Y’all! I just got major butterflies typing this. It’s so surreal to be writing this post about my new brand and shop. Right after I had Grace, I felt a very strong calling to make a new internet home that would inspire people to live their best lives. A year and a half later, I am SO grateful for the brand that you see before you. There are so many professionals who have made this new brand possible. Ross, Alex, Sasha, Dmitri, Dima, Victor, Alina and the team at Flosites have worked countless hours with me to create a site that translated my heart clearly. (Guys, I have sweet tea and biscuits waiting for you if you ever come to NC!) I’ve never felt more at home.
This site would never have happened without the ladies I have the joy of working with daily. They have worked so hard to help me get the finishing touches together. I have the BEST team! Sincere gratitude to Emily, Nicole, Marissa, Kristin and Emily Ley. You are gooder than grits.
My NEW SHOP is filled with products that were created to inspire small creative spaces. We have so many more products yet to be listed – some are being listed as I type this! We are already almost sold out of some items even before hitting publish on this post. My dad always encouraged me to paint when I was young, so this shop is for you dad. I love you. You don’t know it yet, but I’m coming to visit you next week as a surprise : )
And, friends, I love surprises. So, there are truckloads of fun surprises in this site! Oh, they make me so happy! Rather than tell you all about them, I invite you to experience them for yourself. Pour a tall glass of sweet tea and enjoy! I look forward to sharing this new internet home with you daily and pray that you are inspired to make things happen. Huge thanks to the Blueberry Fusion gents for creating this video that makes my heart burst with joy! A peek into my world…
To celebrate the new launch, I am giving away 3 gold foil prints from my shop and a pair of my favorite shoes. When I became a mama, I decided it was time to give away all of my uncomfortable heels in favor of something better. Tieks to the rescue!
Win a pair of Tieks in any color you like (I want to win my own giveaway!) and gold foil prints by doing one of the following:
– spread the word about the #lclaunch on social media and link back to my site or this post
– like my new Facebook page
– blog about the new site/shop
– Pin this post or anything on this site! There’s a ton to pin : )
– leaving a comment here with your favorite part (there’s a lot to have fun with here!) of my new brand/shop and let me know about any other links or entries you made
Winners will be chosen at random on February 28th and you can enter as many times as you like. Just be sure to leave comments here with your entries!
Friends, God is GOOD. I am so grateful for this journey and for so many who have encouraged and supported me! Thank you thank you! AHHHH!!!! We LAUNCHED!!!!!!!!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
keep reading
Love love the new site. Love the video too! You are such a gift and I’m so glad that I met you and have you in my life!! Congratulations on the new site!! xo
I am so proud of you. You are such a remarkable woman of God spreading LIGHT to so many. Blessed to have you in my life beyond words. So so so happy for you. xoxo Em
Everything looks so so so amazing! My favorite parts so far have been the video, all of the great photos of Grace and you because I love that you are keeping Grace and parenting at the front of what you do and the amazing shop. Beautiful! Congratulations!
Lara – The new shop/brand is pure loveliness! It really speaks to your core — the colors are peaceful and pretty. Cannot wait to congratulate you in person at MTH 2013! So glad I ordered my prints in advance — I will definitely be ordering the Prayer List/Answered Prayers for my kitchen. Thank you for continuing to inspire me and hundreds of women out there — dreams really do come true! 🙂 Many heartfelt congrats to you!
Lara – Your new site is absolutely gorgeous. And it is you to the core. I had tears in my eyes watching the video and thinking of my MTH experiences. Experiences that would not have been possible without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over. Congratulations! -Liz
Beautiful, Lara! 🙂
You don’t know me… I ‘found’ you a few days ago in the ‘www’ world and am amazed and so thankful at how the Lord has spoken so clearly to me through you.Congratulations, your new site is gorgeous, and I wouldn’t have expected any less from a sister in Christ reflecting our Father’s heart. He is Beautifully, Amazingly creative – I see where you get it 😉
May The Lord richly bless you as you bless and serve others.
Claire x -
Lara, I am so, so happy for you! You are such a testament of your faith and love and this new home for all your thoughts and encouragement is truly beautiful. I’m raising my glass of sweet tea to you!! Cheers to a wonderful launch!
I am in love hands down with your bible page… brought me to tears and spoke to my heart. God is all that matters. We are created to serve and glorify Him. Thank you too for the fabulous iPhone downloads. The “gratitude changes everything” will be gracing my phone soon!
I also instagrammed your launch and have already liked you on FB.
Wow– this site is like a bright breath of fresh air!! And I’m not just talking color scheme…so good!
THIS IS INSANE! SO SO SO YOU LARA! My favorite part is definitely your heart. Its on every page. EVERY PAGE! I LOVE THAT! tweeted it: https://twitter.com/lucyOphoto/status/301797657033203712
I LOVE YOU! This is AMAZING, Lara. Even better than the sneak last week. You go girl. The sky is the limit.
I literally have no words!! This site is out of control. I am so so proud of you! May God continue to walk with you as you continue to be a blessing to many. I love you Lara Casey!!
Congrats!! Your video brought tears to my eyes. There is just so much meaning behind your daughter’s name. It hit home with me as a business owner who adopted a baby in the midst of wedding season, i have been so challenge d on so many levels, but i woudn’t change a thing about my life!
I liked your FB page too, because i’m so anxious to follow along more (i follow you on Instagram) and am hoping to make it to one of your seminars!
This is pretty much everything I could ever want for myself! It’s so fresh and alive and gorgeous! I’m a new fan on FB!
WOO HOO!!!!! Love love love everything! It’s like I walked outside, looked up at the sky, and just breathed in tons of fresh air!! So refreshing- and totally and completely you. 🙂 xoxox
Lara! ! This website is even more heartwarming and goosebump worthy than I could ever have imagined. You have such a big heart and every page is such an amazing reflection of you and the things you love. Just ordered my first LC print (I’m sure to be a regular shopper!) Love you so so much and am so so happy for you!! Sending a million hugs for you today xoxox
beautiful site!! I love pretty much everything you do 😉
** I tweeted this, “liked” your new biz page, and pinned something!!
Oh my goodness, Lara, you did it – congrats! I am about to flip out of my chair because I just noticed your Bible Study link – yes! My favorite part of your website is two-fold. 1.) My first favorite part of the site is that it is 100% you. Every font, color and text is you and that is awesome. 2.) My second favorite part is that I now have a link that I can share all of your beautiful words and designs to everyone I know. You are living your life purpose, Lara, and it is inspiring. You’re leaking Jesus and it makes me want to leak Jesus. I know we haven’t met, but I am so happy for you. Go! Go! Go!
Oh Lara – everything about this site is gorgeous. My favorite part(s) are the landscape photos under “breathe” at the bottom. Each one is breathtaking and truly show the beauty of God’s work. You are such an inspiration and I’m so thankful that our paths crossed last year. I look forward to seeing you again and celebrating all of your continued success. Love you!
I love your shop. The prints and the note pad is amazing. I also liked your new FACEBOOK page. 🙂
God bless.
Lara, I read your story after you had Grace and it touched me. I just wanted you to know that. Thank you for writing it. Congratulations on your beautiful new site!
