Welcome back for Part 2 of the 11th-Annual Goal Setting Series. In Part 1, we looked back at the last year together.
The interesting thing about writing about goal setting for so long, over so many years, is that you uncover what’s actually true: those truths that don’t change with the years, or circumstances, or times when the world gets turned upside-down. I went back and read this and this from two years ago, written shortly before the world changed in 2020, and I was struck by one thing that didn’t: what matters. This goal-setting process works year after year because we’re after what lasts, not what’s trendy or fleeting. It’s easy to get knocked off course or forget what matters, though, isn’t it? It’s easy to forget our goals and keep doing life the way we’ve always done it. But, you came here for a reason. You want something to change—you want to cultivate what matters.
It all starts here.
It starts with the big picture.
What will matter to you then? Live like it today.
You’ll make missteps along the way, and it will be okay.
It’s okay to grow slow.
Keep taking small steps—they will add up faster than you think!

Cultivating what matters in the big picture takes a leap of faith. Dreaming is an exercise in faith—believing in what we can’t yet see. It’s taking the risk to go after something and trust that the Lord is the one who directs our steps each day. Our circumstances and our world may change, but why we’re here doesn’t. I learned through 2020 especially that the things that truly matter are the things that don’t change with shifting sands.
Ready to dig into what matters most? Get your PowerSheets (where we put all we’ve learned over the last 11 years) and, rather than reinvent the wheel, I invite you to explore the series from two years ago and be wildly encouraged. Writing this series over a decade is much like editing one book for just as long. It has been a joy to see you make progress on the things that last all these years!

Making a vision board each year helps me see the big picture and live it out. I print mine out and have it framed right here on my desk as a reminder of where I’m going. My 2022 Vision Board makes me so happy (and gives you a few hints for my goals in the next post!). One image I’ve kept the last three years: the open Bible in the center. And, yes, I’m always tempted to make every image birds. I love them so much, we even decorated our feeders for Christmas this year. More to come in the next post when I share my 2022 goals!

What matters most to you in the big picture?
What’s on your vision board for 2022?
I’m cheering you on, friends, as you dig into your PowerSheets and set goals for the new year. I can’t wait to do the same this week as I finish my own. I’ll be back next week to share!

Enter to win one of everything in the Cultivate shop. Simply comment to enter. Your comments on the last post are blowing me away. I’m SO thankful for all these years with you, friends! Bonus points if you share this post with friends!
Congrats, Jenny Fulford, Holly Halliwell, and Kelly Galyen! Keep an eye out for an email from Abbie!
P.S. A special Goal Setting Series discount just for you. 🎉 Say YES to what matters in 2022 and get 25% off anything in the shop with code SAYYES now! Code is valid through January 1. Happy shopping, friends!
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Love your vision board! Just looking at it makes me feel alive. I’m excited to jump back into my prep work and start my vision board now that I’m done mailing Christmas cards and shopping 🎉
This is my first year trying powersheets and I couldn’t have been more excited when doing my prep work and my vision board in the book. Looking forward to an incredible year with my powersheets and this community of awesome women.
This series is so helpful. This is my fourth year with Power Sheets and every year the process gets better!
What matters to me most in 2022 is learning to do one thing at a time — to slow down and focus and absorb instead of giving in to a misplaced need to get-more-done-right-now. It feels a pivotal change that will impact everything else that matters to me. (And serious bonus points that there is a gold-foil sticker in the CWM sticker book about this very thing!)
So grateful and encouraged by everyone at Cultivate What Matters. Thank you!!
This year we’re hoping to buy a new house! I want to work on a more appropriate diet and sort of simplifying my possessions and schedule so I can use my energy effectively with adequate margin for the unexpected bits of life that come our way.
I love the vision board! I need to print mine off as well- I started a Pinterest version and used that to fill in my vision board page in my Powersheets! I got the green cover too =)
I’m focusing on putting the time in on my vision board this year after reading this post. I’m focusing on health and self-care which includes time in the Word, nature, and eating healthy and being mindful.
