Goal Setting, In The Office, Motivation, My Books, Personal

Today I turn 34 and something has struck my heart like lighting: Don’t wait. At church this past weekend, one of our preachers told us about a memorial service he had just gone to. A 35 year-old killed was killed in a car accident last Tuesday morning. That wasn’t on the young man’s to-do list for the day or in his plans. He thought he had his whole life ahead of him. The heart of the sermon that followed: You might not have as much time as you think you have. Don’t keep what God has given you to yourself. This thought has permeated every inch of my heart, so here I am. I am fired up to not keep what God has given me to myself in this series, in the book I am furiously writing (my final manuscript is due in 30 days — pray for me!) or in any aspect of my life.
So, the biggest rule to this entire goal setting series is don’t wait. If God puts something good on your heart to do, DO it. Now. Don’t wait till you have a perfect list of 2014 goals in front of you. Do the good you know you ought to do. Do it with gusto. Do it knowing that you might not have as much time as you think!
Prints of above available here in gold foil, on sale for $12 — originally $20.
Maybe this isn’t how you expected I would start this 2014 Goal Setting series, but I’m done waiting. If we face the reality that our lives are not in our control — that we don’t get to decide how long we get to walk this earth — we actually learn to live our lives to the full. Facing the reality of life — and eternal life — makes me feel bold and clear and direct. It makes me want to use every gift God has given me and stop fearing what other people think (<—- how many of you are in that boat right now with me?) or what comforts I might lose if I give more and live with much less. It makes me want to hug tighter and teach Grace love more profoundly quit a lot of things and stop wasting so much time. Anyone feeling this way too? Welcome. I’m celebrating 34 years today — and the fact that I still have the ability to reach you today through this computer — by kicking off what will, Lord willing, be a powerful start to 2014. Let’s do this.
Here’s the deal. Making things happen requires action. As we go through this series, either use the comment area here to leave your answers or write them somewhere. But, don’t just think them. Thinking them doesn’t count. Write them out and, if you want accountability, leave them boldly here in the comments. I want to cheer you on! Friends, help me out here and cheer each other on, too. You never know who you might inspire or whose life you might completely change with your words.
Those of you with 2014 PowerSheets will be all set, although you may need more space to write a few of these extra steps — and there will be exclusive steps just for PowerSheets owners, too! If you haven’t ordered your set yet, you can still order in time for my live 2014 Goal Setting Webinar on January 15! Pre-orders start shipping January 9. But, let me make one thing very clear: you do not need PowerSheets to make things happen. They are just a great tool. They won’t do the work for you. If you just have a notebook to do this series, use that! If you have scrap paper, that’s great too : ) It’s not about the perfect stuff, it’s about how you USE what you have.
We’re going to take this day by day, in small powerful chunks, because there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. – Beverly Sills For the entire series, I’ll be sharing my personal progress and goals as well. And I have no idea what those goals will be yet. No idea! I know the heart of what they will be, but this is a series — a process — for a reason. You can microwave some goals and have a pretty little 2014 list by Monday, or you can dig deeper and set goals that matter to you over the next week or so with me. You can pray hard about them and really weigh whether or not they are the best use of your time. You can set goals that are twenty levels below the surface, where the fiery good stuff lives. Or you can just make resolutions that get forgotten and tossed aside come February 1. So, steps 1-3 will happen today and we’ll continue on Monday with the rest. And, if you need an extra kick in the pants to make this happen, keep reading. I have a little something for you at the end.
I’ve revamped and updated my Goal Setting series from last year based on what I learned in my own process and what I’ve seen work for thousands of others who joined me. I am very excited about doing this with you and so curious to see where it leads me personally, too. Are you in this for a quick fix or for making LIFE happen? Awesome! Continue…
Before we start, a question: how are you? No, really. How ARE you today, friend? Free-write (or “download” as I like to call it) for just a couple minutes. Be honest with yourself. You can burn your paper after if you want to, but be honest. How are you?? If you need a place to start, write out three things that are challenging you in life today or lately and also write three things you are grateful for today. It’s so important to start with where you are and get it out. Your worries today can directly affect what you write next, so don’t shove them under the table. Acknowledge them. Write them. Call your BFF and talk them out. Whatever works best for you, but whatever you do, do it now. Don’t wait. When you are done with that, take a deep breath and let’s get started with Step One of 2014 Goal Setting.
STEP ONE: Let’s take a look back at what worked in 2013. What are you grateful for in 2013? What good things happened? I know I’m starting with the hardest step. Most people don’t like taking the time to do this because it doesn’t seem like it will get you anywhere fast. Trust me here. It will. Why is this the most vital first step? It’s really easy to look back at an entire year and just see the yucky parts. Like when something happens to you at the end of a day and you automatically call it a “bad day,” regardless of what happened the other 23 hours. Anyone do that? [Raising my hand high!] Let’s focus on what went well first. Make your list right now. These positive things are there to guide you and you should CELEBRATE THEM! Celebrate what you want to see more of. Gratitude changes everything and will show you just how far you’ve come… and it just might give you the energy and hope you need to press on full-force! Make your list of things you made happen and things you are grateful for. You can list as many as you like!
One huge thing I am grateful for is that I started this Goal Setting series a year ago and tracked my progress throughout 2013 with my PowerSheets and here on the blog for accountability. You can read my goal updates (I posted my progress every three months… or when I could!) here: April, August, October. I am so exceedingly grateful that I wrote things down throughout the year. This was new for me and completely changed things. It gave me so much more to celebrate because I didn’t forget things or let negative things overshadow them. This helped me to have the energy and confidence to keep going when things got hard. It helped me see so much more of God’s goodness that was there all along. I will give my final 2013 Goal update and my list of great things that happened in 2013 next week. Gotta use every day I have left to, Lord willing, take more action on those goals!
A few tips on how to make your list that have helped me:
1. Take a look back at your 2013 calendar, blog posts (if you blog) or photos you posted on social media. Those might give you a clue into some of the highlights you’ve forgotten.
2. Talk to your significant other or BFF about your year and ask them to reflect some of the highlights back to you. They may remember some that you have forgotten! This is also a really great inspiring way to celebrate the good things of 2013 this weekend. Make it your dinner conversation tonight : ) And remember, this isn’t all about you – ask others to tell you their highlights, too! Goodness is contagious!
3. Thank people. As you reflect on the good things this past year, say thank you to those who were a part of that. I’m starting today, too, with some texts, emails, phone calls and physical letters and a lot of praise to God. Gracie is doing her happy dance, too : )
STEP TWO: What didn’t work? Honesty time! And before you do this step, remember not to beat yourself up here. You are brilliant and I know you want to make this your best year yet. The past is behind you. The old has gone, the new has come! Just list some facts here. In business and life, what didn’t work well to help you live your best life this year and what needs improvement?
STEP THREE: As a creative, visual person, imagery really lights my heart on fire more than anything. Great photographs and colors can make my heart sing and help me clarify my vision. If you are like me, you will really love Step 3. Make a Pinterest board of images that will inspire a brilliant year. Title your board “Making Things Happen in 2014” so we can search for each other’s boards! Now, one word of caution. I rarely use Pinterest because it can be the black hole of distraction and discontentment. Pin wisely, friends. Pick stuff that lights your hearts on fire and move on! Here’s my board from last year and here is the one I’m starting today for 2014. I am alone with Gracie today, so there will not be much pining happening! Just reading books, running around and singing silly songs : )
OK, that’s it for today and that’s plenty to work on! Take your time with this and remember: PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. This is not about writing the perfect list with a perfect pen or making the most beautiful Pinterest board… it’s just about honesty. To make things happen, you have to start with where you are. This is a process that will have a big payoff, but you have to commit to working through it. Be still and let your year’s vision slowly cook, like a pan of homemade hot baked cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They wouldn’t be so flaky and yummy cooked in the microwave, would they? Just a big pile of mushy dough. I’m not going to hand you your 2014 goals. We’re going to do this right and get there together. Sound good? Awesome! Get to it!
If you need an extra kick in the pants to make this happen, I’m going to be giving away a $20 gift code to my shop (there are some crazy amazing new Making Things Happen and inspiring goodies coming to the shop soon!) and goodies from other shops I love on EVERY POST in this series to one lucky commenter per post. You can win multiple times and you can increase your chances of winning by:
– Pinning this post or any in the series
– Instagramming – or “gramming” ? I suddenly feel old. Ha!
– Facebooking (is that a word??)
– Tweeting
– Blogging or in any way sharing this post/series
– For all entires, link back here to www.LaraCasey.com/blog and use the #2014GoalSetting hashtag. You are welcome to use graphics from my posts!
– Lastly, leave a comment saying you did any of the above. You can enter as many times as you like on all posts! I’m going to choose some extra winners along the way, too, for some special surprises : )
Why am I doing this? I know God put me here on this earth for many reasons, and He has made it clear that one of those reasons it to motivate people to take action on what matters most. I want you — yes YOU — to make what matters happen in your life. So, help me spread the word and let’s get all our friends in on this for accountability! Making things happen is always better when shared : ) “See” y’all Monday! YAHOO!!!
keep reading
Love love love you! So excited to get down to business next week when I get back from our NYE wedding. Last years goal setting time was so huge in Andrew and I’s lives 🙂
I’m all in! thanks to the past series my goals are on the move right now! hugs from Brazil!
I just created my #2014GOALSETTING Pinterest board and I’m pinning this post to it! I’m heading out to buy a binder to keep my Powersheets in today–so excited!
Just tweeted! I have been so blessed by your amazing ability to lead. Looking forward to putting my goals down on paper and kicking off the new year right!
