Welcome to the final post in the 2021 Goal Setting Series! In Part 1, we looked back at the last 10 years together (!), and all we know for sure about intentional goal setting. In Part 2, we looked back and did a treasure hunt together. Today, in Part 3, we’re looking ahead! I’m sharing my 2021 PowerSheets goals and I can’t wait to hear yours, too!

My friends!!! This is it! You’re so ready to put 2020 behind you and make room for the new! But, perhaps you’re also feeling a little hesitant. What if things are hard again? What if your goals don’t go as planned?
But… what if you’re right where you’re supposed to be to take a leap of faith and do things differently in the year ahead? Look around. The world is starting to see what you and I have long-known about goals and starting a new year well: maybe it’s not about having a list of big, shiny goals in hand. Maybe it’s about cultivating what matters right where we are, with what we have. Maybe it’s about taking just one intentional step forward, and then another. And maybe it’s about doing small things with great love and seeing those things add up over time—no perfection required.
Goals won’t change your life; knowing what matters will. Cultivated goals are simply how you get there!

As I looked ahead to 2021, I felt all of the same things you might be feeling: excitement, grief, hesitation, hope—all mingled together. It’s been a hard year. But, here’s what we both know for sure after all these years, and where I can have faith: good things grow out of hard things.
There’s no such thing as perfect progress on a goal. All progress is imperfect. And it’s okay to be scared—sometimes being nervous means something is really important to you.
It’s okay to grow slow—in fact, it’s really good.
Striving for perfection halts real progress on the things that matter.
We can’t do it all and do it all well, but we can choose to cultivate what matters.
Small steps add up and good things grow little by little—not all at once. This is good news!

I flew through the PowerSheets Prep, got right up to the point of writing my goals, and I paused. What if these are the wrong goals? What if I don’t have enough energy for them after this year? What if I fail? And then I laughed at myself, thinking of all the times we’ve talked about these very things together! 😊 As I considered what felt like an imperfect list of goals for the year ahead, and felt the excitement and hesitation, I repeated these truths to myself (maybe you need them right now, too?):
2020 was hard. 2021 may be hard, too.
But, would I rather wander aimlessly and waste time second guessing my direction? NO.
Would I be grateful I spent time on these goals at the end of 2021? YES!
Would I be sad I didn’t spend more time getting the words just right? NO.
Were the goals I was considering a really GREAT start for the year? Double YES!

Imagine the end of 2021 and you’ll know: what matters is always worth taking a leap of faith. So, let’s believe in what we can’t yet see. Let’s take some steps forward (especially the ones that feel imperfect!) and, little by little, the fear part will dry up. We’re not going to fertilize the fear this year, friends! Are you with me?
Let’s decide to take action on goals that cut through all the things to get to the things that matter.
Won’t that feel so good?!
One last reminder: we are always “in progress.” Your goals may be the same! As you go through different seasons, the way you take action on your goals may change. As you learn new lessons and take on new life responsibilities, your capacity to do different things may change, too. As you write out your goals, remember that you don’t have to set them for the calendar year. Set them for just this season ahead, and refresh your goals every few months. This is why we put a NEW Goal Refresh in the PowerSheets for every season.
Don’t you feel so much freedom knowing your goals don’t have to be forever?
Ahhhh!!! I’m so ready!
With that, here’s how I’m starting fresh in 2021:

Goal #1: Run with Him
— Mini goals: This goal is all about focus! My mini goals are to make a 2021 prayer list, focus on my relationship with the Lord in solitude, increase my bold and dedicated time with Him (continuing to write in my Bible and write the Word!), study Psalm 119, read the Bible again with friends (we’re considering Chronological this year), keep Psalm 90:12 before me, prioritize my health to be able to focus on Him and have more energy to live out what He wants (get answers to my health conundrums and literally run with Him!), and cut out anything that distracts me from all of this.
— What could stand in the way of progress? My comfort zone and not prioritizing rest, solitude, and health (which lead me to be distracted!).
— Starting steps: Sometimes the hardest part is getting started, right? My starting steps are to choose a Bible reading plan for the year alongside our reading group, make new playlists for running, do a time audit (already started this), and start my 2021 prayer list. I’m especially excited about the prayer list. This is new for me this year and so simple. I’m just writing a list of specific things I need God’s wisdom and help with in the year ahead—everything from “Should I have a co-host for the podcast?” to “What do You want us to do for school for the kids next year?”
— Encouraging words: Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Psalm 37:3