Congratulations!! The new site is gorgeous! As is everything in your shop! I love the gold foil painters. Such a talented woman you are!!
P.S. Liked your FB page. Congrats again!!!
Wow. This is everything I imagined your new brand would look like and so much more. So real to who you are. It’s hard to even pick a favorite part (or to narrow it down to even a few), but I have to agree with Chandra that the ocean scene under BREATHE is the best. The second photo took my breath away. It’s safe to say I have a new visual internet haven for those days when you just need to take a step back and refocus. Looking forward to diving into all of the nooks and crannies of your gorgeous new site. Truly, it’s beautiful and you should be SO so proud. Of course I liked your page on FB, tweeted, pinned something and instagrammed about it. xoxo
“Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without it we can’t practice any other virtue with consistency.” – Maya Angelou
Lara Casey you rock! You are an awesome woman! A true inspiration! What an amazing work you’ve done here! And these colors… WOW! Bravo for all this! Clap! Clap! Clap! -
Congratulations! I love the new site. I am also hoping to get to an upcoming workshop this year. I liked your page on FB and I pinned the textures/patterns/fonts/graphics picture. Your enthusiasm and positive energy is inspiring – love it!
Lara! Congrats on the gorgeous new launch and I absolutely loved your video! God bless and keep up the amazing work, ladies!
Pretty much cried my eyes out. I found out about you just a couple of months ago from my friend, Rhi, and I am so thankful that I found my way to your site to be encouraged daily. The Lord is doing huge, HUGE things in your life. The people you work with are getting to know Christ and I just can’t even express to you what that means to my heart. I can’t even begin to tell you how that fires me up. You share Christ with your whole life and it makes me want to, too. I pray that the Lord continues to use your platform for his glory and I pray that he uses mine, too. I’m so thankful for your life and what it has meant to me. I’m so thankful for this beautiful new brand and the way that it is going to bring glory to the Father. Thank you, Jesus. Congratulations, Lara!
I really love this new look! I love reading your blog, especially since you’re a Christian. Becuase I can relate to you and learn from you! 🙂
God bless you!
(<3 from OR) -
oh my, your video brought tears to my eyes. beauty-full!
This site is beautiful! Thank you for contributing something so refreshing and uplifting to the world! Way to go!
I’ve been following you and Emily for some time now. I especially LOVE Southern Weddings!! This site is soooo AMAZING, beautifully designed, and shows your personality and who you are so perfectly! I will find much inspiration here and I look forward to visiting often!
Those shoes are amazing… I would love a pair for myself! They look so comfortable and perfect for a wedding and event coordinator, like me! I’ll spread the word and hope I can win a pair of those shoes. *Cheers*
Love the new look and functionality of the site. Such a joy to see your faith and success in the Lord!
I have liked your facebook page! Those shoes are super cute and look perfect for my needs. Would love to win! 🙂
I LOVE the new site. It feels so fresh and light and beautiful. I love the blues and golds. Amazing and beautiful design. And I love the planning pack (can’t remember the name now!) So so fun!
Well, this is by far the prettiest site I have ever laid eyes on! Congrats Lara, it’s beautiful! I think my favorite part is the “what do you need today” tab with oodles of inspiring words to read. So fun!
I seriously have tears of joy and I am doing happy dances all at the same time!! The site is simply stunning and 100% you! You have such a beautiful joyful heart for the Lord and for people, it is truly inspiring! GO & DO Lara, GO & DO! Jeremiah 17:7-8. Love you!!
LARA! I’m so proud of you, this is amazing! I’ve been keeping an eye out for your launch and it made my night tonight! Everything is fabulous, I love the heart and soul you’ve put into it. I can’t wait to meet you in March!!
I love the new branding and site! As someone who just recently discovered you, Lara, and all of the amazing things that you’re doing, my favorite part of the new site (so far) is the video. It’s nice to feel like I know you a little better now!
Lara, as soon as this webpage loaded this afternoon I had tears in my eyes! It is SO beautiful and inspiring! My favorite part is just the overall vibe and LIFE and faith your website now shines with! Blessings!
My other favorite part is the Bible study page(s)! I have been waiting for a great women’s Bible study online for years, especially one with lots of women entrepreneurs! Amen! (I even emailed you about it a few weeks ago.) Yay!
Great site! Pinned some items from the shop love all the gold! Best wishes
As much as I love all of the pretty things happening on this site, I am most blown away by your transparency. There is no doubt that you are a woman after God’s heart, and it is so refreshing to see a professional who isn’t afraid to shout their faith. You inspire me every day. Oh…and Gracie! Her smile just lights me up. SO proud of you sweet friend!
P.S I think my favorite part is Grandma Bunny’s video! so precious, I think I’ll give my nana a call no w 🙂
So inspired. I keep checking the site and stumbling across wonderful details that I love. You continue to make me want to make things happen 🙂
I love the site, Lara! It is absolutely beautiful and it could only be designed by someone whose heart and soul is 100% in this site. I feel like I know you so much better and I haven’t come any closer to knowing you! I love the Bible study. I love that it isn’t being forced, but it is so, so natural. It’s your heart and it’s clear. This website gives me clarity and I love it. Congratulations! So worth it!!
It’s gorgeous and so full of the lovely, inspiring tidbits that are you. I’m so glad that you share pieces of yourself with us bc I know my life would NOT be the same without you in it. I’m still perusing through the goodness here, but wanted to say a BIG CONGRATS and also a BIG THANKS. Love you so much!
the site is incredible!! i’m so so impressed. my favorite part is the way the whole site somehow FEELS like a beautiful southern beach… white sand, blue water, warm colors. gorgeous. i want to just keep looking at it. 🙂
Lara~ Absolutely stunning! I feel so blessed and honored to have your inspiration in my life. You are such an amazing soul full of so much light. Your new brand and site is BREATHTAKING. {Love your Heart}
This is absolutely amazing!
I just LOVE your about section! It’s my favorite. It’s so true, deep and genuine. How you laid each part of your story, goals, etc is so beautiful. The design is beautiful and I love how authentic you are, I love the inspiration. It breathes community and empowerment.
Also, I tweeted and posted about this site on Facebook, liked the new page and posted the “name your fear” image to my pinterest profile. I’ll be blogging about this new site as well!
facebook.com/amynicolephotography -
Oh, Lara. I’ve been on your site off and on all day, discovering all the different nooks and crannies. It’s absolutely perfect. It’s so beautiful and fresh and bright. But it’s also genuine and raw and real. And all of that combined is so unbelievably inspiring. This is you. And it’s an amazing testimony of love, and provision, and faithfulness. You want to know what my favorite part is? Your timeline. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now, and passing on your posts to my family and friends, but this is different. This is your full, unabashed, courageous journey. Thank you for sharing it. I’m just soaking up all its joy and marveling at God’s sovereign, surprising plan. I can’t wait for March 13th. xo
I really love your new logo and color scheme. It looks super classy and sharp!