Oh, I needed to see this today! I am ready to make my year intentional and achieve some goals!
I love the idea of getting things done, but often am governed by the immediate things that need to be done and don’t take the time to plan out long-term goals…which leaves me feeling overwhelmed by all I should be doing, and up at night thinking of my teens being home with us only for a little while longer and another year is almost over! What do I have to show for it? How have my relationships grown? Lara’s previous post with goals accomplished and going into the new year with gratitude for the good in a difficult year – that’s just so encouraging! I don’t want to come to the end of another year of just making it through.
Your vision board is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
2022 is my 4th set of PowerSheets, and I think 2021 was the strongest example of little-by-little progress adding up. I’m so motivated going into 2022, not to make grand, sweeping changes, but to continue with small, forward progress. Thank you for this incredible tool!
What matters most is my family and the little people I am raising into adults.
My WOTY is GROW so my vision board has things that can grow in the garden, it has things that inspire me to create and it has things that inspire me to take care of myself. -
Every time I read something from you Lara or from Cultivate what matters I am reminded of living your one life to the fullest. It inspires me to truly live and have fun in the middle of it all. He calls us to be free and live, this organization truly helps me with that. To focus on all that He wants for my life. Thank you for that!!!
This is my first year using PowerSheets and every time I open it, I feel a burst of excitement for the year ahead and the hope of change it brings. One of my big goals is growing in the area of finances, learning how to make my money work for me and investing in what matters. I’m really enjoying this series, Lara! And it’s encouraging to plan my goals in PowerSheets when I know it has been so prayed over and guided by the Spirit working through you and your team!
Excited for my vision board this year! I make a big poster board and put it up in my little office space. I also take a screen shot and have it as a background on my phone along with my word of the year.
OK, I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to even try to make a vision board this year, but now you may be convincing me to give it a go. I loved making one last year (my first ever), even though I feel like I didn’t “use” it in any beneficial way to make progress on my goals. But maybe this year (since I won’t be starting the year off SUPER DUPER pregnant) will be different! 😉
Friend, your vision board for 2022 is incredible. Gods artistry amazes me to no end. He is good, gracious, and truly the giver of every good gift.
Also, love seeing you use your ZA mug ❤️😘 -
I made a vision board for the first time this year! Excited to print it out and put it on my desk; thanks for the step-by-step instructions on the Cultivate blog for how to do that, for a non-graphic design-y person like me 🙂
I’ve never actually created a Vision Board, but I think I need to do that and post it somewhere I can see it all the time. I’m totally a visual person, so it’s odd that I’ve never done this. Thanks for all the encouragement that you share.
You’re so encouraging and I just love your outlook – and your products! Here’s to 2022!
I love all the outdoor pictures in your vision board! We love to be outside as a family – with 3 young boys, it’s our happy place! I’ve been doing power sheets for 5 years now and I’ve never put together a board with pictures – maybe this is the year!!
I first bought the PowerSheets maybe five years ago. I love the idea of goal setting this way, but I tend to let busyness choke out the opportunities for real growth. That first PowerSheets planner is still tucked away on a shelf above my desk, and every time I see that white spiral binding, I hear your voice encouraging me, “Don’t be afraid to grow slow.” I think my 2022 word is going to be joy, as in developing true joy and finding it in the simple things and the things that truly matter. I’m looking forward to rereading your series from a couple years ago and creating my first vision board!
My vision board is what I have to do next! Yours is so inspiring. I think it is fun to see what other people find motivating!
I’ve been so encouraged by the blog, the podcast and goal school! I feel like the prep work has helped me focus in on what is most important! I’m ready to make progress in the year ahead!
My vision board will have lots of birds too! I’m focusing on joy in the new year and watching the birds in my garden has brought me immense joy. I do my prep work between Christmas and New Year, and I’m so looking forward to it.
I stumbled upon the PowerSheets Goal Planner today and I can’t get enough. Simply reading your blog post has ignited an excitement for goal setting. Thank you for sharing your own experiences.
