You want it. IT keeps you up at night, rings in your heart 24/7. IT is your dream. Have you asked for IT? You heard that right… Have. You. Asked. For. IT? You want something so badly and … you want it to fall in your lap. Things do not happen. They are MADE to happen. – John F Kennedy.
When I first started putting together the first issue of Southern Weddings, I had one rule: it never hurts to ASK. So, I did. Preston Bailey, you don’t know me from Adam, but can I interview you? Mindy Weiss, Jung Lee, Gary Chapman, I just started a small magazine out of my apartment… can I interview you? And have copies of your books – signed – to give away to my 100 readers? Well, that’s not exactly how the conversations went, but pretty close. Mark’s Garden, Corridan and Company, Colin Cowie, etc., here’s the value I can add to your companies. Can I work for you? Again, it wasn’t that easy. But, ultimately what it took was that passion burning inside of me to surface, harnessing it and Making. It. Happen. Have you asked for what you want most in life?
I mentored a UNC junior who wanted to write for National Geographic. He taught me a huge lesson. When interviewing for summer internships, he really wanted to write for a company in Singapore. There are only two student spots every summer and they usually go to seniors. They told him no. Well, he didn’t stop at “no”. He wrote them a strong case as to why he would be a powerful asset to them – able to spread the word to current students upon returning about the program – and that they should consider taking a third student. They said YES. While these are not hard and fast rules for life and business (use good judgement), if you want something, ask for it. You never know what doors will open! Be prepared for anything, but do not always stop at “no”.
The ladies I work with wouldn’t have jobs that they loved if they hadn’t gone after what they wanted most. (Every single one of them ASKED for their job rather than waiting for one to open!) Emily wouldn’t have a thriving shop. I wouldn’t have a national magazine if I had believed the odds that, as a new title in a bad economy with zero experience in publishing, I wouldn’t get a great circulation deal. I got it. My mom wouldn’t be writing the food column she’s always dreamed of writing if she hadn’t gone out on a limb (at age 60!) and written the paper to make her case as to why she would be invaluable to them. I love this quote: Your dream job does not exist. You must create it.
A word of caution: use good judgment. Asking for something you believe you deserve doesn’t always mean you’ll get it. But, going after it with your whole heart will lead you down the path to get there eventually. It just may not be the path you thought it would be. Mine certainly hasn’t been. At all. I believe that to get what we want, we have to ask for the right thing aligned with God’s will and ultimately He says yes or no, but He wants us to take that leap of faith to make it happen. He gave you the power to choose and to act. Asking for our dreams – realizing our full potential – takes guts. It takes clarity. It takes accepting the fact that you are not in control… but that does not give you license to rest on your laurels and wait for things to happen to you. It takes a leap of faith.
So, I’m going to take a leap of faith and tell you about some things I want that I have asked for this month (and some I haven’t yet). You know my goals for the year. I’ve been working through them using this tending list I created below. (These will be available in my new shop soon!)
I challenged our webinar attendees (there are less than 24 hours left to register and get the recordings for the last two webinars by tomorrow!) a couple weeks ago to DO something that they have been putting off and my list was big. First, I finally wrote to the owner of southernweddings.com (I have already been rejected for my request once before) to ask to purchase the domain again. No reply yet, but I was glad to get that done and step into my fear. I also submitted an application to use Bible verses in some commercial products. (Yes, it’s not legal to use Bible verses in products you sell without permission. I see a LOT of people selling things without a license. Read more here.) And there were a lot of other things I’ve been afraid of asking for, but I just bit the bullet and started asking! I’ve sent a dozen scary emails since and so many of them have already resulted in monumental changes for our company and for my life. Ask. Seek. Knock. Put your dreams out there. No one is going to osmose what you want. Ask for it and make it happen!
One last thing I haven’t acted on yet that I have been praying a LOT about it starting an online Bible study right here on my blog. So…. I’m going to ask YOU. Would you be interested in this? If so, let me know in the comments : ) I have been praying about starting a Bible Basics study for creative entrepreneurs (and anyone who wants to join!). I’ve never lead a study before, but this idea won’t leave my heart. I really want to do it.