FABULOUS! My favorite part about your site is that you can tell that you are your brand and it is represented in every single page! I love that you shine Gods precious light into the world with your message and work! Congratulations Lara! xo Christina
PS Your giveaway is WONDERFUL! I would love a pair of Tieks! -
One of the things that I love the most about our new site (besides the fact that it’s gorgeous!!!), is the fact that everything says LARA! From the little bit I know about you, every element, every detail, every colour represents YOU. *love it* congrats Lara!
Oh Lara!!!!!! It is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Your video made me cry! So grateful my path has tossed yours and can not wait for the day when I get to hug you in person! BEST WISHES!!!
Lara! The site is beyond gorgeous! I love everything about it, and the details are just to die for! I wrote a little blog post about it. Thank you for sharing your heart with us – you are going to change so many lives!
https://www.kristynburnetteblog.com/2013/02/14/thursday-things-laracasey-com/ -
Thank you for your beautiful images available for pinning! I’ve happily pinned three this morning!
So proud of you. The new site is stunning!
Your video was my favorite thus far. Being quite a committed reader to your blog as it was, it was wonderful to have a personal connection through video. So excited for you Lara! I have a feeling I will be stopping by here often! 🙂
I LIKED your page!!!
I pinned to my INSPIRING board
Comment: I have been following your instagram for awhile now, and you seriously are a breath of fresh air–I LOVE your stuff!!!
Gosh, I’m so glad to see this! It’s so refreshing to see someone unafraid to proclaim the Lord’s goodness! Woopwoop!
Lara, Your new site is not only GORGEOUS, but so very INSPIRING! My favorite part would have to be how you share so much information about ways that we can all become the best person that we can be and set ourselves up for the highest of standards.
Can’t wait to see what 2013 brings for all of us!!!
Kindly, Jaimeson
Huge Congratulations!!! Amazing site and platform to share the good word. Keep doing God’s work and may you continue to be blessed.
Oh Lara! I loved the new site yesterday BUT. I just watched the video….. I laughed, I cried, I smiled.
I love your new site so much!! I love your downloads love how it’s set up to click on “what you need” and be inspired by targeted, gorgeous content! So excited for your new site!
LOVE the site and love love love YOU! Congrats, friend! xo
I’ve been following you and your incredibly adorable Grace for quite a while on instagram. Your openness and loving attitude are an inspiration to me. I’m especially enjoying your new downloads section and your gorgeous site as a whole. Congrats on your new adventures!
LOVE the new site! it’s like a breath of fresh air! “Liked” your FB page!
pinned one of my favorite gold foil prints! https://pinterest.com/pin/104568022570359070/
tweeted about your new site! you deserve all the good things coming to you!
simply your love for God and understanding of his grace is what draws the love for you and your site. thanks for being such an advocate for God!
Congrats on your beautiful site! That video brought tears to my eyes!
Congrats on your site. Can’t wait to order the power sheets!
liked you on FB and pinned my favorite print https://laracaseyshop.com/products/gold-foil-art-print-amen
Congratulations Lara!! I liked your page but more importantly LOVE your video and your mission. ALL things are possible through Him. Big hugs! XXO
Lara, I love it! I am so happy for you and so blessed by your sweet spirit. I pinned your post and hope lots of people come to meet you! Love and hugs, friend 🙂
Girl, you are on FIRE! 🙂 I’m SO happy for you and this new internet home that is every bit representative of you and your heart. God is so good. Love you! xo
Just found you about a month ago and can’t thank you enough for the things you put into this world! You are so inspiring and I wish you all the best with your amazing new brand!
Lara – my favorite part has got to be what an inspiration and witness you are to everyone! Thank you and keep up all of your wonderful work! God Bless!
Oh, I also pinned this and liked your Facebook page. 🙂
Love and want it all! I liked your shop on facebook!!
I pinned your page on pinterest!
And mostly I just love your heart and the way God is using you! I love how your site is saturated with bible verses!! I already purchased the MTH sheet set and can’t wait to use the tending sheet!!
liked your FB page
Pinned your blog on Pinterst
Love your shop!!!!! And that Gold print has a perfect spot in my house!!!! Thank you!!!
I shared the giveaway with a link to your site on Instagram! @bwbrams
I ADORE your new site and do not know where to begin on why… the improved ease of navigating through the topics, your amazing shop, and your fantastic customer service. You are such an inspiration and I am so grateful for your work and honesty <3
Oh my yumminess! How beautiful is EVERYTHING on here and in the shop… I want it ALL! I simply love how your passion for life is in every. single. thing that you do. You’re passion and love for life, for your family, for God, for all things Southern and your mini-me, are so inspiring and motivating. You provide such beauty that we tend to forget… God is truly using use to do great things Lara. God bless.
Oh Lara. I just spent a crazy amount of time pouring over every inch of your website. I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again. You are such an inspiration. We are so grateful to have worked with you and Emily on our re-branding and will forever sing your praises! A HUGE HUGE congratualtions to you on this wonderful new site! We know you’re celebrating in all the things you’ve been given! 🙂
Oh, this is so inspiring and beautiful! I loved the video. I think it’s perfect. Your story inspires me to take my career in a wild new direction, with big risks and big dreams, which is what it’s all really about!
I couldn’t resist participating in the giveaway, because your prints and those shoes are darling! I pinned a print and liked you on Facebook. My favorite thing in your shop is the “Go and Do” print… it inspires me to go out there and make things happen.
Lara, I am so very encouraged by the way you have recognized that your talents and passions do not belong to you, but to our Father. Through that, you have so clearly glorified Him in the unique way He designed you to do so. It’s genuinely a stunning thing even to indirectly witness. Really.
used hashtag #lclaunch and tagged you laura on instagram yesterday!!
Your branding expertise and love for the Lord inspire me! So glad I can follow you on Facebook now too!
also just “liked” you on facebook!!
pinned it here!! i really want to win ;p https://pinterest.com/pin/131659989078649693/
finally: my favorite part… Lara this is hard because this site is simply stunning, and i haven’t discovered it all yet. it’s so uplifting and SO YOU!! love the “bible study” and i love the free encouraging downloads. i also ADORE the above video, i cried… love the shop, love the flow, just simply LOVE/ADORE it!! it’s perfect, congrats sweet friend!!
Love the gold foil note pad!!
I pinned your logo/brand design to my Design board on Pinterest! (https://pinterest.com/pin/15481192441242968/)
My favorite part of the new site, brand, and launch is the colors palette you’ve chosen! The cheerful hues of blue, turquoise, emerald, and warmer tones are wonderful!
Love the gold foil prints in the shop!! Loving following you on Instagram and seeing this unfold! I pinned and instagrammed this post 🙂
I love how honest and transparent you are! It is so refreshing to hear from someone who is not ashamed of who they are, what they believe and actually pursue their passions! Thank you for using this website to be an encouragement…that is what is hands down my favorite part 🙂
I also, “liked your facebook page
and I pinned your blog!
Lara, I love your site! I have been following you on IG for a while and I am always uplifted by your encouragement to your friends and strangers all over the web. You truly are an inspiration! My favorite part about your site is the downloads. I am pinning like crazy on my Happiness board: https://pinterest.com/jmekinsdiy/happiness/ Your site is SO BIG that I’m sure I’ll find a lot more favorites to pin!