Goal #2: Love others/build others up in the Spirit
— Mini goals: Bring a feast of good ideas to our children in homeschool, have individual experiences with each of them (Ari + me together with each of them – not so easy these days, but we’re going to figure it out!), date Ari again, make a list of books we’ll read as a family in 2021, complete homeschool planning for the next term, plan something meaningful for our 15th wedding anniversary in March (a milestone worth celebrating!), love friends in new ways (I have specific ideas I’m going to test out in January!), and focus on generosity through this whole goal.
— What could stand in the way of progress? Not having solitude myself. I am an introvert through and through. I need extra time to settle my heart and brain (something I’ve learned more than ever this year) to love others well. This goal includes saying no a lot more to make room to love people in new ways.
— Starting steps: Add some of the one-another scriptures to my Blank Write the Word journal that I’m starting the year with, make a list of COVID-safe dating Ari ideas, make a list of 15th-anniversary ideas, and start our family reading list—lots of lists! I’ll be using a Legacy Journal for most of these lists and many of the specifics of this goal are going on my 2021 prayer list!
— Encouraging words: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
Goal #3: Open space for the Spirit—my spirit and His!
— Mini-goals: Do a work time audit to clear out things I need to let go of (so I can focus more on others I want to dive into at work!), say yes to far less (you see how connected my goals are!), and take road trips together as a family to places where there’s space to roam wild and free. Also, I’m putting my foot down on my phone. Well, not literally, but sometimes I want to! I’m drawing a hard line on not having my phone around at all when the kids are present. I tend to keep it out of sight in general, but even checking the weather report for the day could be done in other times and other ways so I’m fully focused on them. I only get this one life with them and I want to use every minute to see them, listen to them, and build them up.
— What could stand in the way of progress? Being afraid to fail! This goal has some bold mini goals, and I keep reminding myself that I’ll be SO grateful I did them (even with some missteps along the way!) at the end of 2021. I’m choosing risk vs. regret on this one.
— Starting steps: Plan our 2021 road trips, make a list of scriptures related to this goal, tell the kids about my no phone goal, intentionally plan to step away from my desk more this year to get out in open space, and let go of social media even more. My decisions at the start of 2020 were fruitful there. I want to keep it going!
— Encouraging words: Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:30

And my 2021 Word of the Year? This was a clear and easy choice after doing my PowerSheets!
I want to be full of faith this year, believing in what I can’t yet see, focusing on a deeper relationship with the Lord (I almost chose the word “relationship”), my family, and loving others in new ways. I will do this by running with Him confidently and making intentional space—beyond my comfort zone—for the Spirit. Wide open space for us to run free and be able to taste and see that the Lord is good and love deeply because of it.
There you have it, friends! This is my fresh start. I’m so grateful and excited to do this year alongside you!

Dear 2021 Selves,
You know the year ahead won’t go exactly as planned (hello, lesson of 2020!). It may not be perfect, but it sure will be meaningful. So much changed this year, but one thing remained the same: what matters. We’re saying yes to what matters and no to all the rest. You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? They all start with small steps. 2021 selves, we’ve got you, we love you, and we’re taking small steps with great love today for YOU.
Your December 31, 2020 Selves