Thank you so much for your continual encouragement, Lara! I love how you said that what matters doesn’t change no matter the challenges we may face. I just received a positive Covid test today and will now be spending the holidays quarantined. But God! He is good through it all and has covered me with peace. I am blessed regardless of this news and will spend some of my quarantined time finishing up my goal setting for 2022. Praying for a blessed and healthy Christmas for you and your family!
Thanks for your willingness to open up about your goal setting process each year! It’s such an encouragement!
What matters most to me this year is cultivating a heart of worship. I feel like my other goals will fall into place if I can remember that I’m actually not the star of the story.
After a year of transitions and big milestones for my career, I am focusing on family and welcoming a new baby in January while supporting my daughter through our transition to a family of four. We are striving to lead a life of simplicity and embrace the every day moments and the joy they bring.
I created one on Canva and printed postcard size of them to post around my house/car/planner, etc. I wanna really focus on being outdoors, spending time with God, being mentally present with my family, and celebrating the everyday wins.
We have been on a journey to adopt since 2020, it has been difficult working towards other goals while also having patience during our wait. My goals for 2022 are to create a healthier body, nurture my relationship and get our home and hearts ready for our baby that we are hoping for in 2022!
I love your vision board with the Bible in the center each year. What an inspiration. I haven’t made my vision board for 2022 yet, but I need to do that!
I’m really looking forward to making my vision board this year! I saw someone suggest making it your laptop desktop, but I’m going to also make it my background on my iPad and maybe my phone so I definitely see it every day! 🙂
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season, Lara! Thanks for all you do and for being you!
What matters to me most in 2022 is celebrating. In doing my prep work, I realized we have a week planned kid free to take a vacation and celebrate our marriage, it’s a milestone birthday for me, my sons bar mitzvah… and in the middle of this, I signed up for a half marathon. So yeah, I want to celebrate this year – the big things, and the small steps along the way 🙂
This is my fifth year using Powersheets and have never been so intentional, productive, and grateful! It’s also been so rewarding to bring others along to discover Powersheets for the first time, because sharing is caring!
I struggle with ADHD and Powersheets have been a total & complete game-changer for me. To have the built-in accountability and reminders (oh the reminders….so wonderful for a brain that just wants to forget!)….these have been life-giving. This is my 5th year using Powersheets & I wouldn’t miss it for anything!!!
I’ve been doing powersheets for about five years and up until two years ago really did not see the value of a vision board. It seemed like busy work to me. However for the past two years I have been completing a vision board. It’s on a bulletin board posted above my desk. I’m able to see it everyday and even people ask about it. I’m not sure waited so long to see the value in it. It motivates me.
This’ll be my fourth year with Powersheets! So excited to dig into them. Your blogs always inspire me!!
Hi Lara,
I was just telling my cousin how behind I felt in preparing for 2022, and she laughed out loud, as we still have several days of 2021 to go. It was a gentle reminder to just begin where I am. I ordered a couple of blank notebooks and stickers from CWM for her (shhh!) and I’m hoping she’ll be willing to spend some time with me jotting down some goals for the new year as I dig into my prep work. I can’t wait to see more of yours.I hope you and Team Cultivate had a happy holiday!
MUSIC is on my list of what makes me come a live and all over my vision board for 2022. I used to sing all the time. So much joy. I stopped singing as the struggles of 20202 and 2021 felt so heavy on me. I want to sing again, and I want my family to make a joyful noise unto the lord. Which is why we embraced the chaos of getting our kids instruments for Christmas and a lot of music kept showing up in my prep work!
I love your vision board, thank you for sharing! I think I need to stew on mine for a bit longer.
My word of the year is connected to cultivating joy. I’ve found a lot of quotes about joy that I love and will probably include some of those on my board. I also want to include natural images, to remind myself to get outside and to pursue physical/mental health.
I just finished my vision board for 2022. I did my first vision board several years ago when I worked through power sheets for the first time and now I love doing one each year as part of my goal setting. This year’s board includes writing, Bible study, and exercise goals.