Laura I have been blessed by just following your journey and I can’t wait to hopefully work with you in the near future. I am a small business owner who started from the ground up trying to build a faith based business. It has been 6 years and so tough but a blessing to know I am where God wants me to be. My favorite part of your new site is where you share your faith and how it is the root of how and why you do what you do. You set such an amazing example for others who want to share their faith through their work. So very blessed by you.
favorite part: i love all of the bible verse downloads and prints (im definitely putting one as the background of my computer!!!) This is the best site!
Ive also liked your facebook page 🙂 -
My favorite part is the Bibly Study page. I am SO excited to see what you’ll post there. There is a ton of [really good] business advice out there, but little that keeps you centered on what truly matters. Thanks so much for stepping out and doing that.
Oh I think it is all lovely! I love vide you made and I love those little paintings. You are wonderful, congratulations!
Oh and I liked you on fb!
A grateful pin: https://pinterest.com/pin/279012139386556426/
Congratulations Lara! What a beautiful new brand and site! Not to mention all the lovely things in your shop! I forsee my leftover christmas money going to lots of fun prints for our house! 🙂
I liked you on Facebook, am pinning some things I love from your site, and my favorite part? The clean, but colorful design. It is just perfect. Congrats again!
First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day! God is GOOD!!! As 1 Corinthians 13:13 says “Now faith, hope, and love abide…but the greatest of these is love”. Your new site is some kind of wonderful! It showcases your personality in a wonderful light and brings joy to me and my friends by getting to see the love you have for the job you maintain. Keep it up!
I also liked your new Facebook page, Pinned your 02/13 post and tagged it on Facebook, and will continue spreading the world for all to get to see the wonderful products, blogs and more that you have created 🙂
So excited for you! I am going to order the Gold Handwriting Print for my new studio! I’ve pinned one of your quotes long ago on Pinterest and am so excited for the Luxe paper version! Big congrats!
It’s so lovely! And man, oh man, I’d love some Tieks or a gorgeous print : )
What a stunningl site- I think i want to stare at those wonderful colors all night long!!
I love the items in your shop and how their colors match perfectly. I have a vision of an entire wall decorated with those little paintings. That would look fabulous!!
Do you ship internationally? -
I like you on Facebook
Hi Lara! This is my first time on your site, and it’s absolutely beautiful! I’m especially fond of the Love Never Fails print, as I have lately become obsessed with the song by that title. I also “re-tweeted” your launch site info on Twitter. So amazing! And Tieks?! Wow. I’m crossing my fingers!
so excited for your new site! I’m thinking about purchasing one of the Vows prints for my May wedding. They are beautiful.
I liked your new facebook page and shared with a friend: https://www.facebook.com/kalliebrynn/posts/10103205542289371 😉
I liked your facebook page as well!
and posted on twitter! https://twitter.com/AlexandraC19/status/302136627961163776
oops – just realized the Vows prints were on the SW Magazine shop. Still love it. but I also love the Handwriting print. I’ve been wanting one for a while now. I love that quote.
My favorite part is your video introduction and your words “celebrate what really matters and that’s love”. Amen. Love is all we need! Congratulations Lara!
I just liked your new facebook page!!
I just pinned your picture to my MTH2013 board of things that excite me. You inspire me and motivate me to do Godly things with my life.
Your new site is amazing! I spent hours last night just poking around lol. My favorite part is the , “what do you need today?” and the bible study. It just soothes the soul. Congrats!
Love your new brand and have spread the word to my facebook and my pinterest. Narrowing down what needs to go up in my new office.
What I love about your new site is how bright it is. It is inspiring and wakes you up!
I love the Amen Hallelujah Thank you Lord print. I love how it could be applicable in almost any room of the house: kitchen, entryway, nursury. So simple and lovely. I love it!
YAY LARA! We are cheering you on from New Orleans! Congrats lady! The new launch is spectacular and what a great day to share the love!
I LOVE the ‘what do you need today’ section. PERFECT for any mood!
Can’t wait to get a few of the foil points for my home – especially the “Love Never Fails”. So great!
Also liked your facebook page! -
This is random but I was looking at all the sweet videos on your vimeo of grace and came across the video of your grandma bunny. I am just in tears now after watching you and her together and hearing her sweet stories. It brought me back to my great grandmother and how she passed last year, but it reminded me how much I love her and how dear all the memories I have of her. Just wanted to say thank you, for showing love in all different areas of life.
This is beautiful! Congrats to you and all of the amazing things you do for others! Off to share away on Twitter!
Oh my word! This site is AMAZING. I was driven to tears as I watched your video. You are so incredibly inspiring. Your branding is AMAZING. Your life is so centered on the principles I have in my core. Thank you for inspiring and encouraging us!
LOVE the colors (they are a lot like mine..I love that!)
Lida -
My favorite has to be the videos! SO sweet to see you and your beautiful family! I also love that you added the shop. I pinned, FB and liked your new page 🙂
I loved (like… LOVED) reading your timeline. So grateful for your transparency. Knowing your journey adds immeasurable gravity and significance to your message. Please know just how many people you encourage (so many of us whom you’ve never met) by simply being honest and open about your struggles and how they brought you closer to God! You, by sharing your heart, bring people closer to Him every day, and this site is a reflection of that. Congratulations and endless gratitude.
Just happened to stumble across your blog via blueberry fusion. Amazing video! And what a wonderful website. Great way to wake up and start my day!!
Oh heavens, this is just stunning! And the video?! How is Gracie so big now?!?!?! I’m so proud of you!!!!!!
Lara, this site is YOU. It’s just so beautiful and full of joy. I love the color scheme, all of the hidden personal touches, and how well is represents you as a whole person. And I really, really love the sections of the About page where the images fit together in a honeycomb pattern. Oh my word…LOVE THAT. Great, great work, Lara. Congratulations!!!
I just wanted to say my favorite part (and it was such a tough decision) about your site is the “What do you need today?”. I book marked that for sure. Every detail of this site makes me smile. Thank you for being you, for being honest during the rough times, and for shining through it all.
I Facebooked, Tweeted, and Pinned this post 🙂
I also Tumbled it… https://victoriaderrick.tumblr.com/
The direct link for my Tumblr post https://victoriaderrick.tumblr.com/post/43224134032/the-lady-behind-this-print-lara-casey-just
Congrats on your new site and branding! Everything about this site, your shop & yourself exudes positivity and inspiration! It’s hard to pick a favorite part because everything about this is pure amazingness!
My favorite part of your new site is the about you section! I liked your FB page too. Congrats on the new site!!
Liked you on FB!
Love everything on your site-the colors, the product, the thoughts behind the products!
Oh good golly, Lara!! This is incredible!! Everything about this is just inspiring. <3
Your video made me cry. You are amazing! I love the new facebook page and your logo!!!! I liked the page and will continue to spread the word as you are an inspiration to all working women who trust in the Lord especially on those days we don’t know if we will make it through!!!
I love the gold foil prints in your shop along with the power sheets but I love the video too! I am a fan of your new FB page, I pinned to pintrest and I hope I win but most of all I just like to follow your inspiration. Congratulations on the new shop.
