Friends, I’m here to lay down some truth for you today. Whether you’ve set goals or have yet to dig in, guess what?
Goal guilt be gone!
It’s never too late to start something good.
There is nothing magical about January 1, and hear me loud and clear here: you are not one bit “behind” if you haven’t started setting goals yet. Who made up the rule that you had to have the perfect plan in motion by January 1?? No one.
To help you start this new year well—without burning out by February like everyone else—I’m sharing my Top 10 Tips for Getting Started on Your Goals. Hint: it’s easier than you think.
Tip 1: First, set goals that mean something to you. This is tip number 1 for a reason. Before you get started on making your goals come to life, you’ve got to have some good goals! Traditional goal setting does not work for me. New Year’s resolutions last till about February 15th because they are typically goals created out of guilt or comparison. That’s not how I do goals. The way we’ve done goal setting for the last 7 years isn’t rocket science and it WORKS.
Cultivated goals set you on the right path. Cultivated goals have a clear why behind them that matters so much to you that it’s worth doing the hard work, taking some leaps of faith, and you can’t help but be motivated to make them happen. Uncover your good goals for 2018 in my FREE 5-Part Goal Setting Series. Plus, The Ultimate Goal Setting Giveaway in this series ends January 31st, so you have plenty of time to dig in.
Part 1: Let’s Get Started!
Part 2: Cultivate What Matters
Part 3: Choose a Word
Part 4: Uncover Intentional Goals
Part 5: Make it Happen – How to Set Your Goals
Tip 2: Break it down. So, you have a good goal (or several). Now what?
Do you know why most goals sit around and go nowhere?
We try to do it ALL at once, instead of breaking our goals down into do-able (dance-able!) steps.
Here’s an example from my own goals. My number 1 goal this year is to read the chronological Bible again. Breaking it waaaaaay down (the lower you go the better, my friend), here are my starting steps:
- Open the YouVersion Bible app on my phone
- Search “Blue Letter Bible Chronological” in Plans
- Click “Start Plan!”
There you have it—I’m reading the Bible! 10 minutes a day, for 365 days, little-by-little, I’ll complete this goal. I do it first thing in the morning before I get out of bed because I want this. My why is clear. And, instead of trying to do it all at once or bite off more than I can chew, I’m breaking it down.
Your turn! Try this: take a blank piece of paper. At the top, write today’s date and your goal. At the bottom, December 31st and what you want to accomplish by then. The in-between is where you DANCE, my friend.
Break it down!
What has to happen to get that goal moving?
Name your three small but clear starting steps. You don’t have to know the whole plan—just write your specific starting steps and, in general, what has to happen after that. A bonus? Breaking down goals feels good because you experience tangible hope and momentum as you get those goals movin’!
Tip 3: Choose one goal as your priority. It’s okay to grow slow. In fact, it’s really good. The recipe for burnout is to try to make progress on ALL of your goals at once. Choose just one goal as your priority this month. That doesn’t mean you can’t work on others, but choose one to really sink your teeth into this month. If your goals truly matter to you now, they’re still going to matter to you next month, or whenever you choose to work on them. Grow slow and steady to give things time to grow well.
New homeowners like trees labeled “fast-growing” to fill in a space quickly, or provide shade to reduce the cooling bill. But fast-growing trees don’t have deep enough roots to last through storms and drought. Good things grow, and take root, little by little. And pruning helps plants be more fruitful.
Maybe–despite everything everyone tells you–fast isn’t the goal.
Maybe less is okay.
Maybe a slower pace will help your roots stretch deep and wide.
It’s okay to grow slow.
Tip 4: Embrace progress, not perfection. Little-by-little imperfect progress is still progress! The best part? It adds up. You don’t have to make perfect progress to accomplish a goal. In fact, you likely won’t! And you don’t need to have the perfect plan right from the start to begin a goal (we often get hung up there, don’t we!?). In fact, I encourage you to test out different systems and starting steps to see what fits you best as you begin a goal.
Just make sure you start somewhere.