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, please email Abbie@CultivateWhatMatters.com to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!
One of the best ways to prepare well for 2021? With these amazing tools! For our 10-Year milestone together, enter to win one of everything in the Cultivate shop (YES!!) – Rebecca Walters, a pair of AirPods – Allison Lieuwen, a scholarship to Financial Peace University – Sara Driscoll, and an Echo Dot – Courtney Doi. Enjoy these yourself or have New Year’s gifts for everyone you know. 😊 Simply comment to enter and we’ll choose winners in early January. Bonus points if you share this post with friends!
Your turn! What goals are you excited about? What’s your word of the year? Comment below! I can’t wait to hear!
P.S. Here’s a special 10-year celebration discount just for you. 🎉 Get 25% off anything in the shop with code 10YEARS now. Code is valid through January 1. Happy shopping, friends!
keep reading
Starting a blog! Writing more and capturing family history and wisdom from older generations in ranching.
One goal is to celebrate more, the big and the small moments. My word of the year was a recurring theme which is connect! Happy New Year!
I *think* my word of the year will be SLOW. I still need to finish my prep work though! I am expecting twins in the early spring, and will have 3 children under 2, so now more than ever, I want to be intentional about cutting things that don’t matter or waste time out of my life! I’m excited for hopefully a slower pace of life!
My word for the year is faithful, as well! After nearly a decade of school, this year has a lot of career goals slated ahead (defending my dissertation and beginning residency), as well as a host of transition for our family (moving across the country, starting preschool).
Amidst it all, my prayer is that I would be full of faith, rooted in His word, that I might be a source of peace, hope, joy and confidence for my son and husband. And in order to do that? I’ll need to be diligent, disciplined, and faithful in stewarding my responsibilities well.-
My word of the year is PRESENCE. coming into 2021 with a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old that still isn’t sleeping well, I want to ensure that I make the most of this stressful but sweet time! That said, I also hope to have some solid sleep soon so that I can recharge and build in more margin:).
i think my word is “perseverance”. Galatians 6:9 has been a verse that has kept showing up and God has created such beautiful and Godly rhythms in my life this year that i feel like i need to keep going and not grow tired of doing the small things that add up to big change.
My word of the year is routine! I figured out towards the end of last year that I can make little by little progress by having routines. Congrats on 10 years!!
My word of the year is refresh! To me, it signifies taking a new perspective and being intentional about what I *actually* need and want instead of staying on autopilot across areas of my life.
My word of the year is Ebenezer: thus far has the Lord helped us. This past year has been the hardest one of our lives (and that’s before you factor in a pandemic!) and we’re facing a lot of change this coming year. My husband is finishing seminary and will be open for a call, so they could be really good changes or they might be really hard changes. The only thing I know for sure is that there will be change. The word Ebenezer reminds me that the Lord HAS brought us this far, and that everything that is coming is under His control. I don’t have to live in fear and self-protection. I can go forward in joy and hope because even if 2021 brings more hard things, it will be good because it was given to us from the Lord’s hand. He is faithful and kind!
I just read your comment, Allison, and I love your word of the year! What an intentional choice that speaks such truth. I’m encouraged just reading it!
My word of the year is confident! I want my confidence to be found in Him alone and not in the ways of this world.
Overcome. Overcome my hurdles with losing the baby weight. Overcome the doubt I have in my mind that I can’t do it. Stay the course.
My word this year is “restore.” I love to do and go and achieve, and sometimes that means I forget (or ignore) the places and things God is calling me to sit with and rest in. I’m hoping to restore those areas that He sees I’m in need of, because I certainly can’t do it all alone!
A friend recommended your podcast and I’ve been listening for the last couple of days. I didn’t know I needed to hear the words you shared but I’m so thankful for your message! I’m letting go of perfection in the goal setting process as I’m just starting today, December 31. I’m going to take some time through January to really process and work through those goals. Growing my faith, relationships, and doula business are my priorities for 2021.
My word is faithful as well, so fun. I want to be faithful in the actual life that God has given me and trusting that in his providence he has graciously given me exactly what I need and nothing less to walk faithfully. As a Mom to 4 boys ages 9 and under and homeschooling so much of what you have written resonates with me and I love considering what it looks like to number our days as I turn 40 this year.
This was so good. I read every single word. It was such encouragement for me. I love the thought of cultivating. And what happens if we continue to cultivate. My word for this year is discipline. I want to be in God’s Word more in 2021. I also need to work on eating better. I am looking forward to what God has for me in 2021!
Thanks for sharing!! I like that your goals have a lot of mini goals. Mine do too. My word of the year is “awake” – this year showed me how easy it is to numb myself from being present. I don’t want to do that this year. I’m excited to get distance from my phone, explore the many creative ideas that have been bubbling up recently, and dig deep roots into my community, especially those in my new neighborhood.