Lara I am completely blown away by your new site. It is gorgeous and so inspiring. I’ve been pouring over it for hours. I’ve read almost every word and watched the videos. I know God led me to your blog a few months ago for a reason. I’m making thanks happen and I’m so happy. My favorite part of the site so far is the inspirational downloads you have created. I’m going to print a ton and hang them on my cork board at work. Congrats on the site it’s the most amazing one I’ve ever seen!!!
Nancy H -
Congrats Congrats Lara!I The inspiration section is sooo uplifting. I was blessed and honored to receive the cards from you in the mail a few months ago! Be Blessed!
I’m excited for you! Your prints are lovely.
What an amazing new look. I LOVE the color choices that you made. This looks so airy and heavenly. The styles, patterns, font choices, styles, elements – ALL look amazing together! It is so inspiring to designers – thank you!
The website is GORGEOUS! I liked your Facebook page!
I pinned one of your beautiful prints!
And I tweeted – https://twitter.com/Laura_Wadsworth/status/302840936206057472 🙂
My Favorite part is the about me page! It is so beautiful. the detailed design is lovely, but what makes it truly beautiful is the way you shared your love for God – your driving purpose! Shine on girl! God Bless. xoxo Laura
I “like” your Facebook page (FB name: Madeline Brubaker). Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Lara! Congratulations on your new site! I want to swim in it, it’s just that BEAUTIFUL! My favorite part is learning more about your journey-what an inspiration.You’re work is remarkable! Perks of your site? The little buttons and pretty images of the sea and sky. I love the honeycomb collages. I wish I could have something of the sorts with my own ideas. I’m going to feature your new shop on my blog early next week! I’ll tweet and share and instagram, too. Of course I hope to win some Tieks! but, happy to share this source of inspiration with my friends! Thank you!
Loving you and your new branding. I mean gold glitter? Who doesn’t love glitter?
I liked your new Facebook page! I am loving everything about the new shop, especially the prints. Congrats! Everything is so beautiful
Oh my word, can my favorite thing about your new site be everything? I adore the branding. It’s like a refreshing vacation to the beach (a warm beach with turquoise waters, none of this Oregon Coast freezing all year round business that I’m used to). Your transparency is so refreshing! I love how this beautiful design only accentuates the beauty in your truth-speaking words. 🙂
I popped over and liked your facebook page, too!
Lara, the new site is absolutely gorgeous! I am so proud of you and your amazing accomplishments. Love you so much!
Your scripture downloads are beautiful! It’s so hard to decide which one should be my desktop background.
I shared this with my facebook friends:
https://www.facebook.com/abi.penner/posts/452614481477173 -
I’ve liked your new page on Facebook! LOVE the new blog!
I’ve also pinned the Thank You Lord Amen print! Love it!
My favorite part is the Bible verses throughout!! So inspiring and you don’t see that often! Love it! CONGRATULATIONS!
There are so many “favorite parts” however it would be hard to beat the “about you” section. You are what all of this visual goodness stems from so having that authentic voice displayed has to be my favorite part.
Hey Lara – I cannot begin to say how much you (and Emily Ley both) inspire me. I have taken a great leap of faith since 2013 for my business ever since I stumbled upon Emily Ley’s blog and site. And now yours. You girls make me feel so wonderfully fulfilled and inspired and empowered.
I am so so happy that I found your blog. I read through the entire About section, and my favourite part of my favourite section has to be the timeline. I loved going through your life and learning that so much has happened to you and how God has built you up and changed you and strengthened you. I want that so much for myself too. And I am so glad you remind me everyday to be closer to God and to trust and take positive risks.
Right after finishing your Bible Study section as well I went ahead and ordered Love Does and the NIV devotional for Couples straight off Amazon immediately. I can’t wait for them to arrive (I am in Singapore!) and go through them and let God wash over me and my life and transform me inside out.
I know this comment is awfully long. But I just wanted to share. Not only for a chance to win (yes I am trying for that as well, haha) but to let you know how much you inspire and empower women all over the world.
I wish there was a way Making Things Happen could happen where I live. But I am setting aside some money to purchase the live recording of the Making Brands Happen webinar!
Thank you again. And your site is gorgeous. 🙂
P.S.: I also liked your new Facebook page and pinned one picture to my Pinterest Inspiration board (https://www.pinterest.com/pocketfulofkara).
I pinned this post! -
I also liked your new page on FB!
I love all the textures and colors of your new shop! Thanks to MC for sharing, I would love to win this!
I love the “What do you need today?” part of your site (but it’s SO hard to pick just one ;)). Congrats on launching this beauty of a site! And thank you for changing my life, genuinely. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t stumble upon your site . As always, this is just the beginning 🙂
It’s SO hard to pick a favorite part of the site!! I love everything!! If I have to pick one, it’s probably the “What do you need today?” section!
I also liked the new FB page!
…And pinned the “Life is too short…” download!
My favourite bit would have to be the what do you need section ! I absolutely love it!
I tweeted !
I blogged over here- https://pinklemonadestand2.blogspot.com.au/2013/02/im-back.html
I liked your brand spanking fabulous new facebook page
I have pinned and pinned and pinned but I need to download now so I have to stop 🙁
liked your facebook page!
Everything is beautiful, Lara! I adore the shop, the new logo and especially the sweet video of you and your team and precious little Grace. Such a joy to watch!
I pinned the Amen gold foil print! I would love to see that hanging in my home! Especially next to our front door, so that we can be reminded of all of God’s blessings every time we enter the chaos of this world.
I liked (loved!) your Facebook page already.
I love seeing your passion to follow Gods will for your life & that you strive to see your dreams come true! I also liked your FB page!
Hi Lara,
Congratulations on this lovely, lovely website.
I’ve been enjoying having a play around. I’m always inspired by your words and encouragement… but also by all of your clever additions to this new site. I love the “breathe” image links, for when a moment of calm is needed. And my favourite box is the “what do you need today” link. I have pinned your “gratitude changes everything” image onto my MTH in 2013 board.
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity x
I was tearing up! So happy there is someone out there, happy, successful, and making it all about God instead of themselves. Thank you Lara.
Beautiful website and shop. I love your quote prints! Such positive messages, beautiful and simply stated. I had to pin a few of them. Great job!
I LOVE your new site! My favorite part is definitely how every facet of your business ties back to God, His grace, and His glory. You are such an inspiration to this 20-something who was just cast out into the “real” world! I worked on MTH Goal Setting last month and I can’t even begin to tell you the jumpstart that just looking at my Pinterest inspiration board gives me. I am so grateful for you and your lovely (new!) site!
PS – I also “liked” your Facebook page 🙂
I love that you glorify the Lord in all of your work. It takes a lot of courage these days to stand up for what you believe in and to spread His word. I am obsessed with all of your prints and your blog/magazine! I ordered the “love never fails” print and was more than satisfied! It was perfect! We will be displaying it at our wedding. Keep up your fabulous work and faith! God is good!!
this is so fantastical! congrats on the launch, lara! *throws confetti* my favorite part is the textures that you picked. so fun and so you!