For me, the month of January is my “testing” month. I’m getting my feet wet with my goals, learning what works and what doesn’t in establishing new habits, and genuinely embracing progress, not perfection. Remember, it’s okay to grow slow. You do not have to do it all, and accomplish everything on your list immediately. I know you may want to, but we miss so much when we race to the finish line. We miss the magic and ripening that happens in little-by-little imperfect progress.
Fall down 7 times; get up eight. You will get to the finish line!
Tip 5: Tend it to grow it. Imagine this. You plant a seed, promptly dump a bucket of water on it, and get frustrated the next day when there isn’t a full-grown blooming tree. We do that with our goals, don’t we?? Tend it to grow it. Even if you miss a few days of watering here and there, consistency over time is what counts. We have tons of Action Plan Ideas and Tending Tips on the Cultivate What Matters site to get you thinking and acting on those goals, tending to them little by little.
Tip 6: Embrace your season. No other tip gives me more freedom and joy in goal setting than this: we were made for seasons. Lose the goal-setting pressure by embracing this truth. You don’t have to set a goal for all of time. Your goals may grow and change as you do. Because of this, we do a Goal Refresh ever quarter in the PowerSheets. Whether you have PowerSheets or not, set yourself up for success and put the following four dates on your calendar right this second: March 25th, June 25th, September 25th, and December 3rd. Write “Goal Refresh” on those first three dates (Include a post-it note with these questions to ask yourself about each of your goals: Does this goal still matter to me? Why? Is there anything holding me back from making progress? What little-by-little progress have I made so far? Are there any goals I need to let go of, tweak, or add?), and join us for our free annual PowerSheets Prep Week starting on December 3rd to get ready for 2019!
Tip 7: Set yourself up for success. When you are growing something new, weeds are bound to pop up and try to suck the life out of what you’re growing. So, set yourself up for success and don’t let the distractions try to throw you off track on your goals! I have installed WasteNoTime for Safari (allows you to limit usage of certain websites), Ad Blocker Plus for Safari (removes banner ads that try to pull your eyes away from what you’re reading), and Newsfeed Eradicator for Chrome (removes your Facebook newsfeed and replaces it with an inspiring quote—genius!). These have been so helpful to keep me focused. For the last 8 years, I’ve also taken social-media-free weekends which help me stay focused on the people right in front of me. Have another distraction-killing tip? I’d love to hear it in the comments!
Tip 8: Put your goals front and center. One of the main reasons goals don’t get accomplished may seem silly, but it’s true (and I’ve fallen victim to this in years-past!): we flat-out forget about our goals. Out of sight, out of mind. We do whatever is habit instead. But, we aren’t going to let that happen in 2018, are we?! Have your goals out in the open and written everywhere and anywhere! Keep your goals front and center so you don’t forget where you’re going. If you are a PowerSheets user, put your monthly Tending List out where you can see it every day—I keep mine open on my desk at all times. My PowerSheets never get closed.
I just filled out my January Tending List last Thursday—there’s nothing magical about January 1. Last Thursday was the perfect day for me to dig in!
Tip 9: Cultivate your calendar. Want to know one of the most underutilized tools for making your goals come to life? Your calendar! Whether you use a digital calendar like iCal or a physical day planner, fill your calendar with what matters (your goal action steps, rest time, time for relationships) before it gets filled with all the other things of life. First things first, take a look back at your 2017 calendar and identify times you needed more margin, planned too much, or want to see change. We do this each year in our business and I did it for our family too! There were many holidays I didn’t do meaningful things for that I could have done something for (even something super simple) had I been more intentional in preparing. A little forethought goes a long way. It seems so simple, but it’s so rarely done: make what matters to you a priority and put it on your calendar! Watch my free class with Emily Ley on How to Create a Cultivated Calendar. Total game-changer for me!
Tip 10: Think outside the box. Instead of reading a physical Bible each morning, I’m listening to most of it on audio in the YouVersion Bible app (tip: try listening at 1.5x speed in the ESV or NLT translations). Get creative with how you make your goals happen. Make it work for you!