I am ready to get started TODAY. These are my first PowerSheets and they couldn’t be more vital to my life right now. Today is the day to start focusing and celebrate my happy times. Excited (and nervous) for this journey but I’m ready. Shouting it from the rooftops over here. Thank you Lara for your guidance.
Wow. Where am I. So much further than I was at the beginning of last year and yet, still not where I’d hoped to be. I’m struggling with diligence, with getting things done well, with prioritizing the most important… I am so much bolder than I thought I would be by now. But I’m not where I wanted to be in learning to speak words of life and to do simple acts of kindness. I’m going to have to ponder these questions an pray about them more, but I’m so excited for this blog series and my own personal journey.
Alesha <3 -
I’m so, so excited to be a part of this Making Things Happen process again this year, Lara! And this year, I have your Powersheets, too! ::happy dance::
I’ve created my Pinterest board, here: https://www.pinterest.com/aplacetodwell/see-the-possibilities/
I’ve also pinned, tweeted, and instagrammed your post! I actually started last night, before I had even read this! Haha 🙂 I was just so excited that this series was coming, I couldn’t wait to share with others. I’ll be sharing it on FB, as well.
Thank you for your inspiring heart and your desire to help us all do great things that truly matter! -
Lara! I have been stirring over my powersheets since I got them and praying for deep and God -sized goals…
I n the past year I have realized how prideful I can be and how my wants, needs and excess SO get in the way of what He has planned. 2013 was also a year of GRACE, authentic community, choosing to DO not just talk, launching a blog (although I still don’t feel like a “blogger”) and serving where I am needed.
Thank YOU for encouragement, love and a kick in the pants when we need it.
I’m ‘gramming 🙂 , pinning, and facebooking now
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Lara!!! You are indeed a blessing to many! Your inspiration has blessed me to lead to inspire as well and tap into God’s purpose and HIS “goals” for my life! I have received my 2014 Powersheets (YES!!!!) and putting them into use TODAY (why wait — let’s do this!); and I have posted this link to 3 of my Pinterest boards = GOALS, TODAY/NOW/THE PRESENT & onto my MUST DO THIS board! I have also hash-tagged on Twitter under #2014GoalSetting! YES!!! Super-excited! Better days/months/year ahead, Lord-willing!
SO. EX. CITED. I’m been going through the old blog posts to prep myself for my first set of powersheets, and get my mind & heart ready to Make Things Happen. The words from you, Natalie, Gina, and Emily have been so so helpful. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done to help encourage us all.
First of all … HAPPY bIRTHDAY LARA !!!!
Im so excited for everything from above ! i been following and reading your post and pictures for a while ,and this is my first time getting my “POWER SHEETS” ,and first time following this post…I want to reach in this new years to come everything that God have for me , or at least to start doing what matter most for Him. I been feeling that something is missed …i get to a point that i don’t know what i’m supposed to do , about my business and my life . I bake , but business was not that good and it get to a point that i ask myself if that is what i’m supposed to do ….or i really have to focus in God and His word for my life. I really need to be lead … This year my church leader went to another church , and that was something that hit me hard, my Pastora died , my Parents came to visit me and my family , and i realized that i need to change more and more (i want that) …. we never finish changing . i’m scared that i loose so much time , and i don’t want to miss more . i want to do what God want me to do …sometimes i feel loss.
I need to learn to organize myself, my life, and daily life .
Thank you Lara for your word and inspiration to make changes. Sorry if i open to much .
God bless you all !!!! -
Happy Birthday, Lara! I am so excited about your #2014PowerSheets. I have been digging deep into mine this last week and am gifting some to my BFF Monday along with a Life Binder from Emily Ley. This things have changed my life in the last year. Thank you for this series and taking it to the next level!
Happy Birthday, Lara!! And thank you for the gift that is this post. I’m still ordering my 2014 PowerSheets, because I’ve discovered it a little bit late through Emily Ley’s shop. Well, better late than never, yeah?! I love your Goal Setting ideas and while I order my set, I’ll write the directions down and start to plan my goals.
Thank you so much! You’re such an inspiration!
I am so ready to use my powersheets!!! Excited to have a plan of action for 2014. Happy birthday!!
So glad I found you just in time to jump in on this #2014goalsetting gig! In just days I’ll be hitting the big 5-0 -yikes. I have a gazillion feelings about that but thanks to your dares I am daring to reimagine the next year starting……now. Will be tweeting in it next! Thank you, Lara, and glory to the one who powers us.
I love setting goals and do this every year since I can remember. I did a pinterest board last year for the first time and I really liked the visual inspiration. I also pray and choose a life verse for the year that kind of filters all my personal goals.
I am excited to read this blog post and get extra prompts and ideas on how to make the goals happen. Living each day intentional has rocked my world. I love your beginning thoughts on “Don’t wait!”
I’ve shared with my blogging group on facebook and hope that they will join me.
SO excited to begin 2014 with such motivation and leadership! Thank you stepping up and sharing this wisdom, Lara! I have a feeling 2014 is going to be huge in my life, and I’m excited to begin with reflections like the ones you suggested! I am a tad nervous to step up and out, but I’m praying that my faith and God’s plan for 2014 carries me through. Thanks again and Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Lara! You inspire me like no one else. I adore you and I’m so happy that I’m starting 2014 completely different that 2013. I made things happen in the 4th qaurter thanks to MTH. This is only the begiining for me. Praying for you everyday!
Yay! Can’t wait to work on these first steps and read the other posts. I posted to Instagram. Happy Birthday friend!!
Happy birthday, beautiful Lara! You are such a wonderful blessing to this world!
My goal this year is to find myself. I feel like I’ve never actually focused on what drives me. Ever since I was a kid I was the responsible one, always an adult, never a child. Even as a teenager I never rebelled, I always considered how my actions would affect others, my parents, my future. I don’t even know what I’m passionate about, I have no clue what fires me up. My whole life has been spent around being strong, unemotional, responsible. It wasn’t until staring at my blank Power Sheets numerous times throughout the year and feeling lost that I realized I don’t even know what I want to do because I’ve never been given the option to just choose. I’ve always taken the logical, responsible route that just gets things done, pays the bills, etc.
I want to find myself in 2014 and discover what God’s intentions are for my life.
Kate! I feel like you just wrote the words in my heart. Same. Same. Same. Praying for you in 2014!
So excited to get started with this again this year! I did the entire goal setting program last year, but lost track of it once the year really set in motion. This year, I plan to stick to it and keep regular track of my goals! Thanks Lara and Happy Birthday!
P.S. Just pinned Part One to my Pinterest Board! Let’s Make Things Happen!
Pinned this post! I’m so excited to get started with you this year. This time last year I had gotten back from NYC after a month of Sandy relief and realized I needed to be more present with my husband and my friends. I had spent so much of 2012 focusing on others in need but not the people closest to me. In 2013 I went to focus on my family (husband and sisters) and my friends (one had a baby and one bought her first home!) So it’s been a great year but I’ve missed helping my community. I need to balance my family and my desire to help others. I know I can’t do either exclusively. Add starting a business and going back to school on top of all that, I’m feeling faint just thinking about it all!
I sooooo needed this post this morning. I’ve read (and re-read) your blog posting this morning. I’ve started my Pinterest board (https://www.pinterest.com/pashadavis/2014goalsetting/pins/). I’ve shared this post on my FB page as so family and friends can start setting their goals as well as shared this on a group page that I manage (Empowering and Motivating Women – https://www.facebook.com/EmpoweringMotivatingWomen).
Thank you for helping others make things happen as well as set (and potentially reach) their goals in 2014!
Happy Birthday!
I really hope I can stick with this. I enjoyed your talk at the p31 conference and I love the idea of organization, I’m just not great at it. I shared via Facebook by the way. I’m in my last bit of pregnancy but I’m hoping to take the time to go through this and get my Pinterest board made! Thank you!
First off–Happy Birthday!
I really have been giving myself a kick in the pants the past few days. I gave up on myself a lot this year when my husband lost his job/trying to find a new one, and the financial strain. These were excuses! Excuses to not accomplish what I set out to do. Nothing will stop me this year!
I started my Pinterest board when reading this post!
My friend Casey mentioned this really changed her 2013, and boy, do I feel like I need it. I ended up overwhelmed and lazy with my goals unfinished this past year and need to try something new in my method with baby #4 on the way.
Happy birthday, Lara! I hope you have a wonderful day.
I’ve been looking forward to these posts since early December and cannot wait to dig in. I’ve tweeted about it here: https://twitter.com/helloawinter/status/416629767660920833 -
First order of biz: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Second: Tweeted, ‘Booked, and ‘Grammed!
Third: I’ve been living in fear of what others think or may think for the last 3-4 years. That malarkey ends TODAY. Thank you for listening and sharing what God has given you–my turn 🙂
this came just in time, loved the exercised and it brighten up my day already
You are now pinned, instagrammed, facebooked by me. Thank you AGAIN so much for your work here on earth! I appreciate you so much!
You know, sometimes I feel like you’re following me around and then write stuff to encourage me, or “slap” me back to reality, or remind me I was born with a purpose. I wasn’t going to make any resolutions for 2014. Deep in my heart I thought “why? Things won’t happen anyway!” Now that I read your post, I am ashamed I thought this way. Yes, I may not have the perfect tools, but perfect tools won’t make things happen either (I know it from experience). So, now I’m questioning myself: “why would i wait?”.