Oh Lara! Your new site is like a giant breath of fresh air! It is marvelous and the result of so much hard work. My absolute favorite part of your new site is “What do you need today?”. It is a place of peace, inspiration and motivation. I’ve bookmarked it for the future when I need a virtual kick in the pants, moment of clarity or the motivation to get out there and make my big ideas happen. Congratulations on the very successful launch!
Cara Crowley -
p.s. I liked your new Facebook page to keep up with the goodness and also pinned so many fresh products to my Pinterest page using the hash tag #lclaunch. I plan on using a lot of them in future design projects 🙂
Liked your facebook page!!
I love the depth of your site. Each visit I find a new and wonderful aspect to explore. It’s a beast, but a beautiful one! 🙂 Thanks for putting the care into making it so special.
I pinned the giveaway!!
Lara you are such an inspiration and this new site is great! Can’t wait to see what’s next!!
Of course I liked your new Facebook page and I also made sure to Pin a few things onto Pinterest (@shayla_j) : )
I love the beautiful gold MAKE THINGS HAPPEN print. What a wonderful (and gorgeous) reminder!!
I love the gold prints, all so positive and encouraging. Now I know what I will be gifting my friends this year. I liked your page on fb and shared about the launch and giveaway on instagram. Thanks and many blessings to you.
I love the video! It gave a great view of all that you do! Thanks so much for sharing all the exciting things going on in your business as well as reminding people of what matters most – faith. Best of luck with your new venture!
So very proud of you Lara!
My favorite part is the color scheme!
I am terribly obsessed with the homepage and that glitter!!! -
Liked your facebook page!
I just liked for your fb page!
Love this, Lara! But most of all – I love the heart behind it all. And all of the beauty. Congratulations, sweet lady! And…I’ve already liked your fan page AND gotten my pin on. Winning this giveaway would basically be INCREDIBLE.
I liked your page on facebook! pick me!!!!
I also pinned your quote on Pinterest, “you know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? you should go do them.” onto quotable quotes! I would loooovvvve if you chose me for the giveaway!!
Hi Lara – My favorite part of your new brand/shop is the BEAUTIFUL and inspirational prints you’re offering for sale! I just liked your new Facebook page and pinned this contest on Pinterest! Thanks!
how exciting! congrats to you!
I liked your facebook page. I love the gold. It really pops with the blue. And that you’re southern. =)
I LOVE the 2×2 paintings! The colors are fabulous! Would love to hang four together. And, liked your facebook page 🙂
Congrats on the launch!
I liked on FB 🙂
I love the sophisticated simplicity of your new site, and your use of color in your artwork is so beautiful!
Just ordered the Make it Happen notepads! So excited! Any plans for some gold foil notecards? 🙂
Your blog, instagram and everything I see by you is so uplifting and inspirational. So excited for you 🙂
I also pinned the giveaway! 🙂
I pinned one of your beautiful paintings here: https://pinterest.com/pin/195484440048292125/
This new site looks SO good Lara; couldn’t be happier for you!
I also liked the new FB page!
I liked on Facebook.
My favorite thing about the site is your color palette. It is so calming. Congrats!
I love the love that you have created here! Your heart shows through on every page!
Hi Lara,
Congratulations on this lovely, lovely site! It must feel amazing to have achieved this dream.
I have been having so much fun looking around. I love the “breathe” picture links, for when you need a moment to drift away from computer-busy-ness. And my favourite link is to the “what do you need today?” section. I have pinned your “gratitude changes everything” print from the clarity page. (Love that you have one option titled “a kick in the pants”).
Thank you for the ongoing inspiration x
I pinned the giveaway.
Hi Lara!
I love your site – it’s amazing! The video peek is such a nice touch. I’m working on launching a brand and will definitely look into your consulting services. You inspire me!I like you on fb and pinned the video. I’d love to win some tieks!!
I follow you on fb
Congratulations to you!!!:) Such a beautiful site! I’ve already downloaded all your freebies and created my new laptop screen saver to be a place of peace and purpose! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!
Shared your gorgeous site since launch day!! LOVE IT!! You are amazing Lara!!
Since there is no LOVE button on your new FB page I hit like. YES there’s no doubt I’m a fan 🙂
I might turn into a crazy pinner from your site hehe
My favorite part of the site is the Bible Study area!!! thanks for sharing your tools besides the Bible! I can’t wait to see what you keep sharing xoxo
Oh my goodness! You have worked so hard on this. You are brilliant, Lara! I have yet to discover soo many things, but I love the little breathe buttons. Immediate escape!!! Amazing! What a gift this website is!
I love the layout-it is simply stunning! Thanks for the fun contest! I liked your new page! 🙂
Lady, I love you and I love your site. I ha d a long talk with Jan Mitchell about my undying admiration with how you reflect the Lord and make things happen so peacefully and full of love. I love how your site makes me calm (yet anxious to shop at the same time) and I love how your message includes unconditional love for the Lord, your family and making others happy! I ALSO LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY WAHOOO!!!!
I also tweeted, pinned and facebook liked
Lara!!! I have visited your new site so many times and every time there is something else I fall in love with! 🙂 My husband even surprised me with a couple of your gold foil prints because he “observed” how much I was enjoying them!! 😉 Congratulations on this beautiful presentation of YOU, and thank you for being such a powerful force in the lives of so many, including me!!!
I am proud of you for sharing your story in its entirety. That was a brave and authentic thing to do. I am sure there were moments where it was super scary but so many people will be able to identify with your struggles and find hope in your triumphs. Beautiful work!
AMAZING! My favorite part of your new site is the bible study page! And the shop! 😉
I share this on Facebook!
I pinned this post!
I liked your Facebook page!
I love the SHOP!!! So many beautiful things – what an inspiration.
I am in love with the prayer list/answered prayer prints! What a beautiful way to display a reminder of the Lord’s work in our lives.
I liked your new facebook page and pinned the post on encouraging others.
Loving your blog, thank for the encouragement!Sarah
I pinned several of your beautiful designs to download on my “Words to live by” board on Pinterest, as well as printed some of them as little bits of motivations to hand around my desk at work. You just can’t have too many words or motivation and inspiration around you!
I just love looking at your site. It’s like a burst of sunshine on the screen! A fantastic pick up for those gloomy days. 🙂
How could I not ‘like’ your new page? It’s like seeing your heart, Lara, in brilliant, digital form 🙂 I cannot wait to get my Power Sheets!
HI Lara~
I love love love the Amen! print. I was wondering if you would be coming out with that print in any other colors or if it will just be gold?
I pinned one of my favorite parts… the start of the goal setting posts from earlier this year!
Lara-I LOVE the new site! My favorite part is the new shop. I liked your FB page and I also purchased a print! 🙂
I LOVE the VOWS print! How beautiful!
I LIKED your Facebook page! How lovely!
I pinned this page — I love the video and hope many get to see it! Congratulations!
A blog post also went up featuring the print I have received the the shop/site!
https://sarahteeterphotography.com/favorites/a-gold-note -
I love your branding and your message! It’s so inspiring! Many blessings and successes to you!
love the new site! As a sucker for anything gold, I am loving the gold wall art in the shop.