A Bonus Tip: Have fun! Accomplishing new things is hard work, and we like to balance that with intentionally letting ourselves laugh and having fun along the way. Ask yourself, “What would make me look forward to doing the hard work?” If you make it fun, celebrating your big and small steps along the way, you’re more likely to keep going!
Okay, it’s your turn! I’d love to hear your own tips and tricks for getting started on your goals, and staying on track. What helps you? What is your one focal goal? Any starting steps on your list or already done? I’d love to hear!
One lucky commenter on this post will win a Goal Setting Sticker Book!
keep reading
I’ve been trying to make my goals more fun lately! Seems like so much of your success on your goals is how you frame them
My favorite thing to keep in mind about setting goals is to plan for them in a planner. Block time of day for tending to your goals AND for distractions. Don’t forget me time too!
Yay for stickers! My first year as a “Cultivator” and I absolutely love the powersheets. So much gained from doing prep work too. Very helpful!
Every Insta post and every blog post is so motivational and encouraging. These help me stay focused and staves off discouragement.Thank you ladies!
PS…all starting steps completed, building momentum for next month as I continue to work on mental focus and clarity for my goals. -
Thank you so much for these tips. Knowing what season I’m in really helps me. And keeping my goals in front of me, keeping my powersheets with me at all times! This month I’m “digging in” to these goals and have already check a couple things off in my powersheets!
Love this: “Fall down 7 times; get up eight. You will get to the finish line!”
It always feels like a race to me. Just yesterday, I was looking at my daily tending list, and thinking “ugh, so behind already.” Behind for whom??? No one knows about my goals ,nor would they judge me based on it. God is patient. So obviously it’s only bothering me! Time to stop being so hard on myself (perfectionist here!) And like you said, have fun (while baby steps!)
Tip 9 makes a big difference for me. I haven’t been consistent with calendars and planners, but I am using one again. Writing things down makes me more intentional, lessons feelings of being overwhelmed by trying to remember too much, and gives me an overview of what I’ve accomplished. So far, I’m encouraged by the progress I’m seeing.
Thanks for your posts! I appreciate your heart that seeks God. -
My favorite tip is to plan backwards! I am renewing my National Boards for teaching this year, and I want to submit my work by April 1. So I am working backwards from my due date to establish my firm deadlines for each action step (with margin built in, of course!).
My focal goal this year is reading through the Bible. It would be my first time completing this and I so hope too! In doing so, I hope to cultivate a habit of daily Bible reading. My tip is to get it done early. So far so good!
So, so grateful for this amazing little tool you have created. I am embracing a brand new year with so many things on my heart and mind and now surrounded by our five cubs and my husband’s growing business alongside mine and I don’t think I could handle it all without my planner. Thank you for all of these tips and reminders about how to do it right, let go and let God 😉 Hugs, friend!
This is my first year using Power Sheets. I love making goals and have done so for many years, but am loving this “way” of doing it. A funny little story: I was inspired to change my WORD FOR THE YEAR one week in lol I thought for sure my word was “surrender” and it was… for ONE WEEK. And then very clearly I knew it was time for a new word: ROOTED! I am so very excited about this new word and ready to buckle down, get settled into our new home, our new “life” hubby recently retired (talk about a change lol) Soooo in addition to Lara’s “don’t be afraid to make a mess” Don’t be afraid to totally change the direction you “thought” you were going (I realized I had spent 2017 in utter surrender to some pretty hard stuff and it was time to DIG in now!)
Thank you for sharing! I needed this! I just had my second baby Dec 28th so obvious my new year planning hasn’t been in full swing yet but I don’t want to completely forget about setting goals because now as a family of four I feel it’s extra important to be intentional and purposeful with my time and life..
One of my goals this year is to buy a house and what do you know, within 48 hours the Lord provided a great house and we have a pending contract! It needs some work, but I’m taking your words to heart and remembering that it’s okay to grow slow. Not everything has to be done or fixed right away. 💕🏡🎉
So awesome! Congrats! What an exciting way to begin the year.