The last week has been such a testament to this for me. Things I asked God for long ago, happened. It struck me that, in some things in my life, I have stopped asking. Instead, I’ve been assuming. Don’t assume. Ask. Do. Send it. Say it. Give it all. And do not accept anything less than the love, greatness and joy that you deserve. I’m not. Life is too short. IT is yours for the asking. Remember though – no matter what happens – a yes or a no – YOU are the only person who can give yourself permission to realize your full potential. Go get it!
I’ll be giving away prints from my shop when it opens and a one-on-one session with me to a commenter on this series to one lucky commenter, so tell me what are YOU going to ASK for? I can’t wait to hear from you. I’ll be choosing a random winner on Valentine’s Day, so get on it!
PREVIOUSLY: And, friends, it’s never too late to start this process. There is NOTHING MAGICAL ABOUT JANUARY 1ST!
P.S. Join Emily Ley and me for the Making Brands Happen 2013 Webinar Series. It has been SO much fun the last couple weeks and Part 3 is TOMORROW! If you missed the last two live webinars, you can still register for the series and get the video replay so you can get caught up for Part 3 next week! Video recordings and homework will be sent out to all registered attendees so you won’t miss a thing. See y’all tomorrow!
keep reading
Love this post. I would love to be a part of an online Bible study group especially since the Bible is new to me! Keep up the fabulous work you’re doing Lara!
God truly know how to use His people. I needed this post TODAY!!!! I would love to be a part of your Bible Study as well. Thank you Lara for being such an inspiration…
You have got me boohooing on my laptop… I am so tired of feeling like I can’t ask for things because there’s always something more urgent than what I want to have or to do or to be! I’m so tired of feeling like just because somebody else thought to ask for it first, I don’t deserve the same sort of thing. I’m so tired of feeling like I don’t really have anything to offer because people aren’t pounding down my door asking for things they don’t know I can do or enjoy… I’m tired of being afraid that people will think I’m copying other people – I ALREADY HAD THESE IDEAS AND THESE HOPES, just because I can’t prove that doesn’t make me a copy. I’ve felt so many pangs lately, when I see other people talk about things they’re trying or finding or doing… things that I haven’t had the courage or the time or the energy to try or find or do. If I want the heartsick feeling to stop, I’ve got to DO something. You’re so right. And you know you’re right because you actually DO what you say. That makes you such a special, wonderful woman, Lara! God will bless the steps He has laid out for you… I’m so excited for you! But I’m jealous, too, and I just laughed out loud – Almost a year ago (8 months? I don’t know) I tried to start an online Bible study group, and I called it Tending Babylon, and it didn’t go anywhere because I didn’t really ask for it to. And I tried an Etsy shop with prints, but I was afraid to put Bible verses on anything like I wanted to because I knew it was illegal – it never occurred to me to actually ASK for permission. Ooooohhhhhh…. it’s so ironic that you posted this today of all days, with the things that have stayed stirred up in my mind. THANK YOU!!
Scary emails- hooo boy have I been putting of a TON of those- I need to get back on the grind. And as for the Bible study- YES!!
I love you and what you are doing to change the world one person, one post at a time- teeny tiny baby steps and we will all get to our dreams. Thank you for the encouragement!! -
LOVE this Lara. Thank you for writing your heart out. The thought of fear, risk & leaping has CLICKED with me recently. Yes I’ve heard “Feel the fear and do it anyway” so much, but now I get it. Risk is what holds the good from the great. It’s scary, but you have to do it. I want to send those scary emails, have the uncomfortable conversations and post those vulnerable blog posts because that is the only way I make leaps. But anyways, what am I going to ASK for? I’m going to ask for….booking my first wedding before 2013 is over (keeping my ears open for friends of friends getting married and sending them a letter with my request), “big names” in the creative industries to write for my magazine, shoots, lead a small group of young women in an online devotional, webinar-esque format. I’m so scared to ask for all of these things, but I need to get over the fear of I’m-not-good-enough-yet and know that I’ll never be perfect. Not ever (in this lifetime of course :)). And your online bible study? Count. Me. In. xoxo
What a great example of servitude, thank you. Bible study is where amazing happens.
Your heart has blessed me once again Lara! I just journaled on this very thing today during my quiet time. A huge, loud, resounding YES on the online Bible study from me. Let me know when and where to sign up! I am asking for what I love doing to become my full time work. This obviously takes a lot of smaller “asking” to get there but I am in the process. This year I have chosed to get moving, do something and make it happen!