Happy birthday! Thank you for giving me a gift on your birthday. God bless you and your family! -
Happy Birthday Lara! : ) Although we’ve never met in real life (yet!) I am exceedingly grateful for you and your big ol’ heart for Jesus! By listening to God and sharing His word, you inspire me to live a bigger and bolder life for Him too! THANK YOU! I have read your blog and followed you for years and my biggest goal for 2014 is to stop being an invisible stalker and to start doing stuff! I love reading your blog and always wish I could have a great blog, brand, etc, etc, but then I think I wouldn’t have anything worth sharing and worry about what people will think (so guilty of this!) but you are so right, life is too short to live afraid! This year I finished my hardest year of grad school, while working 2 jobs, completing an internship, AND planning my wedding! Whew! I married my best friend in October and next May we will move into our new house and I will graduate with my MA in Counseling, so 2014 should be a great year full of even more changes! I just love this series and your Powersheets (my husband got me them for Christmas!) because they help me stay focused on what really matters. THANK YOU LARA : ) Thank you for always listening to God and following after His heart because it inspires me to do the same. I hope you have a great birthday : )
Megan – my mum is a counselor. The work you are doing will be invaluable to so many people. You have no idea how much yet 🙂 Congrats!!
So so excited to get started on this! I know it’s probably going to take me until Monday to get through the first few steps (reflection is not one of my strong suits and then you combine that with pregnancy brain). I pinned this and will also IG it. I somewhat dread putting the pen to paper because that means I need to hold myself accountable, but I won’t be able to do big things without it.
pinned it and tweeted it!
I’m so excited for 2014 and all the it holds. Next week I get to marry my best friend and I’m excited for the goals we will get to have together and the ones we’ll be able to encourage each other in, individually. Here’s to a fabulous 2014! Trusting that He will do “immeasurable more” because He always does!
I am starting this today! I just downloaded my thoughts and concerns and have pinned a few things to my Pinterest board, including this post. I will be doing Step 1 and Step 2 tonight or tomorrow, as they are my favorite from last year’s goal setting. I am so motivated for next year as it feels like a true blank canvas. Last year I was nearing the end of planning a wedding, so my whole year was focused on that one day and the two weeks after. It was glorious, but I am thrilled to be moving onto a new chapter.
Happy birthday Lara! I just saw the sweet birthday posts from Kristin and I of course had to participate. Make sure you grab the tissues before you search #laraturns34 😉 As for 2014 Goal Setting, I am so excited to get started. My tote bag carries my Bible and Powersheets almost everywhere lately – so when the thoughts or prayers strike me I am ready to go! Thank you for encouraging honesty! It is SUCH a breath of fresh air!! It is a relief to know that my handwriting does not need to be perfect and fears can be written down. Going for honestly this weekend so I am ready for Monday! Enjoy this birthday weekend. We all so appreciate you!
I just started my #2014GOALSETTING pinterest board. I’m so excited to start this journey at the beginning of the year! I found your blog around September of 2013 and have loved reading it when I have the time. I think my life would be much happier with some direction, and this will help! I don’t have the power sheets b/c one of my huge goals is to pay off debt and not spend money on anything unnecessary…I know they would help (and be prettier), but notebook paper is going to have to work if I want to reach those goals! 🙂
Seriously in love with this post.
I started following your blog in the fall of last year and was so inspired and challenged. I was able to become more diligent with my walk with the Lord, organize my career a little better and loose almost 50lbs! You are such an inspiration.
Very excited to see what 2014 holds!Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to you sweet girl and thank you for this post and so many other inspiring ones of read from you. I’m terribly disorganized and really yearning and praying for some help in that area. I usually don’t set goals, because I have a hard time with the follow through and just get distracted with other things in life too easily. But guess what? Without setting a mark to hit, I end up hitting nothing. So ready to change that! Thanks for inspiring me and so many others with your lovely, and God inspired kick in the pants! I know I need it. Thank you for your giving heart and your authenticity. There is evidence of God working in your life and it’s so exciting to see!
YESSS! Working on my Pinterest board while the little guy sleeps right now! 🙂 Love the visuals! gettin’ me motivated! 🙂 HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARA! 🙂
Happy Birthday Lara! I haven’t made resolutions in years because I feel like when the year comes to a close and very few things on that list have been accomplished, I feel like a failure.
One of my goals for 2014 is to give procrastination and that little voice that feeds my fear the boot. I’ve already taken a step in the right direction with procrastination.
Lara, thank you for the verbal kick in the pants! -
Thanks, Lara! Happy birthday!
I shared your awesome info on FB and twitter!
SO excited to do this with you again this year!
Here are some of my highlights from 2013 (also listed on my blog): Graduating from college, setting a date for our wedding, getting my first “big girl” job as a teacher, celebrating the lives of several family members who are now enjoying a special Heaven party, and going through the #52Days of Thanks & Praise with my church (Elevation Church) by taking the last 52 days of the year to acknowledge the little things (and big ones) that God has given me that I am so grateful for. (which also made that list in this process today much easier).Several things that didn’t work…. managing time with my new job, family, etc. (but it got better as the year went on), overcommitting to things, eating too much junk, not reading books for pleasure (one of my favorite things), etc.
Continuing to chew on this more over the next few days. Grateful for your guidance 🙂
I just discovered you from an IG referral. I’m already a fan! Thank you for your gifts. I pinned an image here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/283304632783438842/
Happy Birthday!!
Lara, thank you so much helping me to get in gear for the New Year! Talking about giving a present on your own birthday! Wow!
This post was exactly the encouragement I needed to start my PowerSheets and start planning. I transfered a good portion of my handwritten notes into a blog post, located here: https://bit.ly/1cbKgfM and also posted on Twitter! For those of you on Pinterest, here’s my board: https://www.pinterest.com/amberhoye/2014goalsetting/
Xoxo, Amber
Happy Birthday, Lara! I learned of your site a few months ago and have been hooked ever since. Thank you for your heart, honesty, and inspiration! I am so excited for the coming year and all that is to come. 2013 has been the most difficult year of my life – a lot of loss, change, ups and downs. While it’s been very challenging, I can say that I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I want for the future. I am not going to settle for anything less than God’s best for my life and I am committed to following Him on the path He has for me. 2014 is going to be awesome and your goal setting process is going to be a huge part of that for me. My #2014GoalSetting board is up on Pinterest and I’m ready to #MakeThingsHappen! 🙂
Thanks so much for this series! I found it so helpful last year, and am going for it again this year. I shared this on Pinterest and Twitter.
Maybe more importantly, I emailed a few friends to ask if they’d like to do it along with me. Already have 1 on board! It’s so much easier to “make things happen” in team, isn’t it?
Happy Birthday!!!
I have been so excited all month for your 2014 Goal Setting series. I looked back at what I wrote for 2013 so many times throughout the year and it helped me tremendously. Looking forward to doing it again!
PS — I shared on Pinterest!
Thank you Lara! Im so inspired by your blog and your heart for God. Im excited to see what this new year has in store and Im ready to make things happen!
Hi Lara! I’m not even sure how I found out about your website, but I seriously believe I was supposed to read this and do this goal setting thing. So here I go. And here I comment. Thank you for your words and love for God. And I ‘grammed’ 🙂
Happy Birthday, Lara! : ) I tweeted & blogged about this today at http://www.shelivesfree.com. Love this, thanks for being you! Wishing you a blessed 2014!
pinned and tweeted! can’t wait to attend #mth14!!!
Woo Hoo!! So excited for 2014!! Thank you for all of your support, guidance, and encouragement. Are you ready for an EPIC year!?
I have to say I am pretty overwhelmed with all these thoughts …I haven’t taken time like this ever before to have goals set for me….I’m praying God gives me courage and grace
This makes me tired. Or maybe it’s the two sick babies and exhausted hubby talking. I’ve made notebooks and cute checklists and grand plans the last two years with little success.
These are the reasons why I need to do this and do it with friends. I’m pinning and facebooking the link. Gotta go…someone’s coughing has woken them up. -
Thank you so much for this. I’m praying through the good and the hard, and giving thanks in the midst of it. Not clear on my 2014 goals yet, but seeking Him in the process to lead. Thank you for being a tool and a guide!
I’ve been looking forward to this series!! Thank you Lara for sharing your gifts and I hope your birthday was wonderful! I have started my pinterest board and oh my is it getting me fired up for what is to come! https://www.pinterest.com/teeter/making-things-happen-in-2014/
Lara, I just ordered my #2014GOALSETTING #Powersheets and look forward to starting 2014 with a fresh outlook and support from this amazing community! Blessings to you and your family!
I pinned it to my MTH 2014 board. Looking forward to a blessed year ahead!
I’ve been looking forward to this and just made mu 2014 board on pinterest!!
Hi Lara~ This came at the exact right time. God is so good!!!!! He just amazes me with His perfect timing. I have struggled this year and have almost quit on several occasions. I was, again, in tears and almost quitting because I realized I didn’t make much money this year and then you posted this blog post. Ugh. Keep going. I did make HUGE strides in the right direction this year, however. Huge. Many of those strides wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t encouraged by you and your amazing followers. Make it Happen has been an incredible part of my life this year– a life and game changer. Thank you sooooooo much for everything you have done and continue to do. Please keep being an encourager. And thank you for saying, “You are brilliant and don’t be too hard on yourself.” I so needed that. Thank you, Lara.
Blogged & tweeted about the series! So looking forward to Monday!
I am so thankful for my PowerSheets. I am working on my what worked and what didn’t… there have been many tears, fears, and moments of gratitude. Thank you so much for the e-book and the opportunity for moments of clarity as I plan for making some awesome things happening in 2014.
Tweeted! So thankful for this series and all that you do!
Setting goals. OVERWHELMING. But maybe it’s time I set some.
shared on facebook!
shared on pinterest & officially created my board! Making things happen in 2014! WOOT WOOT!
tweeted… and wanted to say I’m sick of playing small. Starting things and never finishing, or worse having this “amazing and big ideas? that make my heart swoon but never doing anything about them. Kinda makes me a little sick in the stomach to have the accountability (MUCH needed) and feel like there is possibility for clarification and a kick in the pants! 🙂 THANK YOU for posting this and looking forward to the next posts!