This is just what I needed. There isn’t anything magical about January. This is the first year I heard those words and believe it’s just what I needed because January has been pretty rough for me. We’re only 9 days in but I managed to get the flu and now a viral infection, so it’s pretty hard to tend when you’re on bedrest. But I love how you brought out how January is your testing month. That’s exactly how January feels! Also despite my illness I did manage to make progress in two of my goals. Bible reading & encouraging my family. So I’m happy about that and now that I’m passing this rough period I can only look forward to better days. ☺️
I came down with the flu too so I feel your pain! 😷 I’m looking at January as my slow start to 2018 and February will likely be the first month I actually implement a lot more tending and that’s okay! I hope you feel better soon!!
Oh Lara, I needed to read this SO bad today! One of my goals was to drink more water and I’ve already fallen off the wagon. I just need a restart! Grace, grace, grace. I too am reading the Bible through and have been doing the chronological plan on my app. It’s been wonderful and (so far) I haven’t missed a day. My big goal this year is budget & save. For me that means checking in EVERY week and balancing all the accounts and seeing where we are for the month. That way I always know what’s left in the food budget when I head to Costco and it keeps me from overspending or buying superfluous items. One thing that helps me stay on track is putting reminders in my planner. I either clip in the whole tending list or I add my goals to the “to do” section so they’re always in front of me every time I open my planner.
My number one goal this year is to find emotional mental and spiritual health, but I really want to be my relationship. Things that motivate me include: repeatedly playing meaningful songs that summarize the core of what I am wanting to cultivate this year, dreaming of our projects that draw my heart to truth and focus my eyes to truth as well, remembering my power sheets question ” how will I feel at the end of this year, after cultivating this for a year “…. I also ordered cultivate and make it happen and they have been fabulous comrades these first few weeks of 2018!
Oh no typos! It should read I really want to cultivate my relationship with God.
I never thought to listen to the Bible in a faster speed. I’m doing the new living translation and following along in my Bible as it reads it through the audio. I’m actually on day 35 as I decided to start the goal early
I love this! Tip 3 is one of my favorites – I struggle SO much with wanting to do everything at once but then get burned out! This year, I want to embrace little by little growth in certain focus areas and give myself more flexibility with my goals. My biggest one right now is health (drinking more H2O & exercising) and consistent Bible reading!
Thanks Lara! I am still trying to accomplish it all. I appreciate the encouragement to slow down and focus in on what is most important to tend to. Powersheets are really helping me see the potential to accomplish some good things this year. Yeah!
Tip #5 is great – my word of the year for 2018 is “Tend”! As someone who started growing flowers last year, I’ve learned that you have to be patient and consistent in order to see results. Tip #6 is going to help me a lot, too – I love the idea of periodically examining my goals and analyzing what’s working and what isn’t. Thanks!
This is my first year setting my goals using “Cultivate” and so far I have loved it! Your steps have really helped me with setting my goals with more intention and thought. My priority goal is to improve my relationship with my husband (not that there was anything wrong with it). I think it is important to constantly improve and make sure that our relationship is healthy and that we continue to make dates with each other and not let our life get too busy with our daughters, work, or just life in general. We were able to go out on a date last week and hopefully planning for another next week. 😁 Thank you so much for creating this! It has truly been a blessing to use!
I have to be honest, when I missed out on getting a 2018 Year-long Powersheets book, I was disappointed. But you know what? Buying the undated 6 month book was a blessing. You see, if I had bought the other one I would have felt the pressure to get everything filled out quickly so I could get started on the January tab. (That is the perfectionism in me.) But having the undated book gave me the freedom to take my time and really think through the goals I want to set. And guess what?! I can start in FEBRUARY! ( You have no clue how big that was for me.) Yep, I will just write February on that first tab and get started. “Embracing PROGRESS, not perfection.” That quote just needs to be posted all over my house! LOL (I also want to tell you THANK YOU for the social media tips!!!! I needed that.)