My word for 2022 is self-control. It’s a fruit of the Spirit that I want to focus on as I take steps on some important goals.
This year the vision board made me feel stuck, but this post was so encouraging – thank you for sharing your PS with us Lara! ✨
This is my first year with power sheets. I’m so excited to receive my shipment. Listening to you on the series has greatly motivated me to set some realistic goals for 2022 that are achievable even though they seem difficult ! I’ve used planners for over 15 years so I’m excited to start a new adventure with yours !!! So beautiful !
As always, your vision board looks gorgeous!!
I have actually kept the same vision board since 2019, because the themes and images continue to resonate. Travel, simple living, reading, nature, marriage, friendship, good work…all of those things are represented with some good old fashioned magazine clippings.
Family is big on our vision board this year. We hope to be pregnant with our first baby in 2022. Health is another big part of our vision board. We are hoping to continue to eat foods that fuel us and move our bodies. I transitioned to WFH and do not move as much as I’d like. We also are hoping to travel to the east coast this year! Big focuses on peace, closeness with the Lord, contentment and healing.
One of the items on my vision board is to stay connected with friends & family. As I was sending out Christmas greetings last week, I paused and almost didn’t send one to a past roommate. I made the decision to write it anyway and actually got to connect with her after a decade! I was ecstatic! Don’t ever give up on what truly matters! 🙂
What matters to me is savoring moments- my daughter graduates in 2023 so this is the last full year that all my kids are home.
This will mark my 9th year (I think) with PowerSheets. And I’ve grown to love creating the vision board each year. At first it was intimidating, trying to find meaningful images and worried about the aesthetic appeal. But I’ve learned how to lean in and let my goals guide me.
I recently learned about PowerSheets from a dear friend of mine. I love goal setting. Each year my husband and I take a long weekend to get away and discuss the past year, dream about the future and set goals to get to where we want to go. It’s great to go back over the past year and see the wins and the losses and how we learned and grew. I am really intrigued by the PowerSheets and how they can play a role in fulfilling more of the dreams of my heart. Thank you for your inspiring blog and the beautiful photos on your website
I want to cultivate my relationship with God in 2022 and also friendships. Going to look online for some good pictures of these things to include in my vision board. Thanks for sharing your’s Lara.
I’m not really the creative sort, so struggle with creating the vision board, but love seeing everyone else’s!
I look forward to this post every year! 🙂
My first year with PowerSheets was 2017 and I loved it! Going through the process of digging deep to discover my goals and think about what matters and the legacy I want to leave was great. But at 51 years old I was beginning to struggle with worsening health problems and also with situations with a few of our adopted kids. In 2018, I didn’t finish all my sheets and did even less in 2019 due to finally being correctly diagnosed (thank You, Lord!) and having a life-saving surgery that took me four months to recover from the worst of. A lot of healing, physically & emotionally, continued over the next two years, but I didn’t continue with PowerSheets. I had been in survival mode and didn’t have the mental/physical/emotional energy to do anything beyond surviving every day.
So here we are in 2022 and I almost didn’t order this year, but am so glad I did. I can’t wait to get back into it and continue what was begun in my heart and my PowerSheets(!) during the few years I was able to use it. I’m doing so much better and so are my kids. So very thankful for that and for my high-school sweetheart husband and our nine beautiful grandchildren. I am very excited to discover some new goals and cultivate others that were unearthed during those first couple years of using PowerSheets. Thank you, Lara, for all you do! -
Things that matter to me in the big picture: God, family relationships, and health! I think these things are much more prettily said through your vision board!
I have made vision boards in the past using good ol’ magazine collages. I have loved being inspired by pictures and finding the ‘just right’ words to put my vision onto paper and have reminders throughout the years
Uau!!!!! This is awsome and it really make sense! Just feel like starting now!!! Thanks!!!!
I have never made a vision board before. I’m inspired to make one this year. I love how you placed the Bible in the center.
I love your vision board! I’ve tried to choose images with a neutral aesthetic to match my natural linen cover – so fun!