Consistency is my word for the year. This past year I have realized that the things I didn’t feel like I accomplished, mainly didn’t happen because I was not consistent with my initiatives towards meeting each of those goals. Even with relationships, being consistent with each of those that I hold dear to me will be that much more meaningful if I was consistent.
Thank you so mic for sharing your goals! I really apperiviate you sharing your God given insight. I attended CYL this year and it was amazing. I felt the energy and good vibes follow me for over a week. It completely changed my trajectory. I am so thankful I attended, also grateful that God placed you and your resources in my path. I have some major goals
I really want to hurdle over this year, the last few years I have grown so much working towards these goals, I really feel like I’m almost there. I’m excited for 2021! -
My word is refine. That the Lord would refine me and I would refine specific areas of my life.
Happy New Year! My word of the year is ‘nourish’. I feel like I need to take care of myself after being quite frazzled in 2020. Nourishment of body, mind, soul and relationships.
My word this year is LISTEN. Listen to my body, my heart, and the prompting of God! I am so bad at listening to what my body and God are telling me–I just keep ramming through until I can’t, and then I wish I would’ve listened! I can’t do the work God wants me to do if I’m tired and worn out and a mess!
😊 love it
Thanks for sharing! A bit late to the party, but going to try this exercise & find a word today 🙂
Thank you for sharing your goals! My word of the year is identity. This upcoming year I want to work on my identity as a child of God, a woman, a wife, and a mother. I want to invite God to grow revival and healing within me.
Thank you for sharing! My word of the year is GROW as it applies to my faith, relationships and my marriage. So excited for what 2021 will bring.
This is beautiful! And what a an amazing giveaway would be such a blessing!
My word is joy as I did prep work for my first power sheets, that word popped up the most. 2020 took the joy right out of me. I am collecting joy moments, not sure how yet but have some ideas. Nurturing my health and fueling my faith. I also have a goal of setting rhythms of rest. I am excited to see where God leads on these goals. Thank you Laura for encouraging us.
My word is Build.
I am struggling to be excited about much. Scared and nervous to really push myself to see what I am made of. In the end it will be cool to see how far I come when I am being intentional about taking the small steps that build on one another until I reach my goals.
Love this Lara! Thanks for sharing. My word of the year is to Cultivate and using the phrase “Little By Little” to carry me through. I want to cleanse, refresh my mind, body and soul in the Lord. Learning to lean into him more and more. Happy New Year Cultivate Team and Community ❤️
I am still making my way through the Prep work and haven’t picked my Word of the Year yet. Thank you for these blog posts, Lara. They are so helpful! Blessings and Happy New Year!!
I’m excited to continue to my health and spiritual goals/habits from last year. I realized those things also fire me up, so they will help me to focus on other new goals this year. My word is slow and I really want to focus on my husband and kids more, letting go of the pressures and distractions that often get in the way of loving them well.
I keep going back and forth between my goals and narrowing them down. My word for 2021 is going to be faithful. Walking in faith in my actions, in my relationships with others and faithful in my Walk with the Lord
I think my word of the year may be rooted, but I’m still working through the process.
One of my goals is to run a 5K this year.
These are so encouraging. I have been discouraged about setting goals in January this year, as I always tend to fizzle quickly. Not sure what I’m doing wrong? Reading your goals were so inspiring! Main goal is to be intentional with my family; we’re together so much right now, but can often feel uninspired.
Still going through the prep-work, but I think my word for 2021 will be “Grace”. I want to continue receiving the Lord’s grace and allow me some grace instead of burying myself in guilt. There were a lot of big and personal goals I had to shelve, especially after my 2nd was born. Trying to raise 2 under 2 with little sleep and no outside help has been discouraging, but with the grace of the Lord, we’ll make it through 2021.
My word of the year is GROW! I love how the work in Powersheets helps me identify this! It’s like my word finds me. 🙂
I’m excited about our family moving back to our home state and earning my 3rd pink Cadillac!
My word of the year is fearless joy. Some of my goals is capture family adventures,spread kindness and joy, grow in faith, make my house a home, build up confidence and boldness, healthy habits and body, mindful parenting.
Ready to remove fear and doubt and rest in Him and His guidance.
What an awesome giveaway! I think my word of the year will be TRUST: trust in myself and my abilities, trust in my Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6 has always been a favorite of mine, though in the past have found it difficult to maintain. Goals I am excited about include making self-care a priority, awesome family time and adventures, and going all in and enjoying this homeschool journey with my three blessings!
Thank you for your obedience, and the time you and your team have placed into power sheet. It’s amazing. Praying for you, and hope this is your best year yet.❤️
I’m excited to get started this year. I actually took 2020 off. It was my plan to spend the week between Christmas and New Years doing Goal School & my prep work, but …life. So. I’ll work it in. I’m grateful to be back cultivating.
My words for the year are Letting Go. As I reflected on 2020 I took care of others more than myself. I’m letting go of the guilt of being there for everyone else but myself. I’m also letting go of all of my excuses around transforming my health (physical, mental, financial, and spiritual). I’m embracing what’s possible and receiving all of what God has in store for my life. I’m allowing in grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, fun, friends,
