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What’s that sound? That’s this bear cub coming out of hibernation after a long winter. I can’t say, “where did the time go?” because I know where it went. It went into the 74,000 words I poured my whole self into these last months.

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My book manuscript is finally turned in. It’s in second draft format, currently in the hands of an editor, and I am waiting for my next round of suggested edits to come in. This whole book process has been a new adventure for me — new in every sense. I’m going to share a behind-the-scenes look at the process of writing this book and what I learned in my next newsletter. Sign up using the little box at the end of this post.

In my mind, May is the new January. I’m starting fresh this month. Starting new. Starting with a new heart after all I learned in writing. Spend 100+ days writing about what matters most and you’ll find yourself changed. But, I am taking my time in acting on that change. Well… some of it anyway.

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May is my month to dig into new soil around here, literally and figuratively. I’m planting my vegetable garden and starting fresh with my PowerSheets. Purposeful goals take time and I hope to have a NEW, very purposeful, prayer-over, list in my PowerSheets by the end of this month. If you don’t have a set of PowerSheets, get one. We only have about 600 sets left and they have been going fast lately. Looks like y’all are feeling the need for a fresh start lately too! If you are reading this post, use the code STARTFRESHMAY for 25% off your entire order.

If anyone wants to join me in starting fresh (in any way — not just in goal setting), use the hashtag #StartFreshMay.

And, I’m trying something new…

Join me in a couple weeks, on May 14th, from 12 to 1pm EST, for a #StartFreshMay Google Hangout. This will be really casual — a time of encouragement and getting to know each other. I hope new friendships are formed from this and I can’t wait to hear how you are starting fresh! Join here (I think you have to add me to a circle or something).

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Let’s get intentional about how we are using our time in this busy season. Even if it feels impossible to put the brakes on, if you are reading this post, you have enough time in your day to make what matters happen. Starting fresh — in whatever needs a new start for you — will be worth it. I’m going to take time to pray (by myself and with friends on the phone — another new thing I’m trying to do more), read the Bible, and work through each of the PowerSheets steps one by one with fresh eyes. This is my month to look at how I’m doing just about everything and ask how I could do it more intentionally. I am excited and, more than that, just plain grateful.

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Whatever that thing is that is calling your heart to start new, take the leap. Whether it’s a relationship that needs your all or a creative pursuit or loving someone well or writing your soul or gutting your closet or planting your garden — do it. Dig deep into fresh soil with me, friend. I can’t wait to be inspired by your #StartFreshMay journey too.


Join me!

– Start fresh in whatever area of life needs it most. Start today. You can do this.
Hang out with me in a couple weeks.
– Sign up for the newsletter (below) for a behind-the-scenes on my book soon.
– I’d love to hear from you here or on social media about what you are starting fresh with. Let’s encourage others too who might be feeling the need for this.

May is the new January. Let’s do this!

P.S. I’m going to release my book cover very soon, as well as some exciting pre-order news. God is good. I am so grateful. More to come. Sign up for my newsletter below to be the first to know.

Photos by my dear friend Gina


  1. Kristen Snow on at

    Hey Lara! Love this post! Thanks for always being vulnerable and sharing your heart 🙂

    Where do we put in the promo code in your shop? I have my cart ready to go but there’s only an option for a note to the seller.

    • Lara on at

      Yes, we are actually working on getting a new shop platform because it’s so confusing! It’s the very last screen : )

  2. I’m so excited for you! And for me, too! May does feel like a fresh new start after a whirlwind few months. Thanks for always doing your best to help hold us accountable. Raaarrrrr!

    • Lara on at

      Haha! So grateful for you. Raaaarrrrrr!!!

  3. Kristen Snow on at

    Nevermind- figured it out. Can’t wait to start my second set of powersheets– LOVE them!!

  4. Em on at

    Girl! You hit home with me today. I have been in a whirlwind and have needed a reset button. The beauty of Spring is such a great reminder to start fresh. Thank YOU for pouring your heart into your words…I can’t wait to see that book!!!!

  5. Kyra on at

    I’m so glad you’re back!!!! I am with you…. there’s been so many changes for me lately. Time to start fresh. Congrats on your writing progress!