Yes!! I felt the same way about getting an undated version! It will be more money in the long run. But it’s so worth not having those expectations and pressure.
I look forward to your blogs and “Tending List Tuesdays (they help me keep on track since I’ve never done this before)”. First time Goal Setting with the CWM planner. I don’t know how I found it but I’m sure it was fate. I’m so ready to live out my purpose.Thank you!
I’ve started using the app, Moment as a way to track my phone usage! It’s incredibly telling. Thanks for this post!
I love your approach to progress. I am a recovering perfectionist and need the constant reminder to celebrate small victories.
I have been having a LOT of guilt about underutilizing my Powersheets book already. I bought it well in advance of the Prep week, and that week I was just so overwhelmed with my child’s birthday and Christmas preparations that I said to myself I would do it when we were on holiday break when my husband had time off and could take the kids! Well, that time came and went and I surrendered my wish list for the break to tend to his. And sick kids. 🙂 but one thing that has helped me make ANY progress in my book was to do this with a friend. She’s made more progress than I have in her prep work and goals setting, but we set a goal to have a Powersheets date come new year and it was so rewarding for both of us! We talked for an hour about stuff, she inspired me to write a few things down, and I am embracing that my January goal has been to tend to my husband’s needs. I wish I could read every article you post and watch every Instagram video for more inspiration, but I am choosing less social media time. I’m glad I read this post, though! I will grow slow this month. My word for the year is REJOICE and I had that picked out before doing any of the prep work… I’m looking forward to uncovering what baby steps I can take to Cultivate this attitude this year. Any suggestions?
I think setting an action plan to execute towards achieving the goals has been the most important part for me. I have a set time each week when I go through and set my intention for the week to follow, including what I will do and when I will do it towards achieving my goals. Working through power sheets for the first time & I really love it!
Today was my day to start. And I successfully completed a couple things all together! Yay!! I want more prayer time before the boys wake up. Check! I want to start journaling prayers so I can look back over all the answered ones at the end of the year to cultivate a gracious heart. Check! I love that your blog and this goal uncovering exercise has helped me tremendously with feeling like the pressure has been taken off! One of my prayers is for God to help me filter out the dark/non-encouraging/heavy feed into my heart with life-giving, light-giving, encouraging, positive feed to help improve negative self-talk, complaining, etc. I believe now that I have found you and your site and the way you encourage your readers I can check that one off, too! Check! Thanks, Lara!
Additionally, I wanted to add that I haven’t uet submitted my goals as I’m still working through the secondary parts (why, positive impact, encouraging words, etc.). Those really help to cultivate what matters! But in the meantime, my husband has wanted to jump onboard and last night he made a cup of coffee and clicked on part one of your series and went to town! His own was flying on that paper and he said- I feel really great about this! I prayed for this and I believe this is an answer to my prayer! His words out of his mouth! Yay!!!! Lara- you are changing lives, girl! -
Oh I wanted to add that in my journal every other page has a quote (alternating with scripture). While writing out all of my goal ideas, the quote for that day was “ in Gods wisdom, He frequently chooses to meet our needs by showing His love toward us through the hands and hearts of others.”- Jack Hayford
Love this – and that is YOU! -
The biggest thing I have learned about staying on track with my goals is that I need to look at my PowerSheets every day for a constant reminder of my goals. Also, if I don’t look at it every day, I forget whether I’ve done my goals or not. Did I exercise yesterday, or was that 3 days ago? That’s actually one of my goals–to look at my PowerSheets every day! Haha! It really helps. 🙂
I am a planner girl and crave a new planner for the upcoming year even before we finish the current year. However, I knew that I could use it more efficiently and loved the calendar class with Emily Ley. My focal for this year is renewal and I have already made a first step by starting a bible study plan (thank goodness for apps that read to you!).
