I am feeling really frustrated lately. Pure frustration. I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I can tell you where I am right now. I have been working on a new site all year and it’s hard to put into words, but my goal is that it’s not a site to promote ME. I hope and pray you see something entirely the opposite there. And it’s really frustrating because it’s hard to create a site that is different from anything I’ve ever done. Because, well… I’m different. This process of creating this site has been a true PROCESS and has forced me to look at my life and all I’ve done and all God has done to change me and it makes me feel this enormous sense of responsibility to use every single day to the FULL. Because, life is short and these days are a gift and He is real and active and I have living proof of that- my heart. I’m frustrated because these facts make me feel very vulnerable and I don’t like that. I’m frustrated because I want a platform that really feels like the me I know now and I want it yesterday. Sort of like feeling like you’re wearing dirty clothes and you want to put on new ones ASAP. That’s how I feel. I’m frustrated because what I want more than anything in the world is to glorify God and I get really really really frustrated with myself when I fall short of that…. but then I realize that’s exactly the point. I will always fall short of that. God’s amazing grace covers it all. In simple terms – God doesn’t expect me to BE Him, He expects me to CHOOSE Him.
I spent the good part of the last 48 hours writing out my story for a video piece I’m creating with Adam and Austin. I feel compelled to go ahead and share a piece of it with you here…
Hi, my name is Lara Casey. I publish Southern Weddings magazine, I consult creative business owners to help make their dreams happen, I’m a mama, a wife, a friend and a believer in the impossible.
When I first started in business, I went after what the world says is “success” – getting my name out, popularity, more followers, bigger, bigger bigger. I got all of those things and soon realized my heart was empty. My marriage suffered, my relationships suffered, and I was working till 3am every night. I was miserable. Sounds familiar to anyone? I had “success” on paper … and those things ultimately weren’t fulfilling.
I had to start making hard decisions that would get me on a path to lasting joy. I knew I had to start facing my fears. God’s amazing grace saved me from a life that was going nowhere fast. I started actively making what MATTERS happen. It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen overnight, but God blessed my life far more than I every imagined possible. Life is completely different. I now believe in the “impossible” and I am on a mission to help others believe that too. If you want change, choose it. Act, make the call, love, dive in, forgive, give it all. Make a decision. Life is too short. To be truly successful, you do not have to sacrifice what matters. Love never fails. DOING the things that fire us up and living a full life focusing true love IS what makes our work soar.
This is why I’m so passionate about this work and giving as much as possible. I want to help people live lives that matter and I want to give my whole heart to others, showing them through my actions — failures and triumphs — that you CAN live a fulfilled life – a meaningful joyful creative life when you say yes to what matters. In my marriage, as a mother, as a business owner, as a friend, I want to live a life that glorifies God, not me. I’m far from perfect and I have so much growing to do, but I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Love never fails.
And now, after writing this to you, it dawned on me. Frustration happens when we are changing. Thank God He is never done with me.
Photos by Dear Wesleyann from our family vacation to Watercolor.
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I now believe in the impossible. https://t.co/pqDDCcTP
I adore you and your heart and your ability to inspire and encourage so many people from all walks of life. You’ve taught me that vulnerability is a GOOD thing because it means you’re being true and real to yourself. I cannot wait to see your new site and video, Lara. I have no doubt it will be as incredible as ever xoxo
“When I first started in business, I went after what the world says is “success” – getting my name out, popularity, more followers, bigger, bigger bigger. I got all of those things and soon realized my heart was empty. My marriage suffered, my relationships suffered, and I was working till 3am every night. I was miserable. Sounds familiar to anyone? I had “success” on paper … and those things ultimately weren’t fulfilling. ”
you are speaking directly to me right now, lara. thank you for sharing this. it’s exactly what i needed to hear today.
I am so very proud of you Lara and I can’t wait to see everything that you have put your heart and soul into this year as it launches. This website you are building, the process is tough, but to me, that means you are doing something right. You are pushing your boundaries and pushing through the fear. It will be such a sweet time to enjoy that new site with your family and friends soon, and the process will seem like it was just a part of the journey for you all and you can all look back and smile because what you see in front of you is going to be fabulous! xoxo, Katie
Thank you for being YOU, Lara. God is just beaming down on you right now for being vulnerable with us all. And thanks for teaching me to focus on what matters, always. I’m greatly anticipating the new site!!
You are so beautiful, Lara. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I fully believe God has put you at a place of inspiring others so we can all know that glory, fame, mason jars and gorgeous flowers are all nothing without living each day humbly as God’s servants.