Got my PowerSheets for 2014, in a binder, ready to start goal setting for January. We leave for vacation tomorrow and I have the entire flight to “download” and really think about what I want to accomplish in 2014 and what I have to offer my friends and community! Very excited to start this journey and use these tools this year!
I am beyond excited about all of this. And I must say–setting goals is always so daunting to me (coming up with them anyways!). I love the process in which you so beautifully lay out here. I am on board and have completed steps one-three. Can’t wait to continue. Looking forward for all God is going to do in 2014!
I tweeted about this goal setting series!
I blogged about this series!!
Happy Birthday Lara! I’m so excited for this series! Last year my boyfriend and I did the goal setting together. He’s now my husband. Turns out we had a lot of the same goals 🙂 Thank you for sharing and for so much inspiration! xxoo
oh! and pinned here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/73535406389609726/
I’m so excited for this series. Just ordered my power sheets and can’t wait to get them in January. I found a little time while visiting family to sneak away and reflect on 2013.
I tweeted, facebooked, and grammed it 🙂 I totally would have done it without the chance of winning because this is awesome and I’m SO excited to really dive in and get serious about my goals! I even ordered powersheets which Ive never used but cant wait to get!
Thank you for doing what God has called you to do in helping others realize all that God is calling them to do! It is such a blessing in my life to have found your blog at just the right time. Thank you thank you:) -
I invited all of my friends to join this journey via Twitter!
I took a couple of days to write this because I had a lot to write but I’m hoping someone out there can resonate with my words and with what is on my heart at the end of this year. My Pinterest board will be in the works tonight 🙂
2013 has been the most challenging year of my life, but also my biggest year of growth. As I sit down to reflect on the blessings that this year carried, I feel it is important to first address the storm that I have been going through, as it has affected, changed, and influenced quite a few of the blessings that I am grateful for.
Earlier this year I was diagnosed with a pretty severely herniated disc in my lumbar spine. The doctors that I have seen have been unable to pin-point how it happened to my 21-year-old self, but it is here and it is large. The symptoms were mild and almost in remission for about five months, until mid-September when they started to return. By the first week of October, I could not tolerate sitting and I could not stand up straight or walk normally. Almost every movement I made was excruciating, even laying in bed. I started to know pain in a whole new way and it quickly became rather debilitating. I have been out of work for ten weeks and it is likely that I will be facing surgery in the upcoming weeks (I have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow, December 30th). Surgery is my biggest fear in the whole wide world (that in itself is a huge understatement), but I am ready to get my life back. I am still in the midst of this turbulent storm, but with prayer, patience, and a bit of clarity, I have been able to see blessings woven into it was well.
I am most grateful for the shifts and changes that occured in my walk with God this year. He has blessed me with an amazing small group of incredible young women who are a Godly example to me, inspire me daily, encourage me, life me up in prayer, delight in life with me, and are constantly expanding my ideas about God and motivating me to dig deeper in my faith. This year I started to pick up my Bible more than any other time in my life. I am still learning fundamental truths and working on cleaning the clutter out of my heart and mind so I can truly absorb them, but that realization in itself has been fundamental to setting my heart in the right direction. While I am not where I would like to be spiritually, this area is where I desire the most growth and maturity to happen in the upcoming year. I am thankful that God has laid it on my heart to make Him my core and to grow in my faith daily. I certainly do not have it all figured out, but I am so excited to learn and for Him to change my heart.
Despite the pain that this injury has brought me, I am so thankful for the time that it has given me to rest and search my heart. In the weeks prior to the symptoms coming back, I kept saying ‘I need a break, I need a vacation, I need time to focus on deepening my relationship with God and what I want in life’. I felt like there was so much going on that I just wanted some time to b r e a t h e. I have had ten weeks of that now, and while I do feel as though I have wasted many of the days focusing on my affliction, there have been some huge blessings woven in. I have had time to teach myself the basics of graphic design and to open an Etsy shop which has been a huge blessing to me. Which brings me to:
I opened my Etsy shop (yippee!!!) After my road to recovery got super bumpy and unpredictable, I resigned from my job as a receptionist. It was a tough decision to make because I didn’t want to let my company or coworkers down, but it ended up being the best decision for both of us because it has allowed me time to explore all the options with my back (it’s a very ‘process-of-elimination’ kind of thing as they have been trying to rule out surgery) and it allowed them to hire somebody who can be there and fulfill their responsibilities without interruption. It left me without a source of income though. I am blessed to be able to live rent-free with my parents and only have minor bills to pay, but I have been dreaming of moving to the South since the summer and that will require me to be self-sufficient. After I left my job, I wanted to find a way to have income again, even if it was just nominal. I was spending a lot of time practicing graphic design from my bed, so I launched my Etsy shop with digital designs that I could create and sell from the comfort of ‘bed rest’. Ultimately I would like to sell physical, tangible items, but the digitals have allowed me to make a profit in a way that does not hurt my back at all. It has been such a blessing, and I have had sales in 12 states during the first five weeks of store ownership – yahoo!!!
This is the year that I finally took initiative with my health and made serious changes in the way I care for myself. The past couple of months I have not been disciplined with my health because my injury has limited my physical activity to a pretty sedentary level and the holiday foods have been abundant, but this year I worked HARD. In mid-April I decided to eat a gluten-free diet. It wasn’t something that I necessarily wanted to do permanently, but when I omit gluten from my diet I have more energy and can think more clearly. That to me was worth the adjustments and self-discipline, which is saying a lot from a girl who loves her breads and pastas. I started to eat clean, whole foods. I learned to really appreciate the nutrients that food can bring, and I started to eat to live rather than living to eat. I invested in a gym membership at a club that had an indoor pool, so that I could work out even on days where my back was bothering me. I also invested in good running shoes that were meant for my arch and gait, so that I could exercise with confidence, knowing that each step I took was supported and properly aligned. I lost excess weight in a healthy way, pushed my body in the gym and outdoors, and had a lot more confidence in myself. It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but it was one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. It’s still a work in progress, but those months this year really helped to give me the confidence to regain momentum again, once my back is better.
This year I made the difficult decision to take more time away from school. Ever since I was in middle school, college was something that was a must for me. As a first-generation college student, I was confident that it was something I wanted for myself. To explain the story in brief: I began college as a nursing student because it seemed like the ‘safe’ and sensible thing to do. There was job security, flexibility, and it would allow me to help others everyday, which is important to me. However, this heart of mine is filled to the brim with creative ambition. I love to create, it makes my heart sing. I could create all day everyday and be the happiest person alive. As long my creations inspire me and others, I’m content. When I decided to make the bold move to pursue design instead of nursing, it was the beginning of my sophomore spring semester, in early 2012. BEST decision I EVER made (after accepting Jesus, of course!). It has brought a lot of challenges because the school I was attending did not offer any course of study in design, so ever since then I have been looking for a school that is affordable and offers a program that is a good fit. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason though, and the fact that I have been out of work with this back injury for the past three months makes me feel better about taking this time away from school because I would not be able to attend classes right now anyway. God makes everything beautiful in its own time, and maybe His plan for me is different than the traditional college route.
I celebrated 20 years of being cancer-free this year! I had neuroblastoma as an infant, so every year on November 21st I celebrate another year of good health and the miracle that God performed more than two decades ago on my baby self.
This year I discovered my deeply-rooted love for the South. I can truly resonate with all things Southern and it a goal of mine to move there once my back is healed and I am able to be self-sufficient.
I’m thankful for the health of my grandparents and the time that I get to spend with them. They are both in their mid-70s and they live locally, so I love visiting them and cherishing time with them and their wisdom (I actually visited them today as a matter of fact). I never had the chance to meet my paternal grandparents because they passed away from cancer before I was born, but I am blessed by my close relationship with my maternal grandparents and so thankful for the time with them that God has blessed me with.
I went on lots of little day-trips with friends this summer, enjoying beautiful New England, especially the coastal towns. I love adventures, and my best friends and I went on an adventure to a different place almost every weekend over this past summer.
A dear friend and neighbor of mine came home safely from his deployment in Afghanistan, and is now finally home for good as of last week because his contract finished up. It is a comfort to know that he is now safely home again.
I shared a reading of one of my favorite books at a Women’s Ministry event at my church earlier this month, which helped me to overcome my uneasiness about public speaking. I was also asked to design something for the event, which was my first commissioned graphic design project. I am thankful for opportunities like this to use the gifts that God has blessed me with within a ministry setting.
My cousin and her husband welcomed there second child into the world on December 3rd, a precious and healthy baby boy named Adam.
I’m thankful for the creative resources that I have been blessed to enjoy this year, such as my laptop, my Silhouette machine, my sewing machine, my iPad, laminator, and a new printer. While I have had some of them for more than just this year, I have been using them a whole lot more over the past couple of months and I am thankful to have them so that I can exercise my creativity anytime I want (which is often!).
Overall, 2013 has been a very turbulent year, but looking back and reflecting on these blessings has been a blessing in itself because it helps me see the good that happened, rather than focusing on the troubling times.In terms of what did not work this year, there is certainly a lot that I would like to address so that I can make room for improvement in 2014. In short:
-Not putting God first – and not making him my core – did not work. That one is fundamental to everything else, and it took me until very recently to start to truly realize the weight of that.
-Not being intentional did not work.
-Not continuing with my healthy eating and making my health a priority did not work.
-Dwelling on the negatives and not practicing gratitude did not work. As Lara says, gratitude changes everything. I spent too much time this year not being grateful.
-Letting my emotions cloud my judgement did not work.