I tweeted about the new site, https://twitter.com/lindsaywynne/status/306813188790423554
The new site is seriously a breath of fresh air. So gorgeous, congratulations, you are such an inspiration! I want to order every single one of your prints!!
I liked your page and pinned the “Amen, hallelujah” print! My favorite part is that your faith is so present and at the forefront of what you do. I’m sitting in my home office, with scripture cards you sent me, and they are such a reminder that our mission in any workplace is loving and honoring Jesus and people, plain and simple.
I pinned the go & do print (I need to follow what the print says, also!)
Congrats again Lara! Absoluetely loving the colors and textures throughout the new site! So much joy and life, just like you.
I just pinned your “go & do” print! Love it! https://m.pinterest.com/pin/170503535864626271/
I just tweeted about the #lclaunch! I’m @picatoria https://mobile.twitter.com/picatoria/status/306822533766868992
Lara! I love the Breathe section on the footer of the homepage. Those pictures are wonderful and I fully believe that sometimes you just need a breather! One of my daily goals is to get at least 10 minutes if fresh air a day because it is too easy to sit down inside all day.
Lara, I love the new brand and site! The colors are exquisite, and your heart and message is so OUT THERE. How amazing that must feel. 🙂 congratulations!
Congrats on the new site Lara! It is incredibly refreshing and I think the video is my favorite – so inspiring and personal! Thank you for being so transparent about who you are and what you do, thank you for your heart for Jesus, and for being a powerful role model for the small business owner moms 🙂 I followed your new fb page and reposted on ig, not only in hopes on winning but because I feel your message is so positive! Best wishes to you!!
I’ve liked your facebook page! 😉
I love that your site is clean, yet colorful! It’s very refreshing.
I love the bright colors of the new site!
I love the shop, so many beautiful things!
The bible study page is inspiring!
Your daughter is just beautiful. Such a blessing.
Pinned this!
I liked your facebook page 🙂
I’ve pinned one of my favorite parts!
I love your new site! I like that there are so many things to explore, but the design doesn’t make it look to busy or overwhelming. Now I see why it took you so long to make it happen. Job well done!
I liked your Facebook page. 🙂
I pinned your notepads here: https://pinterest.com/pin/113012271871573483/
Procuring a gold foil print ASAP. Definitely pinning all the things for office inspiration!
I liked your page on facebook!
I posted about your site on my facebook page and put a link to your site!
Liked your fb an shared the giveaway post;). This is so lovely! Congratulations on all your endeavors!!
I just liked your FB page!
Pinned the “Love Never Fails” to my “wish list” board on Pinterest. Love your site, your Instagram , your inspiration and your adorbs baby!!
Love that your genuine beauty and faith are all over this new site! Can’t wait to make some purchases either-I love it all!
Love how easy it is to navigate around!!
I liked it on Facebook 🙂
And I pinned it 🙂
And I tweeted it. And I am obsessed with your layout and design aestethic. I kind of want to be you 🙂 But suppose I’ll settle for winning this giveaway!
I enjoy your new website. It’s inspired me to move forward when I wanted to quit my wedding invitation business. I reminded me of why I wanted to design and the colors of the site brighten my day. Thank you for being so transparent in your blogs. It’s truly a blessing.
I love the downloadable section! I now have very inspirational backgrounds to my Mac and phone that put a smile on my face each day!
I can’t begin to tell you the blessing your site has been. A true God sent. Thank you for being courageous and making things happen!
Just put a picture with a link to you Instagram account! So excited 🙂 my IG account : celeniacastaneda
Love all of the happiness that in the shop! Congratulations on the launch of your new site, it’s so you! xo You’re right, there are lots of things to pin, so I did and of course I like the FB page. AND a girl would love to win those shoes. LOL! =)
I liked your page on FB!
Pinned the ‘make it happen’ foil on Pinterest!
I love the ‘friends’ page with professionals who inspire you! 🙂 Also love the ‘Need’ page! So much inspiration!
I tweeted about your site!
I love how organized your site is. I may have to borrow a few of your formatting ideas!
all the GLITTER and GOLD! feels so fresh and uplifting!
Lara, I am not working in wedding industry anymore but still find everything you do so inspirational and all of your MTH content applicable to my life. Congrats on the new shop and the gorgeous website! I am a fan of your FB page as well!
liked your FB page!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/hkcburton
Love, Love, LOVE your site, inspriation, and brand and the contagious act of helping people be better versions of themselves.
Love your new site! Here is my pin! https://pinterest.com/pin/23081016812594185/
I liked your new FB page – my name is Lauren Schmidt 🙂
Had to pin the Making Things Happen sheets – I can wait to order some! I really want to get a Simplified Planner and use these sheets with it too!
I also love this water and gold painting – super cute! I’ve always wanted to just buy those little canvases and make my own art – maybe I should try it too! https://pinterest.com/pin/23081016812594237/
My FAVORITE part of this page is all the Scripture you share – and photos of Grace. I love your Instagram and I am SO EXCITED to meet you in October at the Pursuit 31 women’s conference. <3
AMEN. AMEN and AMEN! You are speaking TRUTH on this page girl! This got me SO excited for you! Favorite page because it of your boldness in HIM!
I “loved” your FB page – (ok, why is that not an option by now! haha)
oh lara! congratulations on making YOUR things happen. this new site is fabulous- i’m not sure what to say i love the most…but am so happy that my favorite place for inspiration and a sweet-kick-in-the-pants has a brand new look. lots of love! meg p.s. tieks have been on my list for too long… :0)
can just the fact that the little button on the side next to our names are ADORABLE be my favorite thing? you didn’t miss a single detail. <3
I Instagram-ed this goodness as well and tagged #lclaunch so that others can get INSPIRED by your boldness and hear the life changing truth that the Bible has the answers! YAY!
Love your new site!!! Liked your FB page…can’t wait to keep up with you!!
My favorite is the faith, hope and love foil! I’m due anyway with our second child and I could really use a pair of Tieks!!!!! Thank you for the giveaway! Good luck with your new ventures!
I luv the way you integrate the Lord into your business! Congrats and may God continue to bless you and your biz 🙂
LOVE the prints! I printed 6 of them yesterday and am on the hunt to add them to my new wall in my office! Such inspiration! xo
I re-posted this blog post again! Yea for your fun website and giveaway! xo
What an amazing give away! Congrats on the launch, Lara! I love that your site is so full of inspiration and my favourite part I think is the worksheets. I can’t make it to MTH, but I feel like I can get a bit if it to me!
I liked the page on facebook!
Entry 2: I pinned this info about the new site!
P.S. Love following you on instagram! Your little girl is so sweet!
Entry 3: My favorite part about your shop is how God centered you have made everything! I love that you give all of the glory to our Lord and savior and He has definitely blessed you with an amazing gift and talent. I pray you have much success with your shop!
Entry 4: I tweeted about the new launch and included a link to your shop!
Entry 5: I pinned another one of your posts to the new shop on Pinterest.