Bravo! I’m sure the website will be just what you want it to be. Through your heart, others will discover their’s and what they should be doing with it. Love you!
I love your heart Lara! MTH Chicago has changed me and I hope this last tour did the same for you. I’m so excited for everything you are working on and I can’t wait to see it all. All the hard work you are putting into it will pay off more than you can see in the end. Your encouragement that day has helped me so much and I hope you know that! And thank you for being so transparent, it makes me feel so much more confident knowing others have the same problems as me. Lots of love, Liz
You are an absolute gift to Him, Lara and your heart comes beaming through. The Lord is so good and this post is proof! “Having confidence in this; that He who has begun a work in you will carry it through to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!” Praise Him for constantly refining us to be more in his image and for give us the DESIRE and the POWER to do what pleases HIM! xx
You are incredible! I am so thankful to know you! You are so encouraging with everything you put out for the rest of us. We are all grateful for YOU! Love, Courtney
Your words make my heart soar, Lara! The expectancy that is on your life right now is incredible–you are spurring people on towards good things-life changing things!-and it is so very evident. Thank you for sharing your passion with us all–it resonates deep within my heart! xoxo
I NOW BELIEVE IN THE IMPOSSIBLE: I am feeling really frustrated lately. Pure frustration. I can’t put my finge… https://t.co/tCVGT078
Lara–remember that quote I emailed you awhile back. One day you will look back on all of this, and see that through all the frustrations and vulnerabilities…everything was in fact–perfect. LOVE YOU.
I love this, Lara! So beautiful. Thank you for always being honest and willing to bear your heart so that others can feel free to change and grow, too.
Your truth will set so many FREE! Free to enbrace who they are—and live a life that is authentic and purposeful.
Thank you for this, so much of me was revealed aftering reading this.
Lo-lo-LOVE your heart!
Lara, so beautiful! You have provided so much encouragement to me in the short time I have known you, and it is so exciting to be able to give some of it back. You have already accomplished so many big things, but I know that even BIGGER things are on their way. Your honesty is so refreshing and inspiring. Hugs!
Thank you for continually opening and changing my heart! Love you, dear friend!!! xoxo
I am so happy to see your joy, the blessings and freedom you have found over the past three or so years. I remember reading one of your blog posts years ago when you shared that the first thing you did every morning was reach for your phone to check Facebook, email, etc. For some reason, God moved me to encourage you to reach for His Word first. Since then I have watched you grow and walk into a new-found freedom in Him, because you chose to seek Him first. How wonderful and faithful He is!
As for frustration, I am learning that frustration comes when we want something to be a certain way and it is not happening when, where and how we want it. When this happens, I remind myself that God is in control and that even though He has given me gifts, abilities and a vision, it does not mean that I am the one to run ahead and make it happen. I have to make room for Him by decreasing or letting go in order that He might increase. Letting go gives Him room to do the impossible and frees me to grasp the new He has in store.
Trust Him, my friend and know that He’s got you in the palm of His hand and that the good work He has begun in you will come to completion.
Be blessed,
Monica -
I love this. Just what I needed to hear today too. I’m sitting here getting really frustrated with a client, scarfing down food because I’m starving – gone in 2 seconds – looking at the clock because I have so much to do in such little time. I had to just sit back and take a break. Take a breathe – so my break was coming over to your blog and just be for a moment. Thank you for your words. xoxo
I now believe in the impossible! https://t.co/pqDDCcTP
I just love me a dose of some @laracasey https://t.co/HtnFIfIT
Sister. I am so thankful for and moved my your heart. And this post, it resonates so much with me as I’ve been feeling a little of the same. Like that awkward stage of a sunburn where you’re all healed up but the skin is still peeling. I just wanna slake it off and say “LOOK! Look what He’s done and is still doing!” Thank you for your vulnerability.
Lara….wow!!!! Thank you for sharing this! =) You truly are an awesome inspiration! Thank you so much for the encouragement—I BELIEVE!!!
I love you, Lara Casey. You are one of the realest, coolest people I’ve encountered. Someday, I’d just like to meet you for coffee. Screw the branding. Be friends. I admire you so. very. much. Thanks for living into my world.
“… it dawned on me. Frustration happens when we are changing. Thank God He is never done with me.” @laracasey Yes! https://t.co/4WYK0qtw
I’m so happy I read this today! Very inspiring and so true. Thank you, Lara!