This was a great post to read today! With my son’s birthday being on Dec. 29th, I got pulled away from actively participating in the last pieces of the goal setting series as it happened, but I haven’t stopped thinking about them. I’ve been using the first part of the month to really fine tune and try some of my starting steps to see if the goal is really important for me to follow through with. Also, I had been doing it all on my own, but as I started having conversations with my husband about my goals, he wanted to know more and get involved. So, I’ve been writing out the answers surrounding my goals from Part 4 and really talking them out to him. It helps to have a sounding board to truly make sense of what I want to accomplish this year. Thank you for all your motivation and tips today! They were much appreciated! 🙂
Thanks, Lara! The little by little is so encouraging to me. My 5 year old daughter and I are doing the Read Aloud Revival reading challenge, and we are making really good progress! We have a start and an end and rewards throughout. I’m so impressed by how excited we both have been and how much we accomplished just because we decided to do something studious in a fun way.
I’m learning that your tips about starting small and fun are so on point! I’ve added several of the starting steps to my January tending list, as well as related projects/to-dos. Guess what? Today I got to fill in my FIRST EVER PowerSheets progress bar! I celebrated by using my first check-mark sticker, and a pink one, at that!! The completed item? “Thank-You notes;” I had four to write for Christmas gifts, so I divided the progress bar in fourths and then once I got writing them, I finished them!
My focal goal this month is also my 2018 word. Maybe I can share that in the goal setting series comments. *smile*
I’m not sure that I’m doing the tending list “right” this first month (it’s the recovering perfectionist in me), but I am trying to remember your advice to focus on progress, not perfection. THANK YOU for your encouragement!! I praise God for your work!!
I am still working on my goals and defining them. But thank you for these tips. I am looking forward to reading and learning more this year.
I have joined a small accountability group. We are 3 female entrepreneurs, working together with the Powersheets. We have agreed to meet monthly, using the group user guide from the Cultivate page. So far, so good! We met in December to decide what our group would look like, and we just met yesterday to share goals, action steps and to encourage and hold each other accountable. I feel like, having real life, in-person Powersheet buddies will be a key to my success this year AND bonus, is already creating deeper, richer relationships. Can I get a Amen?!
Oh this is so good! Thank you thank you for sharing. You’ve given me a totally different perspective on goals and productivity this year!
I actually haven’t even made my tending list yet for January — a snow storm w kids and the flu have totally offset my January start!! But I have good goals for the year I believe. I think I’ll be able to fulfill my phrase — Grow In Place — and I’ve already seen blessings from my Consecrate goal!!
My biggest tip (that I’ll utilize when I have my Jan tending list haha) is looking at it every day!! I have a Rocketbook for my running to-do lists and I’m able to see how what I’m inputting there affects my tending list. I have it folded so I see the daily most easily, so even if I do a quick check in it’s helpful! Look at the Tending List every day!! (<< that's more a reminder for myself now haha!)
A friend and I both do PowerSheets so we share our goals with each other, so we know what to ask about or where to check in.
I set reminders on my phone of specific habits I’m working on cultivating every day -just a reminder to do the things I want to do (versus living by habit one).
I put all the tools I need to complete a goal in their proper place (e.g. I want to more consistently wash my face and floss my teeth – so I make sure I have my face wash unpacked from an overnight back from December 😳😬) and I put those individual flossers by my bed. I know I won’t get out of bed if I forgot to floss before going to bed, but having the flossers in my night stand eliminates/reduces excuses. -
My first goal, and focal goal for the month, is to be ROOTED (WOTY) in God’s word. I’ve been doing inductive study from Risen Motherhood (daily goal, but I give myself plenty of grace if I don’t do it daily). My monthly tending list items are to read Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin (halfway through and loving it!) and memorize my verse of the year—Jeremiah 17:7-8. I think it is so important to start small. I loved in Cultivate when you talked about the seasons and their different moods, and how winter is one of hibernating and preparation. That is working so much better for me than trying to accomplish ALL THE THINGS in January.
I used the Notes section on each goal in my PowerSheets to kind of “brain dump” things. For instance one of my goals this year is to “invest with love & care in our toddler daughter”. I put down various things I need to do such as potty train her, her first haircut & a fun day with momma & Dada before our baby comes (in May) down. Then I scheduled the events into our calendar. Dumping it out of my brain helped a lot!!!!