I would LOVE to be a part of an online Bible study! I have been hoping and dreaming and praying about opening an online boutique and at the first of the year (I’m sure due to prayer) I finally had the courage to move forward with my dream. It has been ALOT of work, but very rewarding (and I haven’t even launched). I am moving along with everything I need to launch, but I am waiting on funding. I am going to ASK for the funding to finish getting everything set up. Rather than waiting, I’m going to start asking and start doing.
More writing gigs. I’ve asked twice this year and had YES happen. Its not perfect, but its a start. I need to ask for more. And I need to ask for help when I need it instead of bottling it up. SO excited for 2013 and not waiting for something to happen to me but making it happen! 🙂
Yes! This! RT @laracasey ASK for what you want. A new post and a question for you: https://t.co/bxlNTvJO
Lara, I love your idea of the Bible Basics study and YES, I would be interested.
This post speaks to me in so many ways, I don’t even know where to start. I’m participating in Making Brands Happen webinar series and this has lead to such an amazing path of self-discovery. When I started on this journey I thought I knew exactly what I wanted my brand to be but am learning as I go through this process that it’s leading me in an entirely different direction. My lightbulb moment came in the last MBH webinar and I’ve been thinking heavily about what I want ever since.
I so badly want to ask my boss (of my day job which pays the bills) if I can work from home or have a more flexible work schedule. My previous boss let me work remotely and I work remotely much of the time when I’m onsite at an event or conference. However, my new boss is a micro-manager and not only wants me in the office at all times when not onsite at an event or conference but she wants me here from sun up to sun down.
I work in a TOXIC work environment (LITERALLY toxic — my co-workers are allowed to smoke in all areas of the building…don’t ask, I work for a Tobacco Company it’s a LONG story and all part of why I need to start MAKING THINGS HAPPEN like yesterday!). The secondhand smoke is literally making me sick. Every time I walk into this building I think to myself — I’m slowly killing myself by breathing in this air, all in the name of a paycheck?
I’ve put off asking my boss for permission to work from home because I know the answer will be no based on her management style and I can’t use the second hand smoke as my reason for wanting to work out of the office (complaining about smokign is a big no-no at a tobacco company as you can imagine).
I’ve decided, after reading this post it’s time to start asking for what I want. I’m going to present the case to my boss for working from home. I’m prepared for her answer to be no and when it is I’m going find a company that is non-toxic and in line with my core and my passion and I WILL find a way to have a thriving career with a company and brand I am proud to work for!
Thank you Lara. Stumbling upon your blog and participating in the Making Brands Happen webinar series has been life-changing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jennifer S.
Jennifer – see this through!!!! We have a friend who also worked in that industry and smoked the entire time he was there – gave up after he left. As a non-smoke, it must be twice as bad for you. Make it happen for yourself and your family.
I would love to be a part of an online bible study. Today I am ASKING for God’s peace in my life regarding career decisions and growing my family. Thank you Lara for everything you do.
“Ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened.” – This verse (if I quoted it right!) kept coming to mind reading this post.
I would definitely be interested in an online study! Can’t wait to hear more details.
Lara, I would absolutely love to take part in a Bible study!I think this is an absolutely wonderful idea, and I would love to help out with anything you made need to get it going!
Perfect timing! Just last week I said, “Enough!” Like Megan mentioned above, I got tired of wallowing and feeling frustrated with where I am and admitted exactly what I wanted for my life. I have spent a lot of time trying to make my life and work holier than thou, only to finally realize that Jesus Christ has made me, all that I am and do holy. Now I can go forward with doing what my soul desires. So I asked God for a Sun Stand Still (great book and Bible study, by the way!) prayer which will probably seem inappropriate to some and audacious to others. (One of my 2013 promises to myself is to no longer be concerned with what others think.) My prayer is for $1 million dollars so that I can do what He has called me to do (life coaching, spiritual direction, image consulting, events for women and interior design = creating beauty.) and have the desires He has given me come to fruition. Whew, that’s out there!
I have to say to those who think they may not be worthy of asking for their deepest desires or those who are afraid to admit them, ASK!!! There is freedom in asking. The weight of fear, rejection, worry, and wonder flee because it’s done. Ask and keep asking.
