May Goals and Looking to Summer


Well, summer may be a little different this year, right?
Summer camps are cancelled.
Many vacations aren’t happening.
The community pool will likely be closed.
Summer concerts and BBQ’s with neighbors will be different.

It’s a Stay-at-Home Summer for us.

But, there’s hope. In all of our dashed plans, there are delights!
Instead of cars outside, we’re hearing birds.
Instead of rushing from activity to activity, we’re here—noticing spring unfold in a new way.

Our family is slowing down.

Instead of summer camps, we’ll watch sprouts grow in the garden and make cities from sticks and mud.
Instead of summer concerts packed in elbow-to-elbow, we’ll make our own music on the front porch (sorry in advance, neighbors—the Isaacsons like to sing loud!).
Instead of vacationing, we’ll camp in the yard.
Instead of rushing from one end-of-the-school-year activity to the next, we’ll wait for the fireflies to make their first glittering appearance.

We’re learning all over again to cultivate what matters, right where we are.

There’s so much we can’t control right now. So much that’s not clear. But, one thing is clearer than ever: what matters.

Many things have been taken away from us in this time, but one thing has been given: perspective. You know more than ever what matters and what doesn’t.

And you, my friend, want to do something about it! Start where all good things begin: with a small step forward.

Little-by-little steps add up to legacy. Your Stay-at-Home Summer may not be what you envisioned; it might just be better. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to show you some simple ways to plant legacy right where you are—leading everyone around you to what matters, too!

But more about that in a bit. First, a quick recap of my April PowerSheets progress and what I’m focusing on in May!

April Monthly Goals:
Thrive in these days. I’m using this new planner notepad to pray on the hour and use my time well. I have LOVED this practice.
Get Grace’s homeschool + planner set – Grace continues to love her advance copy of the Girls Goal Planner (coming May 13!).
Celebrate Passover and the resurrection
Start our Legacy Journal for the kids
— Finish writing notes from books I read in Q1 in my commonplace book – I didn’t finish, but I made progress!

April Weekly Goals:
Look at the birds – This time has turned my attention to this verse and the songbirds that have been waking us each morning. We bought a couple of bird feeders last month and have been watching the cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, mockingbirds, and one very brave squirrel with awe and wonder!
Enjoy the garden and growing seeds
Sing with Ari – He plays the piano and I’ve been singing this with him.
Build up our children’s confidence and trust in Him in this time

April Daily Goals:
Write the Word I finished the Write the Word Worship journal early this spring and dove right into the Hope journal. It has been PERFECT for such a time as this. The verses, the space to pour out my thoughts, the gratitude and one word each day—I praise Him for this every night.
Read the footnotes
Bible reading
Run, stretch, lift!

In case you missed these!
— Listen to how you can thrive in the midst of uncertainty.
— Read why it’s okay to grow slow right now.
— Listen in to the May PowerSheets PrepCast.
— Get outside and plant your own Victory Garden
— Browse Cultivate’s new Resource Page full of free tools to help you navigate change during this time.
— Download new Wildcard pages to re-energize your goals
— Give the new Girls Goal Planner, coming May 13, a try with this sneak peek PDF and read about setting goals with your kids!
— Feeling stuck? I highly recommend listening to this! How to Break Free of the Rut with your PowerSheets. This is about so much more than goals. During this live class, you’ll learn how to infuse your days with new meaning and move forward, little by little—right where you are.

On to May! I have 2 goals for 2020 (each with 4 mini goals under them) that are focused on growing something that matters to me in the big picture. Each month, I’m breaking my yearly goals down using my PowerSheets®. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead.

May Monthly Goals:
— Renew my mind (I’m using the Dwell app and started this audiobook)
— Enjoy the garden
— Continue writing in our Legacy Journal for the kids. More on this soon!
— Prepare for the book launch. I can’t wait to share my first children’s book with you in July!
— Share the hope I have

May Weekly Goals:
— Pray over it all—give it to God
— Look at the birds
— Make our quarantine scrapbook
— Organize our family photos (I bought this course from Nancy—my first course purchase ever!)

May Daily Goals:
— Bible reading
— Write the Word
— Read the footnotes
— Workout + worship

Your turn! How are you doing? What goals—big or very small—are you focusing on in May? I’d love to hear!

keep reading


  1. Tammt on at

    It is hard right now. Teacher here trying to do remote learning and experiencing a pruning that has left me heartbroken and goals I can’t seem to find. But God is with me in the sunlight mornings and starlet skies and this season will pass.

    • Lara on at

      My heart goes out to you during this time! God is with you each day!

  2. Kristina on at

    This global pandemic has given me a new appreciation for my body and my health so I want to strengthen the former to hopefully get to have the latter for a long time. So in May I‘ll be walking all the trails, do strength training and focus on my already pretty healthy diet.

    • Lara on at

      Such a beautiful perspective, Kristina!

  3. Catherine on at

    For May, I am focusing on intentionally caring for others from a distance. For instance, I sent 8 Mother’s Day cards yesterday. I would love to hear ideas for thriving in this season for those of us who live alone. I am so very thankful for my loved ones, being able to work from home (and having a job!), and good health. I connect with work, family and friends via Zoom and phone, but still struggle with feeling lonely and isolated. Thanks for “listening!”

    • Lara on at

      Catherine, we are grateful for you! We are here with you during this time and understand how you’re feeling. I’m so encouraged by your heart to uplift those around you through some intentional happy mail!

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