I absolutely ADORE the “textures” and “patterns” on your site! One of the hardest things when designing my site was trying to stick to one theme. I love how you incorporated so many of the things you love while still making it look cohesive! LOVELOVELOVE!!
I “liked” your Facebook page! Can’t wait for all your lovely words to start popping up in my News Feed!
I pinned stuff! Seriously love these prints! https://pinterest.com/pin/1759287326700530/
https://pinterest.com/pin/1759287326700522/ -
I love the foil print of “amen hallelujah thank you lord”. It’s perfect. I also love your logo.
Entry 6: reposted your picture of the giveaway on instagram with #lclaunch and included your link!
Entry 7: Also posted picture of giveaway and hashtag with link on Facebook!
Fingers crossed!
I love the overall peaceful theme of your site.
I love the “What do you need today” it is soo great. It has helped me pretty much every day with inspirational words and sooo pretty!! I’ve posted on my instragram a few times @wlewis18 and on my facebook page, Whitney Lewis… and liked your FB page.. I also LOVE that you will be doing a bible study!! That is so exciting.. Every inch of this site is so YOU! It’s singing and dancing YOU. This is truly a work of art. Congrats!! This is your core! XO
I recently found you after getting engaged and like most people here, love everything I see! I’m trying to convince my fiance to move to the south as it has always been a huge part of my heart. I would love to win the Tieks to wear on our trip to Italy! Heres hoping!
i liked your facebook page too!! really want these shoes! going to be teaching elem school soon and need a good pair of flats!
I love the new shop with the beautiful (and inspiring!) prints. God Bless!
Love that you praise the one above in your work!
I blogged about you and your MTH inspiration and I shared a few of your pretty words! I’ll post a little instagram too! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new brand and shop! Especially how personal it all is! So fun to feel like I “know” the person behind all of the pretty!
I love how looking at your site is a deep breath of fresh air. The inspirational scriptures and the images make me instantly feel peaceful. 🙂 I liked your page on fb and I would love to win some Tieks!!!
I have liked your Facebook page and also Instagrammed about your beautiful prints!
I pinned a print! https://pinterest.com/pin/219339444324067956/
Just received an email that my order from the Lara Casey Shop has shipped!!! Can’t wait to start using my power sheet sets!
I liked your FB page and Im excited to look all over this new site and tell my friends about it. Thanks for not being ashamed of loving God.
I’d love to win a pair of Tieks! Wishing you the best of luck with your new launch! P.S. I “liked” your Facebook page.
Lara- love the teal of course! And Make it Happen 🙂 Congrats on the launch!
So happy the surprise with your mom went so well! Definitely pulled at my heart strings with your Instagram from your childhood room with Gracie in your lap..so hard to imagine
Liked your Facebook page!
Repinned on my Pinterest and liked your page on Facebook 🙂 love your design style here!
Believe it or not, I found your blog TWO days after you launched the redesign! I was too bashful to comment then, but I should have done it every day because a) I LIVE your site, and b) I love those shoes!! I have a cheap Gap pair that I’ve worn through long ago, but I’m sure these are much better quality.
Anyway, I love what you do and wish I could’ve met tou when I first moved to Raleigh 3 years ago! I still don’t really have any friends here… You just radiate light and so does your blog!
As a designer myself, I love almost everything about the design but I’d have to say the type choices and the little watercolor/photo avatars for the comments if people without their own photos are my favorite!
Thanks again and have so much fun at the conference next week!
Also following your Pinterest account and have repinned several of your designs – they’re just so cute! Would love to see more and win the giveaway :]
Ok… Several typos on my last one… But the house laptop is with my husband til tonight!
I liked your Facebook page!
Love your site and I would love those tieks! My favorite thing is the Love Never Fails gold foil print!
Your new site is amazing. I do think I love everything about it! I just started following you, and I have to say I am so inspired by your creativity and your positive attitude, which seems to shine through in everything you do. I’m a designer who is trying to break into the custom stationery business, so your positive energy is a true inspiration. It makes me believe I can do it too! Thanks for sharing your talents!
Also… I *liked* your Facebook page!
I also liked your facebook page.
I came across your blog during the Goal Setting series. Absolutely love everything about it! I especially love your heart for the Lord and the beautiful prints you design to show that!
(I also liked your FB page and pinned this post!) 🙂
Blessings! -
I love the beautiful colors and the sparkly gold accents on your new site. I think that my absolute favorite part though, are the Bible and Bible Study links and the fact that you always thank and honor God and the ways he has blessed you in your life and business. Thank you for being so encouraging and sweet! When I read your posts I feel as though you’re talking right to me 🙂
I LOVE your new site!! My favorite part is everything. 🙂 I’m in love with the colors, aqua and gold? Swoon! I liked your new facebook page 🙂
How could I not like your facebook page?!
Of course I pinned and tweeted as well 🙂
You are such an inspiration Lara, congrats on all your success! How did I not know about Tieks until now. Expecting my first baby in 3 months, and these would be such a life saver!
Hello sweet friend!! I have yet to truly explore your new site from top to bottom, but CONGRATULATIONS on your new shop, etc. I absolutely love the video and all of your prints and paintings are truly beautiful. I actually pinned my favorite print before even knowing about your launch contest, but winning that along with some Tieks would be a great way to start off the new month as we prepare for baby’s arrival. Much love to you and your family!! xo
I pinned your Make It Happen print!
Congrats on your new adventure! I love everything about this site but mostly your talent and drive to succeed that shows in everything you do. I started “following” you when I was planning my own wedding 3 years ago.
I pinned the Amen print!
I pinned the Vows print.
I pinned The South print .
I have repinned your gorgeous designs on my pinterest and liked your facebook page! really like your design style. would love to see more!
Liked your new FB page. My favorite new shop item is the “Vows” print. I have to say that I also love all of the videos on your site. The Southern Weddings “Behind The Scenes” and the videos of Grace (I’m crying) and your precious grandmother. Thank you for sharing those. Keep up the good work!
I shared on Facebook!
I love the new site! My favorite part is definitely the “what do you need” section–specifically the “kick in the pants” option. Too funny! And totally helpful!
I just blogged about MTH and your new site 🙂 loving it!
I also pinned this to pinterest: https://pinterest.com/pin/284430532688354602/
I could pin everything. Seriously. Holding myself back to one for now.
The “Make it Happen” note pads arrived and oh my goodness gracious! They are the most luxurious, decadent note pads. The paper is such a rich quality, so love them. Been leaving myself little love notes everywhere simply because I love these notepads so much!!!! Would love to see two things — 1) an option to personalize these notepads with name at the bottom and 2) an offering in a smaller size (5″ x 8″) so I can use it in one of my nice leather padfolios that I carry in my purse. This will definitely be an item I re-order frequently! 🙂
Thank you for the inspiration. Even though I have a 2 year old and 4 month old twins, I have two things on my heart. To get creative and start selling some of my creations, & to start to build a community of women with my neighbours who support & encourage each other.
Thanks so much these Images are amazing,
I really want to start a party design and styling business..but dont know where to start!
Something that has been ringing in my hear for quite some time. With this blog I finally heard it!!! God is good and works in ways so much better than mine. 2013 will be my year to start. Thank you so much.