I asked Lara about Bible devotions a few weeks ago. It didn’t hurt (thanks, Lara!) and was met with a genuine and kind response. Today I wrote to an anti-human trafficking initiative and told them why I would be an excellent abolitionist for them in my local schools (I am a mentor to middle school girls in two of our three middle schools).
Another lesson learned in asking, ask yourself for permission to try/succeed. Sometimes we need to let ourselves move forward.
May God bless each of our endeavors and may everyone be bold and courageous as He commanded (Joshua 1:9). And ask, seek, knock. He promises to answer, make things found and to open the door (Matthew 7:7). Be brave, everyone!
I was just reading through these comments and saw yours – it is awesomely outrageous to me that your amount is a million dollars, because I just tried to create a Pinterest board called “If I had a million dollars…” for projects and ideas that I want to plan out but DON’T because I feel like there’s never the money to do those things (of course Pinterest was overloaded and it wouldn’t save, but now I’m encouraged to just try again). But, what I really want to say is this: Monica, step where God opens the space for you to step. He knows what He made you for!!
YES on the Bible study!! Lara, I can’t wait to see God use you and your community building to draw people closer to HIM!
This past week has been full of sending a lot of those scary questions out there. What’s been so amazing is all the encouragement and excitement I have gotten back from complete strangers. What fires me up about this: by boldly taking the first scary step, I am becoming accountable to those who share in my excitement and push me forward!
A bible study led by you for creatives??? Yes please! Count me in as I am always inspired by your posts, especially when you Instagram verses. Thank you for challenging me in my walk with Christ.
RT @laracasey: ASK for what you want. A new post and a question for you: https://t.co/gaMG72Z3
Lara Casey so many of your posts speak to my heart BUT THIS ONE?! TRULY HAS MY HEART SMILING!! after a convo with a great friend yesterday (the one i really want to send to MTH,) THIS is completely striking me… it’s a “god-incidence.” i started asking, and i mean REALLY asking, and suddenly doors are opening!!
also i’d LOVE a bible study!!
Lara, love this blog post. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself online. When I read about your bible study I almost screamed I would love to be apart of your bible study. You have so much faith and you are so inspiring that your sharing relationship and faith in God online has made me want to re-ignite my relationship with God after so many years of fear and keeping myself at a distance. This year after doing your making things happen Goals seeking intensive one of my main goals was to focus on God. Putting my trust back into his hands. Since then I have taken steps to make this happen, but a bible study would be an amazing way for me to take this goal even furthur. I seriously hope you make it happen.
Yes to a Creatives Bible Study! I would loooove that!!!!
I am going to ask a few magazines to publish some of our work!!! Ekkkk! :0) -
Yes, yes, yes, please! to a creative bible study! i love sending scary emails.. i sent a few earlier this month and it felt amazing to step into the fear… no direct movement from the email yet, but i will keep moving. i am excited to delve into my heart and find what i truly need to ask for… they i will ASK! thank you so much lara for putting yourself out there to share and give to so many people… i’m thankful for your voice! oh and SO excited about the tending list being in the new shop 🙂
I would absolutely love an online bible study here! What a fantastic idea and so perfect for you. I am going to continue to pray and ask for what I want. Fingers crossed, I have a good feeling for 2013 🙂
Great advice!! RT @laracasey: ASK for what you want. A new post and a question for you: https://t.co/4aKqsS0W
Still a bit nervous about it, but I just sent an email to your lovely, Marissa asking a question I’ve been going back + forth on, so thank you for the nudge!:) p.s. a Bible study w/ other creative women would be an actual answer to my prayer lately! xo
Wow, Lara, YES! Every time you write I am so stirred up to read the Word and trust God wholeheartedly. The Lord has definitely positioned you and gifted you to speak words of encouragement and speak wisdom in truth&love. Totally affirm this and I will be first to sign up 🙂 Go for it!
Yes! Yes to this whole post! I’ve been asking, and praying to be able to leave my full time job at the bank and stay home with my baby due in June! I want to freedom to run my wedding planning business from my HOUSE and watch my baby boy!
Yes to a creative Bible study. 🙂 🙂
Lara, each day I truly get up HOPING you have posted something for that day. You are a catalyst for me! I would love to be a part of your Bible study. Isn’t the Bible suppose to be our syllabus for life! Thank you again for using your gifts.