-Feeling pressured to be on a ‘traditional’ path with college rather than enjoying the moment and place where God has me right now did not work.
-Letting my back condition consume me MOST CERTAINLY did.not.work.
-Not being a good steward of time and resources did not work.
-Letting clutter (both mental and physical) stick around for way to long did not work.
-Lastly, I did not work. As in, I often knew what I should have been doing and how I should have been using my time, but I did not make things happen like I would have liked to. However, I am fired up for 2014 and ready to see the change that hard work brings! 🙂-
i pinned this. And oh my word, I love this series! Can’t believe its been a year already since I first discovered your goal-setting posts. This year has been GOOD. I’ll be blogging about the first few steps soon.
Darn it! I meant to comment on your post, Kyla, but not with that content! Your story is so inspiring and I’m proud of you for being bold in the face of situations that aren’t ideal. I actually found your Instagram a few days ago, so I’m excited to hear the story behind the images that caught my eye. Thanks for being open and honest!
Thank you so much Abi!! Your kind words mean so much to me. I felt hesitant posting such a lengthy response to the first part of this series but it was so therapeutic to process everything I’d been carrying around and to share it with whoever it can help. You just made my day! 🙂
So touched by your story. Thank you for sharing.
Can’t wait to get started…. definitely what I needed to help guide me through 2014, cause 2013 was a rough disappointment.
Pinned 🙂 thanks for this, Lara!
I very much enjoyed this exersice with you last year and am looking forward to it again this year! Thanks always for sharing!
Forgot to share the link to my Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/thebalancedwife/making-things-happen-2014/
Thanks so much for this! Can’t wait to go on this journey and get things DONE!
https://lifefollowsfaith.blogspot.com/2013/12/goal-setting-for-2014.html -
I hope it’s okay that I wrote so much! I didn’t realize that most comments are brief. I love reading through what y’all are working on and passionate about! 🙂
I blogged about this today! LOVE THIS. 🙂
Here is my blog post: https://www.waitingwithjoy.com/2013/12/30/new-years-goals/
Here is my pin: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/276127020877167956/
I ordered my 2013 Powersheets but them in a handy binder and put them on the shelf. Not this year! I owe it to myself to follow this through because I already know the result will be good.
Thank you for doing this again Lara! It is such a blessing to so many! I’ve shared it on Instagram and can’t wait to see it help others!
I Pinned & Instagrammed the goal setting. My IG account is private, though. I’m not sure if that matters. Can’t wait to see where my goals take me in 2014!
My daughter is at the babysitters and I have a day to sit and work on this. I am so excited. You are truly an answer to much prayer and pleading for God to work in me to become more intentional and focused (I’m kinda, no, I AM dory from Nemo…oh! something shiny!). I’ve pinned and instagramed and I’ll FB it later! You are amazing and you may have been the answer to the the ‘person you would most like to meet’ on the ‘getting to know me’ page…wanna come to Charleston? 🙂
I’ve been working on this for the past several days and making progress slowly but surely. I began my Pinterest board with the 2014 Goal Setting image. Very striking.
Pinterest – @everydaychicny -
I pinned the first quote, I love it!
I’m trying to decide if the powersheets are for me. I’m going back and forth trying to decide and I don’t know if it’s because I’m nervous about the possibility of taking charge of my year or not.
Your work is truly amazing.thank you
I pinned this! Can’t wait to MTH in 2014!
I absolutely LOVE this series. This is just what I need to start 2014 off right personally and professionally. Thanks Lara! I’m sharing this journey on my blog, and I’ve also shared it on Twitter (girlyinspired), Instagram (kiaash), and Facebook (girlyandinspired)
I’m SO EXCITED to get started with Goal Setting and my Powersheets!!! I’ve got my pinboard going and it’s giving me so much inspiration and I’ve pinned these first two posts in your series! Thanks for sharing this!!!
Thanks for the inspiration, love this series! Here’s my pin https://www.pinterest.com/pin/152559506101252281/
can’t wait to take time to go through this this week and nail it all down! i pinned lots of images tonight 🙂 can’t wait to spread the word more!
Brand new to your blog. I have been praying on a word that would inspire my focus this year and a friend on a thread I view regularly posted your link. I am thinking that I will incorporate the pinboard and my word to encourage my focus this year. I have begun my pin board pinning two of my all time favorite scriptures from your board. Thanks for the inspiration!
Always an inspiration you are!
I have had the Powersheets for awhile now and have been scared to start. Your post, mixed with all of the wonderful comments is a good kick to get going and dive right in.
2014 is the year I make goals and accomplish them!
I have started my board and pinned this! -
I pinned this and blogged about starting it. I can’t wait!!!
Thank you so much Lara for continuing to be a great inspiration!!! I still stare at my “what fires me up” from the MTH session I went to in LA. It’s on my desk and I look at it daily to remind me what keeps me going. I just started my pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/preppychic/making-things-happen-2014/
Last year I saw this and didn’t participate. Today, I’m jumping in. Here we go, 2014! https://www.pinterest.com/onadventureway/making-things-happen-in-2014/
What didn’t work in 2013?
holding in kind words
staying in bed too long
taking too much time to do simple things
thinking that I am not enough
not pushing myself physically
being selfish
fear of manWhat worked in 2013?
praying and reading the Bible first thing in the morning
eye contact
wearing my natural curl pattern
8 hours of sleep
office hours with my fabulous cohort
reading a book a month
mentoring and being mentored
afternoon check-ins with God
really feeling *all* of my emotions
phone calls
making time for culture/art performance shows
celebrating every accomplishment (big and small)
saying thank you
social media free weekends
memorizing bible verses weeklyMy visual for 2014
https://www.pinterest.com/ncgillyard/making-things-happen-in-2014/ -
2014 just may be my best year yet. Geared up!
It is crazy to see how different this goal setting is than last year’s. 2012 was so different than 2013 and hopefully 2014 will be different in a much better way. The thing that “worked” the best from 2013, the most exciting thing, was getting pregnant. I looked forward to becoming a momma in 2014!! The hardest thing, or the thing that did not work for us in 2013 was being overworked and pushed passed out limits. Very tiring and draining.
I tweeted this too! Hopefully others will join in. It is so good to start the new year with fresh focus!
I am new to your blog, Lara, but loving it already. I SO appreciate your heart for digging deeper – no quick fixes or lists just for the sake of lists – rather real, heart work, searching out the plans GOD has put within our hearts and praying how to make those a reality. Just worked through the “assignments” in this post even though I’m already a few days behind! 🙂 Grateful for your encouragement.
Lara- thank you for sharing this with us! I’m so excited to walk into 2014 having followed these steps and setting some solid goals! I’ve pinned this post to the pinterest board, instagrammed and will be tweeting/blogging too!
I started a “Making Things Happen in 2014” Pinterest board!! https://www.pinterest.com/timewithourkids/making-things-happen-in-2014/
Pinned and Instagrammed! Lara, you are inspiring me to move beyond the fear of insufficiency in my family as well as in unpredictability of my life right now. Thank you for this! A hope and a love that is greater than all fear! xo
3 Things That Are Challenging Me: (I did four!)
1. My fear of failure- This has held me back for years. Being a designer, I’m always afraid that someone isn’t going to like me work.
2. Finances- Let’s admit, we all can use a bit of improvement in this area. They’re just not quite where I would like them to be at this stage in my life.
3. Full-Time Career- I’m so ready to do what I love full-time. Being a PA is fun, and I’m blessed to do but designing and creating is my heart. Until I can get into a more creative role, I’m always going to feel unfulfilled.
4. My relationship with God- While I’m a lot closer to Him than i’ve ever been as an adult, I have a hard time setting side the I’d like and need to spend with Him.3 Things I’m Thankful For:
1. Finding my path- After going from career to career, I finally found what it is God was leading me to do. I truly believe I have a natural, God-given talent for design- it just took me awhile to realize that.
2. Design work- New projects are already rolling in and it’s not even 2014 yet!
3. Peace- While there are times where I worry – a lot – I still have this unexplainable peace that everything’s going to be ok, and that I’m right where God wants me to be.Everything that did work in 2013:
* Rebrand of Girly + Inspired
* Took on my first design project
* Networked and met with other designers/creatives
* Started my first collaboration with another creative- we’re launching it in 2014!
* Joined my church, Victory World Church
* Put myself out there to do Set Dec for an indie production
* Designed and ordered business cards
* Purchased the domain for Girly + Inspired
* Found and moved into my new apartment
* Stepping out on faith and taking risks- took a leap of faith and quit my job at LOFT to work as a PA in the film industry
* As a result of that, traveled to NYC to assist with a photo shoot for Janelle Monae
* Completed my first brand identity/styling project
* Attended my first creative event…Creative Morning
* Due to my career decisions, I was able to spend more time with my loved ones
Step Two- Everything that didn’t work in 2013:
* Not expressing my true thoughts and feelings in my personal and professional like
* My impatience sometimes gets the best of me when it comes to my career, which has caused me to make hasty decisions.
* Not moving when God tells me to and allowing Him to use me
* Being to afraid to officially out myself out there as a designer and creative- you wouldn’t believe how long it took me to call myself a designer
* Being lazy!