road trips with my son and laughter. -
My Word of the Year is Breathe. 2020 taught me I don’t have ALL the control that I thought and it was hard to accept that. In 2021, I’m reminding myself to Breathe when something happens I can’t control…. maybe start a support group of ex-control ladies. LOL
I’m still working on setting goals for the new year, but I most definitely want to add more movement/exercise to my life through walks and pilates!
My word of the year is simplify! I’m starting by cleaning out my closet this weekend!
My word is pivot. To pivot away from negative thoughts, feelings, actions, and people and pivot toward a positive attitude, place in my heart and the world with God’s help, and going step by step into a brighter future.
My word for this year is Prudence. As an older parent of children with chronic health issues (=frequent sleepless nights,) I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew in terms of my own physical and mental stamina. I need to be discerning in what I say “no” to, intentional with what I say “yes” to, and actively practice gratitude “in all things.” I will be clinging tightly to Isaiah 41:10.
Hi Lara. I’m so excited to be using PowerSheets for the very first time. I’ve listened to your podcast and read your blog and even stalked your Instagram. I’m ready to live intentionally and cultivate my very own garden. Thank you so much for creating this. You’ve helped so many wonderful women and I can’t wait to be one of them myself. My word of the year is nourish. I need to nourish my mind, body and soul after the year we just had. Thanks again for everything you do!! You’re an amazing being and I’m so looking forward to this year!!!
Thank you, Lara. Your goal-setting series at the end of 2019 helped make 2020 a goal-reaching year for me! 🙏 My word this past year was Heart, ❤️ as in Proverbs 3:5. My word for 2021 is Direct, which happens to be in Proverbs 3:6 (MEV). I was wondering if you use the same highlighters that I just bought, the colors look similar! 🤓
My word for the year is LIGHT. I’m going to declutter and organize my home so it won’t weigh so heavily on me. That will allow time and space for my creative LIGHT to shine, and for me to do acts of kindness in order to shine His LIGHT into the lives of others.
I’m still making my way through the prep work…thank you so much for your encouragement and heart-to-heart in this post!! I’m feeling that I need to slow down and rest in the Lord and “dwell” in the land, cultivating and blooming where He has me and to “feed on His faithfulness.” Hurray for 2021, and a fresh start!!! I have several new things coming up this new, and I want to bloom where He plants and “Squeeze the Change”!! 🙂
Thank you again!! {oh, and thank you for the giveaway!! ;)}
With love in our Savior,
~Martha Joy -
I’m still working through my prep work since I just received my PowerSheets this weekend. With my order I also bought “Make It Happen” that I started reading last night. Between the first 2 chapters, my devotional this morning from “Write the Word: Cultivate Worship” and my prep work, I feel like “purpose” will be my word this year. It keeps popping up that it makes me want to cry with joy that God is speaking to me. Thanks for the encouragement that what we are doing doesn’t have to be perfect but it can be messy and slow.
My word is: renew. Very excited about the year ahead!
My word is: cultivate! I actually found your book and your blog because I decided that would be my word this year and it lead to me to search for resources on cultivating my life as a mom. I really want to cultivate excellence in my life. I feel like I’ve been in survival mode as a mom of two little toddlers. I want to break out of that and thrive by cultivating diligence and excellence in my motherhood, homemaking, and personal growth.
I’m working my way through my first power sheets and just finished my rough draft of my yearly goals – choosing my word of the year is next! I loved the guiding question of who I want to be when I am 80 and what legacy I want to leave behind. Thank you, thank you – I’m looking forward to being intentional this year!
Just reading this post makes me so excited, I can feel the motivation! I love your goal setting posts, your team leads these so well; definitely a gift! I don’t necessarily have a word this year, but 2020 has taught me a lot about what my priorities should be!
2021 = Invest. I’m excited to apply this in my relationship with God through growing my prayer life & cultivating beauty & delight as an invitation to Worship, to apply it with regards to loving others, (particularly my husband, my kiddos, the people who will be in my life for decades, and people I brush paths with weekly), and in my foundations: health, home & finances. So thankful for my first set of Powersheets and how this process has allowed me to ‘dig in’ in ways I would never manage on my own…this is powerful stuff!
I am most excited to work on my ANCHOR MY SOUL and SUPPORT MY SELF HEALTH goals. My word for this season is HOPE. I have HOPE that I can moor into and deepen my faith in Christ, and I have HOPE that with HIM I can be a healthier version of me.
My friend just sent me your post and I’m so inspired! I have never been a big-picture person and it’s been a challenge my whole life. This year God has been paving the way to get me started into looking beyond the day-to-day, through so many venues. And the word He’s challenging me with for this year is RELATIONSHIPS – to focus on people, and not tasks.
[…] especially one that shares regular updates! A few of my favorites and their 2021 goals: Lisa, Rhi, Lara, Nancy, Val, Shay, and Janssen. (Have another goal setter whose blog you love to follow? I’d […]
Lara! I am so encouraged by you. Always have been, always will be, friend. You’re incredible and I look forward to seeing where 2021 takes you. Xo