Oh Lara, I am so blessed to have found you on ig! I’m making things happen this year thanks to you. Today I dealt with an issue that I’ve had hanging over my head and it felt so good. I’m clearing the clutter and will name my 2013 goals and visin this week (yes, I’m a bit behind)! I received the print that I ordered yesterday and its my new mantra. I’m not sure what I will be asking for yet, but I know I’m worth it and when I figure it out I’m going for it.
Yes…. Do it! I would love to follow a bible study lead by you. Like you, and so many others, this year I’m placing God first. I want to soak up every word and bask in His love.
Thank you for your continued inspiration and guidance on how to live a life that is meaningful.
Nancy Ham -
I’m going to start asking about freelance writing jobs. I always just stare at sites and think about the contributions I could make. I need to ACT!
RT @laracasey: Ask for what you want. Make it happen! https://t.co/OdYNypeb
Lara, I don’t typically post comments, but you have been inspiring me for the past few months and I had to post on this one. Through Goal Setting, choosing my one word ( or phrase for me! Be Still), and much more, I am learning how to be more grateful & happy with everything that God has blessed me with, as well as how to action. I love how transparent you are & how you are focusing on faith first. It would be great to work through a Bible Study with the women in this community — Thank you!!
I am going to ask for the opportunity to help others with their businesses. I feel like I have talents I could be using and it could eventually turn into a business of its own… but even if not, I have skills and abilities that could help others and I should use that opportunity to serve. 🙂
Thank you for your encouraging posts!
NEEDED this. I’m such a people-pleaser,sometimes to my detriment in that I don’t want to ask for things if I feel like it inconveniences people. So today I emailed some people asking for advice on a possible job opening that I probably wouldn’t have normally emailed out of fear. And I’m going to be more direct about a couple of personal things I want from others as well. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know! I needed the reminder 🙂
I would love to participate in an online Bible study! I’m asking for peace, guidance, and wisdom to know that the moment is truly momentary after your perfect Instagram post (it felt like it was written for ME!). Thank you! I LOVE the tending list!
I want the “peace of God that excels all thought ” to be with me and guide me in my work and relationships with others and the “power beyond what is normal” to do the things my head and my heart are telling me are necessary to make my life happen. One day, I hope I can tell you, that you have really already helped me and probably so many others. You are wow.
Yes yes yes! I’m all in for an online Bible study. Use your gifts in marketing and ministry to make Jesus go viral girl!! Have you heard of the prayer of Jabez? Ask to be blessed and for Him to expand your territory, and HE WILL DO IT for the glory of His name. He doesn’t call the equipped; he equips those whom he calls. I am growing the courage to ask for many things: the budget to launch a customer loyalty and employee engagement initiative at work, some tutorial time with a video producer, support from my husband for me to go into seminary school, a better lens for my camera to explore the art of digital photography, and the passion to make music again after a voice condition. Lofty requests and aspirations, but they will be used to further THE KINGDOM. He is loving on others through me, and it is invigorating! Can’t wait to see what doors the Lord cracks for me so I can burst through!!
a GREAT article on pursuing your dreams… “@laracasey: Ask for what you want. Make it happen! https://t.co/UT4leX1G”
I’ve recently stumbled upon your blog inspirations, and oh what a blessing they have been! My husband and I recently relocated cross country where we knew absolutely no one. Huge leap of faith, and I was surprised at how much the move really turned my life upside down. Your blog has been an amazing encouragement to get out there and move past my introverted self. And this post is absolutely perfectly timed. I’ve been mulling over reaching out to a connection to an organization I am interested in working for. This was the final ‘sign’ that I need to take ACTION. So tomorrow morning, I am making that happen. Taking a risk. Reaching out. And having faith. Thank you for the encouragement, Lara!
Lara, yet again another great post full of wisdom and biblical knowlegde. I would LOVE to participate in an online Bible study! I think it’s a wonderful idea!
Very inspiring read! RT @laracasey: Ask for what you want. Make it happen! https://t.co/fVzsgfL2
The online Bible study sounds wonderful. I look forward to it!
You inspire me! I’m a 21 year old South African woman and I’m incredibly inspired and motivated by your posts. I’d love to be a part of your online Bible study!