* Lack of faith!Step Three- Get Visual:
Here’s my board so far: https://www.pinterest.com/girlyandinspird/making-things-happen-in-2014/
Hi Lara! I have just begun working on Goal Setting for 2014 today and these steps have been heart revealers for me. When it came to me naming what worked and what I’m grateful for, I couldn’t name anything without adding some negative to it. After having a heart-to-heart with my best friend, I realized how blessed I have been, despite negatives. There has been so much good that God has blessed me with in 2013- a new home, great family and friends (especially during challenging times), the opportunity to finally make it to MTH, new adventures in new cities, registering as a LLC… Awesome, exciting things! What hasn’t worked for me is negative thinking and not letting go, making hasty decisions, pretending I could do something well without passion for it, and not staying committed to regular prayer and time with God. I need more Jesus and less filler. I need a change in my attitude. Looking back on 2013, there have been times that I’ve been truly grateful, but when met with challenges, my attitude wasn’t always what it should be. I want to change that. I want to do a better job of cultivating gratitude and joy and great big love ! So as I move forward in these steps on Goal Setting, I’ll be thinking of ways to bring those things into my daily life. Thank you so much for these posts and an open and honest heart. You have blessed my life more than you know. Happy 2014!
Happy Birthday!! I Instagrammed it for ya 🙂 thanks for the opportunity to join you on this journey!
Thanks so much for sharing! I was working on goals today and stumbled across this–exactly what I needed. I posted my “What Worked in 2013” post today: https://pilgrimsandals.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/what-worked-in-2013/
Thanks for pushing me to be intentional!
I’m working through the rest over the next few days! I loved your advice that it’s better not to rush to get it done by January 1. Perfect!
Thanks so much for this series! I’m so glad to have found your blog. Have an amazing 2014! -
I’m a few days behind, but will try to catch up! Progress, not perfection – at least I’ve started!
Pinned and shared on Facebook too!
Just started my pinterest board and pinned! I’m excited for this adventure:)
I created my Pinterest board and linked! Also did some “gramming” !
Just Facebooked this! Thanks for posting and here’s to MTH in 2014!!! Thank you so much for the encouragement – it was what my heart needed!! Making goals/lists in a notebook at the moment and sharing with the hubs… to God be the Glory! 🙂 Have a blessed 2014!!! 🙂
I posted on Instagram! I just stumbled on to this series and think this is just what I need for a great start to 2014!
I also pinned this on Pinterest!
Just did these steps this morning and basically it all boils down to less of me and more of God. Things didn’t work when I put myself and what I wanted first (which for me is always going to be laziness and selfishness). Why is this so hard for us to learn when we’re reminded daily. Our ways don’t work! Can’t wait to do the pin board but need focused time for that so I don’t use it for procrastination 🙂
I did a blog post! http://www.gratefulwithtwo.blogspot.com
Just started going this first goal setting post this morning. What a great way to start off the new year! THANK YOU for being such an encouragement and sharing that with others.. I shared this on pinterest, twitter and instagram.
I pinned this blog post to my Pinterest page and linked it back to your blog!
Just started my Making Things Happen in 2014 pinterest board! So happy and overjoyed that I stumbled onto your blog. I ordered the PowerSheets for myself and a friend. I have a lot of anxiety to overcome and am ready to finally start working on it & putting more faith in God this year. Thank you for doing this for all of us.
Yes, yes, YES. I’m so glad you started by asking us to think of things we’re being challenged by, and things we’re grateful for. It started me on the right foot to, while looking at my challenges, be reminded of the AMAZING things I’m grateful for. My first bullet point was my husband’s name, in all capital letters. The gratitude I have for his impact on my life makes me want to love him that much more! Isn’t that incredible how gratitude has such an impact on our lives?
Grateful for YOU!
I loved this series so much last year and I can’t wait to get working through with my second set of #powersheets this year! You are such an inspiration Lara and I pray that sometime this year or next I get to meet you and give you a hug for your continued support of those of us you’ve never met!!!! Thank you!
I linked to this post on my blog last week and made an instagram post as well: https://harperhadley.wordpress.com/2013/12/27/2012/
IG: https://instagram.com/p/ib8vYIQCBW/I’m loving everyone else’s comments too! We are all going to make 2014 amazing!! Let’s do this y’all! xoxo
Oh my goodness. ..I have finally transferred from a lurker to a participator (how I even stumbled on your blog as a single northerner employed in a field no where close to the creative industry is a gift in itself) The tears are flowing because I have HOPE again. There is no more difficult place I have been than without hope…hope for the healing, change, and growth that I so desperately need but has alluded me for so long has returned! !! My Pinterest board is made and I instagrammed my word today (I got a little mixed up on the order and started there) but it is”intentional” after I found the quote you saw on instagram today “live your life with intention not by default” praising God for you Lara Casey!!
So ready to break away from mediocrity and the easy route to make big things happen instead! May God use this year to grow us all and reshape our desires and mindsets through His Word and this wonderful series! 🙂
It was a big deal for me to set apart time on the last couple days of my holiday break to tend to this series. Facebooked it @ facebook.com/joanne.henein. (Sorry I don’t Tweet or Instagram yet. But I’ve created a Pinterest board to link up!) These questions will simmer in my mind throughout the year I’m sure – slow-cookin’. For now, I can say:
*3 Things that are Challenging:
-being content whether my day is good or bad.
-laying down disappointment about others’ actions or lack of gratitude.
-going to bed early! I would love a consistent 10pm-6am sleep cycle.*3 Things that I’m grateful for:
-my husband
-growth in loving others and being less judgmental
-home accents I never thought would happen, but God provided and we made it happen! Yay!!!*Some thins that worked in2013?
-breathing deeply, doing less
-being a wife more
-pruning my office schedule
-more prayer, intercession, and home time
-lowering my voice
-setting boundaries
-caring more about relationships
-caring less what others think
-getting help from Dr. Tuttle – our chiropractor, health & wellness practitioner*Some things that didn’t work in 2014?
-still doing too many things at once
-high expectations of myself
-being hard on myself
-fretting, getting upset, taking frustrations out on others 🙁
-my Bible reading plan. Try again? with a different format.In addition, my PowerSheets have arrived (in Hawaii), and I am excited to receive them via my parents in a few weeks when they visit us in Thailand. In the meantime, I am VERY grateful for your live webinar on Jan.15 🙂 It will be midnight my time, but it’s worth it! I’m worthy 🙂 I promise to REST afterwards. Aloha Plenty, JoAnne
I am so excited to have my powersheets and a pretty new pinterest board full of the things that are firing me up! I am busy in prayer seeking His desires for me. I am looking forward to a year with simple, but BOLD goals.
Thanks for this! Here is a link to my blog
and my first steps at starting to lead a simple happy life! Also got the book 7 on your recommendation. LOVE IT. Love is a big deal! -
So glad I came across your blog, really excited to do this!
Pinned on Pinterest! -
Just pinned the first picture in this post. Thank you SO much for doing this series! I’m so inspired by what you write and can’t wait for this new year! Thanks again!
I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago while completing research for my entrepreneurship class. After reading your story, I couldn’t help but order the Powersheets and give them a go this year. I was slightly nervous at first to dive into this, but I’ve completed the sheets and am very excited where I’m headed. It makes a difference to put your ideas/goals on paper as it provides a clear path of where you need to go. Your words have inspired me to follow my path boldly!
My Challenges:
1. Being truthful and honest with myself. I have a fear of making mistakes. I’m the type of person that will continue to try (or force occasionally) things to happen. I’ve come to realize that somethings may not work out how I planned or that isn’t the path I need to take. I want to let go of what I can’t control and give it to God. I want to work on listening to myself and realize that it’s okay not to be perfect.
2. Not letting fear control my life. I am a thinker and often pursue things that I can see logically work out. The past few months the words “For nothing is impossible with God” have been on my heart. I will think outside the box this year. I don’t need to figure it all out or how it will work, but rather enjoy the path of getting to where I need to be.
3. Following my passion. After graduating college, I tended to take the “safe” route with pursuing my career. Although I like my job a lot (and it provides stability), I know this is not all I am meant to do. I need to continue to dig deep and determine my passion/path.What I am Grateful:
1. My health. Two years ago, I had a lot of stomach issues that were extremely difficult to overcome. From that experience, I’ve realized how important my health is and how to better take care of myself. I’m continuing on a healthy path that allows me to enjoy and live life!
2. My faith. For the past year, one of my prayers has been to have the type of faith that moves mountains. This past year has been life changing with the types of problems I’ve overcome. I thank God everyday for giving me strength to pray boldly and to help fight my battles with me.
3. Family & Friends. I’m blessed with very supportive and inspiring individuals in my life and most importantly my mother. She continually inspires me to pursue my dreams with her actions and words everyday.What didn’t work:
1. Settling
2. Not listening to my heart and my instincts
3. Not being honest with myself
4. Not keeping my word; talking myself out of things due to fearWhat has been working:
1. Prayer and being honest with God
2. Healthy living and healthy eating
3. Being present in moments of my life
4. Having inspirational and motivational areas in my lifeThank you for the accountability!
Hi Lara!
Goals have always scared me so much. I’m not totally sure why, but they have.
2013 was far from being my best year. I moved to Charlotte from Milwaukee for a job a year and a half ago. I moved to NC and didn’t know anyone. The last year and a half have been the toughest of my life and on the surface haven’t been too rewarding. So much stress at work, anxiety from stress, and loneliness. I’ve been I found your blog via Emily Ley a few months ago and have decided to give these goals a go.
Just after one night of journaling and letting the words flow, I already feel so much better. Tonight I am grateful to God for this series of posts you have written. I am excited about 2014 and the possibilities it holds.
I’ve pinned this post to my Making Things Happen in 2014 board on Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/mich_smith22/making-things-happen-in-2014/
I am a long-time Lara Casey blog reader/follower who is finally poking her head out via comment. (: I’m ready to be BOLD in 2014 & make. things. happen!!
//pinned, grammed, facebooked, & tweeted//
Pinned it and I loved going through Steps 1-3 and am looking forward to going over the next ones! I had fun pinning ideas for 2014 and love my new board. Thanks!