I have no tips but am excited to be getting my first goal planner! My mind needs order to it’s chaos!
My big goal – which is super scary, honestly – is to promote in my business! I want to take care of my family, love people, and have fun, and I can do all of those things through this biz. And I believe it is what God wants me to do. But I’ve not met that goal two years in a row and it is so scary to say this is my year. But that is the goal God wants me to reach for!
I’m planning to start my powersheets this week! I needed that reminder that there is nothing special about January! Thank you for this uplifting and transparent post!
Lara, there is so much that I love about this and about you. I especially love being reminded that it’s okay to grow slow! Must keep that in mind. One of my favorite things to do when it comes to my goals is to think of how accomplishing that goal will make me feel. Sometimes what we are pursuing is a feeling upon accomplishing our set goals. I also love turning inwardly and connecting with God and my intuition on what the guiding word for the year or month or week is. This year’s guiding word is ‘intentional’ and a few other words that come to me monthly/weekly. I just listen. It’s so easy to get distracted with all the noise and chaos outside of ourselves so I love reminding myself that I was made in God’s image and that I can always find peace and calm within me by connecting to God. This has been a life saver for me!
My overarching goal this year to reduce and redirect. It’s a quality over quantity type vibe – is what I’m consuming cultivating the direction I want to be present in currently and to look back on in my life. I want clarity as to what is truly a priority or a joy. Who am I really (not just because it was put in-front of me or someone wants or needs something from/of me), what do I actually enjoy, and what really motivates/encourages me and what purpose do I really feel God calling my heart, mind, time and body in this life to serve and play an advocate for? Thanks for listening; there’s something holy about listening and this is a year for Holy Listening! Powersheets are such an incredible blessing to help cultivate this direction in my year! 🧡🧡
Scared scared scared of my decisions or making the wrong goals. I need to pray over what it is I really want vs what everyone wants me to do. Thank you for all your encouragement. Trying to find my purpose through god.
What helps you? The biggest thing that helps me is coming back to the basics and not getting overwhelmed by the big goals. I have to fight to make sure that I focus on what’s in front of me rather than the things that I need to accomplish in order to reach my goals. What is your one focal goal? I am trying to focus on intentionality for the year. Being intentional with my time and with my people this next year! Any starting steps on your list or already done? I’m really living into the sweetness that January isn’t special. I have been SLOW to start, and am trying to not get overwhelmed with all the things I need to get done— GRACE above all in the midst of my intentionality!
“Embrace your season”. I feel like you are speaking my language right now. I am a middle school teacher and it’s just NOT a job I love. There’s no doubt God called me here but man it’s hard and I feel like I am not 100% passionate about it. I have SO much more passion for my blog and fashion ha! Sometimes I get so worried my blog won’t go anywhere and grow and I will have to be a middle school teacher forever because God called me here. But I also believe your words and God and know this is just a season and I should just enjoy it while I’m here. But your “slow growth is good growth” is also something I am clinging to in this season as I try to blog and fulfill my teaching duties.
Katie | http://www.sunshinestyleblog.com
I’m amazed at how one can have their goals set and ready to take on 2018, only to read a book and their path be shifted. Your book did that for me. I read Make it Happen in one day. Your encouragement and inspiration was eye opening to me. God at the center, right??!!!! I had my goals set and was killing January. Then I read your book and felt God calling me to make sure he was at the center of every goal. Thank you!! I’m ready to take on 2018 and crush my goals. More time in God’s word, more intentional family time, building healthy friendships, my personal health and financial freedom. Thank you!!
When I feel like I’m in a slump, I often ask myself, “What is ONE thing I can do today to make progress on a goal?” Once I get started on that one thing, I am often motivated to move another goal forward as well. For me, sometimes I just need to get my body MOVING, past distraction or discouragement, and at least SOME progress can be made!
The hardest thing for me is to put my goals in my calendar-to actually put them into action. I am so grateful for all the support from this community’s members that help me stay motivated.