Lara, could I interview you?
Yes Lara! Please do the Bible Study! I emailed you about that a few days ago, it’s something I’ve been looking for for years! I’ve recently been a lot better at asking for help from loved ones because I was just feeling overwhelmed. It’s helping so much! I’m going to start asking for people to help me in my business too, mentors for advice, people to do some design work for me, possibly even a part time assistant or intern. I’m also going to start asking people to schedule things like meetings around the times when I work best so I can make my top priorities happen in both business and LIFE! 😀 Lara thank you so much for everything! God bless you a million times over darlin’!
Lara: I would love to be involved with a bible study!!
I’m really enjoying these posts. Thank you! Looking for connections/people to encourage and more importantly challenge me. When I reviewed the five closest people to me, I realized they weren’t aware of my dreams/and if I shared them, they may not be the best encouragers. Hrm..
I’m also interested in seeing what an online Bible study might look like.
Yikes. The fear after hitting “send” on a scary email is terrifying. I’ve sent two this year and both came back positively, much to my surprise. I always feel like I’m inconveniencing people when I ask for advice or send out emails about other things, but in my experience so far, their responses have been so positive like they really like helping out. It’s just still taking time to realize that it’s OKAY to ask and it’s NOT inconveniencing people! It still scares the bejeebers out of me, but I need to get over that and send SO many more emails and ASK!!!
I am going to ASK for an event planning job this summer (even if it’s at minimum wage) because that’s where my heart is and I’m going to ASK for wisdom and courage and PATIENCE from Him to help me figure out what He has planned for my life and to be content with His will.
Thank you SO much for this post! It’s exactly what I needed to hear. Yes to a Bible study–would love that!
I would love to take part in the online Bible study! So hoping it starts soon!
Way to put yourself out there, Lara! I’d love to be involved in your bible study. I used to think I didn’t have time, but the more time I make for God, the more time he seems to create for me!
Yes! I am totally in for an online Bible study!!! They have one at my church during the day which doesn’t work for my day job, I used to go with my aunt in college and loved every minute of it. They also have one at night but I can’t totally commit with my wedding job that I do after hours. I have been praying about finding something, I do a devotional but it’s just not the same. I love this idea and would really love if you did this. Happy to help you in any way if I can! Thank you for being so brave and asking that! It truly made my day!! XO – Whitney
Lara, I wish this wasn’t a random choosing. I would love, love, love to talk to you about life and be challenged in real ways! But most of all, I want to share that I am going to ASK HOW I CAN FIT IN CREATIVELY AT garden & gun WHERE I STARTED WORKING BECAUSE I AM DYING TO PURSUE A CREATIVE CAREER AND FEEL LIKE THIS COULD BE A GREAT START, EVEN THOUGH I’M NOT SURE THERE’S AN OPEN POSITION RIGHT NOW. Also, Lara, I’m always open for Bible studies! xoxo
Lara – You and your heart are simply amazing. You put yourself out there, which as I’m sure you know, is a SCARY thing! But look at these responses you have, you are truly inspiring.
I would love to be a part of the Bible study. John MacArthur has really good studies on the books of the Bible.
Keep doing what you’re doing!
I would SO love to be a part of an online bible study, we could even make a facebook group for it, to keep ducuments, have a study guide and send prayer requests to one another. I don’t have a good community here in my town of bible studies, so this would be wonderful for me. Please keep me in the loop and I’ll come and check back : )
Oh my thanks you -
Count me in for an online bible study! 🙂
1.) Yes! You inspired me to ask for what I wanted a few months ago. I emailed Christina at Christina Leigh Events (I think y’all met at Engage!) and I told her what my heart wanted and how I had the experience and knowledge to make it happen. While, I’m just blogging once a week for her now and doing a handful of events since I still have a full-time job, I’ve already taken the first step, thanks to your encouragement, to what I really want.
2.) I’ve already warned my husband that one of our walls is going to be covered in your prints. Love them and can’t wait to see what more you create!
3.) Please do a Bible study. I know many people who would be so blessed by it. Also, you mentioned you thought about writing a couple’s Bible study or something a few posts ago. Lara, please do this. Like the quote all over Pinterest, “I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding.” You and Ari would have such great things to share and would really bless other couples. Do it!Thank you for being such a light!
