with God and His word. I don’t to always be in a hurry each day and forget to make time for God’s word. I understand that most mornings may not work but evenings are usually within my control – its about being intentional, turning off all other distractions and focusing on my source of strength

    Goal 6
    There is a calling upon my life and too many times I shrink in fear and hide because I don’t want to be vulnerable but then Christ has empowered me for this work and if He gives talents He wants us to put it to work for His glory. Truthfully, I find fulfillment in empowering women and seeing them rise. So why will I not do what brings me joy?

  50. Cathy Misere on at

    My goal ideas:
    Invest in my myself
    Treasure my mom
    Cultivate wellness
    Be a good steward of my money
    Nurture my Relationship with God
    Learn to communicate well
    Be more assertive
    Practice discipline

  51. Brittany Garrett on at

    Thank you so much for this series. It’s been helpful to walk through all of this and pray about what goals are going to be life-giving rather than guilt inducing.

  52. Erin on at

    Really looking forward to getting started and referring to this post again when I am sure I will get stuck or try to be “perfect”.

  53. Amy Beth on at

    Read the whole Bible, rebuild my savings, disciple someone, eat well, exercise more, build community, write more, spend less….

  54. Melodie Harding on at

    Thank you so much for the inspiration! And I am loving your new podcast 🙂

  55. Chelsey on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
    – pursuit of Jesus and more time with Him and in the Word, cultivating relationships with my husband, children, friends and family, cultivating my writing that I feel called to share/pursue, and overall spending my time more intentionally
    12. Write your goal ideas.
    – cultivate my relationships/love my people well, grow in a relentless pursuit of Jesus, pursue writing/other career goals, have intentional plans for how I spend my time and days
    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.
    – Done! all checks out
    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.
    – cultivate relationships: I believe relationships are the most important thing in life and growth only happens through the power of relationships
    – pursuit of Jesus: above all earthly relationships, I know that a true relationship with Jesus is the only path in life that will lead to fulfillment and purpose. I know that the traits I crave of compassion, grace, and forgiveness can only be attained by knowing, loving, and serving Him.
    – pursuing writing/other career dreams: When I was little, I used to say I wanted to be an author. My practicality and fear didn’t allow me to chase that dream through my education, and I know the career I’m in now is not what I’m meant to do forever/doesn’t use my gifts. I want to pursue what I have always felt called to do, but have been too afraid to do so.
    – using my time intentionally: In order to make progress in all of the above, I must be intentional about how I spend my time, cut out activities that are time suckers and not benefitting me in any way.

  56. Alesha on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    -Develop better eating habits & a better relationship with food (not using food as my go to for stress relief/comfort)
    -find an exercise rhythm that works for me
    -trust God more with our finances
    -deepen connections with family and friends
    -learn to process more/be more open and vulnerable with my husband
    -be more purposeful in how I use my time
    -cultivate my home so that it’s truly a refuge for my family & others
    -learn to intentionally celebrate others

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.
    Loving my husband well – our marriage is fundamentally important; when we are both loved well, it frees us up to better be who we were meant to be, serves as an example to our daughter and others
    Renew my relationship with God – This is my #1 relationship. A deeper connection with God, frees me from worry & insecurity.
    Loving myself well – foundational for loving others well; helps me feel more energetic & peaceful about life; serves as an example to my daughter
    Deepening my connection with others – I gain strength from going through life in community with others
    Invest in my daughter – each day I have with her is a gift from God
    Cultivate a life-giving home environment – The world is a busy place & I want our home to be a refuge for our family. God has gifted us an amazing home, and I want to use it as a blessing to others.

  57. Pam on at

    11. I reviewed again all the parts I’ve written. I marked, circled, highlighted, and used stickers to find the threads and themes I’m seeing. It took time, but was so good.

    12. I write out my goal ideas— partly building on, quitting, and changing ones from 2018.

    13. I checked my goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist questions. Thank you for this tool!

    14. I wrote out my WHYs with my goal ideas.

  58. Marti on at

    My threads and goals are simple:
    Relationship with God and ministry to others. Why: To walk with Him, become more like Him, share him with others.
    Relationships with people. Why? To invest in the lives of others, show people their value.
    Home – cleaner, less junk, more welcoming. Why? For my family to enjoy. To invite others into and love them like Christ loves.
    Self – care for my body, enjoy more photography. More music and joy! Why? To be a steward of what I’ve been given. To worship and enjoy God!

  59. Linda Chen on at

    11. Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing. – Done!

    12. Write your goal ideas.
    Read devos daily
    make healthy food choices
    make time to read
    exercise for fitness
    remove toxic people and influences
    self care

    13. Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. — DONE

    14. Write down your WHY with every goal idea.
    Devos – to rekindle with GOD. Look to him for progress
    Selfcare/health/fitness – God gave me this body, i should take care of it.
    Time to read – to build onto my career, be a good witness at work by doing my best.
    Remove toxins – simplify my life and focus on what matters

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