Thank you Lara for going through this process in so much detail with us. You are truly an inspiration. I have always known how important it is to actually make concrete goals, write them down, evaluate, etc. but I have never had the energy/motivation/vision to actually do it for myself. I read your goal setting posts last year and was so inspired but again didn’t act on it. This year is going to be different and I am starting to get fired up.
I am using OmmWriter (ommwriter.com) to reflect and write, and it is helping a great deal. I am really putting my heart into the process and I just finished the “how are you” step. It’s amazing what you find when you are brutally honest with yourself. Among other things, I realized that (although I hope this is changing), I was lacking the belief that I could actually make change in my life. I have desired change in many areas of life for so long with no results. I know this is because I haven’t been persistent and committed enough, but it has caused me to feel hopeless that I can really change. I feel so weak-willed. I think I was not wanting to put in the effort of making goals because I was so tired/weary of failing, that it feels easier to just ignore what needs to change. But I know that’s not true. It seems to take just as much energy to feel bad about myself/my stagnation as it does to do something about it.
I also want to say that it’s incredibly important to me that you are a Christ follower and that the Lord/His kingdom are your motivation for all things. Too often I have dismissed goal setting/motivational things because it has seemed “worldly” or “through my/our own power,” but that’s just not an accurate view. It means so much to have you as a model of life change in a Christian context. Thank for you being so authentic, transparent, and bold in sharing your life and faith publicly.
Because I have never really followed through on my goals, I am hesitant and can still feel my unbelief weighing me down. Please pray for me (Lara and any one), that the Lord will give me strength and vision to do the hard work of self-evaluation and goal setting, and to come alongside the Spirit by aligning my life/actions with what I know He wants for me.
If any one’s interested, I also made a Make It Happen 2014 Pinterest board as my “happy place” to go to for a little jolt of motivation when needed:
Thanks Lara, that means so much.
I pinned this to my MTH2014 board! What a great way to visualize your wildest dreams. To be honest, I had never really used my pinterest account before! Thanks for giving me the push!
I also linked it on facebook. A couple days in a we can get in the mindset that if it isn’t perfect, or I’m not checking all the boxes on my tending sheet, I might as well scratch the plan. Thanks for reminding me and everyone else that it is progress not perfection that matters!
I tweeted and ‘grammed? this! The “Dear Self” image is now the lock screen on my phone. Nice reminder to chase after the passions God has laid on my heart!
Progress not perfection I love that you include that idea in goal setting. Things that worked for me in 2013: (re)started a blog, read 50 books including the entire bible, took several leadership courses, & Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course. Not so good things in 2013: Only posted 1 blog post the entire year, I have the I-want-everything- to- be- perfect -before-I-share-it disease. The power sheets help cure me of this.
Inspiration Board on Pinterest is such a great way for a visual person like me to see it all laid out there! Pinning items from these posts as well as when I post my commitments, goals, & thoughts on my personal blog. 2014 is going to be life changing.
Lara, I invested in myself (for the first time in a long time) and took several hours to read through your website and blog posts. I know it was God’s sovereign goodness that led me to Make Things Happen. Every part of it (PowerSheets, planning, your words and art) is an answer to prayer! To God be the glory! I am so excited to get started! I am making notes on my laptop until my PowerSheets arrive!
Happy belated birthday!
THANK YOU Lara! I smile to think at the many people who are Making Things Happen this year because of your wisdom, vulnerability, and passion.
I pinned this post and shared on facebook!
I finally took action! I broke out my pristine power sheets and got MESSY! I always avoid writing anything down, but I took action and let the words flow. I also cleaned up my Pinterest to start fresh and meaningful for 2014!
I made a Pinterest board and printed it to put in my journal! Love that visualization means accountability!
I have gone through all five parts and this has been truly refreshing for me. A soul-searching type of goal setting…I love it! The JOY is indeed in the journey. I have journaled all of it and now going to make it public here and then my blog. I have ‘Booked it and ‘Grammed it as well as starting a Pinterest Board linking back to your blog. Thank you for your encouragement; it is so wonderful to see you using God’s gifts!
This series has completely changed my goal setting process and mindset. THANK YOU for sharing with us so freely. You are a blessing!
I have blogged, pinned, instagrammed, and Facebooked about this. Recommending your Power Sheets and Goal Setting process to everyone I know!
I have done all 5 part of this post, and I must say, entering to win was fun but being able to post something so honest and clear out into the world was such a RELEASE! Being able to not just write down my goals in my planner but to post a fun photo along with self motivated tags/comintary was WONDERFUL! How fun is this? You certainly are spectacular! Cannot wait to meet you in March at MTH!
I am a little behind on getting started with my power sheets, but I am SO excited to do so and so very grateful for you and your inspiration! 🙂
Pinned this post! Enjoyed going through my powersheets and have loved tracking goals, tasks on my tending sheets. They are seriously awesome !… I mean for the 4 days I have been using them :)!
pinned this post:)
I started. And I’m blogging about it! I am so inspired by all that you are doing!
I Pinned this post. I am enjoying going through these posts!
Pinned this post. I am taking your advice and doing this very slowly and it has made all the difference. Thank you for your mission to share what you’ve learned with the world. I appreciate you!
A little late but excited to be starting this, I need all the help I can get! I just pinned this!
Also, just shared on Facebook!
I absolutely love the first of the year and fresh starts!!! This is my second round of power sheets and I love how much your posts and the powersheets help me in dreaming big and planning for the year. I’m amazed at how God is using you. And I’m praying for you because I’m sure it all can be overwhelming!!! Praying that God protects your heart and mind and keeps you focused on Him. And that he gives you wisdom to know when the enemy is taunting you. Thanks for all you are doing fr the Kingdom!
I’m new to the blog, but after reading, I was an instant fan! This deliberate goal setting strategy is exactly what I needed!
Great post Lara! I love the Godly-focused approach you are taking to goal setting!!! <3
What didn’t work:
1. Not paying cash for things and setting limits. Even cutting back my take away tea for work to 2 days a week instead of 4 would have helped.2. Making excuses – even for the small things like taking the garbage/recycling out, or emptying the dishwasher. What I have learned is that small things like this take all of two minutes and free up time for bigger things. So just do them!!
3. Lack of planning whether it be gift giving, travel, even heading to the supermarket.
4. Comparing, comparing, comparing.
What worked in 2013:
1. Getting rid of cable – this was huge for us. It gave me $100 back in my account each month, we watch less TV, we can still get the sports my husband wanted, and the tv we do watch is intentional. Normally it is on from about half an hour after I get home until we went to bed, but now its considerably less. And we don’t miss it at all.
2. Cutting out FB on the weekends. Need to apply this to Instagram and Pinterest this year.
3. Being forced into situations I would normally run away from – this sounds negative, but it did give me a glimpse of the potential I have to overcome a lot of fears that keep me from being me and from making memories and connections with my family and friends and total strangers.
4. Setting up a fortnightly transfer into my savings account.
Jus starting today , my birthday, couldn’t think of a better day to reflect on my life! While 2013 was a great year of achieving many goals I don’t feel I lived the best life I could of for God! I need a better balance! I want to be a better mom, coach to my team of stylist and truly inspire others to live their best life! After quitting my job of 12 years in June and working from home to be with my toddler I still feel like I’m in transition! I want to fully enjoy my time with my daughter and run a successful business! I want women to know they can have the best of both worlds, working and being able to stay home! I want my team to look up to me as a true inspiration!
Thank you Lara for your blog. It was just what I needed! Excited. For the second part!
I couldn’t have found your blog at a better time. While i don’t consider myself spiritual ad have only been to church a handful of times in my life, I’m always open to learning and embracing new ideals. Feeling every bit a lost soul of the unfortunate late 20somethings with constant worry about the future, goal setting may be just what I need. I look forward to answering more of your goal setting questions.
Your way of thinking resonates so much with me. You have helped me to get on the path of self discovery in addition to increasing my faith in God. Thank you for your inspiration, I just got back from the holidays and looking forward to working on my 2014 goals!!
hello lara, just found your blog a few days ago and i am so excited to be starting off 2014 right. i love your approach to goal setting and staying motivated through it.
my list of what worked and what didn’t has different areas of my life that were affected. but as i look at each line item i can clearly make the realization that in a nutshell what worked was placing everything in God’s hands and truly letting go. what didn’t work and what took up the majority of my year, was trying to hold on to things and trying to resolve them on my own.
Giving God all control = works. Keeping control for myself = doesn’t work.
looking forward to the rest of the steps! -
I’m typically a very private person so this is a step to share my inner thoughts online…but here is to growth and peeling back the layers.
Step 1. I am grateful for an awesome boss that believe in me and pushes me daily, a wonderful team that works hard and makes me smile in the midst of the chaos, a loving family whose bond is strong, and good health. This past year I started a primarily vegetarian diet, switched to more organic beauty products, and took a leap of faith and left Indianapolis. I have lived in Indy for 6 years which is the longest of any place in my life so it was bittersweet, but I’m excited for what lies ahead. My BFF and sister both had babies and I couldn’t be more excited for both of them.
Step 2. What didn’t work: trying to control situations, waiting to the last minute, overindulgence, frivolous spending, multi-tasking instead of focusing on a single project, losing focus on what matters.
Step 3. Here is my board. I’m a quotes girl but will be adding more pictures. https://www.pinterest.com/MelissaKayTen/making-things-happen-in-2014/
*And I have tweeted and pinned. 🙂
Lara – thank you so much for this. I am new to the power sheets but overjoyed to be able to dig into them. To push past my fears. But I am taking action! Slowly but surely and will strive for progress and God’s will as I figure out what has been stirring in my soul for the past year. I am yearning for change. For purpose. For clarity. Thank you for helping us all along this journey!!