Love this post! Bike study, YES PLEASE! Can’t wait 🙂
First off, YES!! Bible study!! YES!!
And I am going to contact the two people who I know that have jobs close to what my dream job is and ASK to work with them. Big step, HUGE reward!!
So thankful for this goal making process!
I asked for funding from my principal to attend The Making Things Happen Conference and it’s happening!!! I get to come! So glad I asked!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to take part in the online bible study here! Thank you once again for the inspiration and the friendly pushes to get things done!
Alright Lara, I’ve been quietly reading your blog without comment for too long. I’ve been moved, motivated, and just simply encouraged.
I have a long list of things I want to make happen, but high on the list is sharing Christ with people who are living average lives. I want to let the Holy Spirit use me to move them from lukewarm to on fire for Christ. I’m not sure what that looks like as a career right now, but I’m seeking the Lord, ASKING for vision.
I’m thankful that you are transparent here and give readers like me application points to make things happen (sometimes my dreams are so big I don’t know where to begin.)
All this to say, I would LOVE to be a part of an online Bible Study.
THANKS for all that you do and all that you share with us on the world wide web 🙂
Michelle -
Hi Lara,
I would love to join your bible study group. Not sue how it would work, but I am definitely interested 🙂
Sade -
LARA! I would love to do an online bible study! You are so great girl! I am so motivated by all the things I’ve been learning from you and Emily from the Webinar! What a blessing! I did not know about the legal matters involving using scripture….that’s something I will have to add to my tending list!
P.S. Your handwriting is AH.MAZE.ING. -
I’m going to ask for more opportunities to speak, to help others, and to be featured (hopefully in Southern Weddings- eek!)
Hi Lara,
Thank you for such a wonderful, inspiring post. The sharing of your faith in your work also motivates me to do more of the same. Additionally, I would LOVE to participate in an on-line Bible study. Please count me in! 🙂 -
Lara: Thanks for this! Yes, yes and yes to a bibles study via your blog. I think that would be wonderful.
Thanks for the full list of your MTH 2013 posts – very helpful to have them all in one place.
This post ‘hit the spot’ – at a point in my career where I’ve got to work up the guts to ask for what I’m really craving to do. Thanks! God bless.
Ask.Seek.Knock. Working on this!!!! As for the Bible Study, I would love to. What a blessing that would be!!!
First of all, thank you! Your message is always so simple yet needed and you are so transparent. I recently “created” my own job because my dream job didn’t exist. I have learned how powerful just asking is. I am going to ask other professionals in my industry to collaborate and network. It is naturally out of my comfort zone but so important. Thank you for encouraging me to ask.
Have I asked for it? No. So here it goes…Lara, can I please be chosen as the scholarship recipient? I can’t begin to tell you how much of a blessing these two days would be to my business, but most of all my life as a whole. Seeking God’s direction for 2013 and each time I ask a question he seems to answer. Now it’s time for me to knock on the door of success!! I MUST make it happen this year!! No more excuses!! Hope to see my name as the winner. 🙂
YES!YES! To an online Bible study
I just want to say thank you SO much for your writing. I feel like I a get a hug and sit down to tea with you every time I read one of your posts. God is truly using you—although we’ve never met—to change my heart. I have waited my whole life for things to happen to me, and never wanted to risk failure. I box myself inside of limits that I mostly create. Instead of following Phillipians 4:13, I let negative self talk run through my head about my art and business potential. It’s so easy to believe lies about my worth instead of finding my value in Christ and trusting that he has given me everything I need for LIFE and godliness. Through you, God has been opening my eyes to the fact that I have talent for a reason and I can CHOSE to develop it to honor Him. There is nothing humble, noble, or godly about focusing on what I lack or deciding not to ask for my dreams—I’m realizing not pursuing them is actually much more selfish!Much love and appreciation to you, my new friend.
As always, amazing inspiration going into the weekend!
Seems so late to reply but I would love to be part of your online bible study
I’m going to be asking for everything! I realize this fear has crippled my business to where it’s not going anywhere at this moment. But I’m going to write down my fears and conquer them. Can’t wait to report back in, in July!!!
I came back across this post and it hit so hard. Thank you for sharing!
Can you tell me where this power sheet is? I can’t find it on the website. Thanks.