  6. Lindsay on at

    We’re in a new family home this year and I have a garden for the first time. I’m really enjoying all the digging, pruning and planing and thinking lots about being fruit bearers for Jesus. Thank you for your refreshing words. So sad I can’t ‘hangout’ with you as the time difference from the UK isn’t helpful. But I’ll be praying for you all xxx

  7. Lara M on at

    I’m so glad you’re able to really get out and enjoy the spring with your sweet family now! It’s become a season of change for us and a fresh start, while somewhat scary, is always full of blessings. I’m definitely ready for those new mercies!

  8. Welcome back, Lara! Can’t wait for your book to hit shelves! And I LOVE this #startfreshmay theme! I’m definitely feeling a fresh start is due after such a long winter season. I recently submitted my e-book manuscript and passed initial review, so I am moving forward with self-publishing my first book! It’s all new to me and I have no idea what will come from it, but I’m excited for what I’ve been learning and the possibilities that exist as I trust God for what He’s put on my heart to do. He is GOOD! Happy May! 🙂

  9. Angélique on at

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I need a fresh start so bad especially since it is finals weeks an I need to stop procrastinate. I am so happy about your book ( and I am sooo gona buy buy it ;).
    Have a nice day!

  10. Rosangela on at

    Can’t wait for your behind-the-scenes book writing process, Lara! Good luck with the May’s starting fresh! I’m doing it too, since this is the month of my birthday and I want to take things in the right course again.

    Warm hugs!

  11. Katie on at

    A truly inspirational post! Ironically (or not… I don’t believe in coincides – God’s plan is perfect) I’ve also been feeling inspiration about May being a fresh start. Here’s to new beginnings!

  12. Nicole on at

    Count me in! I’m hoping to blog my #StartFreshMay journey as God is giving me good things to work on and to share. Here’s to clarity! Thanks for all of your encouragement, Lara. I just adore you, which really means I adore the Lord because He shines through you all the time. : )

  13. Elizabeth on at

    Lara, you are such an inspiration!!! I think this is such a good idea. Today, I’m going to sit down and make a plan on how I’m going to start fresh. Thank you! Also, I am SUPER excited about your book!!! I’m sure it’s going to be incredible!

  14. Kara-Anne on at

    I’ll try very hard to stay up for the Google Chat. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to “chat” with you online.

    And can I just say how much I’m looking forward to your book? I know it’s just going to bless my life and change it.

    Love your heart Lara, please share more. I’ve missed your posts!

  15. Abi on at

    Welcome back! It’s taken me since January to catch up with your goal setting posts anyway so May suits me just right 😉

  16. Jen Kessler on at

    Ah…I just love finding a new blog post by you in my bloglovin reader! Your words are always so refreshing and encouraging. I’m excited to hear about book updates!

  17. Becky Trejo on at

    I just spent the last couple weeks of April in Hawaii, sitting by the ocean, in prayer and Scripture, completing your goal-setting series. I turn 30 this month and knew so many things needed to change if the priorities I say I have are going to be the priorities I actually live out. I’m so thrilled for this Start Fresh May! What an awesome gift.

  18. dawn on at

    hello miss lara,
    as i was pottering around in my bathrobe this saturday morning i was thinking ‘i love that spring is finally here and i can open the windows at last, but i feel somewhat disjointed and need to get a plan together’ then i made my breakfast and sat i my computer and pulled up your post. most timely! i even ordered your power pages … i hope i can figure out the google hangout thingy, as i would really like to be part of that and get refocused. have a lovely mother’s day! take care, dawn

  19. Courtney on at

    Hi Lara,

    I really enjoyed the google hangout yesterday – unfortunately I had to sign off about 20 minutes before you were finished and didn’t get to hear your “tips for starting fresh”. I’d love to see a blog post on it!

    Love your blog, your powersheets, and all you do here.


  20. Riz on at

    Hey Lara, I blogged my notes from your live stream last May 15. (I know, it took me a while to get my thoughts out there.) I’m sure you’ll be alerted of the trackback, but I just want to personally thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart to strangers like us, and for being generous in sharing what you know and what you believe. You’re such a blessing, even to people (like me) from thousands of miles away. 🙂 God bless your heart!

    • Lara on at

      You are so kind! Thank you for the encouraging words — it’s great to meet you! : )

  21. Mel on at

    I can’t wait to receive a newsletter saying powersheets are available!!! : )

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