I also pinned this to my board! Eager to spread the encouragement!
https://www.pinterest.com/szcruz/making-things-happen-in-2014/ -
This is so great, and after really digging in to my first set of Power Sheets this year, I cannot express enough how much this helped to guide and focus my efforts and my goals throughout the last six months.
Being able to break down where I have been, where I am, and where I want to go has been such a blessing to my mental health, my physical health, and my general happiness and success in life.
I feel so grateful to have found this blog, Lara, and to have found (and accessed, in a way that helped me) PowerSheets. Thank you!
I just checked my email and I got a lovely message in my inbox that says my Power Sheets have shipped! I can’t wait to pour over them and get in some much needed “me” time at Starbucks when they arrive! Feeling so excited and hopeful for 2014! Thanks for the encouragement, the inspiration, and the vulnerability it takes to do this. I’m catching up now on the planning blog posts. Still mulling over my lists. 🙂
I am SO EXCITED that I finally jumped in and purchased the Powersheets this year! I cannot believe the process God took me through in each and every page, to reach of awesome result of finally having focused goals.
The biggest thing that didn’t work in 2013 is FEAR. I think I wrote fear about 20 times over the course of the Powersheets and did a lot of work thinking about how to get that guy outta here! Fear paralyzes me. I can’t wait to live a year that I don’t feel paralyzed.
P.S. I’m not sure why it won’t let me put my website, but it is currently: justjessicajordana.blogspot.com
I loved this series last year and am so glad you did it again this year! I pinned this post on pinterest and instagrammed (mandaf629).
This year I am focusing on two things: being intentional and being disciplined….I am striving to not let a day pass without reaching towards these goals with purpose. Thank you for your words of wisdom to encourage! I entered on Instagram.
Lara, Thank you for all that you do. For your kind words of encouragement and God centered advice. I’m a “forever fan”. LOVE my Powersheets. My husband is jealous he doesn’t have a set. 😉
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve made a Pinterest board and tweeted about ‘Making Things Happen 2014’. I got married last July and graduated the same month, so all these goodies would be perfect to help me organise my goals and life with my husband!!
I love this, thank you! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/71002131599384075/
Each year I go through the goal setting process with Lara! Each year I meet goals! Each year I learn something new about myself. I had the amazing opportunity to attend MTH2013 and it changed my life and perspective. There is no way that I would miss the goal setting process for 2014! I’m delayed starting, but better late than never! Love your words of wisdom, encouragement and prayer. Ordering my Power Sheets as me and God have a whole lot to accomplish in 2014! Love ya! Sharing via FB, Twitter, Pinterest, smoke signals, carrier pigeons, ant army…… 🙂
Excited to attempt my goals in a new way this year. Thank you, Lara! (I pinned, “grammed” :), facebooked, and tweeted to share with others.)
Shared your series on Pinterest and I’m excited to make this a year of making things happen! 2013 was such a year of growth for me and I want to continue it and not grow stagnant.
All pinned and ready to go. This will be my 1st time really reviewing my year documenting this one and actually planning it. I made a ton of mistake, but I’m glad. I feel new. God is moving and am so excited. I desire Him to lead me more than ever and cant wait to begin! Thanks Lara!
Tweeted. Feeling good about doing some evaluating what’s working before jumping into goal setting.
Love what you are doing here! I have been thinking about the things you’ve said for a few weeks now and today is the day I officially got started. I have thought more about my real goals and what matters most to me than I have in a really long time, maybe ever. Thank you! Thank you!
I started my Pintrest board “Making Things Happen in 2014” with a pin to this post!
Here’s my first blog post about goal setting for 2014: https://notjustbrides.blogspot.com/2014/01/goal-setting-for-2014-challenges-and.html
I’m truly inspired by this post! Initially i went on Pinterest to find ways to live more intentionally simply by grounding myself back to The Lord. This is what I found! Goal setting was a big piece of what I’m working on right now and how great for me that this combines both. I like other readers, I’m not where I want to be. Others in my life see my potential yet I still get in my own way. This year I want to live more intentionally with the Lord more present my day to day life. I want to set my goals, work at them a little bit at a time and see the come to fruition. This is my year to make changes for me so that I can better serve the ones I love and for those that need my help. Hellooooo 2014
I totally pinned this. I am also in your private little powersheets group. So close to “goal setting”!
So, I finally found some time to create my vision board for this year! Loving it! Last year I kept it in the binder with my powersheets, but this year I’m going to make sure I hang it up over my desk at home, my desk at work, and I may put it in my bathroom so I can see it when I get dressed every day, lol. Here’s a link for anyone who wants to go and check it out 🙂
Thankful for a quiet Saturday night to read the Goal Setting Series and start my Power Sheet Prep Work.
Lara, what an incredible blessing you are to so many and an inspiration to not only make what matters happen but to boldly seek the Lord with all your heart and honor him with your time, work, and life.
Thank you so much for this series and all you do!
Pinned to my pintrest board 🙂
I tweeted (https://twitter.com/ShandyRenea/status/425281782259261441) and pinned (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/110901209548416249/) I am so excited to accomplish my goals this year! The powersheets, as well as the webinar, are awesome!
Pinned this post!
In 2012, I felt like I was waiting. Or like I was on the verge. Either way, I sat and waited. And waited. For nothing.
In 2013, I felt disappointed. Where had time gone? What about those promises I felt that had been burned in my heart? What about the dreams I’d had stirring around for so long? Why did nothing happen?
At the end of 2013, my friend named me in a giveaway for an Emily Ley Simplified Life Planner. I poked around on her site and she mentioned your Powersheets as something that fit into her Life Binder. I was thinking, “what in the world are Powersheets??” but being the addict to all things paper that I am, I went ahead and ordered them.
And now, a few days since diving in, I feel as though what I started feeling the whispers of in 2012 is within reach. It’s no one single thing, like I had thought. It’s my life. It’s a chase, a love story, a breath of fresh air… it’s a commitment made anew to a Lord I grew stagnant with, a husband I became closed to, a business I felt lost with… It’s hope. Pure and simple hope.
I just wanted to say thank you for hearing and obeying, for writing and for sharing your heart.
Step one was so good for me! I often look back and think that I accomplished nothing and wonder what happened to the past year. Now I can look at my list and not only see how God worked, but also where my heart really is in preparing for the new year!
It is tough to look back at 2013 considering in a lot places in my life I truly feel like I am in the same place that I was this time last year. Still stuck on fear. The fear has paralyzed me to only sit and think on what I want to do and to not act simply because it isn’t yet perfect. I pray hope that I am able to move out of this fear into living life as God has planned for me. Fear is a scary thing…
I pinned this post! (While making my vision board. ) 😉
Posted to Instagram! @rachelnordgren
I’m finishing up my 2014 Goals and I am SO looking forward to starting my PowerSheets in February…there’s nothing magical about January 1st! -
I just tweeted about this and I’m so excited. I’ve always struggled with organization and setting goals and this is going to help so much!
Lara! Hoory! I love these posts. I’ve done all the goal setting steps and am just now making it back to leave my comments. 2013 was a great year! After two miscarriages, we made a BABY happen and what a blessing she is! 🙂 Making Things Happen in March helped me keep going through a year of being pregnant… and SO much more “worked” than I gave myself credit for. I completed lots of my photography business goals and learned a lot about setting boundaries from what didn’t work. God is good!
My pinterest board is a work in progress… https://www.pinterest.com/meredithteasley/making-things-happen-in-2014-2014goalsetting/
So grateful for you and this series.
What worked in 2013?
Connecting with God every day
Praying with an open heart
Praying as a family
Leaning into my Faith
Learning to take care of my health
Slowing down
Focusing on my marriage
Making time for “family time”What didn’t work?
Negative self-talk
Worrying about what other people think
Not taking care of myself and my health
Saying “Yes” to too many things
Not prioritizing my family
Busying my days, weeks, months
Not scheduling time for my work
Feeling guilty about what I have not accomplished
Doubts, doubts, doubts, worry, worry, worry… all with things I can not controlMaking What Matters Happen in 2014 Pinterest Board… LOVE this and will continue to refine my vision.
Pinning your inspirational images to encourage others to embrace this opportunity and focus and refine their core. xoxo -
I feel like I didn’t even consciously think about what I wanted in 2013 and I really want that to change this year. I will be actively creating the life of worship that I meant to live.
That means saying no to self doubt and negative talks and saying yes to my identity in Christ.
Thank you so much for this.
Last year I resigned from a high pressure teaching position at an elite all-girls prep school. Every weekend I lugged stacks of literary analyses and personal narratives home to grade, and every weekend I explained to my then 3-year-old daughter why Mommy had to work so hard.
Although I was truly thrilled to have found a way to resign through freelance writing, blogging, editing, consulting, and tutoring, I found myself disoriented and lacking focus for my future.
Enter your PowerSheets! Thank you so much for this amazing resource that you have offered others; it is truly a gift.
You can find my feature on your PowerSheets & my PowerSheets Give Away on my blog here:
https://www.welldesignedwellness.com/blog/2014/1/30/learning-to-number-my-days-plus-powersheets-give-away -
Oh … I also “facebooked” it on both my business & personal page 🙂
https://www.facebook.com/welldesignedwellness -
I am late in starting this goal setting but I was reading and i realized, with the very recent passing of someone close and so young, that there is no better time than NOW. While working through this first part, I realized how overwhelmed I am in this life, how frustrating so many daily things can be, and how lost i really feel. BUT then while working through the list of what I am grateful for in 2013, I realized I have so much to look forward to because I had so many GOOD things happen in 2013 and I also have realized I have failed myself, God and my husband, by looking at so much of what went wrong or was “bad” and letting that control so much of me and my own life. I can now use this tool to make great things happen! I am truly grateful for THIS.